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scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |
Aristida tuberculosa | Seaside Threeawn Seaside Three-awn Beach Needlegrass | |
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi | Kinnikinnick Red Bearberry Kinnikinnik | |
Asclepias amplexicaulis | Clasping Milkweed Bluntleaf Milkweed | |
Asarum canadense | Canadian Wild Ginger Wild Ginger | |
Asplenium ×ebenoides | Scott's Spleenwort Dragontail Fern | |
Asclepias exaltata | Poke Milkweed | |
Asclepias incarnata | Swamp Milkweed Pink Milkweed | |
Asclepias incarnata ssp. incarnata | Swamp Milkweed | |
Asclepias incarnata ssp. pulchra | Swamp Milkweed | |
Asplenium montanum | Mountain Spleenwort | |
Astragalus neglectus | Cooper's Milkvetch | |
Asplenium platyneuron | Ebony Spleenwort | |
Asplenium platyneuron var. platyneuron | Ebony Spleenwort | |
Asclepias purpurascens | Purple Milkweed | |
Asclepias quadrifolia | Fourleaf Milkweed | |
Asplenium rhizophyllum | Walking Fern | |
Asplenium ruta-muraria | Wallrue | |
Asplenium ruta-muraria var. cryptolepis | American Wall Rue Wallrue | |
Asclepias syriaca | Common Milkweed | |
Asplenium trichomanes | Maidenhair Spleenwort | |
Asplenium trichomanes ssp. quadrivalens | Maidenhair Spleenwort | |
Asplenium trichomanes ssp. trichomanes | Maidenhair Spleenwort | |
Asclepias tuberosa | Butterflyweed Butterfly Weed Butterfly Milkweed Orange Milkweed Pleurisy Root Chigger Flower Chiggerweed | |
Asclepias tuberosa ssp. tuberosa | Butterfly Milkweed Butterflyweed | |
Asclepias verticillata | Whorled Milkweed Eastern Whorled Milkweed | |
Atriplex cristata | Crested Saltbush Quelite | |
Athyrium filix-femina | Common Lady Fern Subarctic Lady Fern Lady Fern Ladyfern | |
Athyrium filix-femina ssp. angustum | Subarctic Ladyfern Northern Lady Fern | |
Athyrium filix-femina ssp. asplenioides | Southern Lady Fern | |
Atriplex glabriuscula | Scotland Orache Babington's Orache Northeastern Saltbush Glabrous Orach | |
Atriplex glabriuscula var. glabriuscula | Northeastern Saltbush | |
Atriplex prostrata | Triangle Orache | |
Atriplex subspicata | Saline Saltbush | |
Aureolaria flava | Smooth Yellow False Foxglove Northern False Foxglove | |
Aureolaria flava var. flava | Smooth Yellow False Foxglove | |
Aureolaria pedicularia | Fern-leaf Yellow False Foxglove Yellow False Foxglove Smooth False Foxglove | |
Aureolaria pedicularia var. intercedens | Fern-leaf Yellow False Foxglove Fern-leaved False Foxglove Fernleaf False Foxglove Fernleaf Yellow False Foxglove | |
Aureolaria pedicularia var. pedicularia | Fernleaf Yellow False Foxglove | |
Aureolaria virginica | Downy Yellow False Foxglove Downy False Foxglove | |
Azolla caroliniana | Carolina Mosquitofern | |
Baptisia australis | Blue Wild Indigo Wild Blue Indigo Blue False Indigo | |
Baptisia australis var. australis | Blue Wild Indigo Wild Blue Indigo Blue False Indigo | |
Baptisia bracteata | Longbract Wild Indigo | |
Baptisia bracteata var. leucophaea | Longbract Wild Indigo Cream False Indigo Plains Wild Indigo Cream Wild Indigo Large-bracted Wild Indigo | |
Baccharis halimifolia | Groundseltree Sea-myrtle Consumptionweed Eastern Baccharis Groundsel Groundsel Bush Salt Marsh-elder Salt Bush Florida Groundsel Bush | |
Bartonia paniculata | Twining Screwstem | |
Bartonia paniculata ssp. iodandra | Twining Screwstem | |
Bartonia paniculata ssp. paniculata | Twining Screwstem | |
Baptisia tinctoria | Horseflyweed Yellow Wild Indigo | |
Bartonia virginica | Yellow Screwstem | |
Betula alleghaniensis | Yellow Birch | |
Betula alleghaniensis var. alleghaniensis | Yellow Birch | |
Betula alleghaniensis var. macrolepis | Yellow Birch | |
Betula ×caerulea | Blue Birch | |
Betula ×caerulea var. grandis | Big Blue Birch | |
Betula ×jackii | Birch Jack's Birch | |
Betula lenta | Sweet Birch Cherry Birch Black Birch Mahogany Birch | |
Betula nigra | River Birch Red Birch Black Birch Water Birch | |
Betula papyrifera | Paper Birch Canoe Birch White Birch | |
Betula papyrifera var. cordifolia | Mountain Paper Birch | |
Betula papyrifera var. papyrifera | Paper Birch Western Paper Birch | |
Betula populifolia | Gray Birch White Birch Aspen-leaved Birch | |
Betula pumila | Bog Birch | |
Betula pumila var. renifolia | Bog Birch | |
Bidens aristosa | Bearded Beggarticks Tickseed Sunflower | |
Bidens beckii | Beck's Watermarigold | |
Bidens bipinnata | Spanish Needles | |
Bidens cernua | Nodding Beggartick Bur Marigold Nodding Beggarticks Nodding Bur Marigold Nodding Burmarigold Nodding Burr-marigold Sticktight | |
Bidens coronata | Crowned Beggarticks | |
Bidens connata | Purplestem Beggarticks | |
Bidens discoidea | Small Beggarticks | |
Bidens eatonii | Eaton's Beggarticks | |
Bidens frondosa | Devil's Beggartick Spanish Needles | |
Bidens hyperborea | Estuary Beggarticks | |
Bidens hyperborea var. hyperborea | Estuary Beggarticks | |
Bidens laevis | Smooth Beggartick Smooth Bidens Smooth Bur Marigold Larger Bur Marigold | |
Bidens ×multiceps | Beggarticks | |
Bidens tenuisecta | Slimlobe Beggarticks Beggarticks | |
Bidens tripartita | Threelobe Beggarticks Three-part Beggarticks Leafy-bracted Beggarticks Trifid Bur-marigold | |
Bidens vulgata | Big Devils Beggartick | |
Blephilia ciliata | Downy Pagoda-plant Sunny Woodmint Ohio Horsemint | |
Blephilia hirsuta | Hairy Woodmint Hairy Pagoda-plant | |
Blephilia hirsuta var. hirsuta | Hairy Pagoda-plant Hairy Woodmint Hairy Wood-mint | |
Boltonia asteroides | Boltonia White Doll's Daisy | |
Boltonia asteroides var. latisquama | White Doll's Daisy False Aster Asterlike Boltonia | |
Boltonia asteroides var. recognita | White Doll's Daisy False Aster Asterlike Boltonia | |
Boehmeria cylindrica | Smallspike False Nettle Bog Hemp | |
Botrychium dissectum | Cutleaf Grapefern | |
Bolboschoenus fluviatilis | River Bulrush | |
Bouteloua gracilis | Blue Grama | |
Botrychium lanceolatum | Lanceleaf Grapefern | |
Botrychium lanceolatum var. angustisegmentum | Lanceleaf Grapefern | |
Botrychium matricariifolium | Matricary Grapefern | |
Bolboschoenus maritimus | Cosmopolitan Bulrush Saltmarsh Club-rush Alkali Bulrush Prairie Bulrush Bayonet Grass | |
Bolboschoenus maritimus ssp. paludosus | Cosmopolitan Bulrush Saltmarsh Bulrush | |
Botrychium multifidum | Leathery Grapefern | |
Bolboschoenus novae-angliae | New England Bulrush New England Wood Club-rush | |
Botrychium oneidense | Bluntlobe Grapefern | |
Bouteloua repens | Slender Grama | |
Bouteloua rigidiseta | Texas Grama | |
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |