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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants is a free service provided by the staff and volunteers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

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506 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page

Problems on mock orange plant in England
August 20, 2008
I have a small mock orange plant that is about 3 years old. It is currently in a 12 inch plant pot in full sun. It bloomed beautifully this year but the leaves on both the new and old growth are start...
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Can orange trees be grown in Albany, CA
August 17, 2008
Can we grow an orange tree in Albany, CA?
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Non-native Japanese red maple exposed to full sun
August 16, 2008
I planted a Dwarf Japanese Red Maple tree about 3 yrs ago. Until about a month ago it was partially shaded by a massive chestnut tree, that has since been cut down. Now the new growth on my tree appea...
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Winter care for non-native ice plant in Virginia
August 15, 2008
I have an ice plant in my garden and it is doing very well. What would be the care for winter. Ground seldom freezes, temperatures mostly 20 but can get in single digit occasionally. Very little snow ...
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Proper watering of cedar elm trees in Sachse, TX
August 15, 2008
I've just planted two Cedar elm trees in clay soil, each about four inches in diameter, and I want to water them correctly. I'm aware that too much water can be bad as well as too little water. I ...
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Plant Identification
August 15, 2008
My father-in-law received seeds from a friend-- he didn't know what kind of plant it would grow. Now he questions what kind of plant it is-- it has a red stalk and 17 inch leaves, it appears to grow...
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Propagation of non-native vitex
August 10, 2008
I am interested in propagating a beautiful big vitex tree. Can I do it from seeds or what is the best way? Thanks!
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Failure to thrive of Lantanas
August 06, 2008
Here at work we have 4 beautiful yellow Santanas(should I say had), the leaves have started to turn brown and no longer blooming. Appears to have a fungus or disease. Please help!
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What is Andropogon saccharoides?
August 06, 2008
I am reading Roy Bedichek "Adventure with a Texas Naturalist" I came across a reference to sage grass (Andropogan saccharoides)p. 23. I searched the data base and didn't any infromation abou...
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Loss of leaves on yaupon in Austin
August 05, 2008
Last winter I planted a Pride of Houston yaupon. Currently, the leaves at the tips of its stems are green and healthy, but the leaves along the stems are turning dark brown and falling off. Does...
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Are poplar trees and willows safe for animals to eat
August 04, 2008
poplar trees and willows, are they friendly for farm animals to consume leaves?
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Edible plants native to Bexar County, Texas
July 30, 2008
What types of edible plants are native to Bexar county?
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Plant identification
July 29, 2008
I have found what resembles a gooseberry growing from what appears to be a grapevine trellising on a fence beside a lake in East Texas. The stems are smooth and slender, nad as I stated before vine up...
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How to get rid of Japanese knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum)
July 28, 2008
We have an enormous stand of japanese polygonum that we are trying to get rid of. What soil type is the most inhospitable to this aggressive and highly invasive species? Were thinking of planting so...
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Problem with flameleaf sumac (Rhus lanceolatta)
July 14, 2008
My Flameleaf Sumac appears to have an insect infestation in the bark which oozes a sappy sticky substance. This has apparently caused one of the limbs to die. Will it kill the whole plant and is there...
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Pruning blue potato tree (Lycianthus rantonnei)
July 14, 2008
I wrote earlier about a blue potato tree(Lycianthus rantonnei) the top appears dead but if you break a branch it is still green, what would happen to it if I cut all the branches forming at the bottom...
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Evergreen native replacement for liriope
July 13, 2008
What is a good native replacement for Liriope that is evergreen?
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Leaf burn on hydrangeas
July 11, 2008
What causes my leaves to burn on my healthy hydrangeas?
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Catalpa and maple with dying branches in Wisconsin
July 07, 2008
We have a northern catalpa in our front yard. It's been there for about three years now and is probably 25' high. This year it appeared to be doing great. It flowered and then all of sudden last ...
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Failure to bloom of tropical plumeria
July 04, 2008
I have had my plumeria for the past five years. The first three years it bloomed but has not the past two. The plant is healthy and continues to grow but will not flower. It seems to be very health...
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Yellowing leaves on non-native Betula pendula
July 03, 2008
I live in Puyallup, Washington. I purchased and planted a weeping birch on June 21, 2008. For the first few days all seemed well and the tree seemed to be settling in to its new home. Less than e...
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Source for purchase of native Parkinsonia aculeata
July 01, 2008
I would like to buy a Jerusalem Thorn Tree plant. I will purchase seeds if plant is not available. Can you tell me where I can purchase either?
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Failure to bloom in hybrid lantana
June 30, 2008
I live in Austin and have planted the newer lantana varieties which bloom with orange and pink flowers.They have been planted in full sun and get watered 2 times a week for about 15 minutes.They do no...
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Selection of trees for new home
June 30, 2008
We are moving to Roanoke, Texas(Denton County) into a new home. Our home will have 3 trees which we can choose. They are Texas Ash, Live Oak, Sweetgum, Silver Leak maple, Cedar Elm and Bradford Pear...
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Plant identification
June 25, 2008
Identification of woodland plant in a rual area ? we have bears britches and another plant simaler, but the leaves are flat and smooth, each leaf is on a seperate stalk and each plant has 3 stalk...
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