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Arizona/New Mexico Mountains

As its name suggests, this EPA Level III ecoregion lies mostly in Arizona and New Mexico, barely reaching into two Texas counties (Culberson and Hudspeth) in the Guadalupe Mountains. In Texas, this ecoregion lies within the area included in the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department’s Trans-Pecos vegetative region. This collection lists only those taxa found in the Texas portion of the Arizona/New Mexico Mountains ecoregion.

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Abronia angustifoliaPurple Sand Verbena
Narrow-leaf Sand-verbena
Abronia fragransFragrant Sand-verbena
Snowball Sand Verbena
Sweet Sand-verbena
Prairie Snowball
Sand Verbena
Heart's Delight
Abutilon fruticosumIndian Mallow
Texas Indian Mallow
Abutilon parvulumDwarf Indian Mallow
Abutilon wrightiiWright's Indian Mallow
Acaciella angustissimaPrairie Acacia
Fern Acacia
Whiteball Acacia
Prairie Wattle
White-ball Acacia
Acaciella angustissima var. chisosianaChisos Prairie Acacia
Acer grandidentatumBigtooth Maple
Big-toothed Maple
Uvalde Bigtooth Maple
Southwestern Bigtooth Maple
Canyon Maple
Sabinal Maple
Western Sugar Maple
Achnatherum hymenoidesIndian Ricegrass
Indian Millet
Acleisanthes longifloraAngel's Trumpets
Angel Trumpets
Achnatherum lobatumLobed Needlegrass
Littleawn Needlegrass
Achillea millefoliumCommon Yarrow
Western Yarrow
Acourtia nanaDwarf Desertpeony
Acalypha phleoidesShrubby Copperleaf
Three-seeded Mercury
Acourtia wrightiiBrownfoot
Pink Perezia
Adiantum capillus-venerisSouthern Maidenhair Fern
Common Maidenhair Fern
Maidenhair Fern
Venus Hair Fern
Agrostis exarataSpike Bentgrass
Spiked Bent
Spike Red Top
Agave glomerulifloraChisos Agave
Chisos Mountains Century Plant
Agave gracilipesSlimfoot Century Plant
Agave lechuguillaLechuguilla
Tula Ixtle
Maguey Lechuguilla
Agastache pallidifloraMountain Giant Hyssop
Agave parryiParry's Agave
Century Plant
Parry Agave
Agave parryi ssp. neomexicanaParry's Agave
New Mexico Agave
Agave parryi ssp. parryiParry's Agave
Rough Agave
Century Plant
Ageratina wrightiiWhite Mistflower
Wright's Snakeroot
White Boneset
White Ageratum
Allium cernuumNodding Onion
Allionia choisyiSmooth Trailing Four O'Clock
Trailing Four O'Clock
Annual Windmills
Allium drummondiiDrummond's Onion
Wild Garlic
Drummond Wild Onion
Allium geyeriGeyer's Onion
Aloysia gratissimaWhitebrush
Common Bee-brush
Privet Lippia
Allowissadula holosericeaVelvet-leaf Mallow
Chisos Mountain False Indianmallow
Allionia incarnataTrailing Windmills
Trailing Four O'Clock
Pink Windmills
Trailing Allionia
Allium kunthiiKunth's Onion
Allium macropetalumLargeflower Onion
Large-petal Onion
Desert Onion
Desert Onion Lily
Allenrolfea occidentalisIodinebush
Aloysia wrightiiWright's Beebrush
Wright's Lippia
Ambrosia confertifloraWeakleaf Bur Ragweed
Weak Leaved Burweed
Slimleaf Bursage
Amphiachyris dracunculoidesPrairie Broomweed
Amsonia longifloraTubular Bluestar
Trumpet Slimpod
Amsonia longiflora var. longifloraTubular Bluestar
Trumpet Slimpod
Amaranthus palmeriCarelessweed
Ammoselinum popeiPlains Sandparsley
Amelanchier utahensisUtah Serviceberry
Andropogon gerardiiBig Bluestem
Tall Bluestem
Andropogon glomeratusBushy Bluestem
Brushy Bluestem
Anulocaulis leiosolenusSouthwestern Ringstem
Antennaria parvifoliaSmall-leaf Pussytoes
Low Everlasting
Nuttall's Pussytoes
Anemone tuberosaTuber Anemone
Desert Anemone
Apocynum cannabinumIndian Hemp
Prairie Dogbane
Hemp Dogbane
Aphanostephus ramosissimusPlains Dozedaisy
Lazy Daisy
Apodanthera undulataMelon Loco
Aquilegia chrysanthaGolden Columbine
Yellow Columbine
Southwestern Yellow Columbine
Aquilegia chrysantha var. chaplineiChaplin's Yellow Columbine
Chaplin's Golden Columbine
Chaplin's Columbine
Chapline Columbine
Guadalupe Mountain Columbine
Argemone chisosensisChisos Mountain Prickly Poppy
Pink Prickly Poppy
Arceuthobium douglasiiDouglas Fir Dwarf Mistletoe
Douglas-fir Dwarf Mistletoe
Artemisia dracunculusTarragon
Ariocarpus fissuratusChautle Livingrock
Living Rock Cactus
Texas Living Rock
Artemisia filifoliaSand Sagebrush
Silver Sagebrush
Silvery Wormwood
Sand Sage
Argythamnia humilisLow Silverbush
Arenaria lanuginosaSpreading Sandwort
Argythamnia mercurialinaTall Silverbush
Tall Wildmercury
Argythamnia mercurialina var. mercurialinaTall Silverbush
Tall Wild Mercury
Tall Ditaxis
Argythamnia neomexicanaNew Mexico Silverbush
Argemone polyanthemosCrested Pricklypoppy
Annual Pricklepoppy
Bluestem Pricklepoppy
Bluestem Prickly Poppy
Thistle Poppy
White Prickly Poppy
White Pricklypoppy
Aristida purpureaPurple Threeawn
Purple 3-awn
Purple Three-awn
Red Threeawn
Aristida purpurea var. nealleyiBlue Threeawn
Argemone squarrosaHedgehog Pricklypoppy
Hedgehog Prickly Poppy
Arbutus xalapensisTexas Madrone
Texas Arbutus
Astragalus albulusCibola Milkvetch
Asclepias asperulaAntelope-horns
Spider Milkweed
Green-flowered Milkweed
Spider Antelope-horns
Antelope Horns
Asclepias brachystephanaBract Milkweed
Desert-rose Milkweed
Astragalus crassicarpusGroundplum Milkvetch
Ground Plum
Astragalus crassicarpus var. crassicarpusGroundplum Milkvetch
Astragalus emoryanusEmory's Milkvetch
Asclepias engelmannianaEngelmann's Milkweed
Astrolepis integerrimaHybrid Cloakfern
Asclepias latifoliaBroadleaf Milkweed
Astragalus lentiginosusFreckled Milkvetch
Asclepias macrotisLonghood Milkweed
Astragalus missouriensisMissouri Milkvetch
Astragalus mollissimusWoolly Locoweed
Purple Locoweed
Woolly Loco
Woolly Milkvetch
Wooly Loco
Wooly Locoweed
Astragalus nuttallianusNuttall's Milkvetch
Small-flowered Milkvetch
Asclepias oenotheroidesZizotes Milkweed
Hierba De Zizotes
Side-cluster Milkweed
Longhorn Milkweed
Primrose Milkweed
Lindheimer's Milkweed
Asplenium resiliensBlackstem Spleenwort
Astrolepis sinuataWavy Scaly Cloakfern
Asclepias subverticillataHorsetail Milkweed
Poison Milkweed
Asclepias tuberosaButterflyweed
Butterfly Weed
Butterfly Milkweed
Orange Milkweed
Pleurisy Root
Chigger Flower
Atriplex canescensChamiso
Four-wing Saltbush
Atriplex obovataMound Saltbush
Bahia absinthifoliaHairyseed Bahia
Hairy-seed False Goldfields
Yerba Raton
Bahia dissectaRagleaf Bahia
Baccharis havardiiHavard's False Willow
Baileya multiradiataDesert Marigold
Showy Desert Marigold
Paper Daisy
Desert Baileya
Bahia pedataBluntscale Bahia
Baccharis salicinaWillow Baccharis
Great Plains False Willow
Baccharis salicifoliaMule's Fat
Seep Willow
Berlandiera lyrataChocolate Daisy
Chocolate Flower
Lyreleaf Greeneyes
Green-eyed Lyre Leaf
Bernardia obovataDesert Myrtlecroton
Bidens bigeloviiBigelow's Beggarticks
Bidens bigelovii var. bigeloviiBigelow's Beggarticks
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General Appearance


Light requirement
 Sun - 6 or more hrs
 Part shade - 2 to 6 hrs
 Shade - 2 hrs or less

Soil moisture
 Dry - no signs of moisture
 Moist - looks & feels damp
 Wet - saturated

Bloom Time
 Jan  Feb  Mar
 Apr  May  Jun
 Jul  Aug  Sep
 Oct  Nov  Dec
Bloom Color
 White  Red  Pink
 Orange  Yellow  Green
 Blue  Purple  Violet
 Brown  Black

Leaf Arrangement

Leaf Retention