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Rhododendron canescens
Rhododendron canescens (Michx.) Sweet
Mountain Azalea, Wild Azalea, Honeysuckle Azalea, Piedmont Azalea, Sweet Azalea, Hoary Azalea, Southern Pinxterflower
Ericaceae (Heath Family)
Synonym(s): Azalea candida, Azalea canescens, Azalea canescens var. subglabra, Rhododendron candidum, Rhododendron canescens var. candidum, Rhododendron canescens var. subglabrum
USDA Symbol: RHCA7
USDA Native Status: L48 (N)
Wild azalea is a showy shrub growing up to 8 feet tall. Leaves are alternate, deciduous, clustered, 1 1/2-4 inches long and 3/4-1 1/4 inches wide. They are firm and thick, with a dark green upper surface. The sticky, slightly fragrant flowers, which bloom before the leaves are mature, grow in whorl-like clusters. They are pink (rarely white), trumpet-shaped, about 1 inch long, flaring into 5 petal-like lobes. There are 5 stamens, 1-1 3/4 inches long, that extend well beyond the petals, and a pistil equal to or exceeding the stamens in length. The flowers exude a delicate fragrance and usually appear before the thin, velvety, elliptic leaves. This is the most common native azalea in the Southeast. It tends to form large colonies and hybridizes readily with other species in the genus.
Plant Characteristics
Duration: PerennialHabit: Shrub
Leaf Retention: Deciduous
Leaf Arrangement: Alternate
Leaf Complexity: Simple
Breeding System: Flowers Bisexual
Fruit Type: Capsule
Size Notes: Height to 8 feet tall.
Leaf: Dark green upper surface.
Flower: Flowers 1 inch long
Fruit: Brown
Bloom Information
Bloom Color: White , PinkBloom Time: Mar , Apr , May
Bloom Notes: Rarely white.
USA: AL , AR , DE , FL , GA , KY , LA , MD , MS , NC , OK , PA , SC , TN , TX , VANative Distribution: Coastal Plain & Piedmont from NC to FL & TX
Native Habitat: Acid bogs
Growing Conditions
Water Use: MediumLight Requirement: Part Shade
Soil Moisture: Dry
Soil pH: Acidic (pH<6.8)
CaCO3 Tolerance: None
Soil Description: Moist, well-drained soil. . Acid-based, Sandy, Sandy Loam, Medium Loam
Conditions Comments: This is the most common native azalea in the Southeast. Give this azalea plenty of room, as it tends to form large colonies. This species hybridizes readily with others in the genus.
Use Ornamental: Aromatic, Water garden, Bog or pond areaWarning: Rhododendrons contain poisonous substances and should not be ingested by humans or animals. Honey made from flowers also may be toxic. POISONOUS PARTS: All parts. Highly Toxic, May be Fatal if eaten. Symptoms include salivation, watering of eyes and nose, abdominal pain, loss of energy, depression, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, difficult breathing, progressive paralysis of arms and legs, coma. Toxic Principle: Andromedotoxin. (Poisonous Plants of N.C.)
Conspicuous Flowers: yes
Value to Beneficial Insects
Special Value to Bumble BeesThis information was provided by the Pollinator Program at The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation.
Description: Combine seeds loosely with sphagnum moss and sprinkle lightly over a 2:1 perlite/peat mixture. Germinate under mist or a plastic tent. Optimum temperatures for germination are 45-50 degrees. Transplant seedlings to acid soil with a high content of orgaSeed Treatment: No pretreatment is necessary.
Commercially Avail: yes
National Wetland Indicator Status
Region: | AGCP | AK | AW | CB | EMP | GP | HI | MW | NCNE | WMVE |
Status: | FACW | FACW | FACW | FACW | FACW |
From the National Organizations Directory
According to the species list provided by Affiliate Organizations, this plant is on display at the following locations:Crosby Arboretum - Picayune, MS
Mt. Cuba Center - Hockessin, DE
Bibref 1620 - Gardening with Native Plants of the South (Reprint Edition) (2009) Wasowski, S. with A. WasowskiBibref 318 - Native Texas Plants: Landscaping Region by Region (2002) Wasowski, S. & A. Wasowski
Bibref 248 - Texas Wildflowers: A Field Guide (1984) Loughmiller, C. & L. Loughmiller
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Research Literature
Reslit 250 - Leaf wax extracts of four deciduous azalea genotypes affect azalea lace bug (Stephanitis pyrioides Scott) survival rates and behavior (2006) M. Chappell and C. RobackerReslit 711 - Cold hardiness of floral buds of deciduous azaleas: Dehardening, rehardening, and endodormancy in late winter (2007) S. R. Kalberer, R. Arora, N. Leyva-Estrada and S. ...
Reslit 712 - Frost dehardening and rehardening of floral buds of deciduous azaleas are influenced by genotypic biogeography (2007) S. R. Kalberer, N. Leyva-Estrada, S. L. Krebs and ...
Reslit 1449 - Composition and variability of epicuticular lipids of azaleas and their relationship to azalea lace bug resistance (1999) Y. F. Wang, S. K. Braman, C. D. Robacker, J. G. La...
Reslit 1450 - Identification of resistance to azalea lace bug among deciduous azalea taxa (1998) Y. F. Wang, C. D. Robacker and S. K. Braman
Reslit 2333 - Evidence for Introgression in Azaleas (Rhododendron; Ericaceae): Chloroplast DNA and Morphological Variation in a Hybrid Swarm on Stone Mountain, Georgia (1993) K. A. Kron, L. M. Gawen and M. W. Chase
Reslit 2509 - Epicuticular lipids from azalea (Rhododendron spp) and their potential role in host-plant acceptance by azalea lace bug, Stephanitis pyrioides (Heteroptera, Tingidae) (1995) J. A. Balsdon, K. E. Espelie and S. K. Braman
This information was provided by the Florida WIldflower Foundation.
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Additional resources
USDA: Find Rhododendron canescens in USDA PlantsFNA: Find Rhododendron canescens in the Flora of North America (if available)
Google: Search Google for Rhododendron canescens
Record Modified: 2014-08-29Research By: TWC Staff