Arizona/New Mexico Mountains

As its name suggests, this EPA Level III ecoregion lies mostly in Arizona and New Mexico, barely reaching into two Texas counties (Culberson and Hudspeth) in the Guadalupe Mountains. In Texas, this ecoregion lies within the area included in the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department’s Trans-Pecos vegetative region. This collection lists only those taxa found in the Texas portion of the Arizona/New Mexico Mountains ecoregion.

Scientific Name Common Name Duration Habit Sun Water
Abronia angustifolia Purple Sand Verbena, Narrow-leaf Sand-verbena Annual Herb Part-shade Dry
Abronia fragrans Fragrant Sand-verbena, Snowball Sand Verbena, Sweet Sand-verbena, Prairie Snowball, Sand Verbena, Heart's Delight Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Abutilon fruticosum Indian Mallow, Texas Indian Mallow Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Abutilon parvulum Dwarf Indian Mallow Perennial Subshrub
Abutilon wrightii Wright's Indian Mallow Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Acaciella angustissima Prairie Acacia, Fern Acacia, Whiteball Acacia, Prairie Wattle, White-ball Acacia Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Dry
Acaciella angustissima var. chisosiana Chisos Prairie Acacia Perennial Subshrub, Shrub
Acalypha phleoides Shrubby Copperleaf, Three-seeded Mercury Perennial Herb Part-shade
Acer grandidentatum Bigtooth Maple, Big-toothed Maple, Uvalde Bigtooth Maple, Southwestern Bigtooth Maple, Canyon Maple, Sabinal Maple, Western Sugar Maple Perennial Shrub, Tree Sun Moist
Achillea millefolium Common Yarrow, Western Yarrow, Yarrow, Milfoil Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Dry
Achnatherum hymenoides Indian Ricegrass, Indian Millet, Sandgrass Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun Dry
Achnatherum lobatum Lobed Needlegrass, Littleawn Needlegrass Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun Dry
Acleisanthes longiflora Angel's Trumpets, Angel Trumpets Perennial Herb Sun Moist, Dry
Acourtia nana Dwarf Desertpeony Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Acourtia wrightii Brownfoot, Pink Perezia Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Adiantum capillus-veneris Southern Maidenhair Fern, Common Maidenhair Fern, Maidenhair Fern, Venus Hair Fern Perennial Fern Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Agastache pallidiflora Mountain Giant Hyssop Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist
Agave glomeruliflora Chisos Agave, Chisos Mountains Century Plant Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Agave gracilipes Slimfoot Century Plant Perennial Subshrub Sun Dry
Agave lechuguilla Lechuguilla, Tula Ixtle, Maguey Lechuguilla, Shindagger Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Agave parryi Parry's Agave, Century Plant, Parry Agave Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Agave parryi ssp. neomexicana Parry's Agave, New Mexico Agave Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Agave parryi ssp. parryi Parry's Agave, Rough Agave, Century Plant, Mescal Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Ageratina wrightii White Mistflower, Wright's Snakeroot, White Boneset, White Ageratum Perennial Subshrub, Shrub
Agrostis exarata Spike Bentgrass, Spiked Bent, Spike Red Top Perennial Grass/Grass-like Part-shade Moist
Allenrolfea occidentalis Iodinebush, Pickleweed Perennial Subshrub
Allionia choisyi Smooth Trailing Four O'Clock, Trailing Four O'Clock, Annual Windmills, Umbrellawort, Garapatilla Annual Herb
Allionia incarnata Trailing Windmills, Trailing Four O'Clock, Pink Windmills, Trailing Allionia Perennial Herb
Allium cernuum Nodding Onion Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Allium drummondii Drummond's Onion, Wild Garlic, Drummond Wild Onion Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Allium geyeri Geyer's Onion Perennial Herb, Grass/Grass-like
Allium kunthii Kunth's Onion Perennial Herb
Allium macropetalum Largeflower Onion, Large-petal Onion, Desert Onion, Desert Onion Lily Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Allowissadula holosericea Velvet-leaf Mallow, Chisos Mountain False Indianmallow Perennial Shrub Part-shade Moist
Aloysia gratissima Whitebrush, Bee-brush, White-brush, Common Bee-brush, Beebrush, Privet Lippia Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Moist
Aloysia wrightii Wright's Beebrush, Wright's Lippia Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Amaranthus palmeri Carelessweed Annual Herb
Ambrosia confertiflora Weakleaf Bur Ragweed, Weak Leaved Burweed, Slimleaf Bursage Perennial Herb
Amelanchier utahensis Utah Serviceberry Perennial Tree Part-shade Dry
Ammoselinum popei Plains Sandparsley Annual Herb
Amphiachyris dracunculoides Prairie Broomweed, Broomweed Annual Herb
Amsonia longiflora Tubular Bluestar, Trumpet Slimpod Perennial Herb
Amsonia longiflora var. longiflora Tubular Bluestar, Trumpet Slimpod Perennial Herb
Andropogon gerardii Big Bluestem, Tall Bluestem, Turkeyfoot Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun, Part-shade Moist
Andropogon glomeratus Bushy Bluestem, Brushy Bluestem Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun Wet, Moist
Anemone tuberosa Tuber Anemone, Desert Anemone Perennial Herb
Antennaria parvifolia Small-leaf Pussytoes, Low Everlasting, Nuttall's Pussytoes Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Dry
Anulocaulis leiosolenus Southwestern Ringstem Perennial Herb
Aphanostephus ramosissimus Plains Dozedaisy, Lazy Daisy Annual Herb
Apocynum cannabinum Indian Hemp, Prairie Dogbane, Hemp Dogbane, Dogbane Perennial Herb Part-shade Moist
Apodanthera undulata Melon Loco Perennial Vine Sun Dry
Aquilegia chrysantha Golden Columbine, Yellow Columbine, Southwestern Yellow Columbine Perennial Herb Shade, Part-shade Moist
Aquilegia chrysantha var. chaplinei Chaplin's Yellow Columbine, Chaplin's Golden Columbine, Chaplin's Columbine, Chapline Columbine, Guadalupe Mountain Columbine Perennial Herb Shade, Part-shade Moist
Arbutus xalapensis Texas Madrone, Madrone, Texas Arbutus, Manzanita, Xoxocote, Amazaquitl Perennial Tree Sun, Part-shade Dry
Arceuthobium douglasii Douglas Fir Dwarf Mistletoe, Douglas-fir Dwarf Mistletoe Perennial Subshrub
Arenaria lanuginosa Spreading Sandwort Perennial Herb
Argemone chisosensis Chisos Mountain Prickly Poppy, Pink Prickly Poppy Biennial Herb Sun Dry
Argemone polyanthemos Crested Pricklypoppy, Annual Pricklepoppy, Bluestem Pricklepoppy, Bluestem Prickly Poppy, Pricklypoppy, Thistle Poppy, White Prickly Poppy, White Pricklypoppy Annual Herb Sun Dry
Argemone squarrosa Hedgehog Pricklypoppy, Hedgehog Prickly Poppy Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Argythamnia humilis Low Silverbush Perennial Subshrub Sun, Part-shade Dry
Argythamnia mercurialina Tall Silverbush, Tall Wildmercury Perennial Subshrub
Argythamnia mercurialina var. mercurialina Tall Silverbush, Tall Wild Mercury, Tall Ditaxis Perennial Subshrub
Argythamnia neomexicana New Mexico Silverbush Annual, Perennial Herb
Ariocarpus fissuratus Chautle Livingrock, Living Rock Cactus, Texas Living Rock Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Aristida purpurea Purple Threeawn, Purple 3-awn, Purple Three-awn, Red Threeawn Annual Grass/Grass-like Sun Dry
Aristida purpurea var. nealleyi Blue Threeawn Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun Dry
Artemisia dracunculus Tarragon Perennial Subshrub
Artemisia filifolia Sand Sagebrush, Silver Sagebrush, Silvery Wormwood, Sand Sage Perennial Subshrub Part-shade Dry
Asclepias asperula Antelope-horns, Spider Milkweed, Green-flowered Milkweed, Spider Antelope-horns, Antelope Horns Perennial Herb Sun Moist, Dry
Asclepias brachystephana Bract Milkweed, Desert-rose Milkweed Perennial Herb
Asclepias engelmanniana Engelmann's Milkweed Perennial Herb
Asclepias latifolia Broadleaf Milkweed Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Asclepias macrotis Longhood Milkweed Perennial Subshrub
Asclepias oenotheroides Zizotes Milkweed, Hierba De Zizotes, Side-cluster Milkweed, Longhorn Milkweed, Primrose Milkweed, Lindheimer's Milkweed Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Asclepias subverticillata Horsetail Milkweed, Poison Milkweed Perennial Herb
Asclepias tuberosa Butterflyweed, Butterfly Weed, Butterfly Milkweed, Orange Milkweed, Pleurisy Root, Chigger Flower, Chiggerweed Perennial Herb Sun Moist, Dry
Asplenium resiliens Blackstem Spleenwort Perennial Herb, Fern
Astragalus albulus Cibola Milkvetch Perennial Subshrub Sun Dry
Astragalus crassicarpus Groundplum Milkvetch, Ground Plum Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Astragalus crassicarpus var. crassicarpus Groundplum Milkvetch Perennial Herb
Astragalus emoryanus Emory's Milkvetch Annual, Biennial Herb Sun Dry
Astragalus lentiginosus Freckled Milkvetch Annual Herb
Astragalus missouriensis Missouri Milkvetch Perennial Subshrub
Astragalus mollissimus Woolly Locoweed, Purple Locoweed, Woolly Loco, Woolly Milkvetch, Wooly Loco, Wooly Locoweed Perennial Herb
Astragalus nuttallianus Nuttall's Milkvetch, Small-flowered Milkvetch Annual Herb
Astrolepis integerrima Hybrid Cloakfern Perennial Herb, Fern
Astrolepis sinuata Wavy Scaly Cloakfern Perennial Herb, Fern Sun, Part-shade Dry
Atriplex canescens Chamiso, Four-wing Saltbush, Wing-scale Perennial Shrub Part-shade Dry
Atriplex obovata Mound Saltbush Perennial Subshrub, Shrub
Baccharis havardii Havard's False Willow Perennial Subshrub
Baccharis salicifolia Mule's Fat, Seep Willow Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Moist
Baccharis salicina Willow Baccharis, Great Plains False Willow Perennial Shrub Sun
Bahia absinthifolia Hairyseed Bahia, Hairy-seed False Goldfields, Bahia, Yerba Raton Perennial Herb Sun
Bahia dissecta Ragleaf Bahia Annual Herb
Bahia pedata Bluntscale Bahia Annual, Biennial Herb
Baileya multiradiata Desert Marigold, Showy Desert Marigold, Paper Daisy, Desert Baileya Annual Herb Part-shade Dry
Berlandiera lyrata Chocolate Daisy, Chocolate Flower, Lyreleaf Greeneyes, Green-eyed Lyre Leaf Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist
Bernardia obovata Desert Myrtlecroton Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade
Bidens bigelovii Bigelow's Beggarticks Annual Herb
Bidens bigelovii var. bigelovii Bigelow's Beggarticks Annual Herb
Blepharoneuron tricholepis Pine Dropseed Perennial Grass/Grass-like
Boerhavia coccinea Scarlet Spiderling Perennial Herb
Boerhavia linearifolia Narrowleaf Spiderling Perennial Subshrub
Bothriochloa alta Tall Beardgrass Perennial Grass/Grass-like
Bothriochloa barbinodis Pinhole Bluestem, Cane Bluestem, Cane Beardgrass, Feather Bluestem, Plains Beardgrass Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun Dry
Bothriochloa laguroides Silver Bluestem, Silver Beardgrass Perennial Grass/Grass-like
Bothriochloa laguroides ssp. torreyana Silver Bluestem, Silver Beardgrass, Silver Beard Grass Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun Moist, Dry
Bouteloua barbata Sixweeks Grama Annual Grass/Grass-like
Bouteloua curtipendula Sideoats Grama, Banderilla, Banderita, Navajita Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Bouteloua eriopoda Black Grama Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun Dry
Bouteloua gracilis Blue Grama Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun Dry
Bouteloua hirsuta Hairy Grama Perennial Grass/Grass-like Part-shade Dry
Bouteloua ramosa Chino Grama Perennial Grass/Grass-like
Bouteloua trifida Red Grama Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun
Bouteloua uniflora Oneflower Grama Perennial Grass/Grass-like
Bouvardia ternifolia Scarlet Bouvardia, Firecracker Bush, Trompetilla, Clavillo Perennial Shrub Part-shade Dry
Brickellia coulteri Coulter's Brickellbush, Coulter's Brickellia Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Dry
Brickellia eupatorioides False Boneset Perennial Herb
Brickellia grandiflora Tasselflower Brickellbush, Large-flower Brickelbush Perennial Subshrub
Brickellia laciniata Splitleaf Brickellbush Perennial Shrub
Brickelliastrum fendleri Fendler's Brickellbush Perennial Shrub
Bromus anomalus Nodding Brome Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun Moist
Bromus ciliatus Fringed Brome Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Bromus lanatipes Woolly Brome Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun Dry
Buddleja scordioides Escobilla Butterflybush, Escobilla Perennial Shrub Dry
Calylophus hartwegii Hartweg's Sundrops, Western Primrose Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Calylophus hartwegii ssp. filifolius Hartweg's Sundrops Perennial Subshrub
Calylophus hartwegii ssp. pubescens Hartweg's Sundrops, Grand Prairie Evening Primrose Perennial Subshrub
Calylophus lavandulifolius Lavenderleaf Sundrops, Lavendar-leaf Sundrops, Lavender-leaf Primrose Perennial Herb Sun
Calylophus serrulatus Yellow Sundrops, Yellow Evening Primrose, Plains Evening Primrose Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Campanula rotundifolia Bluebell Bellflower, Bluebell Of Scotland, Bluebell, Harebell, Witches' Thimble Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Dry
Carex hystericina Bottlebrush Sedge Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Carex microdonta Littletooth Sedge Perennial Grass/Grass-like
Carex planostachys Cedar Sedge Perennial Grass/Grass-like Part-shade Dry
Carlowrightia linearifolia Heath Wrightwort Perennial Herb, Subshrub Sun
Carlowrightia texana Texas Wrightwort Perennial Subshrub Sun Dry
Castilleja integra Wholeleaf Indian Paintbrush, Squawfeather Perennial Herb Sun
Castilleja integra var. integra Wholeleaf Indian Paintbrush Perennial Subshrub
Castilleja lanata Sierra Woolly Indian Paintbrush, Woolly Paintbrush Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Castilleja rigida Rigid Indian Paintbrush Perennial Herb
Castilleja sessiliflora Downy Painted Cup, Downy Paintbrush, Great Plains Paintbrush, Great Plains Indian-paintbrush Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Ceanothus greggii Desert Ceanothus Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Celastrus scandens American Bittersweet Perennial Vine Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Celtis laevigata Sugar Hackberry, Texas Sugarberry, Sugarberry, Southern Hackberry, Lowland Hackberry, Hackberry, Palo Blanco Perennial Tree Part-shade Dry
Celtis laevigata var. reticulata Netleaf Hackberry, Netleaf Sugar Hackberry, Western Hackberry, Sugar Hackberry, Texas Sugarberry, Palo Blanco, Acibuche Perennial Tree Part-shade
Cenchrus spinifex Grass Bur, Coastal Sandbur, Field Sandspur, Southern Sandbur, Spiny Burrgrass Annual Grass/Grass-like Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Centaurea americana American Basket-flower, American Star-thistle, Basket-flower, Star Thistle, Shaving Brush, Basket Flower Annual Herb Sun, Part-shade Dry
Cercocarpus montanus Alderleaf Mountain Mahogany, Silverleaf Mountain Mahogany, Mountain Mahogany Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Cevallia sinuata Stinging Serpent, Stinging Cevallia Perennial Herb
Chaetopappa ericoides Rose Heath, Rose-heath Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Chaetopappa hersheyi Guadalupe Leastdaisy Perennial Herb
Chamaesaracha coniodes Gray Five Eyes, False Nightshade, Ground Saracha, Prostrate Ground-cherry Perennial Herb Part-shade
Chamaesaracha coronopus Greenleaf Five Eyes, Green False Nightshade Perennial Herb
Chamaesaracha pallida Pale Five Eyes, False Nightshade, Averett Pale Five Eyes Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade
Chamaesaracha sordida Hairy Five Eyes, False Nightshade Perennial Herb
Chamaesaracha villosa Transpecos Five Eyes, Woolly False Nightshade Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade
Chamaesyce acuta Pointed Sandmat Perennial Herb
Chamaesyce albomarginata Whitemargin Sandmat, Rattlesnake-weed Perennial Herb
Chamaesyce cinerascens Ashy Sandmat Perennial Herb
Chamaesyce fendleri Fendler's Sandmat, Fendler's Spurge, Fendler's Carpetweed, Fendler's Euphorb Perennial Herb
Chamaesyce glyptosperma Ribseed Sandmat, Rib-seeded Sand Mat Annual Herb
Chamaesyce golondrina Boquillas Sandmat, Swallow Spurge Annual Herb
Chamaesyce hyssopifolia Hyssopleaf Sandmat Annual, Perennial Herb
Chamaesyce lata Hoary Sandmat, Hoary Euphorbia Perennial Herb
Chamaesyce missurica Prairie Sandmat, Missouri Spurge Annual Herb
Chamaesyce parryi Parry's Sandmat Annual Herb
Chamaesyce prostrata Prostrate Spurge, Prostrate Sandmat, Ground Spurge Annual Herb Sun, Part-shade Dry
Chamaesyce serpens Matted Sandmat, Prostrate Spurge, Creeping Spurge Annual Herb
Chamaesyce serrula Sawtooth Sandmat Annual Herb
Cheilanthes feei Slender Lipfern Perennial Fern
Cheilanthes horridula Rough Lipfern Perennial Fern Sun Dry
Cheilanthes lindheimeri Fairy-swords Perennial Fern
Cheilanthes wrightii Wright's Lip Fern Perennial Fern Sun, Part-shade Dry
Chenopodium berlandieri Pitseed Goosefoot, Lambs Quarters Annual Herb
Chenopodium incanum Mealy Goosefoot Annual Herb Sun Moist
Chenopodium leptophyllum Narrowleaf Goosefoot Annual Herb
Chenopodium pratericola Desert Goosefoot Annual Herb
Chenopodium simplex Mapleleaf Goosefoot Annual Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Chilopsis linearis Desert Willow, Flowering Willow, Willow-leaved Catalpa, Willowleaf Catalpa, Bow Willow, Flor De Mimbre, Mimbre Perennial Tree Sun Moist, Dry
Chloracantha spinosa Spiny Chloracantha, Mexican Devil-weed Perennial Herb
Chloris cucullata Hooded Windmill Grass, Hooded Windmillgrass Perennial Grass/Grass-like Part-shade Moist
Chloris verticillata Tumble Windmill Grass, Windmillgrass Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun, Part-shade
Chloris virgata Feather Fingergrass, Showy Chloris Annual Grass/Grass-like Part-shade Dry
Choisya dumosa Mexican Orange, Starleaf Mexican Orange, Zorrillo, Fragrant Starleaf Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Dry
Chrysactinia mexicana Damianita Perennial Subshrub, Shrub Sun Dry
Chrysothamnus baileyi Bailey's Rabbitbrush Perennial Subshrub, Shrub Sun Dry
Chrysothamnus pulchellus Southwestern Rabbitbrush, Rubber Rabbit Brush Perennial Subshrub Sun
Cirsium ochrocentrum Yellowspine Thistle Biennial Herb
Cirsium undulatum Wavyleaf Thistle, Plumed Thistle Biennial Herb
Cladium mariscus ssp. jamaicense Jamaica Swamp Sawgrass, Jamaican Saw-grass, Saw-grass Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Clematis drummondii Old Man's Beard, Drummond's Clematis, Texas Virgin's Bower, Goat's Beard Perennial Vine Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Clematis pitcheri Purple Leatherflower, Purple Clematis, Leatherflower, Bluebill, Bellflower Clematis, Pitcher's Clematis Perennial Vine Sun, Part-shade Moist
Cleomella longipes Chiricahua Mountain Stinkweed Annual Herb
Cologania angustifolia Longleaf Cologania Perennial Herb, Vine
Cologania pallida Pale Cologania Perennial Herb
Commelina erecta Dayflower, Widow's Tears, White-mouth Dayflower, Whitemouth Dayflower Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Condalia ericoides Javelina Bush Perennial Shrub Sun
Conoclinium greggii Gregg's Mistflower , Palmleaf Thoroughwort, Palm-leaf Mistflower, Palm-leaf Thoroughwort, Purple Palmleaf Mistflower, Purple Palmleaf Eupatorium Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Dry
Conopholis alpina var. mexicana Mexican Cancer-root, Groundcone, Alpine Squawroot Perennial Herb
Convolvulus equitans Texas Bindweed, Bindweed Annual Vine Part-shade Dry
Conyza canadensis Horseweed, Canadian Horseweed Annual Herb Sun
Cooperia drummondii Evening Rain Lily, Evening Star Rain Lily Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Corallorhiza striata Hooded Coralroot, Striped Coralroot, Bigelow's Coral Root, Macrae's Coral Root, Madder Stripes Perennial Herb
Coreopsis lanceolata Lanceleaf Coreopsis, Lance-leaved Coreopsis, Lanceleaf Tickseed, Sand Coreopsis Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Dry
Corispermum americanum American Bugseed Annual Herb Sun Dry
Corydalis aurea Scrambled Eggs, Golden Corydalis Annual Herb Dry
Corydalis curvisiliqua Curvepod Fumewort, Scrambled Eggs, Golden Smoke, Curvepod Annual Herb Part-shade Dry
Corydalis curvisiliqua ssp. curvisiliqua Curvepod Fumewort Annual, Biennial Herb
Coryphantha echinus Rhinoceros Cactus Perennial Cactus/Succulent Dry
Coryphantha macromeris var. macromeris Nipple Beehive Cactus, Big Needle Cactus, Big Nipple Cory-cactus, Dona Ana, Long Mamma Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun, Part-shade Dry
Croton fruticulosus Bush Croton, Encinilla, Hierba Loca Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Croton lindheimerianus Threeseed Croton Annual Herb Sun
Croton pottsii Leatherweed Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Croton pottsii var. pottsii Leatherweed Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Cryptantha angustifolia Panamint Cryptantha Annual Herb
Cryptantha mexicana Mexican Cryptantha Annual Herb
Cryptantha minima Little Cryptantha Annual Herb Sun Dry
Cryptantha oblata Rough Cryptantha Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Cryptantha palmeri Palmer's Cryptantha Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Cucurbita foetidissima Stinking Gourd, Buffalo Gourd, Missouri Gourd, Stink Gourd, Wild Gourd Perennial Herb Sun
Cuscuta indecora Bigseed Alfalfa Dodder, Largeseed Dodder, Pretty Dodder Perennial Herb, Vine
Cuscuta umbellata Flatglobe Dodder, Santa Fe Dodder Annual Vine
Cylindropuntia imbricata Tree Cholla, Walking Stick Cholla, Cholla Perennial Cactus/Succulent
Cylindropuntia imbricata var. imbricata Tree Cholla, Teddy-bear Cholla, Cholla, Cane Cactus, Walkingstick Cholla Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun, Part-shade Dry
Cylindropuntia kleiniae Candle Cholla, Klein's Pencil Cactus Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun
Cylindropuntia leptocaulis Tasajillo, Christmas Cactus, Pencil Cactus, Christmas Cholla, Desert Christmas Cactus Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Cynanchum pringlei Pringle's Swallow-wort Perennial Herb, Vine
Cyperus esculentus Yellow Nutsedge, Chufa Sedge, Yellow Nut-grass Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun, Part-shade Moist
Cyperus odoratus Fragrant Flatsedge, Fragrant Sedge Annual Grass/Grass-like Sun
Cyperus retroflexus Oneflower Flatsedge Perennial Grass/Grass-like
Cyphomeris gypsophiloides Red Cyphomeris Perennial Subshrub
Cystopteris bulbifera Bulblet Bladder Fern Perennial Herb, Fern Shade Moist
Cystopteris utahensis Utah Bladderfern Perennial Fern
Dalea aurea Golden Dalea, Golden Prairie Clover Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Dalea bicolor var. argyrea Silver Prairie Clover, Silver Dalea, Silver Bush Dalea Perennial Shrub Sun
Dalea candida White Prairie Clover Perennial Subshrub Sun Dry
Dalea candida var. oligophylla Fewleaf White Prairie Clover, White Prairie Clover, Western White Prairie Clover Perennial Herb
Dalea formosa Featherplume, Feather Dalea, Indigobush Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Dalea frutescens Black Dalea, Black Prairie Clover Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Dalea jamesii James's Prairie Clover Perennial Subshrub
Dalea lachnostachys Glandleaf Prairie Clover Perennial Herb
Dalea lanata Woolly Prairie Clover Perennial Herb
Dalea nana Dwarf Prairie Clover, Dwarf Dalea Perennial Shrub
Dalea nana var. carnescens Dwarf Prairie Clover Perennial Herb
Dalea pogonathera Bearded Prairie Clover, Bearded Dalea Perennial Herb
Dalea purpurea Purple Prairie Clover Perennial Subshrub Sun Dry
Dalea purpurea var. purpurea Purple Prairie Clover, Violet Prairie Clover Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Dalea wrightii Wright's Prairie Clover Perennial Herb
Dasylirion leiophyllum Green Sotol, Smooth-leaved Sotol, Smooth-leaf Sotol, Sotol, Desert Candle Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Dasylirion wheeleri Common Sotol, Sotol, Desert Spoon, Desert Candle Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Dasyochloa pulchella Desert Fluffgrass, Low Woollygrass, Low Tridens, Fluff Grass, Fluffgrass, Desert Fluff-grass Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun Dry
Descurainia pinnata Western Tansymustard, Tansy-mustard Annual Herb Sun Dry
Desmanthus glandulosus Glandular Bundleflower Perennial Subshrub
Desmanthus illinoensis Illinois Bundleflower, Bundleflower, Prairie Bundle Flower, Prickleweed, Illinois Desmanthus, Prairie Mimosa Perennial Shrub Sun Moist
Desmanthus velutinus Velvet Bundleflower Perennial Herb
Desmodium psilophyllum Simpleleaf Ticktrefoil, Wright's Tickclover, Beggar's Ticks, Sticktights Perennial Herb
Dichanthelium acuminatum Tapered Rosette Grass Perennial Grass/Grass-like
Dichanthelium pedicellatum Cedar Rosette Grass, Corm-based Panicgrass Perennial Grass/Grass-like
Dichondra argentea Silver Ponysfoot, Silver Ponyfoot Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Dry
Dichondra brachypoda New Mexico Ponysfoot Perennial Herb
Dicranocarpus parviflorus Pitchfork Annual Herb
Digitaria californica Arizona Cottontop, California Cottontop, California Crab Grass, Cottontop Perennial Grass/Grass-like Part-shade Dry
Digitaria pubiflora Carolina Crabgrass Perennial Grass/Grass-like
Dimorphocarpa wislizeni Touristplant, Spectacle Pod Annual Herb Part-shade
Distichlis spicata Saltgrass, Coastal Salt Grass, Inland Salt-grass Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun Wet
Draba cuneifolia Wedgeleaf Draba, Whitlow-grass Annual Herb
Draba platycarpa Broadpod Draba, Broad-pod Draba, Broadpod Whitlowgrass, Broadpod Whitlow-grass Annual Herb
Dyssodia papposa Dogweed, Fetid Marigold Annual Herb
Echinocactus horizonthalonius Devilshead, Eagle Claws, Turk's Head, Devil's Head Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Echinocactus horizonthalonius var. horizonthalonius Devilshead, Turk's Head, Devil's Head, Manca Caballo, Bluebarrel Cactus, Visnaga Meloncillo Perennial Cactus/Succulent
Echinocereus coccineus Scarlet Hedgehog Cactus, Claret Cup Perennial Cactus/Succulent
Echinocereus coccineus var. coccineus Scarlet Hedgehog Cactus, Claret Cup Perennial Cactus/Succulent
Echinocereus coccineus var. paucispinus Scarlet Hedgehog Cactus, Claret Cup Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun, Part-shade Dry
Echinocereus dasyacanthus Texas Rainbow Cactus, Spiny Hedgehog Cactus, Spiny Hedgehog, Golden Rainbow Hedgehog Cactus, Golden Rainbow Hedgehog, Yellow Pitaya Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Echinocereus fendleri Pinkflower Hedgehog Cactus, Pink-flower Hedgehog Cactus, Strawberry Cactus, Fendler Hedgehog, Pink Flower Hedgehog Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Echinocereus stramineus Strawberry Hedgehog Cactus, Pitaya Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Echinocereus viridiflorus Nylon Hedgehog Cactus, Green Pitaya Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Echinocereus viridiflorus var. cylindricus Green-flowered Hedgehog Cactus, Green-flowered Hedgehog, Nylon Hedgehog Cactus, Nylon Hedgehog Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Echinochloa muricata American Barnyard Grass, Rough Barnyard Grass, Barnyard Grass, American Cockspur Grass, Wild Millet Annual Grass/Grass-like Sun Wet, Moist
Echinomastus intertextus White Fishhook Cactus Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Echinomastus warnockii Warnock's Fishhook Cactus Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Eleocharis montevidensis Sand Spikerush, Spike Rush Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun Wet, Moist
Eleocharis rostellata Beaked Spikerush, Leap Frog Spike Rush Perennial Grass/Grass-like Part-shade Wet
Elymus canadensis Canada Wild Rye, Canadian Wildrye, Prairie Wildrye, Nodding Wildrye Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun, Part-shade Moist
Elymus elymoides Squirreltail, Bottlebrush Squirreltail, Squirrel-tail Perennial Grass/Grass-like
Elymus elymoides ssp. brevifolius Squirreltail, Long-leaf Squirrel-tail Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun Dry
Elymus trachycaulus Slender Wheatgrass Perennial Grass/Grass-like
Elymus trachycaulus ssp. trachycaulus Slender Wheatgrass Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun
Encelia scaposa Onehead Brittlebush Perennial Subshrub
Engelmannia peristenia Engelmann's Daisy, Engelmann Daisy, Cutleaf Daisy Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Ephedra antisyphilitica Mormon Tea, Joint-fir, Clapweed, Popote Perennial Shrub Part-shade Dry
Ephedra aspera Rough Jointfir Perennial Shrub
Ephedra torreyana Torrey's Jointfir, Torrey Joint-fir Perennial Shrub Part-shade Dry
Ephedra trifurca Ephedra, Mormon Tea, Longleaf Jointfir, Jointfir, Longleaf Teabush, Tea Weed, Canutillo Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Epipactis gigantea Stream Orchid, Chatterbox Orchid, Giant Hellebore Perennial Herb Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Epithelantha micromeris Pingpong Ball Cactus, Button Cactus Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun, Part-shade Dry
Epixiphium wislizeni Balloonbush, Net-cup Snapdragon Vine, Balloon-sepal Snapdragon Vine Perennial Vine
Equisetum laevigatum Smooth Horsetail, Horsetail Perennial Herb Sun
Eragrostis intermedia Plains Lovegrass, Plains Love Grass Perennial Grass/Grass-like Part-shade Dry
Eragrostis pectinacea Tufted Lovegrass, Tufted Love Grass Annual Grass/Grass-like
Eragrostis pectinacea var. pectinacea Tufted Lovegrass, Tufted Love Grass Annual Grass/Grass-like
Eriastrum diffusum Miniature Woollystar Annual Herb
Ericameria nauseosa Rubber Rabbitbrush, Gray Rabbitbrush Perennial Shrub Dry
Ericameria nauseosa ssp. nauseosa Rubber Rabbitbrush, Rabbitbrush, Chamisa Perennial Shrub Sun
Ericameria nauseosa var. glabrata Rubber Rabbitbrush Perennial Shrub
Erigeron bellidiastrum Western Daisy Fleabane Annual Herb
Erigeron colomexicanus Running Fleabane, Sprawling Daisy Biennial Herb
Erigeron divergens Spreading Fleabane, Branching Fleabane, Fleabane Daisy Biennial Herb Part-shade Moist
Erigeron flagellaris Trailing Fleabane Biennial Herb
Erigeron modestus Plains Fleabane, Prairie Fleabane Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Eriogonum abertianum Abert's Buckwheat, Abert's Wild Buckwheat Annual Herb
Eriogonum annuum Annual Buckwheat, Annual Wild Buckwheat, Umbrella Plant Annual Herb Sun Dry
Eriogonum jamesii James' Buckwheat, James' Wild Buckwheat Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Eriogonum longifolium Longleaf Buckwheat, Longleaf Wild Buckwheat Perennial Herb
Eriogonum longifolium var. longifolium Longleaf Buckwheat Perennial Herb
Eriogonum wrightii Wright's Buckwheat, Bastard-sage, Wild Buckwheat, Perennial Buckwheat, Shrubby Buckwheat, Shrubby Bastard-sage Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Eriogonum wrightii var. wrightii Wright's Buckwheat, Wright's Bastard-sage, Bastard-sage, Shrubby Buckwheat Perennial Subshrub
Erioneuron pilosum Hairy Woollygrass, Hairy Tridens Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun Dry
Erodium texanum Texas Stork's Bill, Stork's Bill, Pine Needle, Fillaree Annual, Biennial Herb Sun Dry
Erysimum capitatum Sand-dune Wallflower, Western Wallflower, Prairie Rocket Biennial Herb Sun Dry
Escobaria dasyacantha var. dasyacantha Big Bend Foxtail Cactus, Big Bend Cactus Perennial Cactus/Succulent
Escobaria tuberculosa Whitecolumn Foxtail Cactus, Cob Beehive Cactus, White-column Foxtail Cactus, White Star Perennial Cactus/Succulent
Escobaria vivipara Spinystar, Common Beehive Cactus, Pincushion Cactus Perennial Cactus/Succulent
Euphorbia antisyphilitica Candelilla, Wax Plant Perennial Subshrub Sun Dry
Euphorbia brachycera Horned Spurge Perennial Herb
Euphorbia cyathophora Wild Poinsettia, Poinsettia, Fire On The Mountain Annual Herb Sun Moist
Euphorbia spathulata Warty Spurge Annual Herb
Evax verna Spring Pygmycudweed Annual Herb
Evax verna var. verna Spring Pygmycudweed Annual Herb
Evolvulus alsinoides Slender Dwarf Morning-glory Perennial Herb
Evolvulus alsinoides var. angustifolius Slender Dwarf Morning-glory Perennial Herb
Evolvulus nuttallianus Shaggy Dwarf Morning-glory, Silky Evolvulus, Shaggy Evolvulus Perennial Herb
Fallugia paradoxa Apache Plume, Ponil Perennial Shrub Part-shade Dry
Fendlera rupicola Cliff Fendlerbush, False Mock-orange Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Fendlera wrightii Wright's Fendlerbush Perennial Shrub
Flaveria chlorifolia Clasping Yellowtops Annual Herb
Flaveria trinervia Clustered Yellowtops Annual Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist
Flourensia cernua American Tarwort Perennial Shrub
Forestiera angustifolia Narrow-leaf Forestiera, Tanglewood, Desert Olive, Texas Swamp-privet, Panalero, Elbow Bush Perennial Tree Sun Dry
Forestiera pubescens Elbowbush, Stretchberry, Spring Herald, Desert Olive, Tanglewood, Devil's Elbow, Spring Goldenglow, New Mexico Privet, Texas Forsythia Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Forestiera pubescens var. pubescens Stretchberry, Elbowbush, Stretch-berry, Downy Forestiera, Desert Olive, Elbow-bush Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Dry
Fouquieria splendens Ocotillo, Devil's Walking Stick, Candlewood Perennial Shrub Part-shade Dry
Fragaria vesca Woodland Strawberry, California Strawberry, Wood Strawberry Perennial Herb Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Fragaria vesca ssp. bracteata Woodland Strawberry, Pacific Strawberry Perennial Herb
Frangula betulifolia Beechleaf Frangula, Birchleaf Buckthorn Perennial Shrub, Tree
Frankenia jamesii James' Seaheath Perennial Subshrub, Shrub
Frasera speciosa Elkweed, Monument Plant Perennial Herb
Fraxinus cuspidata Fragrant Ash, Flowering Ash Perennial Tree Part-shade Dry
Fraxinus velutina Arizona Ash, Velvet Ash, Desert Ash, Leatherleaf Ash, Smooth Ash, Modesto Ash, Toumey Ash, Standley Ash Perennial Tree Sun Dry
Froelichia arizonica Arizona Snakecotton, Arizona Snake-cotton Perennial Herb
Froelichia gracilis Slender Snakecotton, Snake-cotton Annual Herb
Fuirena simplex Western Umbrella-sedge, Umbrellagrass, Western Umbrella Sedge Perennial Grass/Grass-like
Funastrum crispum Wavyleaf Twinevine, Wavy-leaf Milkweed Vine Perennial Subshrub
Funastrum cynanchoides Fringed Twinevine, Climbing Milkweed Vine, Twine-vine Perennial Vine Part-shade Dry
Funastrum cynanchoides ssp. heterophyllum Hartweg's Twinevine, Vine Milkweed Perennial Vine Part-shade Dry
Gaillardia multiceps Onion Blanketflower, Gyp Indian Blanket Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Gaillardia multiceps var. microcephala Onion Blanketflower Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Gaillardia pinnatifida Red Dome Blanketflower, Yellow Gaillardia, Blanket Flower Perennial Herb Sun
Gaillardia pulchella Indian Blanket, Firewheel, Girasol Rojo Annual Herb Sun, Part-shade Dry
Gaillardia pulchella var. pulchella Indian Blanket, Firewheel Annual Herb
Gaillardia suavis Pincushion Daisy, Fragrant Gaillardia, Rayless Gaillardia, Perfumeballs Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Galium proliferum Limestone Bedstraw Annual Herb
Garrya ovata Eggleaf Silktassel, Mexican Silktassel, Eggleaf Garrya, Zumaque, Cuauchichic, Cuauchichi, Guachichi Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Dry
Garrya wrightii Wright's Silktassel Perennial Shrub Part-shade
Gentiana affinis Pleated Gentian Perennial Herb Moist
Geranium caespitosum Pineywoods Geranium Perennial Subshrub
Gilia stewartii Stewart's Gilia Biennial Subshrub
Giliastrum acerosum Bluebowls, Prickleleaf Gilia Annual Subshrub
Giliastrum incisum Splitleaf Gilia, Split-leaf Gilia, Cut-leaf Gilia Annual, Biennial, Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Glandularia bipinnatifida Prairie Verbena, Purple Prairie Verbena, Dakota Vervain, Dakota Mock Vervain, Moradilla, Alfombrilla Perennial Herb, Subshrub Part-shade Moist, Dry
Glandularia bipinnatifida var. ciliata Davis Mountains Mock Vervain, Dakota Mock Vervain, Wright's Verbena Annual Herb
Glandularia quandrangulata Beaked Mock Vervain, Pale Mock Vervain, Chihuahuan Mock Vervain Annual Herb
Glandulicactus uncinatus Chihuahuan Fishhook Cactus Perennial Cactus/Succulent
Glandulicactus uncinatus var. wrightii Chihuahuan Fishhook Cactus, Brown-flowered Hedgehog Cactus, Catclaw Cactus Perennial Cactus/Succulent
Gleditsia triacanthos Honey Locust, Common Honey Locust, Thorny Common Honey Locust, Honey Shucks Locust, Sweet Locust, Thorny Locust, Honey Shucks, Sweet Bean Tree Perennial Tree Part-shade Moist
Glyceria striata Fowl Mannagrass Perennial Grass/Grass-like Part-shade
Grindelia arizonica Arizona Gumweed, New Mexican Gumweed, Cutleaf Gumweed Perennial Herb
Grindelia havardii Havard's Gumweed Biennial Herb
Grindelia papposa Spanish Gold, Clasping-leaved Haplopappus, Saw-leaf Daisy Annual Herb
Grusonia grahamii Graham's Pricklypear, Graham Dog Cactus, Graham's Club Cholla Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Guilleminea densa Small Matweed Perennial Herb
Gutierrezia microcephala Threadleaf Snakeweed, Threadleaf Broomweed, Smallhead Snakeweed, Littlehead Snakeweed Perennial Subshrub
Gutierrezia sarothrae Broom Snakeweed, Kindlingweed, Matchbrush, Texas Snakeweed, Broomweed, Turpentine Weed, Matchweed Perennial Herb, Subshrub Part-shade Dry
Gutierrezia sphaerocephala Roundleaf Snakeweed Annual, Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Gymnosperma glutinosum Gumhead, Tatalencho Perennial Herb
Hedeoma apiculata Mckittrick's False Pennyroyal Perennial Subshrub
Hedeoma drummondii Drummond's False Pennyroyal, Limoncillo, Mock Pennyroyal Annual Herb Part-shade Dry
Helenium microcephalum Smallhead Sneezeweed Annual Herb
Helianthus annuus Common Sunflower, Annual Sunflower Annual Herb Sun Dry
Helianthus ciliaris Texas Blueweed Perennial Herb
Helianthus pauciflorus Stiff Sunflower, Prairie Sunflower Perennial Herb
Helianthus pauciflorus ssp. subrhomboideus Stiff Sunflower Perennial Herb Sun
Helianthus petiolaris Prairie Sunflower, Plains Sunflower Annual Herb Sun
Heliomeris longifolia Longleaf False Goldeneye, Southern Goldeneye Annual Herb Sun Dry
Heliomeris multiflora Showy Goldeneye Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Heliomeris multiflora var. multiflora Showy Goldeneye, Showy False Goldeneye Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Heliotropium convolvulaceum Phlox Heliotrope, Fragrant Heliotrope Annual Herb
Heliotropium curassavicum Salt Heliotrope, Seaside Heliotrope, Quail Plant, Cola De Mico, Cola De Gama Annual Herb Sun Dry
Heliotropium greggii Fragrant Heliotrope Perennial Herb
Heliotropium torreyi Slimleaf Heliotrope Perennial Subshrub, Shrub
Hesperostipa comata Needle And Thread, Needle-and-thread Perennial Grass/Grass-like
Hesperostipa comata ssp. comata Needle And Thread Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun Dry
Hesperostipa neomexicana New Mexico Feathergrass Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun Moist, Dry
Heteropogon contortus Tanglehead Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun Dry
Heterosperma pinnatum Wingpetal Annual Herb
Heterotheca fulcrata Rockyscree False Goldenaster Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Heterotheca villosa Hairy False Goldenaster, Hairy Golden-aster Perennial Herb, Subshrub Sun Dry
Heuchera rubescens Pink Alumroot, Mountain Alumroot, Red Alumroot, Wild Coralbells Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Hexalectris spicata Spiked Crested Coralroot, Spiked Crested Coral Root Perennial Herb
Hexalectris warnockii Texas Crested Coralroot, Texas Purple Spike, Texas Crested Coral Root Perennial Herb
Hibiscus coulteri Desert Rosemallow, Desert Rose-mallow, Coulter Hibiscus Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Hibiscus denudatus Paleface, Rock Hibiscus Perennial Shrub Part-shade
Hoffmannseggia glauca Indian Rushpea, Indian Rush-pea Perennial Herb
Holodiscus dumosus Rockspirea, Glandular Oceanspray, Bush Rockspirea, Cream Bush Perennial Shrub Part-shade Dry
Hordeum jubatum Foxtail Barley Perennial Grass/Grass-like
Hordeum jubatum ssp. jubatum Foxtail Barley, Squirreltail Barley, Skunktail Perennial Grass/Grass-like
Hordeum pusillum Little Barley Annual Grass/Grass-like Sun
Houstonia acerosa Needleleaf Bluet Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Houstonia humifusa Matted Bluet Annual Herb
Hybanthus verticillatus Babyslippers, Nodding Green Violet, Green Violet Perennial Herb Part-shade Moist
Hymenoclea monogyra Singlewhorl Burrobrush Perennial Subshrub, Shrub
Hymenopappus biennis Biennial Woollywhite Biennial Herb
Hymenopappus flavescens Yellow Plainsman, Collegeflower Biennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Hymenoxys odorata Bitter Rubberweed Annual Herb
Hymenoxys richardsonii Pingue Rubberweed Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Ibervillea tenuisecta Slimlobe Globeberry, Cutleaf Globe Berry Perennial Vine
Ipomoea cardiophylla Heartleaf Morning-glory Annual Vine
Ipomoea lindheimeri Lindheimer's Morning-glory, Blue Morning Glory Perennial Vine Sun Dry
Ipomopsis aggregata Scarlet Gilia, Scarlet Standing-cypress, Skyrocket, Skunkflower Biennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Ipomopsis longiflora Flaxflowered Ipomopsis, Pale Trumpets, Paleflower Gilia, White-flower Skyrocket, White-flowered Gilia Annual Herb Sun Dry
Ipomopsis wrightii Leafy Skyrocket Perennial Subshrub
Isocoma pluriflora Southern Goldenbush, Jimmyweed Perennial Herb
Jatropha dioica Leatherstem, Leather Stem, Rubber Plant Perennial Subshrub Sun, Part-shade Dry
Jatropha dioica var. graminea Leatherstem, Bloodroot, Sangre De Drago Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Jefea brevifolia Shortleaf Jefea Perennial Subshrub, Shrub
Juglans microcarpa Little Walnut, Texas Walnut, Texas Black Walnut, River Walnut, Nogalito, Nogalillo, Namboca Perennial Tree Part-shade Dry
Juncus dudleyi Dudley's Rush Perennial Grass/Grass-like
Juncus interior Inland Rush Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun Moist
Juncus interior var. interior Inland Rush Perennial Grass/Grass-like
Juncus torreyi Torrey's Rush Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun Wet, Moist
Juniperus deppeana Alligator Juniper, Checkerbark Juniper, Western Juniper, Oakbark Cedar, Thickbark Cedar, Mountain Cedar, Tascate, Tacate, Tlascal Perennial Tree Sun Dry
Juniperus monosperma Oneseed Juniper, One-seed Juniper, Cherrystone Juniper, New Mexico Juniper, West Texas Juniper Perennial Shrub Part-shade
Juniperus pinchotii Pinchot's Juniper, Pinchot Juniper, Redberry Juniper, Texas Juniper, Christmasberry Juniper Perennial Tree Part-shade Dry
Juniperus scopulorum Rocky Mountain Juniper, Rocky Mountain Red Cedar, Mountain Red Cedar, Colorado Red Cedar, Western Red Cedar, River Juniper, Western Juniper, Cedro Rojo Perennial Tree Sun, Part-shade Dry
Justicia pilosella Hairy Tube-tongue, Gregg's Tube-tongue, False Honeysuckle Perennial Herb Part-shade Moist, Dry
Justicia warnockii Warnock's Water-willow Perennial Subshrub Part-shade Moist
Kallstroemia grandiflora Arizona Poppy, Desert Poppy, Orange Caltrop, Summer Poppy Annual Herb Sun
Kallstroemia parviflora Warty Caltrop, Small-flowered Carpetweed Annual Herb Sun Dry
Koeberlinia spinosa Crown Of Thorns, Spiny Allthorn Perennial Tree
Koeleria macrantha Prairie Junegrass, Junegrass, Prairie Koeler's Grass Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun Dry
Krameria erecta Littleleaf Ratany, Range Ratany Perennial Subshrub Sun
Krameria grayi White Ratany, Crimson Beak, Chacati, Cosahui Perennial Subshrub
Krameria lanceolata Trailing Krameria, Ratany, Crameria, Prairie Sandbur, Trailing Ratany Perennial Herb Part-shade
Krascheninnikovia lanata Winterfat Perennial Shrub Sun
Lactuca graminifolia Grassleaf Lettuce Biennial, Perennial Herb
Lactuca tatarica Blue Lettuce Biennial Herb
Lactuca tatarica var. pulchella Blue Lettuce Biennial Herb
Laennecia coulteri Conyza, Coulter's Horseweed, Coulter's Woolwort, Annual Horsetail Annual Herb
Larrea tridentata Creosote Bush, Greasewood, Hediondilla, Governadora, Guamis Perennial Shrub Part-shade Dry
Lathyrus lanszwertii var. leucanthus Nevada Pea Perennial Vine
Lathyrus polymorphus Manystem Pea, Hoary Vetchling Perennial Vine
Lepidium alyssoides Mesa Pepperwort, Mesa Pepperweed, Southern Pepperweed Biennial, Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Lepidium lasiocarpum Shaggyfruit Pepperweed Annual Herb
Lepidium virginicum Virginia Peppergrass, Virginia Pepperweed, Peppergrass, Poor Man's Pepper Annual Herb Sun Dry
Leptochloa dubia Green Sprangletop Perennial Grass/Grass-like Part-shade Dry
Leptochloa fusca Malabar Sprangletop Annual, Perennial Grass/Grass-like
Leptochloa fusca ssp. fascicularis Bearded Sprangletop Annual Grass/Grass-like
Lesquerella fendleri Fendler's Bladderpod, Popweed Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Lesquerella gordonii Gordon's Bladderpod Annual Herb Sun
Lesquerella purpurea Rose Bladderpod, Purple Bladderpod Perennial Herb
Lesquerella valida Strong Bladderpod, Trong Bladderpod Biennial, Perennial Herb
Leucophyllum minus Big Bend Barometerbush, Big Bend Silverleaf Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Liatris punctata Dotted Blazing Star, Dotted Gayfeather, Dotted Liatris, Purples Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Lilium philadelphicum Wood Lily Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Dry
Linum aristatum Bristle Flax Annual Herb
Linum berlandieri Berlandier's Yellow Flax Annual, Perennial Herb
Linum berlandieri var. filifolium Berlandier's Yellow Flax Annual Herb
Linum imbricatum Tufted Flax Annual Herb
Linum lewisii Wild Blue Flax, Prairie Flax, Lewis Flax, Lewis's Flax Perennial Subshrub Sun Dry
Linum lewisii var. lewisii Prairie Flax, Blue Flax Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Linum puberulum Plains Flax Annual Herb
Linum rupestre Rock Flax Perennial Herb
Linum vernale Chihuahuan Flax, Chihuahua Flax Annual Herb
Lithospermum incisum Fringed Puccoon, Golden Puccoon, Narrowleaf Puccoon, Narrow-leaved Puccoon, Puccoon, Narrowleaf Gromwell, Fringed Gromwell, Narrowleaf Stoneseed Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Lithospermum mirabile San Antonio Stoneseed Perennial Herb
Lithospermum multiflorum Manyflowered Stoneseed Perennial Herb
Lithospermum viride Green Stoneseed, Green Gromwell Perennial Herb, Subshrub Part-shade Moist
Lobelia cardinalis Cardinal Flower Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Lonicera albiflora Western White Honeysuckle, White Shrub Honeysuckle, White Bush Honeysuckle, White Limestone Honeysuckle, Texas Honeysuckle, White Honeysuckle Perennial Vine Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Lonicera arizonica Arizona Honeysuckle Perennial Vine
Lotus plebeius New Mexico Bird's-foot Trefoil, Pine Deervetch, Longbract Bird's-foot Trefoil Perennial Herb
Lupinus havardii Big Bend Bluebonnet, Big Bend Lupine, Havard Bluebonnet, Chisos Bluebonnet Annual Herb Sun Dry
Lycium berlandieri Berlandier's Wolfberry, Wolfberry Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Dry
Lycium torreyi Torrey Wolfberry, Desert-thorn, Box-thorn, Squawberry, Rabbit-thorn, Tomatillo, Garambullo Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Lycurus setosus Bristly Wolfstail Perennial Grass/Grass-like
Lygodesmia texana Texas Skeleton Plant, Texas Skeleton Weed, Skeleton-plant, Purple Dandelion, Flowering Straw Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Machaeranthera canescens Hoary Tansyaster Annual Herb
Machaeranthera pinnatifida Lacy Tansyaster, Yellow Spiny Daisy Perennial Subshrub
Machaeranthera pinnatifida ssp. pinnatifida Lacy Tansyaster, Yellow Spiny Daisy Perennial Herb
Machaeranthera pinnatifida var. chihuahuana Chihuahua Tansyaster, Cutleaf Ironplant Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Machaeranthera pinnatifida var. pinnatifida Lacy Tansyaster, Yellow Spiny Daisy Perennial Subshrub
Machaeranthera tanacetifolia Tahoka Daisy, Tansy-aster, Tansey-leaf Tansy-aster, Tansyleaf Tansyaster Annual Herb Sun, Part-shade Dry
Mahonia haematocarpa Red Barberry, Red Oregon-grape, Algerita Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Dry
Mahonia repens Creeping Barberry, Creeping Oregon-grape Perennial Shrub Part-shade Moist, Dry
Mahonia trifoliolata Agarita, Agarito, Algerita, Laredo Mahonia, Laredo Oregon-grape, Trifoliate Barberry, Wild Currant Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Maianthemum racemosum Feathery False Lily Of The Valley, False Solomon's Seal, Feathery False Solomon's Seal, False Spikenard, Solomon's Plume, Smilacina Perennial Herb
Maianthemum racemosum ssp. amplexicaule Feathery False Lily Of The Valley, Western False Solomon's Seal, Solomon's Plume, False Spikenard Perennial Herb
Malacothrix fendleri Fendler's Desertdandelion Annual Herb
Malvella lepidota Scurfymallow, Malvalla Perennial Herb
Malvella leprosa Alkali Mallow Perennial Herb
Malvella sagittifolia Arrow-leaf Mallow, Arrowleaf Mallow Perennial Herb
Mammillaria heyderi Little Nipple Cactus, Heyder Pincushion Cactus Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Mammillaria lasiacantha Lacespine Nipple Cactus Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Mandevilla macrosiphon Plateau Rocktrumpet, Longtube Trumpet Flower, Flor De San Juan, Rock Trumpet Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Matelea producta Texas Milkvine Perennial Vine
Maurandella antirrhiniflora Snapdragon Vine , Roving Sailor, Climbing Snapdragon, Little Snapdragon Vine Perennial Vine Part-shade Dry
Melampodium leucanthum Blackfoot Daisy, Rock Daisy, Plains Blackfoot, Arnica Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Dry
Melica nitens Three-flower Melic, Tall Melicgrass, Threeflower Melicgrass, Melicgrass Perennial Grass/Grass-like Part-shade Moist, Dry
Menodora longiflora Showy Menodora, Twinpod Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Menodora scabra Rough Menodora Perennial Subshrub Sun
Mentzelia albicaulis Whitestem Blazingstar Annual Herb
Mentzelia multiflora Adonis Blazingstar, Prairie Stickleaf, Blazingstar Biennial Herb
Mentzelia oligosperma Stick-leaf, Chickenthief Perennial Shrub
Mimosa aculeaticarpa Catclaw Mimosa Perennial Shrub, Tree
Mimosa aculeaticarpa var. biuncifera Catclaw Mimosa, Cat's-claw Mimosa, Wait-a-bit Perennial Tree
Mimosa borealis Fragrant Mimosa, Pink Mimosa Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Dry
Mimosa texana Texas Mimosa, Wherry Mimosa Perennial Shrub Part-shade Dry
Mimulus glabratus Roundleaf Monkeyflower, Yellow Monkeyflower Perennial Herb
Mirabilis linearis Narrowleaf Four O'Clock Perennial Herb, Subshrub Sun Dry
Mirabilis multiflora Colorado Four O'Clock Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Mirabilis oxybaphoides Smooth Spreading Four O'Clock Perennial Herb
Mollugo verticillata Green Carpetweed Annual Herb
Monotropa hypopitys Pinesap Perennial Herb
Mortonia scabrella Rio Grande Saddlebush Perennial Shrub
Morus microphylla Texas Mulberry, Littleleaf Mulberry, Mountain Mulberry, Mexican Mulberry, Dwarf Mulberry Perennial Tree Part-shade Dry
Muhlenbergia arenacea Ear Muhly Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun Dry
Muhlenbergia arenicola Sand Muhly Perennial Grass/Grass-like
Muhlenbergia dubia Pine Muhly Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun Dry
Muhlenbergia emersleyi Bullgrass, Bull Muhly Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Muhlenbergia montana Mountain Muhly Perennial Grass/Grass-like Part-shade Dry
Muhlenbergia porteri Bush Muhly Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun Dry
Muhlenbergia spiciformis Longawn Muhly Perennial Grass/Grass-like
Muhlenbergia tenuifolia Slender Muhly, Slimflower Muhly Annual Grass/Grass-like
Muhlenbergia torreyi Ring Muhly, Torrey Muhly Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun Dry
Nama hispidum Sand Bells, Bristly Nama, Sand-bell Annual Herb
Nama xylopodum Yellowseed Fiddleleaf Perennial Subshrub
Nassella tenuissima Mexican Feathergrass, Mexican Wiregrass, Finestem Needlegrass, Ponytail Grass, Texas Tussock Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Neolloydia conoidea Chihuahuan Beehive Cactus, Chihuahuan Beehive, Cone Cactus Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Nerisyrenia camporum Bicolor Fanmustard, Mesa Greggia Perennial Herb
Nerisyrenia linearifolia White Sands Fanmustard Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Nicolletia edwardsii Edwards' Hole-in-the-sand Plant Annual Herb Sun Moist, Dry
Nicotiana obtusifolia Desert Tobacco, Little Tobacco, Tabaquillo, Punche Annual, Biennial, Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Nicotiana obtusifolia var. obtusifolia Desert Tobacco, Little Tobacco, Tabaquillo, Punche Annual Herb
Nolina erumpens Foothill Beargrass, Mesa Sacahuista Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Nolina texana Texas Sacahuista, Texas Beargrass, Basket Grass, Sacahuista, Bunchgrass, Texas Bear-grass Perennial Grass/Grass-like Part-shade Dry
Notholaena standleyi Star Cloak Fern, Northern Desert Star Cloakfern Perennial Fern Part-shade Dry
Nyctaginia capitata Devil's Bouquet, Scarlet Muskflower Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Dry
Oenothera albicaulis Whitest Evening-primrose, White-stem Evening-primrose, Pale Evening-primrose Annual Herb Sun
Oenothera brachycarpa Shortfruit Evening-primrose, Short-fruit Evening-primrose, Shortfruit Evening Primrose Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Oenothera elata Hooker's Evening-primrose, Hooker's Evening Primrose Biennial Herb Sun
Oenothera elata ssp. hirsutissima Hooker's Evening-primrose Biennial Herb
Oenothera pallida Pale Evening-primrose Biennial Herb Sun
Oenothera pallida ssp. runcinata White Sands Evening Primrose Perennial Herb
Oenothera primiveris Desert Evening-primrose, Yellow-flower Desert Evening-primrose, Bottle Evening Primrose, Large Yellow Desert Primrose Annual Herb Sun
Oenothera suffrutescens Scarlet Beeblossom, Scarlet Gaura Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Oenothera suffulta Kisses, Wild Honeysuckle, Beeblossom, Roadside Gaura Annual Shrub Sun Moist
Oligomeris linifolia Lineleaf Whitepuff Annual Herb
Opuntia engelmannii Cactus Apple, Prickly Pear Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Opuntia engelmannii var. engelmannii Cactus Apple, Prickly Pear Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Opuntia macrocentra Purple Pricklypear, Purple Prickly Pear, Long-spined Prickly Pear, Black Spine Prickly Pear Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Opuntia macrocentra var. macrocentra Purple Pricklypear, Purple Prickly Pear Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Opuntia macrorhiza Bigroot Prickly Pear, Twist-spine Prickly Pear, Common Prickly Pear, Plains Prickly Pear Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Opuntia phaeacantha Tulip Prickly Pear, Brownspine Prickly Pear Cactus, Purple-fruited Prickly Pear, Brown-spined Prickly Pear, New Mexico Prickly Pear, Desert Prickly Pear Perennial Cactus/Succulent Part-shade Dry
Opuntia polyacantha Plains Prickly Pear, Hair-spine Prickly Pear, Nopal Peludito Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Opuntia polyacantha var. polyacantha Hairspine Pricklypear, Utah Grizzlybear Pricklypear Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Opuntia rufida Blind Pricklypear, Blind Prickly Pear Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun, Part-shade Dry
Orobanche ludoviciana Louisiana Broomrape Annual Herb
Orobanche ludoviciana ssp. multiflora Manyflower Broomrape Annual Herb
Oxalis drummondii Drummond's Wood-sorrel, Large-leaf Wood-sorrel, Drummond's Woodsorrel Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Packera fendleri Fendler's Ragwort Perennial Herb
Packera millelobata Uinta Ragwort Perennial Herb
Packera neomexicana var. neomexicana New Mexico Groundsel Perennial Herb
Packera obovata Golden Groundsel, Roundleaf Groundsel, Roundleaf Ragwort Perennial Herb Shade, Part-shade Moist
Packera plattensis Prairie Groundsel, Prairie Ragwort Biennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Dry
Packera tampicana Yellowtop, Great Plains Ragwort, Butterweed Annual Herb
Palafoxia sphacelata Othake, Sand Palafoxia Annual Herb Dry
Panicum hallii Hall's Panicgrass, Hall's Panic Grass Perennial Grass/Grass-like
Panicum hirticaule var. hirticaule Mexican Panicgrass, Sauwi, Mexican Panic Grass Annual Grass/Grass-like
Panicum obtusum Vine Mesquite Perennial Grass/Grass-like Part-shade
Parietaria pensylvanica Pennsylvania Pellitory, Pennsylvania Cucumber Plant Annual Herb
Paronychia jamesii James' Nailwort Perennial Subshrub
Parthenium confertum Gray's Feverfew Annual, Biennial, Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Parthenium incanum Mariola Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Pascopyrum smithii Western Wheatgrass Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun, Part-shade Moist
Paspalum distichum Knotgrass Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun
Pectis angustifolia Limoncillo, Lemonscent, Crownseed Pectis, Lemon-scented Pectis, Lemonscent Pectis, Lemonweed, Chinchweed, Fetid Marigold Annual Herb Part-shade Dry
Pectis papposa Manybristle Cinchweed, Chinchweed Annual Herb
Peganum mexicanum Garbancillo Perennial Herb
Pellaea atropurpurea Purple Cliffbrake Perennial Herb, Fern Dry
Pellaea wrightiana Wright's Cliffbrake Fern, Wright's Cliffbrake Perennial Fern
Peniocereus greggii Nightblooming Cereus, Night-blooming Cereus Perennial Cactus/Succulent
Peniocereus greggii var. greggii Nightblooming Cereus, Night-blooming-cereus, Queen Of The Night Perennial Cactus/Succulent Part-shade Dry
Penstemon ambiguus Pink Plains Penstemon, Pink Plains Beardtongue, Gilia Penstemon, Gilia Beardtongue, Sand Penstemon, Sand Beardtongue Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Penstemon barbatus Scarlet Bugler, Beard-lip Penstemon, Beard-lip Beardtongue, Red Penstemon, Red Beardtongue, Goldenbeard Penstemon, Goldenbeard Beardtongue, Saint Joseph's Staff, Varita De San Jose Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Penstemon cardinalis Cardinal Penstemon, Cardinal Beardtongue Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Dry
Penstemon fendleri Fendler's Penstemon, Fendler's Beardtongue, Fendler Penstemon, Fendler Beardtongue, Purple Foxglove Perennial Herb Sun
Penstemon jamesii James's Penstemon, James's Beardtongue, James Penstemon, James Beardtongue Perennial Herb Sun
Pericome caudata Mountain Tail-leaf, Tail-leaf Pericome Perennial Herb
Perityle quinqueflora Fiveflower Rockdaisy Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Phacelia coerulea Skyblue Phacelia, Baby Blue Phacelia, Sky-blue Scorpion-weed, Skyblue Scorpionweed Annual Herb
Phacelia congesta Caterpillars, Blue Curls, Fiddleneck Annual, Biennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Dry
Phacelia crenulata Cleft-leaf Wild Heliotrope, Notchleaf Phacelia, Notch-leaf Scorpion-weed Annual Herb
Phacelia integrifolia Gypsum Phacelia, Gyp Blue-curls Annual Herb Part-shade Dry
Phacelia popei Pope's Phacelia Annual Herb
Phacelia rupestris Rock Phacelia Annual, Biennial Herb
Phalaris caroliniana Carolina Canarygrass, Maygrass Annual Grass/Grass-like
Phanerophlebia auriculata Eared Veinfern Perennial Fern
Phaseolus acutifolius Tepary Bean Annual Herb, Vine
Phemeranthus aurantiacus Orange Flameflower, Flameflower, Fameflower, Talinum Perennial Subshrub Part-shade Dry
Philadelphus microphyllus Littleleaf Mock Orange Perennial Shrub Sun
Phlox nana Santa Fe Phlox, White-eyed Phlox, Canyon Phlox Perennial Herb
Phoradendron juniperinum Juniper Mistletoe Perennial Subshrub, Shrub
Phoradendron tomentosum Christmas Mistletoe, Mistletoe, Injerto Perennial Subshrub
Phyla cuneifolia Wedgeleaf, Wedgeleaf Frogfruit, Wedgeleaf Fogfruit Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Phyla nodiflora Texas Frogfruit, Turkey Tangle Fogfruit, Frogfruit Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Phyllanthus abnormis Drummond's Leaf-flower Annual Herb
Phyllanthus polygonoides Smartweed Leaf-flower, Knotweed Leafflower Perennial Subshrub
Physalis hederifolia Ivyleaf Groundcherry, Ivy-leaf Groundcherry Perennial Subshrub
Physalis heterophylla Clammy Groundcherry Perennial Herb Dry
Physocarpus monogynus Mountain Ninebark Perennial Shrub
Physostegia virginiana Fall Obedient Plant, False Dragonhead, Virginia Lions-heart Perennial Herb Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist
Physostegia virginiana ssp. praemorsa Obedient Plant, Fall Obedient Plant, Lionheart, False Dragonhead Perennial Herb Part-shade Moist
Picradeniopsis woodhousei Woodhouse's Bahia Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Pinaropappus parvus Small Rocklettuce Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Pinaropappus roseus White Rocklettuce, White Dandelion, Pink Dandelion, White Rock Lettuce Perennial Herb
Pinus edulis Colorado Pinyon Pine, Colorado Pinyon, Pinyon Pine, Pinyon, Two-needle Pine, Two-needle Pinyon, Two-leaf Pinyon, Nut Pine, Pino Dulce Perennial Tree Part-shade Dry
Pinus ponderosa Ponderosa Pine, Western Yellow Pine, Pino Blanco Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Pinus ponderosa var. scopulorum Rocky Mountain Ponderosa Pine, Interior Ponderosa Pine, Black Hills Ponderosa Pine, Ponderosa Pine Perennial Tree Sun Dry
Pinus strobiformis Southwestern White Pine, Border White Pine, Mexican White Pine, Border Limber Pine, Limber Pine Perennial Tree Sun Dry
Plantago helleri Heller's Plantain, Cedar Plantain Annual Herb
Plantago patagonica Woolly Plantain, Bristle-bract Plantain Annual Herb
Plantago rhodosperma Redseed Plantain, Red-seeded Plantain Annual Herb
Pleuraphis mutica Tobosagrass, Tobosa Grass Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun Dry
Pluchea sericea Arrowweed, Arrow Weed Perennial Shrub
Poa bigelovii Bigelow's Bluegrass Annual Grass/Grass-like
Poa fendleriana Muttongrass Perennial Grass/Grass-like
Polanisia uniglandulosa Mexican Clammyweed, Clammyweed Annual Herb
Poliomintha incana Frosted Mint, Hoary Rosemary-mint, Mintbush Perennial Shrub Sun
Polygala alba White Milkwort Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Polygala macradenia Glandleaf Milkwort Perennial Subshrub
Polygala obscura Velvetseed Milkwort Perennial Subshrub
Pomaria jamesii James' Holdback, James Rush-pea Perennial Herb
Populus deltoides Eastern Cottonwood, Carolina Poplar, Necklace Poplar, Alamo Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist, Dry
Populus deltoides ssp. wislizeni Rio Grande Cottonwood, Valley Cottonwood, Wislizenus Cottonwood, Alamo, Guerigo Perennial Tree Part-shade Dry
Populus tremuloides Quaking Aspen, Golden Aspen, Trembling Aspen, Mountain Aspen, Aspen, Trembling Poplar, Alamo Blanco Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist, Dry
Porophyllum scoparium Trans-pecos Poreleaf, Poreleaf, Shrubby Poreleaf, Hierba del Venado, Jarilla, Pomerillo Perennial Subshrub
Portulaca halimoides Silkcotton Purslane Annual Herb
Portulaca pilosa Kiss Me Quick, Chisme Annual Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Potamogeton illinoensis Illinois Pondweed Perennial Herb
Proboscidea althaeifolia Desert Unicorn-plant, Devil's Claw Perennial Herb
Proboscidea louisianica Louisiana Devil's-claw, Devil's claw, Ram's-horn, Unicorn Plant, Proboscis Flower Annual Herb Sun Dry
Proboscidea louisianica ssp. fragrans Sweet Unicorn Plant, Ram's-horn, Devil's Claw Annual Herb
Proboscidea parviflora Doubleclaw, Devil's Claw Annual Herb
Prosopis glandulosa Honey Mesquite, Glandular Mesquite, Algarroba Perennial Tree Sun Dry
Prosopis pubescens Screwbean Mesquite, American Screwbean, Tornillo, Screwbean, Screwpod Mesquite, Twisted Bean, Fremont Screwbean Perennial Tree Part-shade Moist
Prunus havardii Havard's Plum, Havard’s Almond Perennial Shrub
Prunus murrayana Murray's Plum, Murray Plum Perennial Shrub, Tree Part-shade Dry
Prunus serotina Black Cherry, Wild Black Cherry, Rum Cherry Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Prunus serotina var. virens Southwestern Black Cherry, Southwestern Chokecherry, Black Cherry Perennial Tree Sun Moist, Dry
Prunus virginiana Chokecherry, Common Chokecherry, Choke Cherry Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Prunus virginiana var. demissa Western Chokecherry Perennial Shrub, Tree
Psathyrotopsis scaposa Naked Turtleback, Naked Brittlestem Annual, Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Pseudognaphalium canescens ssp. canescens Wright's Cudweed Annual Herb
Pseudognaphalium stramineum Cottonbatting Plant Annual Herb
Pseudoroegneria spicata Bluebunch Wheatgrass Perennial Grass/Grass-like
Pseudostellaria jamesiana Tuber Starwort Perennial Herb
Pseudotsuga menziesii Douglas Fir, Blue Douglas Fir Perennial Tree Part-shade Dry
Pseudotsuga menziesii var. glauca Rocky Mountain Douglas Fir, Blue Douglas Fir, Inland Douglas Fir, Interior Douglas Fir, Colorado Douglas Fir, Pino Real Colorado Perennial Tree Sun Moist
Psilostrophe gnaphalioides Dudweed Biennial Herb
Psilostrophe tagetina Woolly Paperflower, Paperflower Biennial, Perennial Herb, Subshrub Sun, Part-shade Dry
Psilostrophe tagetina var. cerifera Woolly Paperflower, Plains Paperflower, Hairy Paperflower Biennial, Perennial Herb
Psoralidium tenuiflorum Slimflower Scurfpea, Scurfy Pea Perennial Herb
Psorothamnus scoparius Broom Dalea, Broom Smokebush, Broom Pea Perennial Shrub Sun
Ptelea trifoliata Wafer Ash, Common Hoptree, Hop Tree Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist, Dry
Quercus arizonica Arizona White Oak, Arizona Oak Perennial Tree Sun, Part-shade Dry
Quercus chihuahuensis Chihuahuan Oak, Felt Oak Perennial Shrub, Tree
Quercus emoryi Emory Oak, Black Oak, Holly Oak, Apache Oak, Desert Live Oak, Western Black Oak, Roble Negro, Bellota Perennial Tree Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Quercus gambelii Gambel Oak, Rocky Mountain White Oak, Utah White Oak Perennial Tree Part-shade Dry
Quercus grisea Gray Oak, Scrub Oak, Shin Oak Perennial Tree Sun, Part-shade Dry
Quercus mohriana Mohr Oak, Shin Oak, Scrub Oak Perennial Shrub, Tree Part-shade Dry
Quercus muehlenbergii Chinkapin Oak, Chinquapin Oak, Chestnut Oak, Yellow Chestnut Oak, Rock Chestnut Oak, Yellow Oak, Rock Oak Perennial Tree Sun, Part-shade Dry
Quercus oblongifolia Blue Oak, Mexican Blue Oak Perennial Tree
Quercus turbinella Shrub Live Oak, Sonoran Scrub Oak, Scrub Oak, Turbinella Oak, Turbinella, Encino Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Quincula lobata Purple Groundcherry, Chinese Lantern, Purple Ground Cherry Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Dry
Ratibida columnifera Mexican Hat, Red-spike Mexican Hat, Upright Prairie Coneflower, Prairie Coneflower, Long-headed Coneflower, Thimbleflower Perennial Herb Sun Moist, Dry
Rhus lanceolata Prairie Flameleaf Sumac, Flameleaf Sumac, Prairie Sumac, Lance-leaf Sumac, Lance-leaved Sumac, Texas Sumac, Tree Sumac, Limestone Sumac, Prairie Shining Sumac Perennial Tree Sun Dry
Rhus microphylla Littleleaf Sumac, Desert Sumac, Correosa, Agritos Perennial Shrub Part-shade Dry
Rhus trilobata Skunkbush, Skunkbush Sumac, Fragrant Sumac, Aromatic Sumac, Scented Sumac, Ill-scented Sumac, Basketbush, Squawbush Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Dry
Rhus trilobata var. pilosissima Downy Fragrant Sumac, Downy Aromatic Sumac, Pubescent Skunkbush Sumac Perennial Shrub
Rhus virens Evergreen Sumac, Tobacco Sumac, Lambrisco, Lentrisco Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Dry
Rhynchosia senna Texas Snoutbean Annual Herb, Vine
Rhynchosia senna var. texana Texas Snoutbean, Texas Snout-bean Perennial Vine
Rhynchosida physocalyx Bladderpod Sida, Buffpetal, Beaked Sida Perennial Herb
Ribes mescalerium Mescalero Currant Perennial Shrub
Rivina humilis Pigeonberry, Rouge Plant, Baby-peppers, Bloodberry Perennial Herb Part-shade Moist
Robinia neomexicana New Mexico Locust, Southwestern Locust, Hojalito Perennial Tree Part-shade Dry
Rosa stellata Desert Rose Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Rosa woodsii Woods' Rose, Western Wild Rose Perennial Shrub Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Ruellia parryi Parry's Wild Petunia Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Rumex altissimus Pale Dock Perennial Herb
Rumex hymenosepalus Canaigre Dock, Canaigre, Desert Rhubarb Perennial Herb
Rumex maritimus Golden Dock Annual Herb Part-shade
Salix amygdaloides Peachleaf Willow, Peach-leaf Willow, Almond-leaf Willow, Almond Willow, Peach Willow, Southwestern Peach Willow, Wright Willow, Wright Peachleaf Willow Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Salix exigua Narrowleaf Willow, Narrow-leaf Willow, Sandbar Willow, Coyote Willow Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Salix gooddingii Goodding's Willow, San Joaquin Willow Perennial Tree Part-shade
Salix lasiolepis Arroyo Willow Perennial Tree
Salix lasiolepis var. lasiolepis Arroyo Willow, Tracy Willow Perennial Tree
Salix nigra Black Willow, Gulf Black Willow, Swamp Willow, Sauz Perennial Tree Sun, Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Salvia farinacea Mealy Blue Sage, Mealy Sage, Mealycup Sage Perennial Herb Sun Moist
Salvia lycioides Canyon Sage Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Salvia pinguifolia Rock Sage, Greaseleaf Salvia Perennial Subshrub, Shrub Sun, Part-shade
Salvia reflexa Mintweed, Lanceleaf Sage, Lamb's-leaf Sage, Rocky Mountain Sage, Sage Mint, Blue Sage Annual Herb
Salvia whitehousei Clustered Sage Perennial Herb
Samolus ebracteatus Limewater Brookweed Perennial Herb
Samolus ebracteatus ssp. cuneatus Limewater Brookweed, Limerock Brookweed Perennial Herb Part-shade
Sapindus saponaria Wingleaf Soapberry, Soapberry, Wild China Tree Perennial Tree
Sapindus saponaria var. drummondii Western Soapberry, Soapberry, Wild China Tree, Wild Chinaberry, Indian Soap Plant, Jaboncillo Perennial Tree Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Schedonnardus paniculatus Tumblegrass, Tumble Grass Perennial Grass/Grass-like
Schizachyrium scoparium Little Bluestem, Popotillo Azul Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun, Part-shade Dry
Schoenocaulon texanum Texas Feathershank, Green Lily, Texas Sabadilla Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Dry
Schoenocrambe linearifolia Slimleaf Plainsmustard, Mountain Mustard, Hesper Mustard Perennial Herb
Schoenoplectus acutus Hardstem Bulrush, Tule Perennial Grass/Grass-like
Schoenoplectus californicus California Bulrush, California Club-rush, Giant Bulrush Perennial Herb Sun
Schoenoplectus pungens Common Threesquare, Chairmaker's-rush, American Bulrush, Threesquare Bulrush, Sharp Clubrush Perennial Grass/Grass-like
Scleropogon brevifolius Burrograss Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun Dry
Scutellaria drummondii Drummond's Skullcap Annual Herb Sun Dry
Scutellaria drummondii var. edwardsiana Drummond's Skullcap Annual Herb
Sedum wrightii Wright's Stonecrop Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Selaginella lepidophylla Flower Of Stone Perennial Herb, Fern
Selaginella peruviana Peruvian Spikemoss Perennial Herb
Selenia dissecta Texas Selenia Annual Herb
Selinocarpus diffusus Spreading Moonpod Perennial Subshrub, Shrub
Selinocarpus parvifolius Littleleaf Moonpod Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Senecio flaccidus Threadleaf Ragwort, Threadleaf Groundsel Perennial Subshrub
Senecio warnockii Warnock's Ragwort Perennial Subshrub
Senegalia greggii Gregg Acacia, Gregg's Acacia, Gregg Catclaw Acacia, Gregg's Catclaw Acacia, Gregg Catclaw, Gregg's Catclaw, Texas Catclaw Acacia, Texas Catclaw, Long-flowered Catclaw Acacia, Longflower Catclaw Acacia, Long-flowered Catclaw, Longflower Catclaw, Catclaw Acacia, Catclaw, Devil's Claw, Uña De Gato Perennial Tree Sun Dry
Senna bauhinioides Twinleaf Senna, Twinleaf Perennial Subshrub
Senna lindheimeriana Lindheimer's Senna, Velvet Leaf Senna, Velvetleaf Senna, Velvet-leaf Wild Sensitive-plant, Puppy-dog Ears Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Dry
Senna roemeriana Twoleaf Senna, Two Leaved Senna Perennial Shrub Part-shade Dry
Senna wislizeni Canyon Senna, Shrubby Senna, Dwarf Senna, Wislizenus's Senna, Wislizenus's Wild Sensitive-plant, Carrozo, Pinacate, Palo Prieto, Pinacatillo, Hojasén, Ejotillo Perennial Shrub Sun Moist
Sesuvium verrucosum Verrucose Seapurslane, Western Sea Purslane Annual Herb
Setaria leucopila Streambed Bristlegrass, Plains Bristlegrass Perennial Grass/Grass-like
Sicyos microphyllus Small-leaf Bur Cucumber Perennial Herb, Vine
Silene antirrhina Sleepy Silene, Sleepy Catchfly Annual Herb
Silene laciniata Cardinal Catchfly, Southern Indian Pink, Mexican Campion, Catchfly Perennial Herb Part-shade
Silene laciniata ssp. greggii Cardinal Catchfly, Mexican Campion, Gregg's Mexican Pink Annual, Perennial Herb
Simsia calva Awnless Bush Sunflower, Bush Sunflower Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Sisyrinchium chilense Swordleaf Blue-eyed Grass, Sword-leaf Blue-eyed Grass Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Sisyrinchium demissum Stiff Blue-eyed Grass Perennial Herb
Solanum citrullifolium Watermelon Nightshade, Melonleaf Nightshade Annual Herb
Solanum elaeagnifolium Silverleaf Nightshade, Silver-leaf Nightshade, White Horse Nettle, Trompillo, Tomato Weed, Bull Nettle Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Solanum rostratum Buffalo Bur, Buffalo Bur Nightshade, Buffalobur Nightshade Annual Herb Sun
Solanum triquetrum Texas Nightshade, Hierba Mora Perennial Herb, Vine
Solidago canadensis Canada Goldenrod, Canadian Goldenrod, Tall Goldenrod, Giant Goldenrod Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Solidago canadensis var. gilvocanescens Shorthair Goldenrod Perennial Herb Sun Moist, Dry
Solidago velutina Threenerve Goldenrod Perennial Herb
Solidago wrightii Wright's Goldenrod Perennial Herb
Sophora gypsophila Guadalupe Mountain Necklacepod, Guadalupe Mountain Laurel Perennial Shrub
Sophora nuttalliana Silky Sophora Perennial Herb
Sorghastrum nutans Indiangrass, Yellow Indiangrass, Indian Grass Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun, Shade, Part-shade Moist, Dry
Spergularia salina Salt Sandspurry Annual Herb
Spermolepis echinata Bristly Scaleseed Annual Herb
Sphaeralcea angustifolia Narrowleaf Globemallow, Copper Globemallow, Copper Mallow Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Sphaeralcea coccinea Scarlet Globemallow, Caliche Globemallow Biennial Shrub Sun Dry
Sphaeralcea fendleri Fendler's Globemallow Perennial Subshrub
Sphaeralcea hastulata Spear Globemallow Perennial Subshrub Sun Dry
Sphaeralcea leptophylla Scaly Globemallow Perennial Subshrub
Sphenopholis obtusata Prairie Wedgescale Annual Grass/Grass-like Part-shade
Sporobolus airoides Alkali Sacaton, Zacate Alcalino Perennial Grass/Grass-like Part-shade Moist
Sporobolus cryptandrus Sand Dropseed Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun, Part-shade Dry
Sporobolus flexuosus Mesa Dropseed Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun Dry
Sporobolus giganteus Giant Dropseed Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun Dry
Sporobolus wrightii Big Sacaton, Sacaton, Alkali Sacaton Perennial Grass/Grass-like Sun Wet
Stenandrium barbatum Early Shaggytuft, Shaggy Stenandrium Perennial Herb
Stenaria nigricans Bluets, Diamond-flowers Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Stenaria nigricans var. nigricans Diamondflowers, Narrowleaf Bluets, Baby's Breath, Bluets, Fine-leaf Bluets Perennial Herb Sun
Stephanomeria minor var. minor Narrowleaf Wirelettuce Perennial Herb
Stephanomeria pauciflora Brownplume Wirelettuce, Brown-plume Desert Straw, Fewflower Wirelettuce, Prairie Skeletonplant Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Streptanthus carinatus Lyreleaf Jewelflower, Lyre-leaf Twist-flower Annual Herb
Streptanthus carinatus ssp. carinatus Lyreleaf Jewelflower Annual, Biennial Herb
Streptanthus sparsiflorus Sparseflower Jewelflower Annual Herb
Symphoricarpos longiflorus Desert Snowberry, Long-flower Snowberry, Fragrant Snowberry Perennial Shrub
Symphoricarpos oreophilus Mountain Snowberry Perennial Shrub Part-shade
Symphoricarpos palmeri Palmer's Snowberry Annual Shrub
Symphyotrichum falcatum White Prairie Aster Perennial Herb
Symphyotrichum laeve Smooth Blue Aster Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Synthlipsis greggii Gregg's Keelpod Annual Herb
Tecoma stans Yellow Bells, Yellowbells, Esperanza, Yellow Trumpetbush, Yellow Trumpetflower, Trumpetbush, Trumpetflower, Yellow Elder, Hardy Yellow Trumpet, Yellow Trumpet Bush Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Dry
Tetraclea coulteri Coulter's Wrinklefruit Perennial Subshrub
Tetraneuris linearifolia Fineleaf Fournerved Daisy, Slender-leaf Hymenoxys, Bitterweed Annual Herb
Tetraneuris scaposa Four-nerve Daisy, Hymenoxys, Stemmy Four-nerve Daisy, Yellow Daisy, Bitterweed Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Tetraneuris scaposa var. scaposa Four-nerve Daisy, Hymenoxys, Stemmy Four-nerve Daisy, Bitterweed Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Teucrium cubense Small Coastal Germander, Coast Germander Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Teucrium laciniatum Lacy Germander, Cut-leaf Germander, Dwarf Germander Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Thalictrum fendleri Fendler's Meadow-rue Perennial Herb
Thamnosma texana Texas Desert-rue, Dutchman's Breeches, Rue Of The Mountains, Ruda Del Monte Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Thelesperma filifolium Stiff Greenthread, Greenthread Annual Herb Sun Dry
Thelesperma filifolium var. intermedium Stiff Greenthread Annual Herb
Thelesperma megapotamicum Hopi Tea Greenthread, Green Threads, Navajo Tea, Cota Perennial Herb
Thelypodium wrightii Wright's Thelypody, Wright Thelypody Biennial Herb
Thymophylla acerosa Prickly-leaf Dogweed, Texas Dogweed, Shrubby Dogweed, Prickleleaf Dogweed, Prickleaf Dogweed, Fetid Marigold, Scrubby Dogweed Perennial Herb
Thymophylla aurea var. aurea Manyawn Pricklyleaf Annual Herb
Thymophylla pentachaeta Parralena, Fiveneedle Pricklyleaf, Five-needle Fetid Marigold Perennial Herb, Subshrub
Thymophylla pentachaeta var. pentachaeta Parralena, Fiveneedle Pricklyleaf, Dogweed, Dyssodia Perennial Herb, Subshrub Sun
Tidestromia lanuginosa Woolly Tidestromia Annual Herb
Tidestromia suffruticosa Shrubby Honeysweet Perennial Subshrub
Tiquilia canescens Woody Crinklemat, Shrubby Coldenia, Shrubby Tiquilia Perennial Subshrub
Tiquilia canescens var. canescens Woolly Crinklemat, Woody Crinklemat, Dog's Ear, Oreja De Perro, Rat's Ear Coldenia, Woody Tiquilia, Gray Tiquilia, Gray Coldenia, Shrubby Coldenia Perennial Herb
Tiquilia greggii Plumed Crinklemat, Plume Tiquilia, Plume Coldenia, Gregg Coldenia, Hierba Del Cenizo Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Tiquilia hispidissima Hairy Crinklemat, Hairy Coldenia, Hairy Tiquilia Perennial Subshrub
Townsendia annua Annual Townsend Daisy Annual Herb
Tradescantia occidentalis Prairie Spiderwort, Western Spiderwort, Spiderwort Perennial Herb Sun, Part-shade Dry
Tragia ramosa Branched Noseburn Perennial Herb
Trichloris crinita Two-flowered Trichloris, False Rhodes Grass Perennial Grass/Grass-like Part-shade
Tridens albescens White Tridens, White Top Perennial Grass/Grass-like Part-shade Moist
Tridens muticus Slim Tridens Perennial Grass/Grass-like
Triodanis holzingeri Holzinger's Venus' Looking-glass Annual Herb
Triodanis perfoliata Clasping Venus's Looking-glass Annual Herb Shade Dry
Trisetum interruptum Prairie False Oat Annual Grass/Grass-like
Trixis californica American Threefold, Trixis Perennial Subshrub
Typha domingensis Southern Cattail Perennial Herb
Ungnadia speciosa Mexican Buckeye, Monilla Perennial Tree Sun, Part-shade Dry
Vachellia constricta Whitethorn Acacia, White-thorn Acacia, Mescat Acacia, Mescat Wattle, Whitethorn, Vara Prieta, Chaparro Prieto Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Vachellia vernicosa Viscid Acacia Perennial Shrub Sun
Valeriana arizonica Arizona Valerian Perennial Herb
Verbena bracteata Bigbract Verbena, Carpet Vervain, Prostrate Vervain Annual Herb Sun
Verbena halei Texas Vervain, Slender Verbena, Texas Verbena, Slender Vervain Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Verbena macdougalii Macdougal Verbena, Hillside Verbena Perennial Herb
Verbena neomexicana Hillside Vervain Perennial Herb
Verbena plicata Fanleaf Vervain Perennial Herb
Verbesina encelioides Cowpen Daisy, Golden Crownbeard, Butter Daisy Annual Herb Sun Dry
Verbesina nana Dwarf Crownbeard Perennial Herb
Verbesina oreophila Mountain Crownbeard Perennial Herb
Vernonia marginata Plains Ironweed Perennial Herb
Veronica peregrina American Speedwell, Purslane Speedwell, Neckweed Annual Herb
Vicia americana American Vetch, American Deervetch Perennial Vine Sun
Vicia ludoviciana Deer Pea Vetch, Louisiana Vetch Annual Herb
Vicia ludoviciana ssp. ludoviciana Deer Pea Vetch, Louisiana Vetch Annual Vine
Viguiera cordifolia Heartleaf Goldeneye Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Viguiera dentata Plateau Goldeneye, Sunflower Goldeneye, Toothleaf Goldeneye, Chimalacate, Golden-eye Perennial Herb Part-shade Dry
Viguiera stenoloba Skeleton-leaf Goldeneye, Resinbush Perennial Shrub Sun, Part-shade Dry
Viola missouriensis Missouri Violet Annual, Perennial Herb Shade, Part-shade Moist
Vitis arizonica Canyon Grape, Arizona Grape Perennial Vine Part-shade Dry
Vulpia octoflora Sixweeks Fescue, Common Sixweeks Grass Annual Grass/Grass-like
Wislizenia refracta Spectacle Fruit, Jackass Clover Annual Herb
Xylorhiza wrightii Big Bend Woodyaster, Terlingua Aster, Gyp Daisy, Gypsum Daisy, Big Bend Aster Perennial Herb
Yucca baccata Banana Yucca, Blue Yucca, Fleshy-fruited Yucca, Datil Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Yucca elata Soaptree Yucca, Soaptree, Soapweed Yucca, Palmilla, Palmella, Amole Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Yucca faxoniana Faxon Yucca, Carneros Yucca, Eve's Needle, Spanish Bayonet, Spanish Dagger, Giant Dagger, Palm Samandoca, Palm Barreta, Palmilla, Palma Perennial Cactus/Succulent Sun Dry
Yucca torreyi Torrey Yucca, Torrey's Yucca, Spanish Bayonet, Spanish Dagger, Old Shag, Palma Perennial Shrub Sun Dry
Zannichellia palustris Horned Pondweed, Horned Poolmat, Horned-pondweed Perennial Herb
Zephyranthes longifolia Copper Zephyrlily Perennial Herb
Zigadenus elegans Mountain Death Camas, White Camas Perennial Herb Shade, Part-shade Wet, Moist
Zigadenus elegans ssp. elegans Mountain Deathcamas Perennial Herb
Zinnia acerosa Desert Zinnia, Dwarf Zinnia, Dwarf White Zinnia, Shrubby Zinnia, Southern Zinnia Perennial Herb Sun Dry
Zinnia grandiflora Plains Zinnia, Rocky Mountain Zinnia, Prairie Zinnia, Little Golden Zinnia, Yellow Zinnia Perennial Shrub Part-shade Dry
Ziziphus obtusifolia Lotebush, Lote-bush Condalia, Graythorn Perennial Tree Part-shade Dry
Ziziphus obtusifolia var. obtusifolia Lotebush Perennial Tree