Special Collections
Patsy Glenn Refuge
The Wimberley Birding Society under the leadership of Patsy Glenn designated 1.8 acres of unused land as a refuge for birds a few years ago and have since developed it as a birding educational site. We have laid paths and installed a bird blind, a swift chimney and are developing the plant list below.Printer Friendly: Species List | List with Images | List with QR Tags to Mobile
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |
Abutilon fruticosum | Indian Mallow Texas Indian Mallow | |
Acalypha ostryifolia | Pineland Threeseed Mercury Hop-hornbeam Copperleaf | |
Ambrosia psilostachya | Cuman Ragweed Western Ragweed Perennial Ragweed Common Ragweed | |
Anemone berlandieri | Tenpetal Anemone Tenpetal Thimbleweed Windflower Southern Anemone Granny's Nightcap | |
Argemone aurantiaca | Texas Pricklypoppy Texas Prickly Poppy | |
Argythamnia humilis | Low Silverbush | |
Argythamnia mercurialina | Tall Silverbush Tall Wildmercury | |
Argythamnia simulans | Plateau Silverbush Tall Wild-mercury | |
Arbutus xalapensis | Texas Madrone Madrone Texas Arbutus Manzanita Xoxocote Amazaquitl | |
Baccharis neglecta | False Willow Jara Dulce Poverty Weed Roosevelt Weed | |
Bouteloua curtipendula | Sideoats Grama Banderilla Banderita Navajita | |
Bouteloua dactyloides | Buffalograss Buffalo Grass | |
Bothriochloa laguroides ssp. torreyana | Silver Bluestem Silver Beardgrass Silver Beard Grass | |
Bouteloua rigidiseta | Texas Grama | |
Callicarpa americana | American Beautyberry French Mulberry | |
Carex planostachys | Cedar Sedge | |
Calyptocarpus vialis | Horseherb Straggler Daisy Hierba Del Caballo Lawnflower | |
Cercis canadensis var. canadensis | Eastern Redbud | |
Cercis canadensis var. texensis | Texas Redbud | |
Celtis laevigata | Sugar Hackberry Texas Sugarberry Sugarberry Southern Hackberry Lowland Hackberry Hackberry Palo Blanco | |
Cenchrus spinifex | Grass Bur Coastal Sandbur Field Sandspur Southern Sandbur Spiny Burrgrass | |
Chloris cucullata | Hooded Windmill Grass Hooded Windmillgrass | |
Chilopsis linearis | Desert Willow Flowering Willow Willow-leaved Catalpa Willowleaf Catalpa Bow Willow Flor De Mimbre Mimbre | |
Chamaesyce prostrata | Prostrate Spurge Prostrate Sandmat Ground Spurge | |
Cirsium texanum | Texas Thistle | |
Cocculus carolinus | Carolina Snailseed Carolina Coralbead Carolina Moonseed Red Berried Moonseed Carolina Red Berried Moonseed | |
Conoclinium coelestinum | Blue Mistflower Wild Ageratum Blue Boneset | |
Cornus drummondii | Roughleaf Dogwood Drummond's Dogwood Rough-leaf Dogwood | |
Cooperia drummondii | Evening Rain Lily Evening Star Rain Lily | |
Commelina erecta | Dayflower Widow's Tears White-mouth Dayflower Whitemouth Dayflower | |
Croton fruticulosus | Bush Croton Encinilla Hierba Loca | |
Croton monanthogynus | Prairie Tea One-seed Croton Doveweed Dove Weed Prairie Goatweed | |
Cyperus esculentus | Yellow Nutsedge Chufa Sedge Yellow Nut-grass | |
Dichanthelium acuminatum var. lindheimeri | Lindheimer Panicgrass Lindheimer's Rosettegrass | |
Diospyros texana | Texas Persimmon Mexican Persimmon Black Persimmon Chapote Chapote Prieto | |
Draba cuneifolia | Wedgeleaf Draba Whitlow-grass | |
Echinocereus reichenbachii | Lace Hedgehog Cactus Lace Cactus Lace Hedgehog Purple Candle | |
Ehretia anacua | Anacua Sugarberry Anacua Anaqua Anacahuita Knockaway Knackaway Sandpaper Tree Manzanita Manzanillo Tlalahuacate | |
Elymus canadensis | Canada Wild Rye Canadian Wildrye Prairie Wildrye Nodding Wildrye | |
Eragrostis intermedia | Plains Lovegrass Plains Love Grass | |
Erioneuron pilosum | Hairy Woollygrass Hairy Tridens | |
Escobaria missouriensis | Missouri Foxtail Cactus Plains Nipple Cactus | |
Euphorbia marginata | Snow On The Mountain Snow-on-the-mountain | |
Eysenhardtia texana | Texas Kidneywood Kidneywood Bee Brush Vara Dulce Palo Dulce | |
Forestiera pubescens | Elbowbush Stretchberry Spring Herald Desert Olive Tanglewood Devil's Elbow Spring Goldenglow New Mexico Privet Texas Forsythia | |
Galium aparine | Stickywilly Catchweed Bedstraw Cleavers Common Bedstraw Sticky Weed Goose Grass | |
Galium texense | Texas Bedstraw | |
Giliastrum incisum | Splitleaf Gilia Split-leaf Gilia Cut-leaf Gilia | |
Glandularia bipinnatifida | Prairie Verbena Purple Prairie Verbena Dakota Vervain Dakota Mock Vervain Moradilla Alfombrilla | |
Hedeoma acinoides | Slender False Pennyroyal Annual Pennyroyal Slender Hedeoma | |
Hedeoma reverchonii var. serpyllifolia | Reverchon's False Pennyroyal Rock Hedeoma | |
Heliotropium tenellum | Pasture Heliotrope White Heliotrope | |
Hilaria belangeri | Curly Mesquite Grass Curly Mesquite | |
Ilex decidua | Possumhaw Possumhaw Holly Deciduous Holly Meadow Holly Prairie Holly Swamp Holly Welk Holly Deciduous Yaupon Bearberry Winterberry | |
Ilex vomitoria | Yaupon Yaupon Holly Cassina | |
Juniperus ashei | Ashe Juniper Ashe's Juniper Mountain Cedar Rock Cedar Post Cedar Texas Cedar Brake Cedar Mexican Juniper Blueberry Juniper Ozark White Cedar Sabino Enebro | |
Kallstroemia parviflora | Warty Caltrop Small-flowered Carpetweed | |
Lantana urticoides | Texas Lantana Calico Bush | |
Lesquerella argyraea | Silver Bladderpod | |
Leptochloa dubia | Green Sprangletop | |
Lepidium oblongum | Veiny Pepperweed | |
Lepidium virginicum | Virginia Peppergrass Virginia Pepperweed Peppergrass Poor Man's Pepper | |
Lonicera sempervirens | Coral Honeysuckle Trumpet Honeysuckle Woodbine | |
Lupinus texensis | Texas Bluebonnet Bluebonnet Texas Lupine Buffalo Clover Wolf Flower | |
Malvaviscus arboreus | Turkscap Wax Mallow Bleeding Hearts Mexican Apple Manzanita | |
Matelea biflora | Star Milkvine Purple Milkweed Vine | |
Matelea reticulata | Pearl Milkweed Vine Netted Milkvine Green Milkweed Vine Net Vein Milkvine | |
Mahonia swaseyi | Texas Barberry Texas Oregon-grape | |
Mahonia trifoliolata | Agarita Agarito Algerita Laredo Mahonia Laredo Oregon-grape Trifoliate Barberry Wild Currant | |
Melampodium leucanthum | Blackfoot Daisy Rock Daisy Plains Blackfoot Arnica | |
Oenothera speciosa | Pink Evening Primrose Showy Evening Primrose Mexican Evening Primrose Showy Primrose Pink Ladies Buttercups Pink Buttercups | |
Opuntia engelmannii var. lindheimeri | Texas Prickly Pear Lindheimer's Prickly Pear Lindheimer Prickly Pear | |
Oxalis dillenii | Slender Yellow Wood Sorrel Yellow Wood Sorrel Yellow Woodsorrel | |
Oxalis drummondii | Drummond's Wood-sorrel Large-leaf Wood-sorrel Drummond's Woodsorrel | |
Panicum hallii | Hall's Panicgrass Hall's Panic Grass | |
Packera obovata | Golden Groundsel Roundleaf Groundsel Roundleaf Ragwort | |
Panicum virgatum | Switchgrass Wand Panic Grass | |
Phoradendron tomentosum | Christmas Mistletoe Mistletoe Injerto | |
Prunus mexicana | Mexican Plum Bigtree Plum Inch Plum | |
Quercus buckleyi | Texas Red Oak Buckley Oak Texas Oak Spanish Oak Spotted Oak Rock Oak | |
Quercus fusiformis | Escarpment Live Oak Plateau Live Oak Hill Country Live Oak Texas Live Oak Scrub Live Oak Plateau Oak Encino Molino Tesmoli | |
Quercus muehlenbergii | Chinkapin Oak Chinquapin Oak Chestnut Oak Yellow Chestnut Oak Rock Chestnut Oak Yellow Oak Rock Oak | |
Ratibida columnifera | Mexican Hat Red-spike Mexican Hat Upright Prairie Coneflower Prairie Coneflower Long-headed Coneflower Thimbleflower | |
Rhus lanceolata | Prairie Flameleaf Sumac Flameleaf Sumac Prairie Sumac Lance-leaf Sumac Lance-leaved Sumac Texas Sumac Tree Sumac Limestone Sumac Prairie Shining Sumac | |
Rhus virens | Evergreen Sumac Tobacco Sumac Lambrisco Lentrisco | |
Salvia farinacea | Mealy Blue Sage Mealy Sage Mealycup Sage | |
Sapindus saponaria var. drummondii | Western Soapberry Soapberry Wild China Tree Wild Chinaberry Indian Soap Plant Jaboncillo | |
Schedonnardus paniculatus | Tumblegrass Tumble Grass | |
Schizachyrium scoparium | Little Bluestem Popotillo Azul | |
Senna lindheimeriana | Lindheimer's Senna Velvet Leaf Senna Velvetleaf Senna Velvet-leaf Wild Sensitive-plant Puppy-dog Ears | |
Setaria parviflora | Marsh Bristlegrass Knotroot Bristlegrass | |
Senna roemeriana | Twoleaf Senna Two Leaved Senna | |
Setaria scheelei | Southwestern Bristlegrass Scheele's Bristlegrass Scheele's Foxtail Grass Foxtail Grass | |
Sideroxylon lanuginosum | Gum Bumelia Gum Bully Woollybucket Bumelia Woolly Bumelia Gum Woollybucket Woolly Buckthorn Chittamwood Shittamwood Gum Elastic Coma Black Haw | |
Smilax bona-nox | Sawbriar Saw Greenbriar Catbriar Barbed Wire Vine Bullbriar Stretchberry Vine | |
Sorghastrum nutans | Indiangrass Yellow Indiangrass Indian Grass | |
Solanum rostratum | Buffalo Bur Buffalo Bur Nightshade Buffalobur Nightshade | |
Sophora secundiflora | Texas Mountain Laurel Mountain Laurel Mescal Bean Mescal Bean Sophora Frijolillo Frijolito | |
Sporobolus compositus var. drummondii | Drummond's Dropseed Head-like Dropseed Meadow Dropseed | |
Symphoricarpos orbiculatus | Coralberry Indian Currant Buckbrush | |
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |