Sunflowers on Tile in Alcohol Inks Copy

Wildflower Center 4801 La Crosse Ave., Austin, TX

Express your love of sunflowers with a new artistic technique using alcohol inks on ceramic tiles



Drawing I: Short Form

Wildflower Center 4801 La Crosse Ave., Austin, TX

You can draw! Practice with a new medium in each session of this course. Start simple and refine your technique in a supportive environment for beginners.


Evenings in the Garden With Andrea DeLong-Amaya

Wildflower Center 4801 La Crosse Ave., Austin, TX

Enjoy a rare opportunity to sip cocktails and tour the gardens after hours with our very own Director of Horticulture, Andrea DeLong-Amaya


Winter Series: Botanical Illustration

Wildflower Center 4801 La Crosse Ave., Austin, TX

Enhance your drafting skills through drawing plant forms in this seven-class series in partnership with the Contemporary Austin Art School


Fall Native Plant Sale (SOLD OUT)

Wildflower Center 4801 La Crosse Ave., Austin, TX

Shop a wide variety native Texas plants at our spacious, outdoor sale

Native Plant Propagation Workshop (SOLD OUT)

Wildflower Center 4801 La Crosse Ave., Austin, TX

Get the tips and tricks with hands-on experience for successfully germinating, transplanting and growing your own native plants from seed this fall


Winter Care for Native Plants (SOLD OUT)

Wildflower Center 4801 La Crosse Ave., Austin, TX

This gardening workshop will introduce tips and tricks for keeping Texas plants healthy through the winter
