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332 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page

Can Live Oak suckers be mowed during Oak Wilt spread season in Austin?
April 12, 2010
I live in South Austin, not too far from the Wildflower Center. I have a Live Oak in my yard with a substantial amount of sucker growth from the roots. Can I mow them freely throughout the year, or ...
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Spanish Dagger plant interfering with walkway in Ingram TX
April 09, 2010
I have a Spanish Dagger that is now 8 feet tall and about to fall over in a walkway. Due to the danger of these very sharp tips I need to either cut down the plant or try to root in and replant. If ...
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Removal of yaupon stumps in Midland TX
March 31, 2010
How is the best way to remove Yaupon tree stumps? We have 4 of them.
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Tidying up Copper Canyon Daisies in San Antonio
March 30, 2010
We have a small bed with 4 copper canyon daisies. We cut them back in the fall but have not pruned them during growing season; as a result they become a big tangle by September. Should they be pruned ...
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Why aren't my Forsythias blooming in Stone Mountain, GA?
March 24, 2010
We have a large forsythia stand that has bloomed beautifully for 14 years in a row. Two summers ago I cut them way back in July. For the past two years they have only leafed out, no, or very few bloom...
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Trimming of Aster ericoides in Philadelphia
March 20, 2010
Should I cut back my Aster ericoides, ‘schneegitter’ in the spring?
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Pruning the leaves of Sago Palm.
March 10, 2010
Is it a cardinal sin to remove all the sago palm branches? This winter they were so badly scorched by the cold that hardly a frond went unaffected. So I cut them all off as I needed to get around the...
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Cutting back salvia greggii in Birmingham, AL
February 23, 2010
When is a good time to cut back salvia gregii and how much can you cut it back. We will probably still have frost. Will it grow in sun and shade?
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Eastern redcedar uprooted by snow in Arlington, TX
February 14, 2010
During the recent snowstorm one of our juniperus virginiana fell over with the rootball looking intact and with a lot of soil all around it.Should we try to save it? It is approximately 20 feet tall ...
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Should I use wound paint when pruning my live oak tree?
February 04, 2010
When trimming live oak branches, is it best to coat the wound on the tree? I have been doing this but have recently heard that it can actually be bad for the tree.
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Should I top my scraggly magnolia tree? No
January 27, 2010
Mr.Smarty Plants, I live in Crockett,Tx. My husband and I just bought this house. In the front yard I have a very tall,scraggly magnolia tree due to trees growing up around it. We have cut some of tho...
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Need help with pruning my Anacacho Orchid tree.
January 04, 2010
We have an Anacacho Orchid Tree which has done so well in its location that we will need to prune it back. Please advise how much we can prune it and what time of year to do so. Thank you
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Pruning Bald Cypress in Wylie, TX
January 02, 2010
I have a 6 year old bald cypress that sustained damage to the upper portion of its trunk a couple of years ago. Since that time it has grown more outward than upward and developed a rounder shape. I...
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Trimming American beautyberry in Austin
December 20, 2009
I have recently developed an interest in plants and since I work for a country club taking care of all the House & Grounds Maintenance, the landscaping is certainly a part of my work. I have a questi...
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Freeze damage on perennials in Austin
December 10, 2009
Dear Mr. Smarty Plants, The recent hard freeze in Austin really took a toll on the plants I put in the ground in early October. The leaves of my salvia, lantana and esperanza are completely black! ...
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Cutting back woody plants after freeze in Leander TX
December 10, 2009
I have several woody shrubs in a prominent location. Now that the leaves have frozen, how far back should I cut them? These are Flame Acanthus, Salvia ballotiflora, and Aloysia macrostachya, but I w...
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Freeze damage to esperanza in pot from Brady TX
December 10, 2009
My esperanza, currently in a container, has suffered some freeze damage. I have prepared a planting spot for it and am not sure whether to plant now, trim it back if I do plant it, etc. I would appr...
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Arrows and Hunting Dogs in Kentucky
December 09, 2009
Mr. Smarty Plants--Is it normal for our arrowwood viburnum to give off a musky odour in the late fall? The smell reminds me of a wet hunting dog.
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Leaf loss on Cenizo in Bertram TX
November 17, 2009
I need help with a purple sage (Leucophyllum frutescens) problem. Most of one of my plants started having paler, more greyish leaves, then the leaves began to fall off. It seemed to still look healthy...
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Trimming of turkscap
November 16, 2009
I have a Mexican Turk's cap, it is in its second year of growth and is doing well. However, I feel a need to prune it? do I need to?
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Pruning Texas Mountain Laurel
November 12, 2009
How much can I prune a 10 year old mountain laurel to re-shape it and when?
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Will a cut back yucca grow back in Lockbourne OH?
October 28, 2009
I live in Ohio and recently I cut back all my plants to prepare for winter. I am wondering if my Yuccas will grow back. I cut them to ground level so only a little bit of the leaf is showing. I was...
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Lifespan and pruning of cedar elm in San Antonio
October 03, 2009
How long do cedar elm trees live? How can you estimate the age of one, or tell if it is nearing the end of its normal lifespan? Do you have any recommendations for selecting someone to prune it proper...
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Shaping cenizo in Duncanville TX
October 02, 2009
Our Silverado Sage, which we expected to be 4' to 5' high and wide based on the label when we purchased it about 10 years ago, is nearly 7' tall and very random in shape (not the evenly rounded sha...
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Overwintering Cardinal Flower in Thornwood NY
October 01, 2009
I have 6 Cardinal Flower plants in planters. They have mulch on top to keep them moist. Can they stay in the planters all winter? Do I cut the stalks before winter comes or leave as is?
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