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Image Gallery

Welcome to the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center's collection of 82,848 plant images. We have listened to our users and made it even easier to find images in this updated version of the image gallery. All thumbnails are linked to larger versions of the image and image information.


Gaillardia aristata

Gaillardia aristata Pursh

Common Gaillardia, Great Blanketflower, Blanketflower, Brown-eyed Susan

Asteraceae (Aster Family)


USDA Native Status: L48 (N), CAN (N)

NPIN Image Id: 4489
NPIN Image Id: 4490
NPIN Image Id: 22580
NPIN Image Id: 31408
NPIN Image Id: 34804
NPIN Image Id: 44807
NPIN Image Id: 44808
NPIN Image Id: 62246
NPIN Image Id: 68384
NPIN Image Id: 4491
NPIN Image Id: 15756
NPIN Image Id: 20269
NPIN Image Id: 20270
NPIN Image Id: 20271
NPIN Image Id: 20387
NPIN Image Id: 20388
NPIN Image Id: 20389
NPIN Image Id: 20390
NPIN Image Id: 31407
NPIN Image Id: 35249
NPIN Image Id: 44806
NPIN Image Id: 62241
NPIN Image Id: 62242
NPIN Image Id: 62243
NPIN Image Id: 62244
NPIN Image Id: 62245
NPIN Image Id: 62247
NPIN Image Id: 62248
NPIN Image Id: 87763
NPIN Image Id: 87764

Additional resources

USDA: Find Gaillardia aristata images in USDA Plants
Google: Search Google Images for Gaillardia aristata