Not Cutting It

Why No Mow May isn’t enough to change Texas lawn culture

Horticultural Heroes

Saving native plants from the bulldozer

The Draw of Nature

How the act of creating fosters community

An Urban Getaway

An Urban Getaway

Discovering the unexpected joy of wandering in lockdown

Old Brides’ Tales

Old Brides’ Tales

Debunking a popular myth about our state flower

Pull It or Plant It: Passionflower

Pull It or Plant It: Passionflower

A spirited (internal) debate about passionflowers



Stock tank water gardens are oases for wildlife — and you!

Alpine Inspiration

Alpine Inspiration

A love letter to a small native plant that thrives in high, icy places

Centered: Spring/Summer 2021

Centered: Spring/Summer 2021

The latest on our gardens and our work

A Natural Calling

A Natural Calling

Native plants in mosaic habitats bring birds to the Mission Reach

Plant Some Rubber

Plant Some Rubber

An unassuming native shrub could change the future

Born to Rock

Born to Rock

Lithophilic plants don’t need no stinking soil, and don’t call them cute either

Falling Water, Thriving Plants

Falling Water, Thriving Plants

A famous Frank Lloyd Wright site embraces native landscapes

The Bees’ Needs

The Bees’ Needs

Creating habitat for native bees is as easy as one, two, three

Bloom, Set, Match

Bloom, Set, Match

What draws certain pollinators to particular plants

Burns Into Boons

Burns Into Boons

The phoenixlike adaptations of native plants



The challenge of finding one’s place and growing in it

Pull It or Plant It: Inland Sea Oats

Pull It or Plant It: Inland Sea Oats

A lively debate about inland sea oats


Our member magazine brings the world of native plants, landscapes and people to member mailboxes twice a year. Become a member today.

2024 | Volume 41, No. 1

Horticultural Heroes
Rescuing flora from Central Texas’ development boom requires gloves, not capes

Not Cutting It
Why No Mow May isn’t enough to change Texas lawn culture

Go Big Red
Fans rally to conserve a rare sage

Our Best Buds
A quick guide to our favorite flowers-in-training


Garden Giving Grows Here
Plants and seeds are a natural fit for barter economies

Cultivating Community
The latest on our gardens and our work

Perks for Pollinators
Some plants go above and beyond to reward pollution

Interested in contributing to Wildflower magazine? Review the stories here — or read full issues via digital flipbook — and send pitches to [email protected]. Please be sure we have not already covered your proposed topic (or make an argument for why we should cover it again in a new way), and familiarize yourself with the publication so you can pitch by specific story type (e.g., we would prefer a “When in Roam” or “Botany 101” pitch to a general pitch). Thanks!