Prepare to transform your garden into an efficient and beautiful native plant oasis with help from our Director of Horticulture, Andrea DeLong-Amaya. This is a two-part series designed to help participants choose the right native plants for their yards. Attend one class or both!
Plants I
March 9, 1 – 4 p.m.
Plants II
March 23, 1 – 4 p.m.
Identify and learn about a variety of plants native to Central Texas, the unique growing characteristics of each and how to choose the right ones for your garden.
Individual classes: $45
Whole series (2 classes): $90
Members receive a discount on all classes and programs; Join today!
Classes in this series will take place in person at the Wildflower Center. Space is limited and registration is required.
Instructor: Andrea DeLong-Amaya