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South Central Plains

This EPA Level III ecoregion encompasses all or part of 42 Texas counties. It extends from the Western Gulf Coastal Plain east across much of Louisiana and north into southeastern Oklahoma and southwestern Arkansas. In Texas, it covers approximately the same land area as the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department’s Pineywoods vegetative region. This collection lists only those taxa found in the Texas portion of the South Central Plains ecoregion.

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2,448 Results:   10  25  50 100 per page

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Andropogon ternariusSplitbeard Bluestem
Split Bluestem
Ancistrocactus tobuschiiTobusch Fishhook Cactus
Shorthook Fishhook Cactus
Anemone tuberosaTuber Anemone
Desert Anemone
Andropogon virginicusBroomsedge
Broomsedge Bluestem
Yellowsedge Bluestem
Whiskey Grass
Popotillo Pajon
Apios americanaGroundnut
Wild Potato
Indian Potato
Apocynum cannabinumIndian Hemp
Prairie Dogbane
Hemp Dogbane
Aphanostephus ramosissimusPlains Dozedaisy
Lazy Daisy
Aphanostephus ramosissimus var. ramosissimusPlains Dozedaisy
Aphanostephus riddelliiRiddell's Dozedaisy
Lazy Daisy
Aphanostephus skirrhobasisLazy Daisy
Arkansas Lazy Daisy
Arkansas Doze-daisy
Argemone aeneaGolden Pricklypoppy
Golden Prickly Poppy
Argemone albifloraBluestem Pricklypoppy
White Pricklypoppy
White Prickly Poppy
Argemone albiflora ssp. texanaTexas Bluestem Pricklypoppy
Bluestem Pricklypoppy
White Pricklypoppy
White Prickly Poppy
Aronia arbutifoliaRed Chokeberry
Red Chokecherry
Argemone aurantiacaTexas Pricklypoppy
Texas Prickly Poppy
Aristida basirameaForked Threeawn
Three-awned Grass
Fork-tip Threeawn
Arenaria benthamiiHilly Sandwort
Arabis canadensisSicklepod
Aristolochia coryiCory's Dutchman's-pipe
Cory's Pipevine
Aristida desmanthaCurly Threeawn
Aristida dichotomaChurchmouse Threeawn
Arisaema dracontiumGreen Dragon
Aristolochia erectaSwanflower
Ariocarpus fissuratusChautle Livingrock
Living Rock Cactus
Texas Living Rock
Arundinaria giganteaGiant Cane
River Cane
Switch Cane
American Bamboo
Argythamnia humilisLow Silverbush
Aristida lanosaWoollysheath Threeawn
Woolly Three-awn
Aristida longespicaSlimspike Threeawn
Kearney's Three-awn
Red Three-awn
Slender Three-awn
Argythamnia mercurialinaTall Silverbush
Tall Wildmercury
Argythamnia mercurialina var. mercurialinaTall Silverbush
Tall Wild Mercury
Tall Ditaxis
Argythamnia neomexicanaNew Mexico Silverbush
Aristida oliganthaPrairie Threeawn
Oldfield (Prairie) 3-awn
Oldfield Threeawn
Arnoglossum ovatumOvateleaf Cacalia
Arnoglossum plantagineumGroovestem Indian Plantain
Indian Plantain
Prairie Plantain
Prairie Indian Plantain
Argemone polyanthemosCrested Pricklypoppy
Annual Pricklepoppy
Bluestem Pricklepoppy
Bluestem Prickly Poppy
Thistle Poppy
White Prickly Poppy
White Pricklypoppy
Aristida purpurascensArrowfeather Threeawn
Aristida purpureaPurple Threeawn
Purple 3-awn
Purple Three-awn
Red Threeawn
Aristida purpurea var. longisetaRed Three-awn
Fendler Three-awn
Purple Threeawn
Aristida purpurea var. nealleyiBlue Threeawn
Aristida purpurea var. purpureaPurple Threeawn
Red Threeawn
Aristolochia reticulataTexas Dutchman's Pipe
Argemone sanguineaRed Pricklypoppy
Rose Prickly Poppy
Red Prickly Poppy
Aristolochia serpentariaVirginia Snakeroot
Virginia Dutchmanspipe
Aralia spinosaDevil's Walking Stick
Hercules Club
Angelica Tree
Pigeon Tree
Prickly Elder
Prickly Ash
Arundinaria tectaSwitch Cane
Aristolochia tomentosaPipevine
Woolly Dutchman's Pipe
Common Dutchman's Pipe
Arisaema triphyllumJack In The Pulpit
Indian Jack In The Pulpit
Arisaema triphyllum ssp. quinatumFive-leaved Jack-in-the-pulpit
Jack In The Pulpit
Indian Turnip
Arisaema triphyllum ssp. triphyllumJack In The Pulpit
Asclepias amplexicaulisClasping Milkweed
Bluntleaf Milkweed
Asclepias asperulaAntelope-horns
Spider Milkweed
Green-flowered Milkweed
Spider Antelope-horns
Antelope Horns
Astragalus canadensisCanadian Milkvetch
Canada Milkvetch
Milk Vetch
Astragalus crassicarpusGroundplum Milkvetch
Ground Plum
Astragalus crassicarpus var. berlandieriBerlandier's Groundplum
Groundplum Milkvetch
Astragalus crassicarpus var. crassicarpusGroundplum Milkvetch
Astragalus distortusOzark Milkvetch
Bent Milk Vetch
Bentpod Milkvetch
Asclepias engelmannianaEngelmann's Milkweed
Asclepias incarnataSwamp Milkweed
Pink Milkweed
Astrolepis integerrimaHybrid Cloakfern
Astranthium integrifoliumEntireleaf Western Daisy
Astranthium integrifolium ssp. ciliatumEntireleaf Western Daisy
Asclepias incarnata ssp. incarnataSwamp Milkweed
Asclepias incarnata ssp. pulchraSwamp Milkweed
Asclepias lanceolataFewflower Milkweed
Few-flower Milkweed
Red Milkweed
Astragalus leptocarpusRare Loco Milkvetch
Slimpod Milkvetch
Asclepias longifoliaLongleaf Milkweed
Astragalus lotiflorusLotus Milkvetch
Lotus Milk-vetch
Low Milkvetch
Astragalus nuttallianusNuttall's Milkvetch
Small-flowered Milkvetch
Asclepias obovataPineland Milkweed
Asclepias oenotheroidesZizotes Milkweed
Hierba De Zizotes
Side-cluster Milkweed
Longhorn Milkweed
Primrose Milkweed
Lindheimer's Milkweed
Asimina parvifloraSmallflower Pawpaw
Small-flower Pawpaw
Dwarf Pawpaw
Asclepias perennisWhite Swamp Milkweed
Aquatic Milkweed
Asplenium platyneuronEbony Spleenwort
Astragalus pleianthusEdwards Plateau Milkvetch
Asclepias purpurascensPurple Milkweed
Asplenium resiliensBlackstem Spleenwort
Asclepias rubraRed Milkweed
Tall Pink Bog Milkweed
Astrolepis sinuataWavy Scaly Cloakfern
Asclepias stenophyllaSlimleaf Milkweed
Narrowleaf Milkweed
Narrowleaf Green Milkweed
Asclepias tomentosaTuba Milkweed
Asimina trilobaPawpaw
Common Pawpaw
Custard Apple
Indian Banana
Wild Banana
Asclepias tuberosaButterflyweed
Butterfly Weed
Butterfly Milkweed
Orange Milkweed
Pleurisy Root
Chigger Flower
Asclepias variegataRedring Milkweed
White-flowered Milkweed
Asclepias verticillataWhorled Milkweed
Eastern Whorled Milkweed
Asclepias viridifloraGreen Comet Milkweed
Green-flowered Milkweed
Green Milkweed
Wand Milkweed
Asclepias viridisGreen Milkweed
Spider Milkweed
Atriplex canescensChamiso
Four-wing Saltbush
Athyrium filix-feminaCommon Lady Fern
Subarctic Lady Fern
Lady Fern
Athyrium filix-femina ssp. asplenioidesSouthern Lady Fern
Aureolaria grandifloraLargeflower Yellow False Foxglove
False Foxglove
Aureolaria virginicaDowny Yellow False Foxglove
Downy False Foxglove
Avicennia germinansBlack Mangrove
Axonopus compressusBroadleaf Carpetgrass
Axonopus fissifoliusCommon Carpetgrass
Axonopus furcatusBig Carpetgrass
Azolla carolinianaCarolina Mosquitofern
Bahia absinthifoliaHairyseed Bahia
Hairy-seed False Goldfields
Yerba Raton
Baptisia albaWhite Wild Indigo
White Baptisia
Baptisia alba var. macrophyllaLargeleaf Wild Indigo
White Wild Indigo
Baptisia australisBlue Wild Indigo
Wild Blue Indigo
Blue False Indigo
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General Appearance


Light requirement
 Sun - 6 or more hrs
 Part shade - 2 to 6 hrs
 Shade - 2 hrs or less

Soil moisture
 Dry - no signs of moisture
 Moist - looks & feels damp
 Wet - saturated

Bloom Time
 Jan  Feb  Mar
 Apr  May  Jun
 Jul  Aug  Sep
 Oct  Nov  Dec
Bloom Color
 White  Red  Pink
 Orange  Yellow  Green
 Blue  Purple  Violet
 Brown  Black

Leaf Arrangement

Leaf Retention