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1,017 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page

Shade Tolerant Groundcover for Texas
July 13, 2016
I live in Atascosa county in Pleasanton Texas, I have an abundance of Live Oak and Ash trees shading my property and need a groundcover for my backyard which is nothing but sand and where I have dogs ...
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Plants for a moist, shady spot in central Texas
July 08, 2016
I am looking for a plant that will grow in almost full shade with plenty of moisture along a fence. We are looking at putting down some flagstone with possibly some moss growing in between, but we don...
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Will Echinacea outgrow Spanish Needle?
July 07, 2016
I'd like to plant some Echinacea in an area where Spanish Needle has been growing. I've pulled up the old plants, but I know there's seed there, actually everywhere in my yard! Is there any variety ...
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Plant Suggestions for Flower Boxes in NY
July 06, 2016
I am doing a project for a friend that had some flower boxes built along his driveway. They are along a hill leading up to his porch. They are made of all wood and have a wooden wall along the not-hil...
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Groundcover for Maryland Slope in Deer Country
July 03, 2016
I have a 20-30% grade hill in Maryland. I am looking for a groundcover plant (for example ivy) that I can plant on the hill. I have the following issues: clay soil, deer, full sun, limited water sourc...
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mixed species privacy hedge in Central Texas
March 24, 2016
I need to plant a privacy hedge along a fence line. I am in east Austin, blackland prairie soil. The soil is rich, usually at least moist but not soggy, and I find lots of worms when I dig. The fen...
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Caring for a wildflower meadow in Austin, TX.
March 22, 2016
We have a meadow full of wildflowers in the country, bluebonnets, Indian paintbrushes, etc. What can we do to promote continued growth and is there a certain time of year we should mow? Should we fe...
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Identity of stinging weed in Pearl, Mississippi
March 20, 2016
I live in Pearl, MS. Yesterday I pulled a weed that right away started stinging my hand and in a few hours turned into stinging numbness. The weed has dark green heart shaped leaves with purple veins ...
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Ground cover plants for a shady North Carolina yard
March 20, 2016
Ground cover erosion control for heavily shaded area in Cary, North Carolina. Current landscapers use strong blowers for leaf control. This blows away any seeds, loose soil and mulch. Tree roots ar...
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killing clover in Bandera
March 19, 2016
How may one kill clover while not killing native wild flowers in one's lawn?
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When to plant bluebonnets in Spicewood, TX
March 19, 2016
When is the best time to plant Bluebonnets and do you place seeds under the soil or just spread on top? Thank you
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Shade and Drought Tolerant Plants for Idaho Shade
March 18, 2016
I am looking for plants native to Idaho and/or the surrounding region (zone 6 or 7) that would do well in full shade conditions (adjacent to the north side of our house) and meet several criteria: Max...
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White and Violet Flower in Missouri
March 17, 2016
When I was small I came into contact with a plant that gave me cold sweats, chills and hallucinations. All I remember was it bore a single flower with a little white and a lot of violet. It had a dark...
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Where to find milkweeds and other butterfly favorites
March 07, 2016
Our neighborhood in San Antonio is planning a big Arbor Day celebration. One of the events will focus on Monarch Butterflies. We will be releasing some live ones in our park and will have a booth th...
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Getting rid of Mexican Petunia in Chorpus Christi, TX
March 05, 2016
What is the best way to get rid of unwanted Mexican Petunia that keeps spreading to unwanted areas of my flower beds?
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Are Bluebonnet seeds still viable after storage for a year?
March 02, 2016
I bought a pouch of Bluebonnets a year ago and now found them and have to wait to Fall to plant. Too old? Start over in purchase?
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Ground covers for a shady spot in central Texas
February 23, 2016
I reside in Austin, Texas and need advice on my xeriscaping project. Portions of my front yard have always been a challenge to get grass to grow, so I have xeriscaped that area with Fairland Pink gran...
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Rabbit-proof Plants for Florida Swimming Pool Area
February 22, 2016
I plan on planting white star jasmine and purple bocouilla plants around a south-facing swimming pool in Naples, Florida. I was told rabbits might eat them which we do have. Should I be concerned, and...
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Blackfoot Daisy care in Marble Falls TX
February 21, 2016
I've planted and killed a number of blackfoot daisy plants. I know it's a hardy plant that, once established needs little or no care. But what about getting them started? What care do they need f...
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Is Penstemon Poisonous to Dogs?
February 21, 2016
Is Penstemon palmeri poisonous to dogs? I couldn't find in ASPA guide.
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Caterpillars on Milkweed in MA
January 23, 2016
I have found every year a black/red caterpillars on my milkweed. They eat everything! I have never been able to find out what they are or how to get rid of them.
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Pet Friendly Groundcovers for CA
January 23, 2016
I am looking for pet friendly, groundcover plants in San Jose, CA.
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Herbal properties of Dicentra formosa
January 23, 2016
I would like to get some information on the Dicentra formosa plant such as the benefits of the plant. Is it poisonous? Can it be infused in an oil?
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Will blue eyed grass grow under black walnut trees?
January 18, 2016
Will blue eyed grass grow under black walnut trees? I know the Siberian Iris is tolerant but the scientific names are not the same yet everything I read indicates that blue eyed grass is not in the g...
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Why do Turk's cap plants have such a variable growth habit?
December 10, 2015
In visiting the Family Garden at the Lady Bird Wildflower Center yesterday (10-21-15,) I admired a large bunch of Turks Cap that had more blooms than I had ever seen on Turks Cap, and I've loved that...
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1,017 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page