Special Collections
Butterflies and Moths of North America
Butterflies and Moths of North America is a searchable database of verified butterfly and moth records in the United States and Mexico. This site includes dynamic distribution maps, photographs, species accounts, and species checklists for each county in the U.S. and each state in Mexico.Printer Friendly: Species List | List with Images | List with QR Tags to Mobile
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |
Verbena simplex | Narrowleaf Vervain Narrow-leaved Vervain | |
Verbena stricta | Hoary Verbena Hoary Vervain Tall Vervain Woolly Verbena | |
Viburnum acerifolium | Mapleleaf Viburnum Maple-leaf Viburnum Maple-leaf Arrowwood Arrowwood | |
Viola adunca | Hooked-spur Violet Western Blue Violet Western Dog Violet | |
Viburnum dentatum | Southern Arrowwood | |
Viola glabella | Pioneer Violet Smooth Yellow Violet | |
Viburnum lantanoides | Hobblebush | |
Viburnum lentago | Nannyberry Blackhaw Sweet Viburnum Sheepberry | |
Viola nephrophylla | Northern Bog Violet Wanderer Violet Entire-leaved Prairie Violet Small Mottled Blue Violet | |
Viola nuttallii | Nuttall's Violet Yellow Prairie Violet Prairie Yellow Violet | |
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |