Analysis of arsenic uptake by plant species selected for growth in northwest Ohio by inductively coupled plasma - Optical emission spectroscopy
J. R. Rofkar, D. F. Dwyer and J. M. Frantz | Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis | Restoration | Brownfield, Greenhouse | Coreopsis lanceolata (Lanceleaf coreopsis) Helenium autumnale (Common sneezeweed)
Analysis of Longleaf Pine Sandhill Vegetation in Northwest Florida
H. LeRoy Rodgers and Louis Provencher | Castanea | Community level survey, Disturbance, Floristics, Succession | Longleaf pine, Sandhill | Ageratina aromatica (Lesser snakeroot) Aristida beyrichiana (Beyrich threeawn) Panicum virgatum (Switchgrass) Schizachyrium scoparium (Little bluestem)
Analysis of the population dynamics of Acacia trees in the Negev desert, Israel with a spatially-explicit computer simulation model
K. Wiegand, F. Jeltsch and D. Ward | Ecological Modelling | Conservation assessment, Germination, Population viability analysis | Laboratory | Vachellia farnesiana (Huisache)
Analysis of the spatial genetic structure of Passiflora incarnata in recently disturbed sites
R. T. Tague and S. A. Fore | Canadian Journal of Botany-Revue Canadienne De Botanique | Disturbance, Genetics | Forest | Passiflora incarnata (Maypop)
Anatomical changes in Rudbeckia hirta L during transition to flowering
R. L. Harkess and R. E. Lyons | Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science | Light, Phenology | Greenhouse, Laboratory | Rudbeckia hirta (Black-eyed susan)
Anatomical structures of the VA mycorrhiza in the Apocynaceae (Gentianales)
H. C. Weber, A. Klahr and M. MarronHeimbuch | Botanica Acta | Mycorrhizae | | Amsonia tabernaemontana (Eastern bluestar)
Andromonoecy and Variation in Phenotypic Gender of Passiflora incarnata (Passifloraceae)
P. G. May and E. E. Spears | American Journal of Botany | Pollination,Seed increase,Seed collecting | Field | Passiflora incarnata (Maypop)
Angular leaf spot disease of Saururus caused by Phaeoramularia saururi comb. nov
P. W. Crous, N. E. El-Gholl, S. E. Walker and T. S. Schubert | Mycotaxon | Fungi, Pathology | Laboratory, Wetland | Saururus cernuus (Lizard's tail)
Homer D. House | New York State Museum Bulletin | | | ()
Annual cycles of Frankliniella spp. (Thysanoptera : Thripidae) thrips abundance on North Florida uncultivated reproductive hosts: Predicting possible sources of pest outbreaks
T. D. Northfield, D. R. Paini, J. E. Funderburk and S. R. Reitz | Annals of the Entomological Society of America | Pathology | Agricultural, Field | Solidago canadensis (Canada goldenrod)
Annual species abundance in a tidal freshwater marsh: Germination and survival across an elevational gradient
K. N. Hopfensperger and K. A. M. Engelhardt | Wetlands | Establishment methods,Water,Seed storage,Succession,Germination | Wetland,Coastal | Bidens laevis (Smooth beggartick)
Another Nothospecies in the Appalachian Asplenium Complex
Warren H. Wagner, Jr. and Florence S. Wagner | American Fern Journal | | | Asplenium ×morganii (Morgan's spleenwort)
Antagonistic interactions between competition and insect herbivory on plant growth
J. J. Haag, M. D. Coupe and J. F. Cahill | Journal of Ecology | Competition, Disturbance, Herbicide | Field | Coreopsis tinctoria (Plains coreopsis)
Anthocyanins present in selected tropical fruits: Acerola, jambolao, jussara, and guajiru
E. S. De Brito, M. C. P. De Araujo, R. E. Alves, C. Carkeet, B. A. Clevidence and J. A. Novotny | Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry | Chemistry | Laboratory | Chrysobalanus icaco (Icaco coco plum)
Anthracnose of Florida beggarweed (Desmodium tortuosum) caused by Colletotrichum truncatum
J. Cardina, R. H. Littrell and R. T. Hanlin | Weed Science | Pathology | Greenhouse,Laboratory | Desmodium tortuosum (Dixie ticktrefoil)
Antibacterial Constituents from the Roots of Erythrina herbacea against Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus
H. Tanaka, M. Sudo, T. Kawamura, M. Sato, R. Yamaguchi, T. Fukai, E. Sakai and N. Tanaka | Planta Medica | Human Use, Medicinal chemistry | Laboratory | Erythrina herbacea (Coralbean)
Antimycobacterial activity of chemically defined natural substances from the Caribbean flora in Guadeloupe
N. Rastogi, J. Abaul, K. S. Goh, A. Devallois, E. Philogene and P. Bourgeois | Fems Immunology and Medical Microbiology | Medicinal chemistry | Laboratory | Amyris elemifera (Sea torchwood)
Antimycobacterial natural products: synthesis and preliminary biological evaluation of the oxazole-containing alkaloid texaline
A. C. Giddens, H. I. M. Boshoff, S. G. Franzblau, C. E. Barry and B. R. Copp | Tetrahedron Letters | Medicinal chemistry | Laboratory | Amyris elemifera (Sea torchwood)
Antioxidant Activities of Fractions Obtained from Flowers of Coreopsis tinctoria Nutt
J. H. Woo, H. S. Jeong, Y. D. Chang, S. L. Shin and C. H. Lee | Korean Journal of Horticultural Science & Technology | Human Use, Medicinal chemistry | Laboratory | Coreopsis tinctoria (Plains coreopsis)
Antioxidant activity of lignans from fringe tree (Chionanthus virginicus L.)
I. Gulcin, R. Elias, A. Gepdiremen and L. Boyer | European Food Research and Technology | Human Use,Medicinal chemistry | Laboratory | Chionanthus virginicus (White fringetree)
Antioxidant secoiridoids from fringe tree (Chionanthus virginicus L.)
I. Gulcin, R. Elias, A. Gepdiremen, K. Taoubi and E. Koksal | Wood Science and Technology | Human Use,Medicinal chemistry | Laboratory | Chionanthus virginicus (White fringetree)
Antitumor agents I: Angustibalin, a new cytotoxic sesquiterpene lactone from Balduina angustifolia (Pursh.) Robins
K. H. Lee, D. C. Anuforo, E. S. Huang and Piantado.C | Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences | Medicinal chemistry | Laboratory | Balduina angustifolia (Coastal plain honeycombhead)
Ants, Extrafloral Nectaries and Herbivory on the Passion Vine, Passiflora incarnata
D. K. McLain | American Midland Naturalist | Disturbance,Seed increase,Seed collecting | Old field | Passiflora incarnata (Maypop)
Aphid Infestation of Decorative Perennials
B. Wilkaniec and H. Piekarska-Boniecka | Acta Scientiarum Polonorum-Hortorum Cultus | Disturbance, Pathology | Greenhouse | Yucca filamentosa (Adam's needle)
Appearance of first generation larvae of the sunflower moth, Homoeosoma electellum (Hulst)(Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), in the central United States
V. H. Beregovoy | Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society | Disturbance, Wildlife | Agricultural, Field | Coreopsis linifolia (Texas tickseed) Coreopsis tinctoria (Plains coreopsis)
Arbuscular mycorrhizae in a tropical sand dune ecosystem on the Gulf of Mexico .2. Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on the growth of species distributed in different early successional stages
L. Corkidi and E. Rincon | Mycorrhiza | Mycorrhizae | Laboratory | Ipomoea pes-caprae (Railroad vine)
Arbuscular mycorrhizae in sand dune plants of the north Atlantic Coast of the US: Field and greenhouse inoculation and presence of mycorrhizae in planting stock
J. N. Gemma, R. E. Koske | Journal of Environmental Management | Establishment methods, Mycorrhizae | Greenhouse, Coastal | Solidago sempervirens (Seaside goldenrod)
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi promote growth and phosphorus uptake in Zamia, a native Florida cycad
J. B. Fisher, K. Jayachandran | Florida Scientist | Mycorrhizae, Nutrients | Forest, Longleaf pine, Pine, Pine rockland | Zamia pumila (Coontie)
Arbuscular mycorrhizas in coastal sand dunes of the Paraguana Peninsula, Venezuela
C. Alarcon and G. Cuenca | Mycorrhiza | Mycorrhizae | Laboratory | Scaevola plumieri (Gullfeed)
Arceuthobium abietinum Subspecies Wiensii , a New Subspecies of Fir Dwarf Mistletoe (Viscaceae) from Northern California and Southern Oregon
Mathiasen, Robert L and
Daugherty, Carolyn M. | Madroņo; a West American journal of botany | | | Arceuthobium abietinum ssp. wiensii (Fir dwarf mistletoe)
Are competitive effect and response two sides of the same coin, or fundamentally different?
P. Wang, T. Stieglitz, D. W. Zhou and J. F. Cahill | Functional Ecology | Competition, Nutrients | Greenhouse | Achillea millefolium (Common yarrow)
Are rare species less shade tolerant than common species in fire-prone environments? A test with seven Amorpha (Fabaceae) species
R. M. Marchin, R. K. Bhandari, W. A. Wall, M. G. Hohmann, J. B. Gray and W. A. Hoffmann | Plant Ecology | Conservation assessment, Propagation, Rare plants, Restoration, Light | Forest, Greenhouse, Prairie | Amorpha fruticosa (Indigo bush) Amorpha herbacea (Clusterspike false indigo)
Are roads and railroads barriers to bumblebee movement in a temperate suburban conservation area?
M. Bhattacharya, R. B. Primack and J. Gerwein | Biological Conservation | Disturbance, Pollination | Field | Cephalanthus occidentalis (Common buttonbush)
Aristolochia tomentosa Sims established at two western Massachusetts sites
C. J. Burk | Rhodora | Phenology,Rare plants | Forest | Aristolochia tomentosa (Pipevine)
Arrowleaf sida (Sida rhombifolia) and prickly sida (Sida spinosa): germination and emergence
C. A. Smith, D. R. Shaw, L. J. Newsom | Weed Research | Germination, Light | Greenhouse, Laboratory | Sida rhombifolia (Cuban jute)
Asclepiadaceae Milkweed Family
Eric Sundell | Journal of the Arizona-Nevada Academy of Science, Vascular Plants of Arizona: Part 2 | Asclepias, Milkweed | | Asclepias elata (Nodding milkweed)
Ascorbate: A biomarker of herbicide stress in wetland plants
T. F. Lytle and J. S. Lytle | Phytoremediation of Soil and Water Contaminants | Herbicide,Restoration | Wetland,Greenhouse | Hibiscus moscheutos (Crimson-eyed rose-mallow)
Aspects of the Germination Ecology and Biomass Production of Eastern Gamagrass (Tripsacum dactyloides L.)
R. C. Anderson | Botanical Gazette | Germination, Seed collecting | Agricultural, Laboratory | Tripsacum dactyloides (Eastern gamagrass)
Assessing genetic diversity in a sugarcane germplasm collection using an automated AFLP analysis
P. Besse, G. Taylor, B. Carroll, N. Berding, D. Burner, C. L. Mcintyre | Genetica | Genetics | Laboratory | Saccharum giganteum (Sugarcane plumegrass)
Assessing pollen-mediated gene flow from Coreopsis tinctoria to Coreopsis leavenworthii using morphological markers
S. Smith, Z. A. Deng, D. G. Clark and J. G. Norcini | Hortscience | Genetics, Morphology, Pollination | Field | Coreopsis leavenworthii (Leavenworth's tickseed)
Assessing viability of prevariety germplasm of native Coreopsis species
J. G. Norcini and J. H. Aldrich | Hortscience | Germination, Seed storage | Laboratory | Coreopsis basalis (Goldenmane tickseed) Coreopsis lanceolata (Lanceleaf coreopsis)
Assessment of a natural wetland for use in wastewater remediation
H. W. Jeng and Y. J. Hong | Environmental Monitoring and Assessment | Disturbance,Stress,Water | Wetland | Iva frutescens (Jesuit's bark)
Assessment of genetic diversity among and within Achillea species using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP)
M. Rahimmalek, B. E. S. Tabatabaei, A. Arzani and N. Etemadi | Biochemical Systematics and Ecology | Genetics, Provenance, Seed source, Ecotype, Taxonomy, Systematics | Laboratory | Achillea millefolium (Common yarrow)
Assessment of heat-expanded slate and fertility requirements in green roof substrates
D. B. Rowe, M. A. Monterusso and C. L. Rugh | Horttechnology | Establishment methods, Fertilizer | Urban | Monarda punctata (Spotted beebalm) Solidago speciosa (Showy goldenrod)
Assimilation of Cd and Cu by the Carnivorous Plant Sarracenia leucophylla Raf. fed Contaminated Prey
C. Moody and I. D. Green | Environmental Science & Technology | Stress | Laboratory | Sarracenia leucophylla (Crimson pitcherplant)
Association of Alleles with Chromosomal Complexes in the Permanent Translocation Heterozygote, Oenothera laciniata
N. C. Ellstrand and D. A. Levin | Heredity | Genetics | Laboratory | Oenothera laciniata (Cutleaf evening-primrose)
Associations between allozyme frequencies and soil characteristics in Gaillardia pulchella (Compositae)
J. S. Heywood and D. A. Levin | Evolution | Ecotype,Genetics,Nutrients | Field | Gaillardia pulchella (Indian blanket)
Howard C. Stutz, Mildred R. Stutz and Stewart C. Sanderson | Madroņo; a West American journal of botany | | | Atriplex robusta (Robust saltbush)
Attaining inter-subgeneric hybrids in fragrant azalea breeding and the inheritance of organelle DNA
N. Kobayashi, D. Mizuta, A. Nakatsuka and M. Akabane | Euphytica | Genetics | Laboratory | Rhododendron viscosum (Swamp azalea)
Attempts to move the blooming period of three species of summer-blooming bee forage into the fall nectar dearth period through cutting
A. Wells and G. S. Ayers | American Bee Journal | Disturbance, Phenology | Nursery | Asclepias incarnata (Swamp milkweed)