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Lonicera albiflora (Western white honeysuckle)
Bransford, W.D. and Dolphia

Lonicera albiflora

Lonicera albiflora Torr. & A. Gray

Western White Honeysuckle, White Shrub Honeysuckle, White Bush Honeysuckle, White Limestone Honeysuckle, Texas Honeysuckle, White Honeysuckle

Caprifoliaceae (Honeysuckle Family)

Synonym(s): Lonicera albiflora var. dumosa, Lonicera dumosa


USDA Native Status: L48 (N)

Usually a 4 ft. deciduous shrub, the long, graceful, sometimes twining branches of white honeysuckle can reach 10 ft. in height. Leaves paired, broadly oval, up to 2 3/4 inches long by 1 3/4 inches wide but usually half these dimensions, rounded at the tip, with a minute point, smooth margins, and rounded or tapered at the base. The pair of leaves immediately below the flowers fused at their bases. Showy, white flowers two lipped, up to 5/8 inch long occur in 2-3 in. clusters at the ends of the branches. and are followed by clusters of orange-red fruit. Fruit a berry up to 3/8 inch in diameter.

The plant serves as browse for deer. Its berries attract birds.

The genus, Lonicera, is named for Adam Lonicer (1528 - 1586), a German botanist noted for his 1557 revised version of Eucharius Rösslin’s herbal. He became professor of Mathematics in 1553 and Doctor of Medicine in 1554, becoming the town physician in Frankfurt-am-Main. His true interest though was herbs and the study of botany.


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Plant Characteristics

Duration: Perennial
Habit: Vine
Leaf Retention: Deciduous
Leaf Arrangement: Opposite
Leaf Complexity: Simple
Leaf Margin: Entire
Leaf Apex: Apiculate
Leaf Base: Rounded
Fruit Type: Berry
Size Notes: 4-10 feet tall.
Flower: Flowers in 2 inch clusters
Fruit: Red

Bloom Information

Bloom Color: White
Bloom Time: Mar , Apr , May


USA: AZ , NM , OK , TX
Native Distribution: Central Texas north to Oklahoma, west to Arizona, and south to Queretaro in central Mexico
Native Habitat: Cedar brakes; cliff edges; rocky slopes

Growing Conditions

Water Use: Low
Light Requirement: Sun , Part Shade
Soil Moisture: Dry , Moist
Cold Tolerant: yes
Heat Tolerant: yes
Soil Description: Rocky or sandy soils. Limestone-based, Sandy Sandy Loam Medium Loam Clay Loam, Clay
Conditions Comments: Usually a 4 ft. shrub, the long, graceful, sometimes twining branches of white honeysuckle can reach 10 ft. in height. Showy, white flowers occur in 2-3 in. clusters and are followed by clusters of orange-red fruit. This is a deciduous shrub. A shrub or woody vine with dark green foliage and attractive clusters of white flowers. It does not have the aggressive tendencies of Japanese honeysuckle.


Use Ornamental: Showy, Blooms ornamental, Fruits ornamental, Easily grown, Climbs walls & columns
Use Wildlife: Deer browse the plant and berries attract birds. Nectar-butterflies, Nectar-bees, Nectar-insects, Fruit-birds, Browse
Conspicuous Flowers: yes
Fragrant Flowers: yes
Attracts: Butterflies

Value to Beneficial Insects

Special Value to Bumble Bees

This information was provided by the Pollinator Program at The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation.


Propagation Material: Seeds
Description: The easiest way to propagate is by softwood or semi-hardwood cuttings taken from summer to fall. Layering is another means of propagations. Seed must be stratified.
Seed Collection: Collect seeds in late summer to early fall when berries turn ripe color. Clean immediately to avoid fermentation and overheating. Store in sealed containers at 34-38 degrees.
Seed Treatment: Stratification for two to three months at 40 degrees.
Commercially Avail: yes

Mr. Smarty Plants says

Perennial vine for full sun, Denton, TX
March 19, 2010
I would like to grow a perennial vine that would tolerate full sun during the day. A flowering or non-flowering is fine. I do NOT want anything that is poisonous, i.e. Carolina jasmine, since this w...
view the full question and answer

From the National Organizations Directory

According to the species list provided by Affiliate Organizations, this plant is on display at the following locations:

Fredericksburg Nature Center - Fredericksburg, TX
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center - Austin, TX
NPSOT - Fredericksburg Chapter - Fredericksburg, TX
NPSOT - Williamson County Chapter - Georgetown, TX


Bibref 355 - Landscaping with Native Plants of Texas and the Southwest (1991) Miller, G. O.
Bibref 354 - Native & Naturalized Woody Plants of Austin & the Hill Country (1981) Lynch, D.
Bibref 841 - Native Alternatives to Invasive Plants (2006) Burrell, C. C.
Bibref 318 - Native Texas Plants: Landscaping Region by Region (2002) Wasowski, S. & A. Wasowski
Bibref 291 - Texas Wildscapes: Gardening for Wildlife (1999) Damude, N. & K.C. Bender
Bibref 286 - Wildflowers of the Texas Hill Country (1989) Enquist, M.

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Additional resources

USDA: Find Lonicera albiflora in USDA Plants
FNA: Find Lonicera albiflora in the Flora of North America (if available)
Google: Search Google for Lonicera albiflora


Record Modified: 2015-12-08
Research By: TWC Staff

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