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New Mexico Recommended
Commercially available native plant species suitable for planned landscapes in New Mexico. Visit our Suppliers Directory to locate businesses that sell native plants or seeds or provide professional landscape or consulting services in this state. Visit the Organizations Directory to locate native plant societies, conservation groups, governmental agencies, botanical gardens, arboreta, and other plant-related organizations in this state.Printer Friendly: Species List | List with Images | List with QR Tags to Mobile
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |
Achnatherum hymenoides | Indian Ricegrass Indian Millet Sandgrass | |
Achillea millefolium | Common Yarrow Western Yarrow Yarrow Milfoil | |
Agave parryi | Parry's Agave Century Plant Parry Agave | |
Amelanchier alnifolia | Saskatoon Serviceberry Western Serviceberry Juneberry | |
Amelanchier utahensis | Utah Serviceberry | |
Aquilegia coerulea | Colorado Blue Columbine Rocky Mountain Columbine | |
Argentina anserina | Silverweed Cinquefoil Common Silverweed Silverweed Goosefoot | |
Artemisia frigida | Prairie Sagewort Prairie Sagebrush Fringed Sage Pasture Sage | |
Artemisia tridentata | Big Sagebrush Great Basin Sagebrush | |
Asclepias elata | Nodding Milkweed Tall Milkweed | |
Asclepias tuberosa | Butterflyweed Butterfly Weed Butterfly Milkweed Orange Milkweed Pleurisy Root Chigger Flower Chiggerweed | |
Atriplex canescens | Chamiso Four-wing Saltbush Wing-scale | |
Baileya multiradiata | Desert Marigold Showy Desert Marigold Paper Daisy Desert Baileya | |
Berlandiera lyrata | Chocolate Daisy Chocolate Flower Lyreleaf Greeneyes Green-eyed Lyre Leaf | |
Bouteloua curtipendula | Sideoats Grama Banderilla Banderita Navajita | |
Bouteloua dactyloides | Buffalograss Buffalo Grass | |
Bouteloua gracilis | Blue Grama | |
Castilleja integra | Wholeleaf Indian Paintbrush Squawfeather | |
Castilleja miniata | Giant Red Indian Paintbrush Meadow Paintbrush | |
Cercocarpus montanus | Alderleaf Mountain Mahogany Silverleaf Mountain Mahogany Mountain Mahogany | |
Chilopsis linearis | Desert Willow Flowering Willow Willow-leaved Catalpa Willowleaf Catalpa Bow Willow Flor De Mimbre Mimbre | |
Chamaebatiaria millefolium | Desert Sweet Fernbush Tansy Bush | |
Clematis ligusticifolia | Western White Clematis Virgin's Bower Pepper Vine Hierba De Chivo | |
Cylindropuntia imbricata var. imbricata | Tree Cholla Teddy-bear Cholla Cholla Cane Cactus Walkingstick Cholla | |
Dasiphora fruticosa ssp. floribunda | Shrubby Cinquefoil Golden Hardhack Potentilla | |
Dasylirion wheeleri | Common Sotol Sotol Desert Spoon Desert Candle | |
Ephedra nevadensis | Nevada Jointfir Nevada Joint-fir | |
Erigeron divergens | Spreading Fleabane Branching Fleabane Fleabane Daisy | |
Ericameria nauseosa var. nauseosa | Rubber Rabbitbrush Rabbitbrush | |
Fallugia paradoxa | Apache Plume Ponil | |
Fendlera rupicola | Cliff Fendlerbush False Mock-orange | |
Forestiera pubescens | Elbowbush Stretchberry Spring Herald Desert Olive Tanglewood Devil's Elbow Spring Goldenglow New Mexico Privet Texas Forsythia | |
Fouquieria splendens | Ocotillo Devil's Walking Stick Candlewood | |
Fraxinus greggii | Gregg's Ash Gregg Ash Littleleaf Ash Dogleg Ash Escobilla Barreta China | |
Fraxinus velutina | Arizona Ash Velvet Ash Desert Ash Leatherleaf Ash Smooth Ash Modesto Ash Toumey Ash Standley Ash | |
Gaillardia aristata | Common Gaillardia Great Blanketflower Blanketflower Brown-eyed Susan | |
Gaillardia pulchella | Indian Blanket Firewheel Girasol Rojo | |
Garrya wrightii | Wright's Silktassel | |
Glandularia bipinnatifida var. bipinnatifida | Prairie Verbena Purple Prairie Verbena Dakota Mock Vervain Dakota Vervain | |
Gutierrezia sarothrae | Broom Snakeweed Kindlingweed Matchbrush Texas Snakeweed Broomweed Turpentine Weed Matchweed | |
Hesperaloe parviflora | Red Yucca Coral Yucca Red-flowered False Yucca Redflower False Yucca Yellow Yucca Hummingbird Yucca Samandoque | |
Ipomopsis aggregata | Scarlet Gilia Scarlet Standing-cypress Skyrocket Skunkflower | |
Ipomoea leptophylla | Bush Morning-glory | |
Ipomopsis longiflora | Flaxflowered Ipomopsis Pale Trumpets Paleflower Gilia White-flower Skyrocket White-flowered Gilia | |
Iris missouriensis | Rocky Mountain Iris Western Blue Flag | |
Juglans major | Arizona Walnut Arizona Black Walnut River Walnut Mountain Walnut Nogal Silvestre | |
Juniperus scopulorum | Rocky Mountain Juniper Rocky Mountain Red Cedar Mountain Red Cedar Colorado Red Cedar Western Red Cedar River Juniper Western Juniper Cedro Rojo | |
Krascheninnikovia lanata | Winterfat | |
Larrea tridentata | Creosote Bush Greasewood Hediondilla Governadora Guamis | |
Leucophyllum frutescens | Cenizo Purple Sage Texas Ranger Texas Barometer Bush Texas Silverleaf Texas Sage Silverleaf | |
Linum lewisii | Wild Blue Flax Prairie Flax Lewis Flax Lewis's Flax | |
Liatris punctata | Dotted Blazing Star Dotted Gayfeather Dotted Liatris Purples | |
Machaeranthera bigelovii | Bigelow's Tansyaster Sticky Aster | |
Mahonia repens | Creeping Barberry Creeping Oregon-grape | |
Machaeranthera tanacetifolia | Tahoka Daisy Tansy-aster Tansey-leaf Tansy-aster Tansyleaf Tansyaster | |
Melampodium leucanthum | Blackfoot Daisy Rock Daisy Plains Blackfoot Arnica | |
Mirabilis multiflora | Colorado Four O'Clock | |
Monarda citriodora | Lemon Beebalm Purple Horsemint Lemon Mint Plains Horsemint Lemon Horsemint Horsemint Purple Lemon Mint | |
Nolina erumpens | Foothill Beargrass Mesa Sacahuista | |
Nolina microcarpa | Sacahuista Sacahuista Beargrass | |
Oenothera caespitosa | Tufted Evening Primrose Gumbo Evening Primrose Gumbo Lily Fragrant Evening Primrose Tufted Evening-primrose | |
Oenothera elata ssp. hookeri | Hooker's Evening-primrose Giant Evening-primrose | |
Oenothera macrocarpa ssp. macrocarpa | Bigfruit Evening-primrose Fluttermill Missouri Evening Primrose | |
Oenothera pallida | Pale Evening-primrose | |
Oenothera speciosa | Pink Evening Primrose Showy Evening Primrose Mexican Evening Primrose Showy Primrose Pink Ladies Buttercups Pink Buttercups | |
Parthenium incanum | Mariola | |
Parthenocissus quinquefolia | Virginia Creeper | |
Pascopyrum smithii | Western Wheatgrass | |
Penstemon ambiguus | Pink Plains Penstemon Pink Plains Beardtongue Gilia Penstemon Gilia Beardtongue Sand Penstemon Sand Beardtongue | |
Penstemon angustifolius | Broadbeard Penstemon Broadbeard Beardtongue Whorled Penstemon Whorled Beardtongue | |
Penstemon barbatus | Scarlet Bugler Beard-lip Penstemon Beard-lip Beardtongue Red Penstemon Red Beardtongue Goldenbeard Penstemon Goldenbeard Beardtongue Saint Joseph's Staff Varita De San Jose | |
Penstemon cobaea | Prairie Penstemon Prairie Beardtongue Foxglove Penstemon Foxglove Beardtongue False Foxglove Large-flowered Penstemon Large-flowered Beardtongue Cobaea Penstemon Cobaea Beardtongue Wild Foxglove | |
Penstemon jamesii | James's Penstemon James's Beardtongue James Penstemon James Beardtongue | |
Peritoma lutea | Yellow Bee-plant Yellow Spiderflower | |
Peritoma multicaulis | Slender Bee-plant Slender Spiderflower | |
Penstemon pseudospectabilis | Desert Penstemon Desert Beardtongue Rosy Desert Penstemon Rosy Desert Beardtongue Canyon Penstemon Canyon Beardtongue Mohave Penstemon Mohave Beardtongue | |
Peritoma serrulata | Rocky Mountain Bee-plant Stinking-clover Bee Spiderflower Navajo Spinach Pink Cleome Toothed Spiderflower Skunkweed | |
Penstemon strictus | Rocky Mountain Penstemon Rocky Mountain Beardtongue | |
Penstemon thurberi | Thurber's Penstemon Thurber's Beardtongue Sand Penstemon Sand Beardtongue | |
Phlox nana | Santa Fe Phlox White-eyed Phlox Canyon Phlox | |
Pinus edulis | Colorado Pinyon Pine Colorado Pinyon Pinyon Pine Pinyon Two-needle Pine Two-needle Pinyon Two-leaf Pinyon Nut Pine Pino Dulce | |
Pinus ponderosa | Ponderosa Pine Western Yellow Pine Pino Blanco | |
Platanus wrightii | Arizona Sycamore Alamo | |
Populus fremontii | Fremont Cottonwood Western Cottonwood Gila Cottonwood Alamo | |
Populus tremuloides | Quaking Aspen Golden Aspen Trembling Aspen Mountain Aspen Aspen Trembling Poplar Alamo Blanco | |
Prosopis glandulosa | Honey Mesquite Glandular Mesquite Algarroba | |
Psilostrophe cooperi | Whitestem Paperflower White-stem Paper-flower Yellow Paper Daisy | |
Pseudotsuga menziesii | Douglas Fir Blue Douglas Fir | |
Psorothamnus scoparius | Broom Dalea Broom Smokebush Broom Pea | |
Purshia mexicana | Mexican Cliffrose Chinacates Chivatillo Romerillo Cimarră³N Romero Romero Cedro | |
Quercus gambelii | Gambel Oak Rocky Mountain White Oak Utah White Oak | |
Quercus turbinella | Shrub Live Oak Sonoran Scrub Oak Scrub Oak Turbinella Oak Turbinella Encino | |
Ratibida columnifera | Mexican Hat Red-spike Mexican Hat Upright Prairie Coneflower Prairie Coneflower Long-headed Coneflower Thimbleflower | |
Rhus microphylla | Littleleaf Sumac Desert Sumac Correosa Agritos | |
Rhus trilobata | Skunkbush Skunkbush Sumac Fragrant Sumac Aromatic Sumac Scented Sumac Ill-scented Sumac Basketbush Squawbush | |
Ribes aureum | Golden Currant | |
Robinia neomexicana | New Mexico Locust Southwestern Locust Hojalito | |
Rudbeckia hirta | Black-eyed Susan Common Black-eyed Susan Brown-eyed Susan Blackeyed Susan | |
Salvia greggii | Autumn Sage Cherry Sage Gregg Salvia | |
Sapindus saponaria var. drummondii | Western Soapberry Soapberry Wild China Tree Wild Chinaberry Indian Soap Plant Jaboncillo | |
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |