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1,956 Results:   10  25  50 100 per page

Trees for a new home in Las Cruces, NM
October 06, 2009
I've just purchased a brand new home in a sub-division in Las Cruces, NM and I'm looking for some landscaping advice. I come from upper-central Illinois, so I'm used to having trees pretty much al...
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Acorns for craft project in Santa Rosa CA
October 05, 2009
Where can I find mature northern red oaks, northern pin oaks in Santa Rosa, CA 95404 in order to get their cute chubby acorns for a craft project I'm doing?
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Dirt around bald cypress in Lakeland FL
October 03, 2009
Dirt around trunk of cypress.. Our tree is a Bald Cypress. We dug a hole to install a jacuzzi and put the dirt/clay around the trunk of the cypress to level the area out. I also laid several flag s...
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Lifespan and pruning of cedar elm in San Antonio
October 03, 2009
How long do cedar elm trees live? How can you estimate the age of one, or tell if it is nearing the end of its normal lifespan? Do you have any recommendations for selecting someone to prune it proper...
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Dirt piled up around trunk of cypress tree in Lakeland FL
October 02, 2009
I have a 30-40 foot cypress tree that has just started looking like it is dying..limbs on top are drooping badly. In April of this year we put probably 3 feet of dirt/clay around the bottom of it, wa...
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Shumard oak or live oak in Waco TX?
October 02, 2009
Dear Mr Smarty Plants, I planted 2 small Shumard oaks in my front yard (east side of the house, 8-9 hours of sun per day) 18 months ago. Both had been purchased from a national chain store's garden ...
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Transplant shock in tulip tree in Cincinnati
October 02, 2009
I planted a tulip tree sapling (3 feet tall at the time of planting) in May of this year and it sprouted! Unfortunately, I believe the top portion (nearly 2 feet) did not make it (the sapling only spr...
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Plants for clay soil in Leavenworth IN
October 02, 2009
I live in south central Indiana; the soil is very bad clay, either hard as a rock or mud. I have made several raised beds but am still having problems with plants rotting. What types of plants work he...
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Noise reduction hedge row in Houston
October 01, 2009
We live just one house back from the freeway and would like to plant a fast growing noise reduction 'hedge row' - close growing to 20-40 ft. We are looking at Leyland Cypress but know they aren't n...
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Pacific dogwood not fruiting
September 30, 2009
We have a beautiful Pacific Dogwood in front of our balcony. In some years it has fruit (berries) but has not for the past two years. When it does, it becomes a magnet for Northern Flickers. Is the pr...
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Neighbor's Arizona ash roots in Houston
September 30, 2009
There is a huge Arizona Ash tree in my neighbor's yard. Its trunk is about 27 feet away from the foundation of my house and its foliage reaches my roof. I am planning to dig a trench on my side of t...
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Trees to hide telephone poles and wires
September 28, 2009
I am looking for trees to plant between my house and the street to hide telephone poles and wires. My top priority is to add strong, gold color in the fall. Spring flowers would be a plus. Because ...
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Birds swarming around Sugar Maple trees in Westland MI
September 26, 2009
I just read in the native plant database that Sugar Maple trees attract birds. I've notice especially now towards Autumn there is an abundance of birds that flock to this tree at 6:30 pm. There are...
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Landscaping in Bertram TX
September 25, 2009
I have a landscaping job in Bertram, Texas and am looking for all my options as far as full and partial shade somewhat hardy plants. I'm mainly looking for small plants and pretty flowers I can do wi...
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Native specimen tree for Houston, Texas
September 23, 2009
Looking for recommendations for a specimen tree to flank our front steps. Evergreen, 15 feet tall, maybe 10 feet wide. Will be near icee blue Japanese yews and nearly wild rose bushes. Ideas?
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Live Oaks and Foundations
September 22, 2009
I have a young live oak (18 inch trunk at it's base) growing within four feet of my house. What kind of damage can it cause my foundation? Need your help!
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Small native flowering tree for Virginia
September 21, 2009
Could you recommend a small flowering tree (8-10' mature size) to plant in front garden next to the house. Full sun. Something that doesn't have invasive roots that would damage the house. Thanks...
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Thornless honeylocust trees for Taylor TX
September 21, 2009
I live in Taylor, Williamson County, in central Texas and I am interested in selecting trees for my backyard. I can't really explain (it may be my Midwestern roots), but I would like to plant three t...
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Is bald cypress native to Dallas area?
September 19, 2009
There are 2 very large bald cypress trees growing beside one another at a park in North Dallas, and I was wondering if they were native or planted a long time ago by the settlers or something. They ar...
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Lemon cypress Goldcrest in Richland MI
September 15, 2009
Can the shrub lemon cypress survive a southern Michigan winter? If so, how does one care for it?
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Plants beneath native bald cypress trees in Thibodaux LA
September 14, 2009
I have a bed that needs to be revamped and it has two beautiful 18 year old Bald cypress trees. I would like to work the soil and plant some appropriate shade tolerant plants. How do I work the soil...
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Transplant shock in Chestnut Oak in Waukesha WI
September 13, 2009
Bought and had nursery install a 4" diameter, 16' tall chestnut oak. Watered it as instructed-every 2nd or third day-hose stream size of my pinky for 45-60 minutes. It was planted in July. Just l...
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Stressed Texas persimmon, Diospyros texana
September 12, 2009
I planted a 5' Texas Persimmon last is watered by drip irrigation and has done well, putting on lots of new leaves and looking healthy as can be. That is, until several days ago when it began...
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Caterpillars on Mountain laurel in Austin
September 11, 2009
One of our 18+ year old Texas Mountain Laurels seems to be in distress this year. We treated it for caterpillars this Spring but many of the new leaves had been eaten by then. I recently started wate...
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Pecan tree for Johnson City TN
September 10, 2009
I live in E. Tennessee and was wondering if there are any pecan trees that can be grown here? If so, which type? I am a native Texan and love pecans. I would appreciate any information you can give ...
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Need a recommendation for a tree to replace an oak tree in Spring, TX.
September 08, 2009
I recently had an oak tree removed from my yard and want to replace it with a nice tolerant shade tree. My yard measures 65x35. What are the best non-invasive shade trees to plant in my area?
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Failure of smoke tree to bloom in Alburtis PA
September 07, 2009
For whatever reason, my smoke tree did not bloom during its second season. Any ideas?
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Decline of mesquite and persimmon trees in San Antonio
September 07, 2009
We have lived in a house in San Antonio for about 30 years now and in the last 5 years, we have seen the decline of several mesquite and wild persimmon trees. I am wondering what would cause their de...
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Tree with tap root for small area near Dallas
September 07, 2009
Mr. Smarty Plants, I live in Coppell, TX (a suburb of Dallas) & am looking for a tree to plant near our pool to provide some shade. The current tree (a silver leaf maple) is dying. My husband thi...
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Problems with Acer rubrum in Sacramento
September 06, 2009
We live in Sacramento California and have two seven year old Magenta Maple trees in our front yard that are planted about 65 feet from each other. This is the second year in a row that the tree on th...
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Problems with tuliptree in North Salem IN
September 02, 2009
I have a tulip tree and it looks like it is dying. The limbs are starting to turn bright blue. Do I have an insect problem or is it from a lightning strike?
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Problems with Mexican Monterrey Oak in Killeen, TX
September 02, 2009
I planted a Mexican/Monterrey White Oak in September of 2008. It was about 10 ft tall and about 1 1/4 inches in diameter at the bottom. I kept it watered over the winter and spring and of course, ve...
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Removing grass under oak trees in Pflugerville TX
August 30, 2009
I would like to use the newspaper-and-mulch method to smother grass under the canopy of live oaks, a bur oak, and a lacey oak so that I can plant natives that will thrive there. However, I'm concern...
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Removing leaves before transplanting from Miami
August 27, 2009
What is good idea to remove some leaves before transplanting a plant??
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Transplanting Desert willows in El Paso, TX
August 27, 2009
We have some volunteer Desert Willows growing on an empty lot nearby. Can we dig them up and transplant them in the yard? If so, how? They are about 3-4 feet tall
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Are American sycamore or hybrid poplar trees toxic to dogs in San Antonio?
August 26, 2009
We anticipate planting an American Sycamore or a Hybrid Poplar tree in our back yard but we have several small dogs and are concerned that they may eat some of the leaves. Do either of these trees po...
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Distance apart to plant oaks in Denton TX
August 26, 2009
How far apart should I plant Pin Oaks and Shumard Red Oaks in our yard? All around us are native oaks, but our backyard has none. I want to create a "forest" that looks like they are native, but n...
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Damaged oaks from Hurricane Ike in League City, TX
August 25, 2009
After hurricane IKE, one of our oak trees (in front yard) was partially uprooted from the ground. We did place it back, and tie it down with supports. Further, we inserted fertilizer spikes, and give ...
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Trimming live oaks in Mamou LA
August 24, 2009
We have 3 large Live Oak trees in our yard. The problem we are having is when we trim a branch off so we can walk under the branch, the whole branch dies back. Is there a certain way to trim the limbs...
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Scrub oaks dropping limbs in Lexington TX
August 23, 2009
We live in the country between Elgin and Lexington. One of our "scrub" oaks is dropping large limbs. On examination, the limbs have green leaves and they do not appear to be rotted. Do you think ...
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Leaves falling off live oak tree in Eureka TX
August 22, 2009
I have the same question; it is in Navarro County in August. The leaves are falling off my live oak tree, they are brownish yellow, but it is not oak wilt. What might it be? This year I put mulch arou...
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PVC pipes for irrigation in ground in Austin
August 19, 2009
Mr. Smarty Plants,What are your thoughts on installing PVC pipes into the ground around trees and shrubby trees? A classmate's grandmother had a pipe pushed or pounded into the ground near her speci...
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Oak trees losing leaves in Longview, Texas
August 18, 2009
One of my oak trees is losing its leaves (it is the first week in August). They are turning brown and falling at an alarming rate. The ground under this tree is covered, but my other trees seem unaffe...
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Transplanting aspens and Colorado blue spruce trees
August 18, 2009
Please help me with info on transplanting aspen and blue spruce trees in Colorado. I live at 8600ft and have tons of deer. thx
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Unusual green fruit
August 17, 2009
Unknown "fruit" in my backyard I have large (softball size) nobbly green orbs finding their way into my backyard. They sort of look like a tennis ball left out in the rain to rot, but they are o...
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Growth rate of mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa)
August 16, 2009
What is the growth rate of Mesquite? How long does it take for Mesquite to achieve a 4-6 inch wide trunk? I can't seem to find this information.
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Pine trees for West Virginia
August 16, 2009
I have two acres in the Canaan Valley, West Va. and would like to plant pine trees. What type would you recommend that the deers won't eat and the cold climate won't kill.
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Yellowing leaves on non-native weeping birch in Brick NJ
August 16, 2009
I have a young weeping birch-planted in spring-we water regularly, it gets good sun-and rain has been perfect--the leaves get yellow--and now they are a lot! Whats the matter? I love my little tree.I ...
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Trees for townhome backyard in Fullerton, CA
August 15, 2009
Hi, I live in a townhome with a big backyard here in Orange County. Last year, I got rid of my ficus trees that had grown too tall and big for a townhome backyard. Now, I would like to plant two tre...
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Corkscrew willow damage to roof in Detroit, MI.
August 13, 2009
I have a corkscrew willow (Detroit, MI) that is huge and whose branches hang on top of the asphalt shingles of my mobile home. It has now been discovered that these shingles, under the branches, are ...
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Mexican sycamore for Briarcliff, TX
August 11, 2009
I would like to plant a sycamore in my yard. I have searched and do not see info on the Mexican sycamore on this website. Is this not recommended in Central Texas for planting? I cannot find the Am...
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Disappearance of leaves on desert willow in Tucson AZ
August 08, 2009
We have a Lois Adams Desert Willow (Tucson, Az). The leaves will pump out and then a day or so later, all of the leaves are gone. The only bugs we've seen on it are very, very small ants. Could this ...
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Small ornamental tree in Buffalo, NY
August 05, 2009
Hi.. My family and I have recently moved from coastal North Carolina to Buffalo NY. We have chosen to live in south Buffalo and therefore have a small front yard. We are looking for the perfect tree...
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Plant barrier to block view and noise of Florida Turnpike
August 05, 2009
I live in Port St Lucie FL and my development backs to Florida turnpike. We want to plant to block noise and view. Any suggestions? thank you
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Propagation of Mexican olive in Luling, TX
August 04, 2009
Mr. Smarty Plants: we live in Luling, just south of Austin and have a 4 year old Mexican Olive tree; question: how do we propagate this 'hard to find' tree? Thank you so much.
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Fast growing tree for pasture in Coolidge, Texas
August 03, 2009
Hello, we purchased some land around Coolidge Tx., it has NO trees on it. This is open pasture land, can you suggest a fairly fast growing tree for shade? And if you know can you give us some names ...
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Annuals victims of allelopathy under a hackberry tree in Franklin TN
August 03, 2009
In our new home's back yard we have a 30' hackberry tree that's less than 20' from our house, on the NW side. I planted your typical shade annuals, impatiens, etc., in the mulch bed under the tre...
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Watering oaks during drought in Austin
July 29, 2009
Should we be watering our live oaks and Spanish oaks during this drought? How often and how much?
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Ensuring survival of wax myrtle in Wilmington, NC
July 29, 2009
I just transplanted some wax myrtle bushes. What do I need to do to insure they live?
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Elimination of live oak adventitious sprouts in San Angelo TX
July 28, 2009
Live oak sprouts. The main tree was removed several years ago and we still have the sprouts coming up in the yard. How do we stop this?
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Replacement for a globe willow tree
July 27, 2009
We are interested in replacing a pine tree with a globe willow because they grow fast but everything i have been reading about them scares me. is there another tree comparable to a globe willow that g...
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Transplant shock in my Nuttall Oak tree in Moore, OK.
July 23, 2009
I had a Nutall oak tree planted; it is 5 inches in diameter and about 24 feet tall. It was planted in March of this year, leafed out ok; now since June 20th I have had a large quantity of the leaves t...
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Brown spots on live oak leaves in Cedar Park, TX.
July 22, 2009
I have a live oak that was planted 4 years ago. It had several brown spots last summer, but recovered over the winter. Now it has lots of brown leaves and looks very sad. What is the best way to he...
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Planting under Walnut Trees in Harrisville, MI.
July 22, 2009
I have 2 50+ yr old Black Walnut trees in Northern Michigan (zone 4). I am planting a new bed (raised of course) and was considering adding a hydrangea. I am curious if this will thrive due to the jug...
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Identity of a plant that may be a horse apple (Maclura) in Springtown, TX.
July 21, 2009
I have a tree that I think is a crab apple, however, I can't find it in any collection on internet. The fruit looks like light green colored apples, however, they are very hard and very course textu...
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Wild Texas olive trees in Chappell Hill TX
July 17, 2009
Are wild texas olive trees male and female? Mine is evergreen with no olives. I would like to have another that is evergreen and has no fruit but all I find are deciduous and have fruit.
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Should a mustang grape be left near live oak in Austin?
July 17, 2009
I recently removed a huge mass of jasmine from a clump of live oaks. Inside I found a very large (12' long) exposed root of a mustang grape. I'd like to trim it back to the original clump and reta...
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Propagation of redbuds from shoots in St. Louis MO
July 17, 2009
I have a beautiful, healthy old redbud tree that I love. Every year, I find baby redbud trees rooted all over my yard, Since they are deep, I can't seem to dig them out so I simply cut them down to...
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Plants for under pine in Ft. Worth
July 15, 2009
My front yard, in Fort Worth, faces north. There is a large shade-giving pine tree in the middle. I am looking at options for what spreading groundcover varieties to plant underneath this rather large...
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What is the growth rate of the table mountain pine in zone 6 & 7?
July 14, 2009
How fast growing is the table mountain pine in Zones 6 and 7 in the Appalachians? What is the growth rate?
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Distance of oak tree to existing driveway in San Antonio
July 07, 2009
How close can I plant a live oak tree (15 gal) next to an existing driveway. I have about 3 feet space to plant between a fence and a driveway. This is the best spot to provide future shade. My concer...
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Eliminating suckers from roots of Moraine locust in Hilliard, OH
July 07, 2009
We removed a large Moraine Locust tree and also the stump. Now little trees from the roots are coming up. How do we get rid of these so something else can be planted?
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Tree leaves being chewed in Austin
July 04, 2009
We planted a Texas Redbud tree, and Monterey Oak (Mexican White Oak) in the front yard this spring and both have had their leaves eaten or chewed by something I cannot find on their leaves. At first I...
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Removing yaupon hollies from yard in Austin
July 04, 2009
We recently moved into a home w/ way too many and much too large (20-30') yaupon holly's in the back yard. I had some of them cut down, but they keep coming up from the roots of the old trees. How ...
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Transplanting a magnolia tree in Avon IN
July 04, 2009
We moved in our house a couple of years ago,We have a small Magnolia tree, well, looks like a bush right in front of our porch. We want to move it but do not know the best time to move. Can you tell m...
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Can a pecan tree be kept from producing for a season?
July 03, 2009
Can a pecan tree be kept from producing for a season?
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Problems with Eastern hemlock in Greenville SC
July 02, 2009
Dear Mr. Smarty Plants, I have a beautiful, young, 5 and a half foot tall Eastern Hemlock. I purchased and planted it two years ago in the fall. It has been doing very well all this spring. And ne...
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How to care for newly transplanted Live Oak.
July 02, 2009
I planted 3 B & B, 6" caliper live oaks in February and they lost most of their leaves during the normal time but when the new leaves grew back the amount of leaves were quite a bit less. I have th...
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Native plants for under a pine tree in Vevay IN
June 29, 2009
At our office we have a very nice garden however, in the front we have a large pine tree. We cannot get anything to take root & live there. Do you have any suggestions for a native shrub or perennia...
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Identification of red leaf tree with wispy, feathery plumes on top
June 25, 2009
I am looking for the name of a red leaf shrub/small tree that has feather like, wispy plumes which grow out of the top most branches. I do not have a photo. I live in Canton, MI.
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What kind of native Junipers will grow in zone 7?
June 25, 2009
What kinds of native Juniper will grow in zone 7 ? (besides Juniperus scopulorum and J.virginiana).
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Sun-scorched Cherry laurel (Prunus caroliniana)
June 24, 2009
I live in south Central Texas 30 miles north of San Antonio. I am looking for a good evergreen hedge plant that once established will not die if I forget to water it a few days and is deer resistant....
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My newly planted Redbuds are not doing well.
June 24, 2009
I ordered and received 2 Red Bud trees from one of the popular ordering houses. They explained that they were dormant and not dead, and gave us instructions on how to plant them, which we followed. Th...
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Plant ID in Flower Mound TX
June 23, 2009
I have a large native tree in the back yard, leaves resembles a live oak, but evergreen,& small white flowers in the spring, very tall vase shaped tree. It had no acorns or berries.
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Why is my Ash drooping?
June 22, 2009
Last spring, I bought a house in Austin, TX with a large Ash tree in the front yard. It looked fine last year, but has been looking funny since it leafed out this spring. It's as if the leaves are we...
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Tall, narrow evergreen for front of house in Flower Mound, TX
June 21, 2009
Please recommend a tall, narrow evergreen to be placed at the front corner of my house.
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Is mulberry tree inhibiting growth of plants under it in Wilmington DE?
June 21, 2009
I have a large mulberry tree in my yard and the plants around it are not flowering or growing, some are now dead. Could the mulberry tree be toxic to other plants?
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Problems with pin oak in Manlius, NY
June 20, 2009
I bought a pin oak when it was ~5 ft tall. It has lived in clay/rock for the last 6 years--healthy, but didn't grow much (no surprise). This spring we planted 3 small boxwoods a few feet from its t...
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Removal of invasive horsetail in Shelby Township, MI
June 19, 2009
Please help me or direct me to who may be able to help. I have horsetail (Equisetum) invading my Blue Rug Juniper. Please tell me what I can use to get rid of the horsetail (Equisetum) without killi...
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Hedge in central Texas
June 17, 2009
Help, my oleanders are dying. I am in need of hedge suggestions- ideal would be quick growing, maybe 8-12 feet at their tallest. I live in Central Texas.
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How to prune my Linden tree?
June 17, 2009
We have a 15 yr old Linden in the backyard. North side of home. It can use some pruning at the lower branches. Which branches do we prune and when? Also we have some river birches back there. Oth...
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Bald cypress with chlorosis in Texas
June 15, 2009
I have a 6' tall Bald Cypress planted 2 years ago which just this year appears to be suffering from chlorosis. The tree was bought from a chain store. It receives some drainage water from my washin...
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Are Mesquite (Prosopis) pods safe for dogs to eat?
June 15, 2009
are pods from mesquite trees posionus to dogs if they chew or eat them?
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What caused purple heartwood in my Tuliptree?
June 15, 2009
My Tulip tree was hit by lightning and all bark from the base of the tree up to 50 feet was blown off. The tree also sustained a significant crack through the trunk. When the tree was cut down, we...
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Problems with Mountain Laurel in Leander TX
June 15, 2009
My 13 yr old Mountain Laurel tree is sick. It has lost most of its leaves after blooming this spring. The twigs seem to still be pliable so I assume alive. I saw no moth worms or bags this year, ju...
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Wind damage to pecan tree in Royse City, TX
June 14, 2009
The wind broke my pecan tree trunk in two. It is approximately 2 in caliper and about 15 feet tall. Is there a tree trunk repair?
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Curling lower leaves on live oak in Cedar Park, TX
June 11, 2009
I have noticed that one of my live oak tree, the leaves on the bottom of the tree have stared to curl. The leaves above that look fine. The trees are about 12 yrs old. Any suggestions?
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Sticky white substance from Arizona Ash tree in Arlington TX
June 11, 2009
Our Arizona Ash Tree is producing a white substance that floats down from the tree almost like a snowflake the size of a bb. You cannot see it on the tree/leaves. When it lands on the car, it takes th...
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Loss of bloom on Fremontodendron californicum in California
June 11, 2009
The flowers on my Flannel Bush all died at once I have noticed a sappy substance at the base of the trunk. There are still some flowers on bush but most are dead. It has been blooming since Feb. Is ...
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Evergreen ornamental tree choice in northern Indiana
June 10, 2009
Can you please advise on growing Lemon Cypress trees outdoors in zones 5/6 zip code 46311
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