Special Collections
High Plains
This EPA Level III ecoregion encompasses all or part of 51 counties in western and northwestern Texas. It extends west into New Mexico and north across western Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, eastern Colorado, into southwestern South Dakota and southeastern Wyoming. In Texas, this ecoregion is commonly referred to as the Llano Estacado, a mostly flat plateau of short grass prairie. It covers approximately the same area as the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department’s High Plains vegetative region. This collection lists only those taxa found in the Texas portion of the High Plains ecoregion.Printer Friendly: Species List | List with Images | List with QR Tags to Mobile
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |
Castela erecta ssp. texana | Texan Goatbush Goat-bush Allthorn Goatbush Amargoso | |
Calamovilfa gigantea | Giant Sandreed Prairie Sandreed | |
Carex gravida | Heavy Sedge | |
Calylophus hartwegii | Hartweg's Sundrops Western Primrose | |
Calylophus hartwegii ssp. fendleri | Hartweg's Sundrops | |
Calylophus hartwegii ssp. filifolius | Hartweg's Sundrops | |
Calylophus hartwegii ssp. pubescens | Hartweg's Sundrops Grand Prairie Evening Primrose | |
Callitriche heterophylla | Two-headed Water-starwort | |
Callitriche heterophylla ssp. heterophylla | Two-headed Water-starwort Varied-leaved Water-starwort Diverse-leaved Water-starwort | |
Carex hystericina | Bottlebrush Sedge | |
Carya illinoinensis | Pecan | |
Castilleja indivisa | Texas Indian Paintbrush Entireleaf Indian Paintbrush Texas Paintbrush Indian Paintbrush Scarlet Paintbrush | |
Castilleja integra | Wholeleaf Indian Paintbrush Squawfeather | |
Callirhoe involucrata | Winecup Purple Poppy Mallow | |
Castilleja integra var. integra | Wholeleaf Indian Paintbrush | |
Callirhoe involucrata var. lineariloba | White Poppymallow Winecup Poppy Mallow White Winecup Purple Poppy Mallow | |
Castilleja lanata | Sierra Woolly Indian Paintbrush Woolly Paintbrush | |
Calylophus lavandulifolius | Lavenderleaf Sundrops Lavendar-leaf Sundrops Lavender-leaf Primrose | |
Callirhoe leiocarpa | Tall Poppymallow Annual Winecup Tall Poppy-mallow Tall Poppy Mallow | |
Carex meadii | Mead's Sedge | |
Carex oklahomensis | Oklahoma Sedge | |
Callirhoe pedata | Palmleaf Poppymallow Standing Winecup Finger Poppymallow Palmleaf Poppy Mallow | |
Carex pellita | Woolly Sedge | |
Castilleja purpurea | Prairie Paintbrush Downy Indian Paintbrush Purple Paintbrush Lemon Paintbrush Purple Painted Cup | |
Castilleja purpurea var. citrina | Lemon Paintbrush Yellow Paintbrush Yellow Prairie Paintbrush Citron Paintbrush Prairie Paintbrush Prairie Indian Paintbrush | |
Castilleja purpurea var. purpurea | Purple Paintbrush Purple Prairie Painbrush Prairie Paintbrush Downy Indian Paintbrush | |
Castilleja rigida | Rigid Indian Paintbrush | |
Calylophus serrulatus | Yellow Sundrops Yellow Evening Primrose Plains Evening Primrose | |
Castilleja sessiliflora | Downy Painted Cup Downy Paintbrush Great Plains Paintbrush Great Plains Indian-paintbrush | |
Calystegia silvatica | Shortstalk False Bindweed | |
Calystegia silvatica ssp. fraterniflora | Shortstalk False Bindweed | |
Catalpa speciosa | Northern Catalpa Catalpa Tree Cigar Tree Indian Bean | |
Carlowrightia texana | Texas Wrightwort | |
Carex tetrastachya | Britton's Sedge | |
Carex triangularis | Eastern Fox Sedge | |
Carex vulpinoidea | Fox Sedge Brown Fox Sedge | |
Carex vulpinoidea var. vulpinoidea | Fox Sedge | |
Centaurea americana | American Basket-flower American Star-thistle Basket-flower Star Thistle Shaving Brush Basket Flower | |
Centaurium beyrichii | Mountain Pink Meadow Pink Catchfly Quinineweed | |
Cerastium brachypodum | Short-stalk Chickweed Shortstalk Chickweed | |
Centaurium calycosum | Arizona Centaury Shortflower Centaury Rosita Buckley Centaury | |
Cercis canadensis | Eastern Redbud Redbud | |
Cercis canadensis var. texensis | Texas Redbud | |
Ceratophyllum demersum | Coon's Tail | |
Celtis ehrenbergiana | Desert Hackberry Spiny Hackberry Shiny Hackberry Granjeno Huasteco | |
Ceanothus fendleri | Fendler's Ceanothus Fendler Ceanothus | |
Ceanothus herbaceus | Prairie Redroot Smaller Redroot Small Redroot Inland Ceanothus Fuzzy Ceanothus Jersey Tea Redroot | |
Celtis laevigata | Sugar Hackberry Texas Sugarberry Sugarberry Southern Hackberry Lowland Hackberry Hackberry Palo Blanco | |
Celtis laevigata var. reticulata | Netleaf Hackberry Netleaf Sugar Hackberry Western Hackberry Sugar Hackberry Texas Sugarberry Palo Blanco Acibuche | |
Cercocarpus montanus | Alderleaf Mountain Mahogany Silverleaf Mountain Mahogany Mountain Mahogany | |
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |