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Calylophus lavandulifolius
Calylophus lavandulifolius (Torr. & A. Gray) P.H. Raven
Lavenderleaf Sundrops, Lavendar-leaf Sundrops, Lavender-leaf Primrose
Onagraceae (Evening Primrose Family)
Synonym(s): Calylophus hartwegii ssp. lavandulifolius, Calylophus hartwegii var. lavandulifolius, Galpinsia lavandulifolia, Oenothera lavandulifolia, Oenothera lavandulifolia var. glandulosa, Oenothera lavandulifolia var. typica
USDA Symbol: CALA38
USDA Native Status: L48 (N)
Lavender-leaf sundrops is a low, mound-forming perennial, 1 ft. tall by 10 in. wide. Stems and leaves are grayish with a dense velvety pubescence. Spectacular in bloom, the plant’s 2 to 2-1/2 in. wide flowers are clear yellow, each with four, fringed petals.
Lavender-leaf Sundrops flowers in flushes every 4-5 weeks throughout its bloom period.
Plant Characteristics
Duration: PerennialHabit: Herb
Fruit Type: Capsule
Size Notes: Up to about 1 foot tall.
Bloom Information
Bloom Color: YellowBloom Time: May , Jun , Jul , Aug , Sep
USA: AZ , CO , KS , NE , NM , NV , OK , SD , TX , UT , WYNative Distribution: S.e. WY & extreme s.w. SD, s. to n. AZ & n. & w. TX
Native Habitat: Dry, open, rocky slopes
Growing Conditions
Light Requirement: SunSoil Description: Gravelly, well-drained soil.
Conditions Comments: Lavender-leaf primrose will flower in flushes every 4-5 weeks throughout its entire bloom period. Little supplemental watering is necessary if new plants are established early in the season.
Web Reference
Webref 38 - Flora of North America (2019) Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, MO & Harvard University Herbaria, Cambridge, MA.Webref 23 - Southwest Environmental Information Network (2009) SEINet - Arizona Chapter
Additional resources
USDA: Find Calylophus lavandulifolius in USDA PlantsFNA: Find Calylophus lavandulifolius in the Flora of North America (if available)
Google: Search Google for Calylophus lavandulifolius
Record Modified: 2023-01-26Research By: TWC Staff