May 5 – 11, 2024

Celebrate all things wildflower during National Wildflower Week!

Explore family-friendly activities such as wildflower bingo and instructional videos for making seed balls and crafting nature bracelets. We’ve also thrown in some serene views and sounds from our gardens for meditation and relaxation, poetry and music inspired by the outdoors, a chance to test your wildflower knowledge, and more.


Texas Wildflower Bingo

Texas Wildflower Bingo cardMake a game out of spotting Texas wildflowers with your family and friends — or make it a solo challenge — with our handy wildflower bingo set. These bingo cards can also be used as wildflower scavenger hunts.

Get Crafty With Nature

Enjoy Mellow Sounds

Write a Nature Haiku

DIY Seed Balls

What is National Wildflower Week?

The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center’s National Wildflower Week is the first full week of May. It was created in 1987 to celebrate the beauty and importance of native wildflowers across the United States.


Why are wildflowers important?

Native wildflowers:

  • Provide food and shelter for wildlife
  • Play important roles in ecosystem health
  • Beautify the environment


What is a wildflower?

“Wildflower” is not really a scientific term. Put simply, a wildflower is generally considered to be a wild, non-woody, flowering plant. Think sunflowers, coneflowers, Dutchman’s breeches, lupines, trillium and columbine. There are easily 2,700 species of native wildflowers in Texas (of about 5,000 total native plant species). Combined with all of the other trees, shrubs, vines and cacti, there are approximately 20,000 native plants in North America. Explore them further on our database.


Ready to see some wildflowers? 

Whether you’re travelling solo or visiting with friends and family, there’s plenty to see at the Wildflower Center during National Wildflower Week. Check out these special events:

May 5: Forest Bathing 
May 6: Drop In & Discover, Yoga FIT 
May 7: Drop In & Discover, Parent & Toddler Yoga, Tuesday Twilights
May 8: Wildflower Tour, Storytime
May 9: Drop In & Discover, Birds in the Landscape
May 10: Drop In & Discover 
May 11: Lady Bird Day 


The 20 most common wildflowers you’ll see in Texas during spring and summer