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Locating non-native Bradford pear tree in Austin
June 07, 2008
Where can I find a Bradford pear tree in Austin, TX?
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Non-native banana trees
June 06, 2008
I recently planted two types of Banana trees, a Darjeeling and a Giant Nepal. I know that both are hardy to my zone 7 but that the Nepal needed heavy mulching. My first question is how long will it ta...
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Non-native weeping willow losing leaves
June 03, 2008
We have a willow tree (weeping), which sprung up naturally about 12 years ago. It has done very well until this summer. After its bloom in late March, it is losing its leaves again..turning yellow and...
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Pruning non-native Japanese maple
June 03, 2008
Can you tell me how to properly prune a Japanese maple?
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Advice about lavender (Lavandula sp.)
June 03, 2008
I recently visited a Lavender Farm just outside Gainseville Texas. I was hooked. However, when I started reading about growing Lavender I found that you should have well drained alkaline soil. Since...
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Problems with non-native Cleyera and Red-tip photinia
June 01, 2008
I planted a row of Cleyera in a bed that receives sunlight for about 3 hours during the middle of the day. My problem is that a number of the plants are dying. It begins with the leaves on one small...
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Non-native Filaree seeds for science classroom
May 30, 2008
Can I purchase Filaree seeds for my science classroom? If so, where?
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Will a Norfolk pine survive winter in Houston
May 29, 2008
If I transplant a Norfolk pine in the summer, or when is the best time, will it survive the winter growing in Houston Tx? Can you give me some suggestions for fast growing vines facing the front of my...
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Transplant shock of non-native Bougainvillea
May 22, 2008
Well I bought two Bougainvilleas, the first one I transplanted is doing great, the second one not so good when I was taking it out of the original pot the root ball stayed in the pot but the plant wit...
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Citrus trees for Austin
May 21, 2008
I am looking for citrus that grows in the Austin,Tx area. Could you offer any suggestions please?
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Deterioration of non-native weeping willows in Alabama
May 19, 2008
I have a small lake behind my house. 8 years ago we planted two nice weeping willow trees, one on each corner of our yard down toward the lake. One started looking bad last year and we cut all the de...
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Transplant shock for non-native Plumbago auriculata
May 19, 2008
I planted some full plumbago plants that were in containers, in a partially shaded area, they had beautiful flowers when I purchased them, but have since lost them all and the plant is looking very wi...
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Care of lemon cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa)
May 17, 2008
How do I grow the lemon cypress in zone 7? I bought one today at Home Depot in Granbury,TX. It had no information. Should I put it in the shade or sun?
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Leaf-cutter ants on non-native crape myrtle
May 08, 2008
We have a problem with cutter ants. I lose my entire Crepe Myrtle tree every year. All of the pest control personnel I ask do not have a solution. Can you please suggest something to eradicate thes...
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Natural fibers for lashing bamboo in weaving
May 07, 2008
I live in Austin and am looking for plants I can use for weaving fibers, e.g. lashing bamboo for a small project. What plants and parts do you recommend? What resources do you recommend for informatio...
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Information about ice plant (Carpobrotus edulis)
May 06, 2008
I recently planted some Carpobrotus edulis, Ice plant, and wanted to know if I can mulch or put stones around the entire garden and plants. They are a ground cover plant.
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Brown, dry leaves on weeping willow tree
May 01, 2008
We live in central TX and have just planted a weeping willow tree. Our back yard has a retention pond and ravine that parallels our property and we were told that the weeping willow will do perfectly ...
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Information on non-native Erythrinia crista-galli
April 30, 2008
I am trying to find out some more information on a plant called firemen caps.. How to grow and sun or shade or both..
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Information about Maui Red Starflower
April 29, 2008
I can't find any information on MAUI RED STARFLOWER. I found some in Houston Texas & the card says sun, blooms spring to frost, showy bloom, good in clusters. MY QUESTION was to find out if it is a...
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Do Salvia coccinea and Salvia occidentalis occur in Hawaii
April 27, 2008
Aloha, Would you please happen to know if the salvia occidentalis and the salvia coccinea are growing in a wild state in Hawaii, the quantity (small or large areas? What are the weather conditions ...
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Native plants for southwest exposure in Tulsa OK
April 24, 2008
I want to plant something in a bed on the South side of my house with some Western exposure. The space is in a bed that would share space with a Red Tip Photinia (next to the house)& liriope( on the ...
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Problems with azaleas
April 22, 2008
Last summer I planted 10 evergreen Azaleas "Hino Crimson" I sprinkled a little rhody fertilizer in their holes before planting and gave them plenty of water all summer. They are all doing fine excep...
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Non-blooming toad lily in Kentucky
April 20, 2008
I have had a toad lily for three years and it has never bloomed. What do I need to do?
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Tentative identification of non-native Senecio rowleyanus
April 19, 2008
I am trying to track down a plant that I used to have but do not know what it is called. It grew in long strings of "pea like" balls. When planted in a hanging pot, the stringy "pea" like vines ...
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Possibility of using weeping love grass on property in Keller, Texas
April 19, 2008
What do you know about "Weeping Love Grass"? We have heard that it does not require watering (once the roots are established, fertilizing, nor frequent mowing. So we decided to plant it on our 2-a...
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Trailing perennial plants for High Wycombe, England
April 19, 2008
Hello Mr Smarty Plants, I would like to know what trailing plants are also perennial, preferably flowering ones but that also look pretty when not in flower? My kitchen looks out onto a five foot h...
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Organic means for ridding garden of stinging ants
April 18, 2008
Dear Mr. Smarty Pants, I have a butterfly garden that is filled with native plants the butterflies LOVE! However I have a colony of red ants that have moved in. I need to trim some of the more inva...
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Disease on non-native French hollyhocks
April 16, 2008
I live in Georgetown, Texas. I have some French hollyhocks that have some kind of disease on the leaves - I would like to know what to spray them with to get rid of it. It looks like brown blemishes...
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Evergreen grasslike plants for Austin TX
April 15, 2008
Hi, I'm in Austin, TX and looking for some evergreen grass-looking plants. Would you explain the similarities/differences between Butterfly Iris and Lily Grass in this regard? Thank you
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Non-native fruit trees for eastern North Carolina
April 03, 2008
Are there any good fruit trees to grow in eastern North Carolina? For example peaches, apples, plums? What are your recommendations? Thank you!
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Non-native, invasive Rapistrum rugosum
April 02, 2008
What is the name of the alien, spindly, yellow mustard that we see blooming around Austin now ? Is it Hedge Mustard (Sisymbrium officinale) ?
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Removing a hackberry stump from a non-native fig tree
April 02, 2008
I have a fig tree that is at least 50 years old. A hackberry tree is growing up through the fig. I have cut it back several times (it is probably 3 inches in diameter at ground level), but have been...
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Non-native, invasive King Ranch bluestem and Coastal bermuda for horses
April 02, 2008
Is blue stem grass mixed with coastal good for horses?
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Foliage of non-native Japanese maple tree
April 01, 2008
My Japanese maple tree (1 year old) is bright red in early spring. Then it turns green. Is there a way to keep this tree red?
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Possibility of invasiveness of blackberry bush
March 27, 2008
I bought a blackberry bush from Home Depot last year. My sister said if I planted it in the ground it would take over my lawn. So I put it in a big planter up against my fence, but I'd like to put it...
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Propagation of non-native tulips in pots
March 25, 2008
We have received a large quantity of eco-cups, some are for our pilot project, First Bloom. But we so many, we wanted to include the entire Club, Boys and Girls Clubs of Philadelphia, Germantown Unit,...
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Response to previous answer on non-native cacti
March 15, 2008
Hi Mr. SmartyPlants, Santa Barbara here, again. Thanks for all your effort, especially as it falls outside of the Center's general expertise. That is amazing and I found the answer in the...
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Infestation of flies around euonymus in summer
March 02, 2008
I have 3 shrubs planted in my backyard. I think they are a type of euonymus (but I'm not sure). My question is why do they attract huge nasty flies. The first year we had them they didn't. But the l...
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Care for a non-native Syringa vulgaris (lilac)
February 19, 2008
I inherited a lilac bush when I bought my house. It grows in a bed right in front of the house but grows away from the house, not in a straight up and down manner. This winter we had a 12" snow fall ...
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Looking for yellow bottlebrush (Callistemon sp.) and native substitutes
February 14, 2008
I have been looking for years for a yellow bottle bush. It is identical to the red but is yellow. there are several varieties, but the one i want is just like the red one in appearance. I live in Flor...
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Seeds for invasive, non-native Erodium cicutarium
February 05, 2008
I rec'd the following e-mail from a friend in he Chicago area. I looked for about an hour and couldn't find a place to get weed seeds. She thinks we are in the desert here and apparently are so rura...
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Care of non-native dracaena potted plant
February 04, 2008
Last summer I was given a corn plant that stands about 6ft tall. About 2 weeks ago it began to flower. Over time I've had maybe 3 or 4 of these plants and never had any of them bloomed. Is this no...
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Possible invasiveness of non-native Eragrostis curvula
February 04, 2008
I have just moved to Keller, TX and am trying to establish a xeriscape plan for our property. I chose to plant weeping love grass as I learned it was a native plant and did not require fertilizing, a...
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Care of non-native Navel Orange tree
January 27, 2008
What kind of care does a Navel Orange tree need? Mine looks really bad this year, not much fruit and small fruit.
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Pruning of crepe myrtles
January 27, 2008
I have three crepe myrtle trees in my yard. When do I trim back the branches? What if I waited too long to trim them back? Can I still do it? How far do I trim them back? Thank you.
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Non-native Centaurium spicatum, family gentianceae
January 21, 2008
I need to know every single detail about centaurium spicatum family gentianceae.
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Promoting bloom in Chocolate Summer Mimosa
January 11, 2008
Please help! I purchased a Chocolate Summer Mimosa from one of our local nurseries. It was a brand new plant to them and they don't really know much about them. I planted it just 3 years ago as an...
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Non-native purple lantana
January 05, 2008
I have found some purple trailing lantana on our land. (This land has never been inhabited, as far as I know of.) This is not one of the yellow/pink or yellow/red native varieties. Is this indeed a...
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Care of the non-native Aralias (Genus Polyscias)
January 04, 2008
Today I purchased a POLYSCIAS common name "Aralia" I was told that can be happy inside, little light. Please could you inform me how to take care: feeding, fertilizing, watering needs? Does it bl...
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Care of Ecuadorian penco century plant
December 17, 2007
I was recently given a Penco, Century plant from Ecuador. It doesn't seem to be doing well. Two of the leaves have turned dark, then yellow, and died completely. Five remain, one seems to be dying as...
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