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Invasive Indian paintbrushes in Grawn MI
June 04, 2012
I have lots of Indian paintbrushes crowding my lawn and taking over the grass..what kills it without killing the grass?
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Ground cover for Thornton CO
June 04, 2012
I want to order ground cover because I don't want to mess with grass any more. I live in Colorado, north of Denver. The soil has a lot of clay. I tried clover and that did not do well. My yard is par...
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Wildflowers being mowed in Canyon TX
June 03, 2012
Can I receive a letter from someone there to put up in our neighborhood? I live in an area very close to Palo Duro Canyon. A developer out here mows down the wildflowers along the one lane road. It ...
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Problems with Strawberry Hedgehog cactus from Temple TX
June 03, 2012
I had purchased a Strawberry hedgehog Cactus (echinocereus stramineus) a few years ago from the Wildflower Center's annual plant sale and planted it then. It has now started to brown from bottom to t...
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Repotting non-native Agave ghiesbreghtii from Spring TX
June 03, 2012
I've recently purchased an Agave ghiesbreghtii, and will need to re-pot it soon. I have some cactus soil mix as well as a few rocks to put in the bottom of its new pot. There seem to be roots comi...
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Meadow garden for Colorado Springs CO
June 03, 2012
We recently purchased a restored home on a mesa just above the downtown area of Colorado Springs on the front range. The previous owners seeded the front lawn with blue gramma and told me that all I ...
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Problems with non-native Eugenia in Scottsdale AZ
June 02, 2012
I have 5 eugenia topiaries in my courtyard in pots..I notice as the days here in Phoenix get hotter and dry (as usual) they are starting to look bad, even though they are under a shelter out of the di...
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Leafing out problems with oaks in Towson MD
June 02, 2012
3 native 5-year-old oaks kept old leaves until March and are not leafing by the end of May. The few leaves that have emerged are shriveled. WHAT'S WRONG?
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Picture in newspaper from Austin
June 02, 2012
Your gardening story for the Jan 21,2012 in the Austin American Statesman pictured a pale green bush with purple flowers, however the plant was not identified. Can you tell me what it is? Thanks
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Will deer eat lemon cypress trees from Hayden ID
June 02, 2012
Do deer eat lemon cypress trees? We do not think so since they are so spiny, but wanted a clarification.
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Concerns about swings on trees in Arboretum from San Marcos
June 01, 2012
Dear Mr. Smarty Plants, We very much enjoyed our visit to the new Arboretum this morning! It is already lovely with native species but will really be something with the additions the Wildflower Cent...
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Small to medium drought-tolerant trees for Southern California
June 01, 2012
I am looking for drought tolerant trees to line one side of our 70 foot driveway. We live in Southern California. Currently, we have queen palms, but I would like something more native or drought to...
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Question about male muscadine plants
June 01, 2012
I have 9 muscadine plants, 3 females and 6 perfect flowered growing in my yard. A plant started growing under my porch lst year and it grew through the spaces between the boards. It grew nicely. It fl...
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Dandelions in bluebonnets in Bastrop TX
May 31, 2012
I have a 20'x60' front yard area where I planted bluebonnets. It has become horrifically inundated with dandelions. How do I eradicate the dandelions while preserving the bluebonnets ? Thanks ...
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Trees starting to die in subdivision in Hutto, TX
May 31, 2012
I live in Hutto Tx, in a subdivision where everyone has the 2 trees planted in the front yard. My trees have started to die, and I want to find out what kind they are to find a solution
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Putting in native grass in June in Manor TX
May 31, 2012
We are moving into a new-built house in the middle of June. We opted to not have them put in Bermuda grass as we wanted to seed a native mix. From my understanding, mid June will be too late to start ...
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Non-native Jerusalem Sage from Comfort TX
May 31, 2012
I live in Comfort, TX. I have 3 Jerusalem sage plants that bloom beautifully each year. However, just the past week one has started turning yellow and brown. The leaves look withered and ready to die....
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How close can house be built to live oak from Austin
May 30, 2012
We have a healthy 21" live oak tree on our lot and are planning to build a home in Circle C subdivision in southwest austin. The home foundation will be within 15' of the large live oak. Need your h...
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Plant identification
May 30, 2012
I had a strange plant pop up in my yard this year, and I figured maybe you guys could help me out. This plant is spreading along the ground, and the stem is woody right where it is coming out of th...
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Plants for 16th floor of condo in Panama City Beach, FL
May 30, 2012
My husband and I have a COSI on the west end of Panama City Beach, Fl. I love plants and flowers and live out of state. Our condo is on the 16th floor and directly on the gulf. What type of plants ...
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Keeping non-native invasive bermudagrass out of yard in Austin
May 30, 2012
My neighbor just sodded a huge lawn with Bermuda Celebration. I don't want it coming into my St. Augustine. From what I've read on your site and others, I need a deep barrier. Has anyone tried pu...
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Spots on leaves of Esperanza from Dallas
May 30, 2012
Have a new 1 foot high Esperanza. It is flowering OK (so far) but it has small rust colored spots about the size of a B-B all over most of the leaves. On the top side of the leaf the spot is depress...
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Identification of vine with 4-petaled purple flower
May 30, 2012
Does anybody know what vine has a purple four petaled flower with small bulb in middle??
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When can native wildflower mix seeds be planted from Rosenberg TX
May 30, 2012
I received a package of "All Native Wildflower Mix". The package says plant in Spring. Is too late to plant now or should I wait for next March?
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Identity of poisonous thorn bush in Montgomery Texas
May 29, 2012
What is the name of a poisonous thorn bush in Montgomery Texas?
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Poolside tree for Whitehouse TX
May 29, 2012
What would you recommend for native shade tree or flowering tree on the north side of a swimming pool in East Texas/Smith County? Trying to avoid too much dropping of flowers, nuts, etc. Looking to ...
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Do monarchs like Cynachum laeve in Austin, TX?
May 29, 2012
I have found what I believe is Honeyvine (Cynanchum laeve) growing in my yard here in Austin. I tried using the LBJWC plant data base and could not find it. I also found the plant with a diff...
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Can foxglove poison be transmitted to the soil and taken up by another plant
May 29, 2012
Hi Mr. Smarty Plants, Recently I discovered a Foxglove that had come up after being planted 2 or 3 yrs ago. Next to it I have some medicinal Feverfew growing. (They were so close together I suspec...
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Digging wild buttercup from roadside in Mechanicsville MD
May 28, 2012
Mr. Smarty Plants, is it illegal to dig out wild buttercup in Maryland? I see them along the dirt road or just in the ditch. Since buttercup considered weed, I'm wondering what the law say about this...
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Need an evergreen flowering vine to cover a fence in Houston, TX.
May 28, 2012
Looking for an evergreen flowering vine to cover my fence. caveat? one part of the fence is within 5 feet from the air conditioning unit which blows a lot of hot air, the area takes a day or two to dr...
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Growing native vines in pots from Houston
May 28, 2012
I am writing in regards to your often mentioned issue of plants not doing as well in pots and in the ground. After last years drought, i moved all the plants I had that were in danger of dying of t...
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Ground cover for shade from Atlanta GA
May 28, 2012
I am looking for recommendations for a ground cover. I live in the Atlanta, Georgia area and have a large shady slope on which I would like to use low maintenance/water native ground cover. What wou...
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Plants wilting too quickly in Toledo OH
May 27, 2012
The garden I have had recent issues with plants wilting all too quickly. I would like to know what types of plants would be hearty for the climate in Toledo, Ohio. I have a partly sunny front yard and...
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Oak trees shedding leaves in Denton TX
May 27, 2012
In Denton, TX we have two mature Quercus buckleyi. It is May 11th 2012 and one of these trees has been shedding green leaves for the last week. The only changes we have made are: planted English ivy...
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Dying leaves on Autumn Blaze Maple tree in Littleton, CO
May 25, 2012
I have an autumn blaze maple where for the last two years the left side of the tree turns light green, then brown, and leaves die. The right side is dark green, normal. Is this a water over/under pr...
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Yellow in pin oak leaves from Allen TX
May 25, 2012
I have two pin oaks and one is completely yellow - a sign of iron deficiency and the other is starting to turn completely yellow as well. I've a proposal for iron deficiency but it is quite expensiv...
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Need options for smaller trees in neighborhoods in Austin, TX.
May 25, 2012
Please discuss smaller tree options for typical Austin neighborhood yards. These houses are built close together on the sides, and only have smallish back yards. They just don't have space for big 50...
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Shade trees for Tucson AZ
May 25, 2012
I need to plant some "fast growing" trees or shrubs on my southwest yard in order to reduce the heat in my bedroom. What do you suggest? I live in Tucson, Arizona. Thank you in advance. I'm...
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Reaction to something in the garden from Dowling MI
May 25, 2012
In late March I was working in my yard raking etc. The next morning I had three black spots between my knee and shin that were swelling and feverish. Two days later the areas became bigger and began...
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Fiber and dye plants at the Wildflower Center from Round Rock TX
May 24, 2012
When I visited the Wildflower Center recently I noticed a garden labeled as containing fiber and dye plants, but the individual plants and their uses were not all labeled. I would be very interested ...
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Unknown pest of Texas Mountain Laurel from Round Rock TX
May 24, 2012
I have a Texas Mountain Laurel that is being denuded from the top down by something unseen. It's not the Genista moth larvae, as there are no worms and no webbing visible. The only clue that it might...
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Stabilizing a lakeside slope from Bracey, VA
May 24, 2012
We are trying to beautify and stabilize a relatively large lakeside steep slope with a southern exposure in central Virginia. The soil is characterized by red clay and shale rock. How can we turn this...
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Identification of vine with green flowers
May 23, 2012
Trying to identify a vine with 5-petaled ~1 cm dia green flowers (w/ barely perceptible white & black speckles). I have 3 photos I can send (showing flowers & leaves). The flower petals are almost...
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Identification of a plant that looks like a watermelon.
May 21, 2012
A wild plant came up in my bed that looked like a watermelon plant. It had small yellow blooms and then marble balls formed with prickly thorns. The balls were in clusters. What kind of plant is i...
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Dog eats Celtis laevigata, sugar hackberry
May 21, 2012
This is an odd question but I am a biologist and have for years notice an odd behavior in my Golden Retriever. When he gets stomach distress or something makes him nervous like an incoming thunderstor...
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Which plants are resistant to dog urine in Ashmore, IL??
May 21, 2012
Which native plants are resistant to dogs urinating on them?
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Problem with leaves of Texas Ash in Austin
May 21, 2012
We purchased a 3' to 4' Texas Ash in March 2012. The past few days I noticed new leaves at the top are curled under, have a milky substance on them, and more than a few ladybugs on them. What is thi...
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Shrubs and small trees for a slope in NY
May 21, 2012
We are looking for a living wall made of shrubs / small trees - no more than 25' for the top of a steep creek bed. We are looking for the best erosion preventing types.
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Mystery forest plant in WV
May 21, 2012
In the mountains of southern WV I have several acres of shady, moist land. It has never been developed and is COVERED with a low growing fern?ground cover?whatever. It creeps along on very shallow r...
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Reason for tree canopy dieback from Mahopac NY
May 21, 2012
Dear Mr. Smarty Plants: Not a questions, just sharing, re person in Texas whose Ash Jupiter appeared to be dying "canopy very thin on top". We moved to Putnam Co. NY in 1970. Our house was shaded by...
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Non-native Purple Hyacinth from Sylvania OH
May 21, 2012
I am wondering if I plant a Purple Hyacinth Bean vine seed under a tree and allow it to grow up the tree trunk, will it kill the tree?
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Need suggestions for native grasses to stabilize hillside Lago Vista, TX.
May 20, 2012
I was hoping for some advice. We live on a hillside near Lake Travis. 10-12 years ago I removed all cedar trees. There is approximately 1-2 acrees of steep land between our residence and the lake. ...
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Identity of mint impersonator in California
May 20, 2012
Is there such a thing as a mint "impersonator"? There are random 'sprigs' of purple-stemmed, bright green leaf plants in my front yard. We just moved in to the house and I don't want to assume ...
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Trees for shade in Austin
May 20, 2012
I live in Austin and I am looking for a good tree to plant under a large live oak I have in my backyard. Something slow-growing of course and, the garden only gets late day sun for about an hour. Filt...
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Huisaches in pots from Houston TX
May 20, 2012
I have special (and probably weird) affinity to huisaches (acacia farnesiana). As a child I used to admire the three that elegantly guarded our backyard looking almost like fingers reaching for the s...
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Grass for Seattle Arboretum
May 20, 2012
I am writing to you on behalf of the Arboretum at South Seattle Community College Arboretum. I am interested in Panicum virgatum Switch Grass as a plant for a very heavy clay garden in our Arboretum a...
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Adding Wildflowers to Corpus Christi
May 20, 2012
I have a dry sandy yard, full sun in Corpus Christi with lot's of stickers mostly, want to transform to wildflowers. When should I plant, how should I prepare soil, should I dig out stickers? Which w...
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Growing a Texas Mountain Laurel in Pennsylvania
May 20, 2012
Can I grow a Texas Mt. Laurel in Lancaster, PA?
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Identity of rejuvenated plant
May 19, 2012
I am having trouble identifying my plant which has lived at least two years now, often looking completely dead, actually hibernating for a few weeks then bursting back to life. Small sprouts that grow...
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Identification of plant resembling garlic mustard, but with purple flowers
May 18, 2012
While searching for the invasive garlic mustard I am finding a very similar looking plant (triangular, alternate, toothed leaves; four petals, same habitat of shaded roadside and interior woods) excep...
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Variation in leaves for Vitis mustangensis
May 17, 2012
Hi, I am doing a sculpture of a mustang grape vine in limestone. In seeking a good leaf image I notice that there are both roundish shaped leaves and highly divided or "fingered" shapes on your sit...
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Caterpillars eating passion vines from Austin
May 17, 2012
My question concerns Yellow passion flower, purple passion vine & butterflies. I have had my passion vines for 3-4 years, each spring they start growing beautifully, then in 1-2 days are almost compl...
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Difference between Convallaria majalis and Convallaria majuscula
May 17, 2012
How do you tell the difference in the native convallaria from the European species?
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Groundcovers for Moreno Valley, CA
May 17, 2012
Hi, I live in Moreno Valley, CA I have a huge flower bed area surrounding our grass I am looking for the best ground cover that will have minimal up keep.
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Cultivar of Cercis Canadensis from Haskell OK
May 16, 2012
We have a Hearts of Gold Redbud that first had dark edges to many of its leaves (about 2 weeks after planting). It now has multiple leaves w/ medium-dark brown spots on them. Are we looking at some ...
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Eliminating ragweed in Sacramento CA
May 16, 2012
Rag weed. How to be rid of it! My wife and lots of others that live in this part of Sacramento suffer greatly.
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Pollinator garden for Belen NM
May 16, 2012
Trying to set up a flower garden to attract bees and butterflies. Can you tell me what would be best to grow. I live in Belen, NM.
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Screening Planter Recommendations for Lakeway TX
May 16, 2012
I live in Lakeway in a townhome. The parking lot is directly in front of my unit so I always see headlights and cars. The HOA has agreed to build a planter about 4 feet high to help hide the cars. W...
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Pond Plants for Eureka Springs AR
May 16, 2012
I have a 1 acre pond that we are cleaning up. This area will be used for recreation and fishing. We plan to put native rock around some of the edges and need perennial plants that do well in rocky are...
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Identification of vine in New York
May 15, 2012
I have a flowering vine that grows against my home and I'm not sure what it is, but it's beautiful with a delicate scent. The flowers look like clusters of mini purple pea pods hanging downward befo...
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Pollinator to Arkansas yucca from Arlington TX
May 15, 2012
Thank you Barbara for your answer. However, my Arkansas yuccas bloom every year, but do not set seed. I am asking for the name of the moth that pollinates them, or other native plants that serve as ...
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Pollinating moth of Arkansas Yucca from Arlington TX
May 15, 2012
What is the pollinating moth of the Arkansas yucca. I have Desert willows which is the larval host for white-winged moth, but the yuccas are still not seeding. What other larval hosts plants can I p...
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Established Habiturf in the DFW area from Allen TX
May 15, 2012
Where can I see an established Habiturf in the DFW area? There are two sites that are obviously DFW (White Rock Lake and Round Rock) mentioned in Ask Mr Smartyplants, but no addresses. If no sites ar...
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Invasive plants in native plant area from Austin
May 15, 2012
Why do invasive plants grow in native plant territory?
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Making cuttings from purple sage in Austin, TX.
May 15, 2012
I would like to plant additional purple sage for landscaping. May I do this with cuttings from an existing adult plant? If so, how and when would be the best method? I live in Lago Vista, TX
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How to propagate Clematis texensis in Austin, TX?
May 14, 2012
How do I propagate a Clematis texensis Buckl. Scarlet leatherflower from the seed pod?
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Problems with a Sherman (Shumard?) Oak from Bixby OK
May 14, 2012
We have done extensive research on oak fungi/diseases/pests could be affecting our Sherman Oak tree but we are stumped. The leaves are falling off and have some sort of moldy bunch within the leaf it...
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Plants for exotic pets
May 14, 2012
I need to know what are some good native non-toxic plants for these species: Porcelain roach (Gyna lurida) from Kenya, Africa. Giant cave roach (Blaberus giganteus) from Central and South Americ...
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Habiturf for East Texas
May 14, 2012
We live in east Texas, right on the beginning of the piney words, the soil is a little sandy. We have taken up a wooden walkway but can't get anything to grow there. Could the soil be dead from year ...
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Identification of bluebonnet-like flower
May 14, 2012
I have discovered a plant that looks like a bluebonnet but is much larger. It has leggy stems and similar leaf structure and the bonnet in more compact with purple vs blue flowers. The plant is growin...
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Oak bark problems from Stillwater OK
May 14, 2012
In my clients large oak tree there is bark stripped from the limbs in small pieces. No piece is larger than 1 inch by 1 inch and occurs on limbs high in the canopy. It does not look like squirrel doin...
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Weeds in Habiturf from Austin
May 14, 2012
We had our old lawn removed, tilled, laid compost, and Habiturf seed spread. I'm not sure if the man we contracted to do the work didn't adequately remove the old weed debris when he prepared the la...
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Invasive American Germander from San Antonio
May 14, 2012
I brought home some American Germander (Teucruim canadense) - page 259 In Wildflowers of Texas by Geyata Ajilvsgi - from a railroad right-of-way. Since it is a member of the mint family it has becom...
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Speed of bluestem grass spreading in Georgia red clay from Dallas GA
May 13, 2012
How fast does bluestem spread in Georgia red clay?
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Stump sprouting of Oak trees in the wildfire area in Bastrop, TX.
May 13, 2012
We live in Bastrop, Texas, in the wildfire area. We lost all of our trees. The oak trees have "suckers" growing from the base of the burned tree that has been cut down. They look like little bushe...
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Problem with magnolias and yaupon in Prosper TX
May 13, 2012
Problem with Little Gem magnolia - 3 little gems planted next to a fence, in Prosper, TX. Planted 3 years ago, 2009, one of the trees is now withering. The other 2 are doing fine, the one has leaves...
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Gaura drying out in Plano TX
May 13, 2012
My gaura plant of 3 years suddenly seems to be drying out and no longer green or blooming?
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Plant identification
May 12, 2012
I don't know if they are native or not, My mom bought some plants at an event at the Dallas Convention Center that all had rocks and little dirt that they sat on. The bases of the plants were large a...
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Unusual vine in San Diego County, California
May 12, 2012
Dear Mr. or Ms. Smarty Pants, I came across an unusual vine winding through a young Zumaque growing off the edge of a mesa in San Diego (coastal sage scrub). The small (fingernail-sized)leaves rough...
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Identity of plant growing on deck
May 12, 2012
I can't find the name of a plant that I had on my deck, it didn't come back this year. It was a bush like plant that grew wild, it bloomed May thru August with red small flowers. My deck gets full...
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Need care instructions for Cardiosperma halicacabum in Little Rock, AR>
May 11, 2012
I'd like to find out how to cultivate & care for a balloon vine/heart seed vine/love in a puff vine which I found growing wild in my yard (in Little Rock, Arkansas). There seems to be very little in...
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How to correct Anacacho leaves that are turning brown and curling in Driftwood, TX?
May 11, 2012
Anacacho lunarioides leaves are turning brown and curling,how do I correct?
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Looking for source of Carex texensis in Beaumont, TX
May 11, 2012
Looking for Carex texensis, the only place I find it is in Tennessee or North Carolina. Should I buy it online from those places to put in Beaumont, TX?
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Flowering vine for shade in Southern California
May 11, 2012
Flowering climbing plant for shade in Palm Desert, CA.
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Carolina wolfberry blooms but doesn't produce fruit
May 10, 2012
I have had my carolina wolfberry for 2 years now ( I got it at the Wildflower center), it seems to be doing well, creeping all over the flower bed with some branches on the ground up to 6 ft long. It ...
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Erosion Control in Bartlesville OK
May 10, 2012
What kind of plants can we use to stop erosion and loss of bank on a creek that is mostly shaded? Is there any free advice/plants for people that are losing land due to water levels rising/dropping?
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Transplanting Trees in OH
May 10, 2012
Is the middle of May too late to dig out Arborviteas and spruces to transplant? I live in central Ohio.
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Replacement Yaupon holly doing poorly in Pflugerville, TX
May 09, 2012
I had to replace quite a few shrubs after the drought last year. I live in Austin, TX. I have planted 3 dwarf yaupon holly bushes in the exact same place where the previous three same type of shrubs...
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Butterfly garden for TN
May 09, 2012
Hello! I recently moved into a new house near Mosheim, Tennessee (37818) and I am wanting to start a butterfly garden. I am requesting information how to get this started. What soil, plants, and flowe...
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Raingardens in Indiana
May 09, 2012
I need to have annual native plants to add to a demonstration rain garden to fill in while we wait for the perennial plants to mature. The only plant I can think of is annual phlox. Do you have any ...
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