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Butterflies and Moths of North America

Butterflies and Moths of North America is a searchable database of verified butterfly and moth records in the United States and Mexico. This site includes dynamic distribution maps, photographs, species accounts, and species checklists for each county in the U.S. and each state in Mexico.

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351 Results:   10  25 50 100 per page

scientific namecommon name(s)image gallery
Ceanothus sanguineusRedstem Ceanothus
Oregon Tea-tree
Wild Lilac
Chenopodium albumLambsquarters
Chiococca albaSnowberry
West Indian Milkberry
David's Milkberry
West Indian Snowberry
Chelone glabraWhite Turtlehead
Chionanthus virginicusWhite Fringetree
Fringe Tree
Snowflower Tree
Flowering Ash
Old Man's Beard
Grandfather Graybeard
Grancy Graybeard
Cirsium discolorField Thistle
Cirsium horridulumBristle Thistle
Yellow Thistle
Horrid Thistle
Purple Thistle
Spiny Thistle
Bull Thistle
Cirsium muticumSwamp Thistle
Cirsium pitcheriSand Dune Thistle
Cornus alternifoliaAlternateleaf Dogwood
Alternate-leaf Dogwood
Pagoda Dogwood
Corylus cornutaBeaked Hazelnut
Beaked Filbert
Cornus floridaFlowering Dogwood
Virginia Dogwood
Florida Dogwood
White Cornel
American Boxwood
False Box
St. Peter's Crown
Corona De San Pedro
Coursetia glandulosaCoursetia
Rosary Baby-bonnets
Rosary Babybonnets
Condalia hookeriBluewood Condalia
Purple Haw
Capul Negro
Comptonia peregrinaSweet-fern
Cornus racemosaGray Dogwood
Cornus rugosaRoundleaf Dogwood
Cornus sericeaRed Osier Dogwood
Red Osier
Red-twig Dogwood
Condalia spathulataKnifeleaf Condalia
Comandra umbellataBastard Toadflax
Condalia viridisGreen Snakewood
Green Condalia
Croton capitatusHogwort
Texas Goatweed
Crataegus douglasiiBlack Hawthorn
Cyperus esculentusYellow Nutsedge
Chufa Sedge
Yellow Nut-grass
Danthonia spicataPoverty Oatgrass
Poverty Wild Oat Grass
Curly Grass
Desmodium canadenseShowy Tick Trefoil
Deschampsia cespitosaTufted Hairgrass
Tufted Hair Grass
Desmodium glutinosumPointedleaf Ticktrefoil
Dicliptera brachiataBranched Foldwing
Branched Dicliptera
Diapensia lapponicaPincushion Plant
Distichlis spicataSaltgrass
Coastal Salt Grass
Inland Salt-grass
Diospyros texanaTexas Persimmon
Mexican Persimmon
Black Persimmon
Chapote Prieto
Dicentra unifloraLonghorn Steer's-head
Diospyros virginianaEastern Persimmon
Common Persimmon
Date Plum
Winter Plum
Jove's Fruit
Dryas integrifoliaEntireleaf Mountain-avens
Dryas octopetalaEightpetal Mountain-avens
Eight-petal Mountain-avens
White Mountain-avens
Mountain Dryas
Eleocharis ellipticaElliptic Spikerush
Empetrum nigrumBlack Crowberry
Epigaea repensTrailing Arbutus
Plymouth Mayflower
Eriogonum abertianumAbert's Buckwheat
Abert's Wild Buckwheat
Eriogonum fasciculatumEastern Mojave Buckwheat
Eastern Mojave Wild Buckwheat
California Buckwheat
Flattop Buckwheat
Flat-top Buckwheat
Eriogonum giganteumSt. Catherine's Lace
Eriogonum nudumNaked Buckwheat
Nakedstem Buckwheat
Erigeron philadelphicusPhiladelphia Fleabane
Fleabane Daisy
Eriogonum umbellatumSulphur-flower Buckwheat
Sulphur-flower Wild Buckwheat
Sulphur Buckwheat
Eriogonum wrightiiWright's Buckwheat
Wild Buckwheat
Perennial Buckwheat
Shrubby Buckwheat
Shrubby Bastard-sage
Eugenia axillarisWhite Stopper
Eurybia macrophyllaBigleaf Aster
Large-leaf Wood-aster
Fagus grandifoliaAmerican Beech
White Beech
Red Beech
Ridge Beech
Beechnut Tree
Festuca idahoensisIdaho Fescue
Bunchgrass Fescue
Blue Bunchgrass
scientific namecommon name(s)image gallery

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351 Results:   10  25 50 100 per page

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General Appearance


Light requirement
 Sun - 6 or more hrs
 Part shade - 2 to 6 hrs
 Shade - 2 hrs or less

Soil moisture
 Dry - no signs of moisture
 Moist - looks & feels damp
 Wet - saturated

Bloom Time
 Jan  Feb  Mar
 Apr  May  Jun
 Jul  Aug  Sep
 Oct  Nov  Dec
Bloom Color
 White  Red  Pink
 Orange  Yellow  Green
 Blue  Purple  Violet
 Brown  Black

Leaf Arrangement

Leaf Retention