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Commercially available native plant species suitable for planned landscapes in Wisconsin. Visit our Suppliers Directory to locate businesses that sell native plants or seeds or provide professional landscape or consulting services in this state. Visit the Organizations Directory to locate native plant societies, conservation groups, governmental agencies, botanical gardens, arboreta, and other plant-related organizations in this state.

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178 Results:   10  25  50 100 per page

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Monarda fistulosaWild Bergamot
Oenothera biennisCommon Evening-primrose
King's Cure-all
Common Evening Primrose
Oenothera rhombipetalaFourpoint Evening-primrose
Four-point Evening Primrose
Diamond Petal Primrose
Greater Four-point Evening-primrose
Opuntia humifusaLow Prickly Pear
Smooth Prickly Pear
Devil's Tongue
Osmunda cinnamomeaCinnamon Fern
Osmorhiza claytoniiClayton's Sweetroot
Hairy Sweet-cicely
Sweet Jarvil
Osmunda claytonianaInterrupted Fern
Ostrya virginianaEastern Hop-hornbeam
American Hop-hornbeam
Woolly Hop-hornbean
Eastern Ironwood
Roughbark Ironwood
Parthenocissus quinquefoliaVirginia Creeper
Pascopyrum smithiiWestern Wheatgrass
Panicum virgatumSwitchgrass
Wand Panic Grass
Penstemon digitalisMississippi Penstemon
Mississippi Beardtongue
Smooth White Penstemon
Smooth White Beardtongue
Talus Slope Penstemon
Talus Slope Beardtongue
Foxglove Penstemon
Foxglove Beardtongue
Penstemon grandiflorusLarge Penstemon
Large Beardtongue
Large-flower Penstemon
Large-flower Beardtongue
Large-flowered Penstemon
Large-flowered Beardtongue
Phlox divaricata ssp. laphamiiLapham's Phlox
Blue Phlox
Sweet William
Physocarpus opulifoliusCommon Ninebark
Atlantic Ninebark
Phlox pilosaDowny Phlox
Prairie Phlox
Fragrant Phlox
Physostegia virginianaFall Obedient Plant
False Dragonhead
Virginia Lions-heart
Pinus resinosaRed Pine
Norway Pine
Canadian Pine
Pinus strobusEastern White Pine
Weymouth Pine
Polystichum acrostichoidesChristmas Fern
Polygonatum biflorumSmooth Solomon's Seal
Great Solomon's-seal
Populus deltoidesEastern Cottonwood
Carolina Poplar
Necklace Poplar
Podophyllum peltatumMayapple
Indian Apple
Wild Mandrake
Pomme De Mai
Podophylle Pelt
Polemonium reptansGreek Valerian
Jacob's Ladder
Populus tremuloidesQuaking Aspen
Golden Aspen
Trembling Aspen
Mountain Aspen
Trembling Poplar
Alamo Blanco
Prunus americanaAmerican Plum
Wild Plum
Prunus serotinaBlack Cherry
Wild Black Cherry
Rum Cherry
Prunus virginianaChokecherry
Common Chokecherry
Choke Cherry
Pycnanthemum virginianumVirginia Mountain Mint
Quercus albaWhite Oak
Northern White Oak
Eastern White Oak
Stave Oak
Ridge White Oak
Forked-leaf White Oak
Quercus bicolorSwamp White Oak
Quercus macrocarpaBur Oak
Burr Oak
Savanna Oak
Overcup Oak
Prairie Oak
Mossy-cup Oak
Mossy-overcup Oak
Blue Oak
Quercus rubraNorthern Red Oak
Ratibida columniferaMexican Hat
Red-spike Mexican Hat
Upright Prairie Coneflower
Prairie Coneflower
Long-headed Coneflower
Ratibida pinnataGrayhead Coneflower
Gray-headed Coneflower
Grayhead Mexican Hat
Gray-headed Mexican Hat
Pinnate Prairie Coneflower
Yellow Coneflower
Rhus glabraSmooth Sumac
Rhus typhinaStaghorn Sumac
Velvet Sumac
Rosa blandaSmooth Rose
Early Wild Rose
Rosa setigera var. tomentosaClimbing Rose
Illinois Rose
Rudbeckia hirtaBlack-eyed Susan
Common Black-eyed Susan
Brown-eyed Susan
Blackeyed Susan
Rudbeckia subtomentosaSweet Coneflower
Sweet Black-eyed Susan
Sanguinaria canadensisBloodroot
Salix discolorPussy Willow
Glaucous Willow
Schizachyrium scopariumLittle Bluestem
Popotillo Azul
Sisyrinchium campestrePrairie Blue-eyed Grass
White-eyed Grass
Silphium integrifoliumWholeleaf Rosinweed
Entire-leaf Rosinweed
Silphium laciniatumCompassplant
Compass Plant
Silphium perfoliatumCup Plant
Indian Cup
Silphium terebinthinaceumPrairie Rosinweed
Prairie Dock
Solidago nemoralisGray Goldenrod
Prairie Goldenrod
Oldfield Goldenrod
Grayleaf Goldenrod
Gray-leaved Goldenrod
Dyersweed Goldenrod
Dwarf Goldenrod
Field Goldenrod
Sorghastrum nutansIndiangrass
Yellow Indiangrass
Indian Grass
Solidago speciosaShowy Goldenrod
Noble Goldenrod
Solidago ulmifoliaElmleaf Goldenrod
Elm-leaved Goldenrod
Spiraea albaWhite Meadowsweet
Sporobolus heterolepisPrairie Dropseed
Staphylea trifoliaAmerican Bladdernut
Symphoricarpos albusCommon Snowberry
Symphyotrichum ericoidesWhite Heath Aster
Heath Aster
Symphoricarpos orbiculatusCoralberry
Indian Currant
Thalictrum dasycarpumPurple Meadow-rue
Tall Meadow-rue
Meadow Rue
Thalictrum dioicumEarly Meadow-rue
Thuja occidentalisArborvitae
Eastern Arborvitae
Northern White Cedar
Tilia americanaAmerican Basswood
American Linden
Lime Tree
Bee Tree
Tradescantia ohiensisOhio Spiderwort
Tsuga canadensisEastern Hemlock
Typha latifoliaBroadleaf Cattail
Common Cattail
Uvularia grandifloraLargeflower Bellwort
Large-flower Bellwort
Uvularia sessilifoliaSpreading Bellwort
Straw Lily
Wild Oats
Sessile-leaf Bellwort
Sessile Bellwort
Vaccinium angustifoliumLowbush Blueberry
Late Lowbush Blueberry
Vernonia fasciculataPrairie Ironweed
Common Ironweed
Verbena hastataSwamp Verbena
Blue Verbena
Blue Vervain
Simpler's Joy
Veronicastrum virginicumCulver's Root
Viburnum lentagoNannyberry
Sweet Viburnum
Viburnum opulus var. americanumAmerican Cranberry Bush
Highbush Cranberry
American Cranberrybush Viburnum
Cranberry Viburnum
Viola pedataBirdfoot Violet
Bird's-foot Violet
Bird-foot Violet
Viola sororiaMissouri Violet
Common Blue Violet
Hooded Blue Violet
Florida Violet
Meadow Violet
Confederate Violet
Dooryard Violet
Purple Violet
Woolly Blue Violet
Wood Violet
Hooded Violet
Zizia apteraHeart-leaved Meadow Parsnip
Heartleaf Meadow Parsnip
Meadow Parsnip
Heartleaf Alexanders
Meadow Zizia
Zizia aureaGolden Zizia
Golden Alexanders
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178 Results:   10  25  50 100 per page

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General Appearance


Light requirement
 Sun - 6 or more hrs
 Part shade - 2 to 6 hrs
 Shade - 2 hrs or less

Soil moisture
 Dry - no signs of moisture
 Moist - looks & feels damp
 Wet - saturated

Bloom Time
 Jan  Feb  Mar
 Apr  May  Jun
 Jul  Aug  Sep
 Oct  Nov  Dec
Bloom Color
 White  Red  Pink
 Orange  Yellow  Green
 Blue  Purple  Violet
 Brown  Black

Leaf Arrangement

Leaf Retention