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Florida - North Recommended

Commercially available native plant species suitable for planned landscapes in North Florida. Visit our Suppliers Directory to locate businesses that sell native plants or seeds or provide professional landscape or consulting services in this state. Visit the Organizations Directory to locate native plant societies, conservation groups, governmental agencies, botanical gardens, arboreta, and other plant-related organizations in this state. Special thanks to the Florida Association of Native Nurseries for compiling this list.

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249 Results:   10  25 50 100 per page

scientific namecommon name(s)image gallery
Pinus echinataShortleaf Pine
Shortleaf Yellow Pine
Southern Yellow Pine
Yellow Pine
Shortstraw Pine
Arkansas Pine
Longtag Pine
Spruce Pine
Oldfield Pine
Arkansas Soft Pine
Pinus elliottiiSlash Pine
Pinus glabraSpruce Pine
Pityopsis graminifoliaNarrowleaf Silkgrass
Golden Aster
Pinus palustrisLongleaf Pine
Georgia Pine
Longleaf Yellow Pine
Southern Yellow Pine
Longstraw Pine
Hill Pine
Hard Pine
Heart Pine
Pinus taedaLoblolly Pine
Oldfield Pine
Bull Pine
Rosemary Pine
Planera aquaticaPlaner Tree
Water Elm
Platanus occidentalisAmerican Sycamore
Eastern Sycamore
American Plane Tree
Plane Tree
Buttonball Tree
Polystichum acrostichoidesChristmas Fern
Pontederia cordataPickerelweed
Pickerel Rush
Polygonum hydropiperoidesSwamp Smartweed
Prunus americanaAmerican Plum
Wild Plum
Prunus angustifoliaChickasaw Plum
Sandhill Plum
Prunus carolinianaCarolina Cherry-laurel
Laurel Cherry
Carolina Laurel Cherry
Prunus umbellataFlatwoods Plum
Hog Plum
Black Sloe
Ptelea trifoliataWafer Ash
Common Hoptree
Hop Tree
Quercus albaWhite Oak
Northern White Oak
Eastern White Oak
Stave Oak
Ridge White Oak
Forked-leaf White Oak
Quercus chapmaniiChapman Oak
Chapman's Oak
Quercus falcataSouthern Red Oak
Bottomland Red Oak
Three-lobed Red Oak
Spanish Oak
Quercus hemisphaericaCoast Laurel Oak
Darlington Oak
Laurel Oak
Quercus incanaBluejack Oak
Sandjack Oak
Upland Willow Oak
Cinnamon Oak
Shin Oak
Turkey Oak
Quercus laevisTurkey Oak
Quercus laurifoliaLaurel Oak
Swamp Laurel Oak
Darlington Oak
Diamond-leaf Oak
Laurel-leaf Oak
Water Oak
Obtusa Oak
Quercus lyrataOvercup Oak
Swamp Post Oak
Water White Oak
Swamp White Oak
Quercus marilandicaBlackjack Oak
Barren Oak
Black Oak
Jack Oak
Quercus michauxiiSwamp Chestnut Oak
Basket Oak
Cow Oak
Swamp Oak
Quercus muehlenbergiiChinkapin Oak
Chinquapin Oak
Chestnut Oak
Yellow Chestnut Oak
Rock Chestnut Oak
Yellow Oak
Rock Oak
Quercus myrtifoliaMyrtle Oak
Quercus nigraWater Oak
Possum Oak
Duck Oak
Punk Oak
Spotted Oak
Quercus phellosWillow Oak
Swamp Willow Oak
Pin Oak
Peach Oak
Quercus shumardiiShumard Oak
Shumard's Oak
Shumard Red Oak
Southern Red Oak
Swamp Red Oak
Spotted Oak
Quercus stellataPost Oak
Iron Oak
Cross Oak
Quercus virginianaCoastal Live Oak
Southern Live Oak
Virginia Live Oak
Live Oak
Ratibida pinnataGrayhead Coneflower
Gray-headed Coneflower
Grayhead Mexican Hat
Gray-headed Mexican Hat
Pinnate Prairie Coneflower
Yellow Coneflower
Rhododendron alabamenseAlabama Azalea
Rhododendron austrinumOrange Azalea
Florida Azalea
Yellow Azalea
Rhododendron canescensMountain Azalea
Wild Azalea
Honeysuckle Azalea
Piedmont Azalea
Sweet Azalea
Hoary Azalea
Southern Pinxterflower
Rhus copallinumWinged Sumac
Shining Sumac
Flameleaf Sumac
Mountain Sumac
Dwarf Sumac
Wing-rib Sumac
Black Sumac
Upland Sumac
Rhapidophyllum hystrixNeedle Palm
Blue Palmetto
Rhododendron viscosumSwamp Azalea
Clammy Azalea
Cory Azalea
Hammock Sweet Azalea
Rosa palustrisSwamp Rose
Ruellia caroliniensisCarolina Wild Petunia
Rudbeckia fulgidaOrange Coneflower
Orange Rudbeckia
Perennial Black-eyed Susan
Rudbeckia hirtaBlack-eyed Susan
Common Black-eyed Susan
Brown-eyed Susan
Blackeyed Susan
Sassafras albidumSassafras
White Sassafras
Ague Tree
Cinnamon Wood
Mitten Tree
Smelling Stick
Salix carolinianaCoastal Plain Willow
Saururus cernuusLizard's Tail
Lizard Tail
Water Dragon
Salvia coccineaScarlet Sage
Tropical Sage
Blood Sage
Red Sage
Indian Fire
Salix humilisPrairie Willow
Salvia lyrataLyreleaf Sage
Cancer Weed
scientific namecommon name(s)image gallery

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249 Results:   10  25 50 100 per page

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General Appearance


Light requirement
 Sun - 6 or more hrs
 Part shade - 2 to 6 hrs
 Shade - 2 hrs or less

Soil moisture
 Dry - no signs of moisture
 Moist - looks & feels damp
 Wet - saturated

Bloom Time
 Jan  Feb  Mar
 Apr  May  Jun
 Jul  Aug  Sep
 Oct  Nov  Dec
Bloom Color
 White  Red  Pink
 Orange  Yellow  Green
 Blue  Purple  Violet
 Brown  Black

Leaf Arrangement

Leaf Retention