Native Plants Category Archive

Our Best Buds - A quick guide to our favorite flowers-in-training
Go Big Red - Fans rally to conserve a rare sage
A native plant with small leaves potted in a golden planter and hung on a stone wall. Beauty on the Balcony - Apartment dwellers can plant Texas natives, too
An extreme close-up of the firewheel flower. Plant Picks – Blankets of Color - A roundup of some of our favorite blanketflower blooms
A linocut print of the firewheel flower that includes its scientific name. What’s in a Name? - On blankets, firewheels and "Indians"
Snow-on-the-prairie and a paper wasp; because it's a UVIVF image, the centers of the flowers stand out in blue against a plant that looks purple, and clumps of pollen shine bright white. A Different Light - Seeing wildflowers in a new way — thanks to pollinators and inventive photographers
Big white bluestem prickly poppy blooms above purple blooms of prairie verbena along a concrete path. Grounded - On being in place and acknowledging what came before
The white seed of a stiff goldenrod hangs delicately from a spent flower which is also white and fluffy with brown parts in the center. Travel Agents - How seeds drop, fly, ride and float their way to new soils
A collage of two images celebrating Black Botanists week, with each person holding up a native plant specimen. Reflections and Reclamation - Black Botanists Week recognizes a long legacy — and embraces a growing future
Illustration of compound leaves and round yellow flowers goldenball lead tree (Leucaena retusa) Legume Room - A quick guide to some easy-to-confuse members of the pea family
Two young children with dark curly hair peaking between two boards of a treehouse. In the Canopies - Treehouses facilitate play, creativity and connection to nature
A cross-section of a sunflower seedling sprouting up from the dirt. The tiny roots reach further into the soil. The Life Below - The unseen and very important work of plant roots
A round cactus pad is crowned with magenta fruit along the top edge. Pull It or Plant It: Prickly Pear - A lively debate about Texas' state plant
Maximilian sunflower, Helianthus maximiliani For the Love of Sunflowers - The many reasons sunflowers are a native garden must-have
A close-up of a tree cross section in grayscale clearly shows tree rings and some cracks and wear. Reading the Rings - What dendrochronology can tell us about sunspots, jet streams, pirates and gardening
In a pair of black-and-white photos, two mature Black women stand in their yards; the woman on the left has a natural broom and wears mostly white, including a hat; the woman on the right wears a dotted dress and stands in front of a wall of containers. The Influencers - Acknowledging the impact of Black women on American horticulture
A solitary deer gazing out toward the rising sun in a field of Texas bluebonnets (Lupinus texensis). An Urban Getaway - Discovering the unexpected joy of wandering in lockdown
A close-up of a single bluebonnet on a white background. Old Brides’ Tales - Debunking a popular myth about our state flower
A close-up purple passionflower bloom with lots of intricate, long spindly internal flower parts and green leaves around the base. Pull It or Plant It: Passionflower - A spirited (internal) debate about passionflowers
Four stock tanks in a planned garden, the largest has water and yellow waterlilies in it; the others are filled with green plants. Tanks-giving - Stock tank water gardens are oases for wildlife — and you!
Drooping saxifrage (Saxifraga cernua), a small flowering plant with white flowers, reddish stems, and low green foliage, blooms in front of an out-of-focus rocky background. Alpine Inspiration - A love letter to a small native plant that thrives in high, icy places
A black-capped vireo (Vireo atricapilla) in a cedar elm (Ulmus crassifolia) tree along the Mission Reach. A Natural Calling - Native plants in mosaic habitats bring birds to the Mission Reach
Illustration of a woman watering items made from natural rubber (gloves, erasers, boots, balloons) growing in rows like crops Plant Some Rubber - An unassuming native shrub could change the future
Lace hedgehog cacti (Echinocereus reichenbachii) thriving in a rock outcropping Born to Rock - Lithophilic plants don’t need no stinking soil, and don’t call them cute either
Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater surrounded by plants and trees Falling Water, Thriving Plants - A famous Frank Lloyd Wright site embraces native landscapes
Sweat bee on flowering partridge pea. The Bees’ Needs - Creating habitat for native bees is as easy as one, two, three
Illustration of pawpaw (Asimina triloba) and a fly Bloom, Set, Match - What draws certain pollinators to particular plants
Antelope-horns milkweed Burns Into Boons - The phoenixlike adaptations of native plants
Detailed illustration of single bloom and stem of a common sunflower (Helianthus annuus) in black and white Planted - The challenge of finding one’s place and growing in it
Green seed heads of inland sea oats, against a blurred green background. Pull It or Plant It: Inland Sea Oats - A lively debate about inland sea oats
A photographic collage of redbud leaves on rice paper, light streaming through the transparent leaves. Field Guided - Native plants and the local landscape in Texas art
Horsemint (Monarda citriodora) blooms at Hatton Spring Prairie, another name for Houston resident Jaime González’s front yard; he posts interpretive signage and encourages neighbors to learn about the area’s historic land use. Living Space - Native habitat gardens provide for birds, pollinators and people
A graphite illustration of a leaf in the center of a ripple in a pond. Still Life - Drawing nature to soothe the inflamed mind
Smiling man standing behind an array of plants in white pots and a red watering can. Plant and Parcel - Get growing with a versatile, portable container garden
A large agave plant in the foreground is covered in dew. There are more agave plants behind it as well. Pull It or Plant It: American Century Plant - A lively debate about American century plant
Two tall skyscrapers emerge from a canopy of trees, silhouetted against a cloudy blue sky. A city full of smaller buildings stretches out behind them. A Sensory Journey - The joy of a green urban oasis and the invitation to explore
This still from the film “Fantastic Fungi” shows an embellished underground view of branching mycelium threads, known as hyphae. IMAGE Courtesy of “Fantastic Fungi” Magic Mushrooms - Exploring a beautiful, million-years-long relationship
The peyote plant in bloom in a conservation study site. Higher Ground - Texas is home to a treasured, psychotropic native plant
A painted lady butterfly lands on a bloom in a crowded field of maximilian sunflowers (Helianthus maximiliani). Sunflower Squad Goals - Teamwork among Helianthus species gives hope for the future
An illustration of a woman approaching a compass rose that is surrounded by larger-than-life native Texas plants. By Land and Leaf - Wayfinding the old-fashioned way
Two researchers crouch in a field of wildflowers, inspecting the native plants close to their feet. Crowdsourcing Conservation - How one determined botanist is teaming up and heading out
A collage of pink bluebonnet, yellow paintbrush, and white Texas mountain laurel. Blooms of a Different Hue - When nature gets novel, we pay attention
A mass of crickets lines the ceiling of a dark cave in Central Texas. The Cricket Connection - Native plants and crickets are essential to healthy cave ecosystems
The view looking up from the base of the General Sherman tree, a giant sequoia in California. Giants Among Us - The magnitude and peace of a big, big tree
A bunch of common sunflowers crop up in the middle of a housing development construction site. Developmental Danger - Dissecting the "urban" in disturbance
An aerial view of a frostweed plant blossoming. Pull It or Plant It: Frostweed - A friendly (but opinionated!) debate about frostweed
An unsuspecting ant roves the back of a plains sunflower (Helianthus petiolaris) while a crab spider lurks just beyond the petals. Here There Be Dangers - How flowers set the table for certain creatures
An illustration of a green envelope is centered in the image, with the words "Love Letters" featured on the front in a sweeping script. In the background, there is a faint gray pattern of plant branches. Love Letters - A group of conservation biologists is spreading the plant love
Large tree trunks invite climbing and sitting and can also provide places of refuge. Grounds for Play - Nature play lets parents chill and kids lead
An illustration by artist Hallie Rose Taylor of a New Mexican arroyo at dawn. Walking Nearby Waters - Restoring watersheds and, in the process, people
A close-up of four Mexican hat wildflowers, with varying amounts of the seedhead intact. The background is extremely blurred behind them. You Only Bloom Once … Or Twice … Or More - The lives and times of annual and perennial plants
A black-and-white image of two donkeys pulling a cart. A woman in a long dress and a sunhat stands behind them. With Botany and Two Burros - An intrepid, early botanist still inspires today
Two women stand in a patch of land while collecting plant specimens in Blanco, Texas. New Plant on the Block - The saga of an uncommon morning-glory
A close-up of the greenbriar plant, featuring a mottled green leaf along a vine with thorns. Pull It or Plant It: Greenbriar - A friendly (but opinionated!) debate about greenbriar
A woman takes a photo of the Black Lace elderberry at the High Line in New York City. Walking the Rails - Connecting over plants and photography on the High Line
An illustration of the poison ivy plant, with one red leaf highlighted against the rest of the green leaves. Poison Ivy … or Not? - A hands-off poison ivy primer
Mistletoe, Phoradendron leucarpum PHOTO Robert L. Stone Plant a Kiss - Fun facts and historical lore about mistletoe
ILLUSTRATION Samantha N. Peters Natural Partners - Texas native plants and their animal compadres
ILLUSTRATION Lisa Spangler Fetching Foliage - The science behind autumnal beauty
A person kneels in the garden and tends a small green plant Taming the Wild - The why and how of cutting back perennial plants
Native plants flourish to the delight of humans and pollinators at Fort Hood. PHOTO Jackelyn Ferrer-Perez Fort Hood’s Native Plant Brigade - A tale of people (and pollinators) connecting over plants
Mustang grape PHOTO Joseph Marcus Pull It or Plant It: Mustang Grape - A hilarious debate about mustang grape
Hellstrip PHOTO Pam Penick Heavenly Hellstrips - Liven up urban verges with tough-as-nails native plants
Simple illustrations of four types of native grasses, each with different heights against a white background. Stay Grassy - A quick guide to four common native grasses
Cenizo (Leucophyllum frutescens) brightens the uplands at Lake Amistad. PHOTO Jack G. Johnson/National Park Service Botanizing on the Banks - Spring fieldwork along the Texas border
Horsemint, Monarda citiodora PHOTO Wildflower Center Hello, My Name Is Monarda - Get to know five species of this noteworthy native plant
Horseherb, Calyptocarpus vialis PHOTO Melody Lytle Pull It or Plant It: Horseherb - A friendly (but opinionated) debate about horseherb
Fruits-drupe-featured Collene Sweeney Befuddling Fruits - Drupes, achenes, nuts and follicles — what the heck’s the difference?
Comal Headwaters RENDERING Lake|Flato Architects Open Swim - Endangered species of the Comal get a habitat makeover
McAllen Mayor Jim Darling plants lantana with a young girl. PHOTO Quinta Mazatlan A String of Pearls - Little pieces of urban monarch habitat add up to a lot
Under the Same Moon - Finding home in landscape
Anna Sabochick PHOTO Sarah Lim In the Flesh - Meet eight people who've made a lifelong commitment to native plants
The University of Texas at El Paso is just one of many Tree Campuses in Texas, where university tree canopies are used as opportunities for education and public service. PHOTO Adam Barbe Living Proof - Trees on university campuses across Texas offer oases for people and wildlife
Hackberry PHOTO islavicek Shutterstock Pull It or Plant It: Hackberry - A friendly (but opinionated) debate about hackberries
Only a hawkmoth’s lengthy proboscis can reach the nectar jimsonweed has to offer. PHOTO Kiley Riffell Photography/Henry Art Gallery Business Is Blooming - All about nectar — nature's sweetest sales pitch
Blue Dasher (Pachydiplax longipennis) on horsetail (Equisetum hyemale) Dragons and Damsels - A handy guide to telling these lacy-winged fliers apart
Central Texans have long had their sights set on cedar. PHOTO Elizabeth McGreevy Public Enemy - Get to know cedar (Ashe juniper) as more than something to loathe
Oak acorns Querc-y Characters - A quick guide to four common Central Texas oaks
Cows at the Dixon Water Foundation take a break from landscape restoration to mug for the camera. PHOTO Sarah Wilson America’s Next Top Model - The future of native grasslands — and water — depends on emulating the past
Ocelot at night The Dispossessed - For ocelots in Texas, native shrubland is the stuff dreams are made of
Fasciated black-eyed Susan, Rudebeckia hirta, by Jon Merz Beautiful Mutants - Fasciation is a beautiful and oft-coveted genetic abnormality
Prickly pear paddles with spines on them and bright pink tunas (fruits) are cut out against a white background. Don’t Fear the Reaping - Prickly pears’ versatile spoils are worth the effort
Macheros Mexico A Vast Domain - A sacred butterfly connects land and people across a border
Royal Blue Grocery parklet Plant Priority - Parklets provide unexpected space for native plants in cities
American basketflower Time for a Close-up - Looking closer at nature reaps great rewards
Virginia saltmarsh mallow Mad About Mallows - We’re head over heels (or blossoms over roots) for mallows
Frostweed The Frost Below - With nicknames inspired by the comestible to the architectural, one thing is sure: Frostweed fascinates
American beautyberry (Callicarpa americana) American Beauty - This purple-berried shrub is really popular. Here’s why.
Prairie flameleaf sumac Just the Thicket - Suckering shrubs may be the best garden friend you didn't know you had
rooster tail brooms Deep Sweep - Native plants still play an important part in American broom making
Devil's claw Find Your Roots (and Eat Them!) - Delve into the place-making power of edible native plants.
Witchery in the Garden Witchery in the Garden - Explore the cultural connections between botany and sorcery
Texas Prickly Pear (Opuntia engelmannii var. lindheimeri) Illustration: Samantha N. Peters Texas’ Flagship Flora - Join us in celebrating the plants that spell T-E-X-A-S in stems, blooms, fruit, paddles and spines!
Sowing the seeds of love? Maybe, maybe not. “Native” seed packets don’t always live up to their labels. Illustrations: Caitlin B. Alexander Meet Your Seeds - Consumer awareness extends to the gardening aisle
American wisteria on pergola Making the Shade - Vines add romance to a garden and are practical workhorses too.
American basket-flower (Centaurea americana). Photo: Steven Schwartzman Fried and Joy - Don't let botanical browns get you down; there's a lot to celebrate in the late-summer garden.
Sonoran Desert saguaro Some Like It Hot - Desert plants find ingenious ways to adapt to their harsh environment.
Boys at Watering Hole Helping Plants Handle Summer Heat - Watering wisely helps greenery handle high temperatures.
Bigtooth maple (Acer grandidentatum). Photo: Lee Page. A Life in Trees - In honor of Earth Day, an autobiographical ode to trees.
Life after bluebonnets Life After Bluebonnets - If you need a little help getting over bluebonnets, look no further.
Spring coralroot orchid Coralroot Blooms in the Courtyard - Spring coralroot doesn’t have big showy blooms like its orchid relatives, but this fascinating plant is still worth a look.
Ball Moss Having A Ball - William Niendorff sees a big future for ball moss.
Pennsylvania sedge (Carex pensylvanica) fills in cracks between rocks in a dry New York garden. Photo: Karen Bussolini Versatile Sedges - Adaptable sedges are a natural fit in sustainable landscapes.
Taste of Place: Chile Pequin-Citrus Turkey - Native plants add zest to a tried-and-true holiday bird.
Fresh cranberries, cinnamon and orange zest about to meet a Texas native: prickly pear. Photo: Amy McCullough Taste of Place: Prickly Pear Cranberry Sauce - A holiday classic gets reinvented by way of native cactus.
Pecans with pizazz! Photo: Lee Clippard Taste of Place: Spiced Pecans - Texas' state tree provides an edible bounty that goes beyond pie.
Cornbread batter gets the native treatment. Photo: Danielle Pieranunzi Taste of Place: Wild Onion and Chile Pequin Cornbread - Native chilies and wild onions make for a spicy, savory cornbread.
Party on a cutting board: prickly pear syrup and your standard margarita components. Photo: Amy McCullough Taste of Place: Prickly Pear Margaritas - Brilliant pink prickly pear syrup adds color and tang to the well-known margarita.
A ripe Texas persimmon. Photo: Sally and Andy Wasowski Taste of Place: Persimmon Dessert Bars - Persimmons add an earthy twist to more familiar dessert recipes.
Chile pequin peppers are ripe and reading for the picking when they’ve turned red, like most of these. Photo: Sally and Andy Wasowski Taste of Place: Chile Pequin Vinegar - Chile pequin vinegar adds tangy spice and a touch of Texas to meals.
Eat me. (I dare you.) Photo: K. Angel Horne Taste of Place: Vegan Wild Onion and Tuber Stew(s) - We boldly went where very few chefs have gone before ... to the table with winecup tubers.
A male American goldfinch feeding atop a coneflower in the genus Echinacea. Foraging wild birds benefit the most from access to native plants. Photo by: Chad Horwedel Skip the Bird Feeder - Studies show that birds prefer native plants over bird feeders.
<?php the_title(); ?> The Scenic Route - Roadsides provide critical habitat for pollinators.
Close up of a common sunflower (Helianthus annuus) with bottom petals cropped out of the shot Sunny Days - Sunflowers light up landscapes and provide for wildlife
<?php the_title(); ?> How Succulent! - Succulents are naturals in the native dry garden.
<?php the_title(); ?> Growing Dry - Dry gardens can be surprisingly lush. Learn how.
<?php the_title(); ?> Six Powerhouse Native Grasses - Don't overlook our beautiful and ecologically important North American native grasses.
Pickled devil's claw Taste of Place: Pickling Devil’s Claw - Embrace the taste of summer in Central Texas; get into a pickle with devil's claw.
<?php the_title(); ?> Join the Million Pollinator Garden Challenge - Are you up to the challenge?
<?php the_title(); ?> Flower Power - Silphiums are hardy plants of the prairie and gardens.
<?php the_title(); ?> Getting the Wildflower Show on the Road - Collene Sweeney and the Texas license plate she illustrated in support of wildflowers.
<?php the_title(); ?> 10 Wildflowers That Wow - Ten wildflowers that wow in celebration of National Wildflower Week.
pocket prairie john hart asher Make a Pocket Prairie - Tips on how to make a small prairie in your garden.
<?php the_title(); ?> Early Bloomers - Look to early bloomers for the answer.
<?php the_title(); ?> Creature Comfort - Meeting the little things that run our gardens.
<?php the_title(); ?> On the Rocks - Could Texas Hill Country plants adorn future skyscraper roofs?
<?php the_title(); ?> Taking Heart - What’s in store for your February garden.
<?php the_title(); ?> Cedar Fever Starts Here - Meet the juniper microstrobilus or "cone" — the place where it all begins.
<?php the_title(); ?> Spruce It Up - Native plants make the holidays even brighter.
<?php the_title(); ?> Urban Forests - Compared to their rural siblings, urban trees live complex lives.
<?php the_title(); ?> Get A Move On - Native plants that move make gardens dynamic.
<?php the_title(); ?> Migratory Matters - Endangered monarchs benefit from protecting mature milkweeds.
<?php the_title(); ?> Old Flame - Family traditions endure with fragrant, colorful phlox.
<?php the_title(); ?> Four Seasons - Create a garden that's interesting — especially in winter.
<?php the_title(); ?> Design with Spines - Find a place for cacti in your garden.
<?php the_title(); ?> Nip Gardening Worries in the Bud - Read our tips for healthy landscaping in weird weather.
Pocket prairie water feature Life in the City - Creating a native garden in an urban setting can be difficult, as it's often hard to find native landscapes to emulate.
Habiturf lawn Grass Powered - For half a century, a prized green lawn in the United States meant fighting against nature.
<?php the_title(); ?> Color My World - Fall color isn't just for Northerners.
<?php the_title(); ?> The Making of the Texas Arboretum - Find out what it took to create Texas' largest native plant arboretum.
<?php the_title(); ?> Medicinal Purpose - Don’t overlook the promise your plants could have for your health.
<?php the_title(); ?> Hold on to Summer - With proper care, late-blooming native perennials offer color and fragrance well into fall.
<?php the_title(); ?> Want to wreck your wildflowers? - Our experts rate the top 10 mistakes gardeners make when growing wildflowers.
<?php the_title(); ?> Nothing to Sneeze At - How to enjoy native plants without your nose running away.
<?php the_title(); ?> When in Drought - No rain in sight? Spring won't lack blossoms with these drought-tolerant natives.
<?php the_title(); ?> Conifers Call - Three authors discuss some beloved conifers across the country and threats that stand in their way.
<?php the_title(); ?> Winterize Your Garden - Make sure your garden endures winter wherever you are.
<?php the_title(); ?> Sheltering Your Greenery - Plants can't move. Help them out with mulch and more.
<?php the_title(); ?> Get Low and Behold - Good things come in small — and low-growing — packages.
<?php the_title(); ?> Fronds Fare Wall - The beauty and majesty of ferns have long captured the imagination of plant lovers everywhere.
<?php the_title(); ?> Put Some Spring In Your Woods - Experience-based advice for propagating woodland natives.
<?php the_title(); ?> Oil and Water - Oyster reefs form the foundation of many of the Gulf's productive habitats, including historic marsh and seagrass.
<?php the_title(); ?> Perfect Trees - Perhaps more than anything in the landscape, trees equal shelter, nourishment and sense of place.
<?php the_title(); ?> Scents and Sensibilities - Native plants add aroma to the fall garden.
<?php the_title(); ?> Natural Remedy - Echinaceas are prized for their size and showy color and make perfect landing pads for butterflies.
<?php the_title(); ?> Time-Sharing With Texas Native Plants - Time-sharing isn't just for condos; it keeps gardens looking great year-round.
<?php the_title(); ?> Super Stars - Native asters bring color and life to fall gardens.
<?php the_title(); ?> Fall Gardening Tips - Spring may be wildflower season, but fall is the best time to plant native wildflowers.
<?php the_title(); ?> Native Plant Winter Garden - Winter does not need to be a bleak time in the garden, especially in Texas.
<?php the_title(); ?> Agave A-go-go - The versatile Agave takes its shot beyond tequila .
<?php the_title(); ?> Violet Reaction - Whether you grow your violets in the ground or containers, be prepared for their delicate beauty to enchant you.
<?php the_title(); ?> Fresh Cut - A couple shares knowledge gained from 18 years of flower farming and the U.S. floriculture industry.
<?php the_title(); ?> Kid Gloves - Gardening creates sensory, hands-on experiences for kids.
<?php the_title(); ?> America’s Romance with the Oak - The oak is the most widespread hardwood in the Northern Hemisphere, prized for its shade, beauty and strength.
<?php the_title(); ?> The Apple of Our Eye - Walking or hiking within the natural world allows you to see what living things are rooted there. Among the plants rooted in California are those in the genus Arctostaphylos of the Ericaceae (or Heath) family.
<?php the_title(); ?> The Berry Truth - Although many native plants produce berries that are highly sought out as a food source by birds and other wildlife, not all retain their fruit throughout the winter season, a time when food may be scarce for most species. Including plants with lingering fruit will not only add interest and structure to your winter landscape but will provide an inviting natural habitat for many winter residents.
<?php the_title(); ?> Imperiled Harbor - We are a nation of gardeners, yet only recently have Americans turned their attention toward the 20,000 species of our nation's native plants.


Discover the Native Plants of North America