Special Collections
Southwestern Tablelands
This EPA Level III ecoregion encompasses all or part of 49 Texas counties. Situated adjacent to the Central Great Plains ecoregion to the east and the High Plains to the west (which it bisects along the Canadian River in the Texas Panhandle), the Southwestern Tablelands ecoregion encompasses much of east-central New Mexico and southeastern Colorado. It also reaches into south-central Oklahoma. In Texas, along with the Central Great Plains, this ecoregion covers approximately the same land area as the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department’s Rolling Plains vegetative region. This collection lists only those taxa found in the the Texas portion of the Southwestern Tablelands ecoregion.Printer Friendly: Species List | List with Images | List with QR Tags to Mobile
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |
Houstonia acerosa | Needleleaf Bluet | |
Hoffmannseggia glauca | Indian Rushpea Indian Rush-pea | |
Houstonia humifusa | Matted Bluet | |
Hordeum jubatum | Foxtail Barley | |
Hordeum jubatum ssp. jubatum | Foxtail Barley Squirreltail Barley Skunktail | |
Hordeum pusillum | Little Barley | |
Hymenopappus filifolius | Fineleaf Hymenopappus | |
Hymenopappus filifolius var. cinereus | Fineleaf Hymenopappus Fine-leaf Woolly-white | |
Hymenopappus flavescens | Yellow Plainsman Collegeflower | |
Hymenopappus flavescens var. flavescens | Collegeflower | |
Hymenoxys odorata | Bitter Rubberweed | |
Hymenopappus scabiosaeus | Carolina Woollywhite Woolly-white Old Plainsman | |
Hymenopappus scabiosaeus var. corymbosus | Carolina Woollywhite Old Plainsman | |
Hymenopappus tenuifolius | Chalk Hill Hymenopappus Chalkhill Woolywhite | |
Hybanthus verticillatus | Babyslippers Nodding Green Violet Green Violet | |
Ibervillea lindheimeri | Balsam Gourd Lindheimer's Globeberry Globe Berry Snake-apple Balsam-apple | |
Indigofera miniata | Scarlet Pea Coastal Indigo Texas Indigo Western Indigo | |
Ipomopsis aggregata | Scarlet Gilia Scarlet Standing-cypress Skyrocket Skunkflower | |
Ipomoea leptophylla | Bush Morning-glory | |
Ipomopsis longiflora | Flaxflowered Ipomopsis Pale Trumpets Paleflower Gilia White-flower Skyrocket White-flowered Gilia | |
Isocoma pluriflora | Southern Goldenbush Jimmyweed | |
Iva annua | Annual Marshelder Marshelder Sumpweed Annual Marsh Elder Marsh Elder | |
Justicia americana | American Water-willow Water-willow | |
Juncus arcticus ssp. littoralis | Baltic Rush | |
Juniperus ashei | Ashe Juniper Ashe's Juniper Mountain Cedar Rock Cedar Post Cedar Texas Cedar Brake Cedar Mexican Juniper Blueberry Juniper Ozark White Cedar Sabino Enebro | |
Juncus dudleyi | Dudley's Rush | |
Juncus filipendulus | Ringseed Rush | |
Juncus interior | Inland Rush | |
Juncus interior var. interior | Inland Rush | |
Juniperus monosperma | Oneseed Juniper One-seed Juniper Cherrystone Juniper New Mexico Juniper West Texas Juniper | |
Juglans nigra | Black Walnut Eastern Black Walnut American Black Walnut | |
Juniperus pinchotii | Pinchot's Juniper Pinchot Juniper Redberry Juniper Texas Juniper Christmasberry Juniper | |
Justicia pilosella | Hairy Tube-tongue Gregg's Tube-tongue False Honeysuckle | |
Juncus scirpoides | Needlepod Rush | |
Juniperus scopulorum | Rocky Mountain Juniper Rocky Mountain Red Cedar Mountain Red Cedar Colorado Red Cedar Western Red Cedar River Juniper Western Juniper Cedro Rojo | |
Juncus torreyi | Torrey's Rush | |
Juniperus virginiana | Eastern Red Cedar Eastern Redcedar Virginia Juniper Red Juniper Pencil Cedar Carolina Cedar Red Savin | |
Kallstroemia parviflora | Warty Caltrop Small-flowered Carpetweed | |
Krameria lanceolata | Trailing Krameria Ratany Crameria Prairie Sandbur Trailing Ratany | |
Krascheninnikovia lanata | Winterfat | |
Laennecia coulteri | Conyza Coulter's Horseweed Coulter's Woolwort Annual Horsetail | |
Lactuca ludoviciana | Western Wild Lettuce Louisiana Wild Lettuce Prairie Lettuce Prairie Wild Lettuce Biannual Lettuce | |
Lappula occidentalis var. cupulata | Flatspine Stickseed Western Stickseed | |
Lathyrus polymorphus | Manystem Pea Hoary Vetchling | |
Larrea tridentata | Creosote Bush Greasewood Hediondilla Governadora Guamis | |
Lepidium alyssoides | Mesa Pepperwort Mesa Pepperweed Southern Pepperweed | |
Lepidium austrinum | Southern Peppergrass Southern Pepperwort | |
Lespedeza capitata | Roundhead Lespedeza Roundhead Bush-clover Round-headed Lespedeza Round-headed Bush-clover | |
Lepidium densiflorum | Common Pepperweed | |
Lesquerella densiflora | Denseflower Bladderpod Low Bladderpod | |
Leptochloa dubia | Green Sprangletop | |
Lesquerella fendleri | Fendler's Bladderpod Popweed | |
Leptochloa fusca | Malabar Sprangletop | |
Leptochloa fusca ssp. fascicularis | Bearded Sprangletop | |
Lesquerella gordonii | Gordon's Bladderpod | |
Lesquerella grandiflora | Bigflower Bladderpod | |
Lemna minor | Common Duckweed | |
Lechea mucronata | Hairy Pinweed | |
Lepidium oblongum | Veiny Pepperweed | |
Leersia oryzoides | Rice Cutgrass Rice Cut Grass | |
Lesquerella ovalifolia | Roundleaf Bladderpod | |
Leptochloa panicea | Mucronate Sprangletop Red Sprangletop Needle Sprangletop | |
Lespedeza stuevei | Tall Bush-clover Tall Lespedeza | |
Lepidium virginicum | Virginia Peppergrass Virginia Pepperweed Peppergrass Poor Man's Pepper | |
Limnodea arkansana | Ozark Grass Ozarkgrass | |
Linum aristatum | Bristle Flax | |
Linum berlandieri | Berlandier's Yellow Flax | |
Linum berlandieri var. berlandieri | Berlandier's Yellow Flax Yellow Flax Stiff-stem Flax | |
Lithospermum caroliniense | Carolina Puccoon Hairy Puccoon Hispid Gromwell | |
Linum hudsonioides | Texas Flax Yellow Flax Hudson Flax | |
Lithospermum incisum | Fringed Puccoon Golden Puccoon Narrowleaf Puccoon Narrow-leaved Puccoon Puccoon Narrowleaf Gromwell Fringed Gromwell Narrowleaf Stoneseed | |
Linum lewisii | Wild Blue Flax Prairie Flax Lewis Flax Lewis's Flax | |
Linum lewisii var. lewisii | Prairie Flax Blue Flax | |
Linum pratense | Meadow Flax | |
Liatris punctata | Dotted Blazing Star Dotted Gayfeather Dotted Liatris Purples | |
Linum rigidum | Stiffstem Flax Large-flower Yellow Flax Yellow Flax | |
Linum rigidum var. rigidum | Stiffstem Flax | |
Linum rupestre | Rock Flax | |
Liatris squarrosa | Scaly Blazing Star Scaly Gayfeather Scaly Liatris | |
Liatris squarrosa var. glabrata | Scaly Blazing Star Scaly Gayfeather Scaly Liatris | |
Liquidambar styraciflua | Sweetgum American Sweetgum Red Gum White Gum Star-leaved Gum Starleaf Gum Alligator Tree Satin Walnut Bilsted Liquidambar | |
Lindheimera texana | Texas Yellowstar Texas Star Texas Yellow-star Lindheimer Daisy | |
Lonicera albiflora | Western White Honeysuckle White Shrub Honeysuckle White Bush Honeysuckle White Limestone Honeysuckle Texas Honeysuckle White Honeysuckle | |
Lobelia cardinalis | Cardinal Flower | |
Lomatium foeniculaceum ssp. daucifolium | Desert Biscuitroot | |
Loeflingia squarrosa | Spreading Pygmyleaf | |
Lupinus argenteus | Silvery Lupine Silver-stem Lupine | |
Lupinus caudatus | Tailcup Lupine | |
Lupinus plattensis | Nebraska Lupine Dune Bluebonnet | |
Ludwigia repens | Creeping Primrose-willow Floating Primrose-willow Water Primrose | |
Lupinus texensis | Texas Bluebonnet Bluebonnet Texas Lupine Buffalo Clover Wolf Flower | |
Lycopus americanus | American Water Horehound Water Horehound | |
Lycium berlandieri | Berlandier's Wolfberry Wolfberry | |
Lythrum californicum | California Loosestrife | |
Lygodesmia juncea | Rush Skeletonplant | |
Lygodesmia texana | Texas Skeleton Plant Texas Skeleton Weed Skeleton-plant Purple Dandelion Flowering Straw | |
Matelea biflora | Star Milkvine Purple Milkweed Vine | |
Matelea cynanchoides | Prairie Milkvine | |
Mammillaria heyderi | Little Nipple Cactus Heyder Pincushion Cactus | |
Malvella lepidota | Scurfymallow Malvalla | |
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |