Special Collections
Edwards Plateau
The Edwards Plateau area includes 1.45 million acres known as the Granitic Central Basin in Llano and Mason Counties. The Balcones Escarpment forms the distinct boundary of the Edwards Plateau on its eastern and southern borders and outlines what is known as the Texas Hill Country.The area is a deeply dissected, rapidly drained stony plain having broad, flat to undulating divides. Prior to modern settlement, vegetation was grassland or open savannah-type plains with tree or brushy species found along rocky slopes and stream bottoms.
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scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |
Palafoxia sphacelata | Othake Sand Palafoxia | |
Panicum virgatum | Switchgrass Wand Panic Grass | |
Pectis angustifolia | Limoncillo Lemonscent Crownseed Pectis Lemon-scented Pectis Lemonscent Pectis Lemonweed Chinchweed Fetid Marigold | |
Penstemon baccharifolius | Rock Penstemon Rock Beardtongue Cut-leaf Penstemon Cut-leaf Beardtongue Baccharis-leaf Penstemon Baccharis-leaf Beardtongue | |
Penstemon cobaea | Prairie Penstemon Prairie Beardtongue Foxglove Penstemon Foxglove Beardtongue False Foxglove Large-flowered Penstemon Large-flowered Beardtongue Cobaea Penstemon Cobaea Beardtongue Wild Foxglove | |
Penstemon fendleri | Fendler's Penstemon Fendler's Beardtongue Fendler Penstemon Fendler Beardtongue Purple Foxglove | |
Penstemon guadalupensis | Guadalupe Penstemon Guadalupe Beardtongue White Penstemon White Beardtongue | |
Penstemon triflorus | Hill Country Penstemon Hill Country Beardtongue Scarlet Penstemon Scarlet Beardtongue Heller's Penstemon Heller's Beardtongue | |
Physostegia angustifolia | Narrowleaf False Dragonhead False Dragon-head | |
Phacelia congesta | Caterpillars Blue Curls Fiddleneck | |
Phlox drummondii | Annual Phlox Drummond Phlox Pride-of-Texas Texas Pride | |
Phlox drummondii ssp. mcallisteri | Mcallister's Phlox Drummond Phlox | |
Phlox pilosa ssp. pilosa | Downy Phlox Prairie Phlox Fragrant Phlox | |
Phlox roemeriana | Goldeneye Phlox Golden-eye Phlox | |
Philadelphus texensis | Texas Mock Orange | |
Pinus remota | Papershell Pinyon Remote Pinyon Pine | |
Platanus occidentalis | American Sycamore Eastern Sycamore American Plane Tree Plane Tree Buttonwood Buttonball Tree | |
Polygala alba | White Milkwort | |
Poa arachnifera | Texas Bluegrass Texas Blue Grass | |
Pontederia cordata | Pickerelweed Pickerel Rush | |
Prosopis glandulosa | Honey Mesquite Glandular Mesquite Algarroba | |
Prunus gracilis | Oklahoma Plum | |
Proboscidea louisianica | Louisiana Devil's-claw Devil's claw Ram's-horn Unicorn Plant Proboscis Flower | |
Prunus mexicana | Mexican Plum Bigtree Plum Inch Plum | |
Prunus munsoniana | Munson Plum Wild Goose Plum | |
Prunus rivularis | River Plum Creek Plum Hog Plum | |
Pteridium aquilinum var. pseudocaudatum | Bracken Fern Bracken Western Bracken Fern Western Bracken | |
Ptelea trifoliata | Wafer Ash Common Hoptree Hop Tree | |
Quercus buckleyi | Texas Red Oak Buckley Oak Texas Oak Spanish Oak Spotted Oak Rock Oak | |
Quercus fusiformis | Escarpment Live Oak Plateau Live Oak Hill Country Live Oak Texas Live Oak Scrub Live Oak Plateau Oak Encino Molino Tesmoli | |
Quercus grisea | Gray Oak Scrub Oak Shin Oak | |
Quercus laceyi | Lacey Oak Texas Blue Oak Canyon Oak Smoky Oak Rock Oak | |
Quincula lobata | Purple Groundcherry Chinese Lantern Purple Ground Cherry | |
Quercus macrocarpa | Bur Oak Burr Oak Savanna Oak Overcup Oak Prairie Oak Mossy-cup Oak Mossy-overcup Oak Blue Oak | |
Quercus marilandica | Blackjack Oak Barren Oak Black Oak Jack Oak | |
Quercus pungens | Pungent Oak Vasey Oak Sandpaper Oak Scrub Oak Shin Oak Scrub Live Oak Encino | |
Quercus sinuata var. breviloba | White Shin Oak Bigelow Oak Scaly-bark Oak Limestone Durand Oak Shortlobe Oak Bastard Oak | |
Quercus stellata | Post Oak Iron Oak Cross Oak | |
Quercus vaseyana | Vasey Oak Sandpaper Oak Scrub Oak Shin Oak | |
Ratibida columnifera | Mexican Hat Red-spike Mexican Hat Upright Prairie Coneflower Prairie Coneflower Long-headed Coneflower Thimbleflower | |
Ranunculus macranthus | Large Buttercup | |
Rhus aromatica | Fragrant Sumac Aromatic Sumac Lemon Sumac Polecat Bush | |
Rhus glabra | Smooth Sumac | |
Rhus lanceolata | Prairie Flameleaf Sumac Flameleaf Sumac Prairie Sumac Lance-leaf Sumac Lance-leaved Sumac Texas Sumac Tree Sumac Limestone Sumac Prairie Shining Sumac | |
Rhus microphylla | Littleleaf Sumac Desert Sumac Correosa Agritos | |
Rhus virens | Evergreen Sumac Tobacco Sumac Lambrisco Lentrisco | |
Rivina humilis | Pigeonberry Rouge Plant Baby-peppers Bloodberry | |
Ruellia drummondiana | Drummond's Ruellia Drummond's Wild Petunia | |
Rudbeckia hirta | Black-eyed Susan Common Black-eyed Susan Brown-eyed Susan Blackeyed Susan | |
Ruellia humilis | Prairie Petunia Fringeleaf Wild Petunia Hairy Ruellia Low Wild Petunia Low Ruellia Fringeleaf Ruellia Fringe-leaf Wild Petunia | |
Ruellia nudiflora | Violet Ruellia Common Wild Petunia Violet Wild Petunia Wild Petunia Hierba De La Calentura | |
Rubus trivialis | Southern Dewberry Dewberry | |
Salvia azurea | Pitcher Sage Big Blue Sage Azure Sage Giant Blue Sage Blue Sage | |
Salvia ballotiflora | Shrubby Blue Sage Blue Shrub Sage Mejorana | |
Sabatia campestris | Texas Star Rose Gentian Meadow Pink Prairie Rose-gentian Prairie Sabatia | |
Salvia engelmannii | Engelmann's Sage Engelmann's Salvia | |
Salvia farinacea | Mealy Blue Sage Mealy Sage Mealycup Sage | |
Salvia greggii | Autumn Sage Cherry Sage Gregg Salvia | |
Sagittaria latifolia | Broadleaf Arrowhead Arrowhead Duckroot Duck-potato Wapato | |
Salvia lycioides | Canyon Sage | |
Sabal minor | Dwarf Palmetto Bush Palmetto Palmetto | |
Salvia pentstemonoides | Big Red Sage Penstemon Sage | |
Sagittaria platyphylla | Delta Arrowhead | |
Salvia roemeriana | Cedar Sage | |
Salvia texana | Texas Sage Blue Sage | |
Scleropogon brevifolius | Burrograss | |
Scutellaria drummondii | Drummond's Skullcap | |
Scutellaria resinosa | Sticky Skullcap Shrubby Skullcap Resin-dot Skullcap Resinous Skullcap | |
Schizachyrium scoparium | Little Bluestem Popotillo Azul | |
Schoenocaulon texanum | Texas Feathershank Green Lily Texas Sabadilla | |
Senegalia berlandieri | Guajillo Berlandier Acacia Berlandier's Acacia Round-flowered Catclaw Roundflower Catclaw Mimosa Catclaw Thornless Catclaw Huajilla | |
Senegalia greggii | Gregg Acacia Gregg's Acacia Gregg Catclaw Acacia Gregg's Catclaw Acacia Gregg Catclaw Gregg's Catclaw Texas Catclaw Acacia Texas Catclaw Long-flowered Catclaw Acacia Longflower Catclaw Acacia Long-flowered Catclaw Longflower Catclaw Catclaw Acacia Catclaw Devil's Claw Uña De Gato | |
Senna lindheimeriana | Lindheimer's Senna Velvet Leaf Senna Velvetleaf Senna Velvet-leaf Wild Sensitive-plant Puppy-dog Ears | |
Setaria parviflora | Marsh Bristlegrass Knotroot Bristlegrass | |
Senegalia roemeriana | Roemer Acacia Roemer's Acacia Roundflower Catclaw Round-flowered Catclaw Catclaw Acacia Catclaw | |
Senna roemeriana | Twoleaf Senna Two Leaved Senna | |
Setaria texana | Texas Bristlegrass | |
Senegalia wrightii | Wright Acacia Wright's Acacia Catclaw Acacia Catclaw | |
Silphium albiflorum | White Rosinweed White-flowered Rosinweed Compass Plant | |
Sisyrinchium langloisii | Roadside Blue-eyed Grass Dotted Blue-eyed Grass Southern Blue-eyed Grass | |
Sisyrinchium sagittiferum | Spearbract Blue-eyed Grass Blue-eyed Grass | |
Solidago altissima | Tall Goldenrod Late Goldenrod Canadian Goldenrod Canada Goldenrod | |
Solidago canadensis | Canada Goldenrod Canadian Goldenrod Tall Goldenrod Giant Goldenrod | |
Solanum elaeagnifolium | Silverleaf Nightshade Silver-leaf Nightshade White Horse Nettle Trompillo Tomato Weed Bull Nettle | |
Solidago nemoralis | Gray Goldenrod Prairie Goldenrod Oldfield Goldenrod Grayleaf Goldenrod Gray-leaved Goldenrod Dyersweed Goldenrod Dwarf Goldenrod Field Goldenrod | |
Sorghastrum nutans | Indiangrass Yellow Indiangrass Indian Grass | |
Sophora secundiflora | Texas Mountain Laurel Mountain Laurel Mescal Bean Mescal Bean Sophora Frijolillo Frijolito | |
Sphaeralcea angustifolia | Narrowleaf Globemallow Copper Globemallow Copper Mallow | |
Sporobolus compositus var. compositus | Composite Dropseed Tall Dropseed | |
Sporobolus cryptandrus | Sand Dropseed | |
Sporobolus wrightii | Big Sacaton Sacaton Alkali Sacaton | |
Styphnolobium affine | Eve's Necklace Eve's Necklacepod Texas Sophora Pink Sophora Necklace Tree | |
Symphyotrichum pratense | Barrens Silky Aster Meadow Aster | |
Symphyotrichum subulatum | Eastern Annual Saltmarsh Aster Baby's Breath Aster Annual Aster Blackland Aster Hierba Del Marrano | |
Teucrium canadense | American Germander Canada Germander Canadian Germander Germander Hairy Germander Wood Sage | |
Teucrium laciniatum | Lacy Germander Cut-leaf Germander Dwarf Germander | |
Tephrosia lindheimeri | Lindheimer's Hoarypea Hoary Pea Lindheimer Tephrosia | |
Tetraneuris scaposa | Four-nerve Daisy Hymenoxys Stemmy Four-nerve Daisy Yellow Daisy Bitterweed | |
Tecoma stans | Yellow Bells Yellowbells Esperanza Yellow Trumpetbush Yellow Trumpetflower Trumpetbush Trumpetflower Yellow Elder Hardy Yellow Trumpet Yellow Trumpet Bush | |
Thelypteris kunthii | Wood Fern River Fern Southern Shield Fern Kunth's Maiden Fern Normal Shield Fern | |
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |