Special Collections
Mississippi Recommended
Commercially available native plant species suitable for planned landscapes in Mississippi. Visit our Suppliers Directory to locate businesses that sell native plants or seeds or provide professional landscape or consulting services in this state. Visit the Organizations Directory to locate native plant societies, conservation groups, governmental agencies, botanical gardens, arboreta, and other plant-related organizations in this state.Printer Friendly: Species List | List with Images | List with QR Tags to Mobile
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |
Phlox divaricata | Wild Blue Phlox Louisiana Phlox Blue Woodland Phlox Sweet William Wild Sweet William | |
Phlox pilosa | Downy Phlox Prairie Phlox Fragrant Phlox | |
Pinus echinata | Shortleaf Pine Shortleaf Yellow Pine Southern Yellow Pine Yellow Pine Shortstraw Pine Arkansas Pine Longtag Pine Spruce Pine Oldfield Pine Arkansas Soft Pine | |
Pinus elliottii | Slash Pine | |
Pinus glabra | Spruce Pine | |
Pinus palustris | Longleaf Pine Georgia Pine Longleaf Yellow Pine Southern Yellow Pine Longstraw Pine Hill Pine Hard Pine Heart Pine | |
Pinus taeda | Loblolly Pine Oldfield Pine Bull Pine Rosemary Pine | |
Platanus occidentalis | American Sycamore Eastern Sycamore American Plane Tree Plane Tree Buttonwood Buttonball Tree | |
Polystichum acrostichoides | Christmas Fern | |
Prunus angustifolia | Chickasaw Plum Sandhill Plum | |
Prunus mexicana | Mexican Plum Bigtree Plum Inch Plum | |
Prunus serotina | Black Cherry Wild Black Cherry Rum Cherry | |
Quercus alba | White Oak Northern White Oak Eastern White Oak Stave Oak Ridge White Oak Forked-leaf White Oak | |
Quercus falcata | Southern Red Oak Bottomland Red Oak Three-lobed Red Oak Spanish Oak | |
Quercus nigra | Water Oak Possum Oak Duck Oak Punk Oak Spotted Oak | |
Quercus phellos | Willow Oak Swamp Willow Oak Pin Oak Peach Oak | |
Quercus shumardii | Shumard Oak Shumard's Oak Shumard Red Oak Southern Red Oak Swamp Red Oak Spotted Oak | |
Quercus stellata | Post Oak Iron Oak Cross Oak | |
Quercus virginiana | Coastal Live Oak Southern Live Oak Virginia Live Oak Live Oak Encino | |
Ratibida columnifera | Mexican Hat Red-spike Mexican Hat Upright Prairie Coneflower Prairie Coneflower Long-headed Coneflower Thimbleflower | |
Rhododendron austrinum | Orange Azalea Florida Azalea Yellow Azalea | |
Rhododendron canescens | Mountain Azalea Wild Azalea Honeysuckle Azalea Piedmont Azalea Sweet Azalea Hoary Azalea Southern Pinxterflower | |
Rhus glabra | Smooth Sumac | |
Robinia pseudoacacia | Black Locust | |
Rudbeckia hirta | Black-eyed Susan Common Black-eyed Susan Brown-eyed Susan Blackeyed Susan | |
Rudbeckia laciniata | Green-headed Coneflower Greenhead Coneflower Cutleaf Coneflower Wild Goldenglow Sochan | |
Sassafras albidum | Sassafras White Sassafras Ague Tree Cinnamon Wood Mitten Tree Saloop Smelling Stick | |
Salvia azurea | Pitcher Sage Big Blue Sage Azure Sage Giant Blue Sage Blue Sage | |
Sambucus nigra ssp. canadensis | Common Elderberry Black Elder Mexican Elderberry Common Elder Elderberry Tapiro Sauco | |
Spigelia marilandica | Woodland Pinkroot Pinkroot Indian Pink | |
Spartina patens | Saltmeadow Cordgrass Salt-meadow Cordgrass Marsh-hay Cordgrass | |
Stokesia laevis | Stokes Aster | |
Stewartia malacodendron | Silky Camellia Virginia Stewartia Round-fruited Stewartia | |
Symphoricarpos orbiculatus | Coralberry Indian Currant Buckbrush | |
Taxodium distichum | Bald Cypress Baldcypress Common Bald Cypress Southern Bald Cypress Deciduous Cypress Southern Cypress Swamp Cypress Red Cypress White Cypress Yellow Cypress Gulf Cypress Tidewater Red Cypress | |
Tilia americana | American Basswood American Linden Lime Tree Bee Tree | |
Trifolium reflexum | Buffalo Clover | |
Ulmus alata | Winged Elm Wahoo Elm Cork Elm Witch Elm | |
Ulmus americana | American Elm White Elm Soft Elm Water Elm Common Elm | |
Ulmus crassifolia | Cedar Elm Fall Elm Basket Elm Scrub Elm Lime Elm Texas Elm Southern Rock Elm Olmo | |
Vaccinium arboreum | Farkleberry Tree Sparkleberry Sparkleberry Winter Huckleberry Huckleberry | |
Viola pedata | Birdfoot Violet Bird's-foot Violet Bird-foot Violet | |
Wisteria frutescens | American Wisteria Texas Wisteria Kentucky Wisteria | |
Yucca aloifolia | Spanish Dagger Spanish Bayonet Aloe Yucca | |
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |