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Solanum rostratum (Buffalo bur)
Marcus, Joseph A.

Solanum rostratum

Solanum rostratum Dunal

Buffalo Bur, Buffalo Bur Nightshade, Buffalobur Nightshade

Solanaceae (Potato Family)

Synonym(s): Androcera rostrata, Solanum cornutum

USDA Symbol: soro

USDA Native Status: L48 (N), CAN (W)

Dense, golden-yellow prickles cover the stems and calyx of each yellow, star-like flower on this leafy weed.

The prickles on this highly toxic plant help to discourage grazing by livestock. An equally prickly species of about the same habit, Melonleaf Nightshade (S. citrullifolium), has blue-violet corollas.


From the Image Gallery

55 photo(s) available in the Image Gallery

Plant Characteristics

Duration: Annual
Habit: Herb
Leaf Arrangement: Alternate
Breeding System: Flowers Bisexual
Fruit Type: Berry
Size Notes: Up to about 30 inches tall.

Bloom Information

Bloom Color: Yellow
Bloom Time: May , Jun , Jul , Aug , Sep


USA: AL , AR , AZ , CA , CO , CT , DC , DE , GA , IA , ID , IL , IN , KS , KY , LA , MA , MD , ME , MI , MN , MO , MS , MT , NC , ND , NE , NH , NJ , NM , NV , NY , OH , OK , OR , PA , RI , SC , SD , TN , TX , UT , VA , VT , WA , WI , WV , WY
Native Distribution: Throughout much of southern Canada and United States; in West, probably more common in southern part; also in northern Mexico.
Native Habitat: Found in dry, calcareous soil in full sun with little water. This plant is very abundant in the Texas hill country.

Growing Conditions

Light Requirement: Sun
Conditions Comments: This plant is extrememly low maintenance and has prickles to protect itself from harm. This plant comes into the landscape when all other things disappear and can survive will no water and bad soil.


Use Wildlife: Seeds are important dove and quail food.
Conspicuous Flowers: yes
Fragrant Flowers: yes
Interesting Foliage: yes
Deer Resistant: High

Find Seed or Plants

Find seed sources for this species at the Native Seed Network.

From the National Organizations Directory

According to the species list provided by Affiliate Organizations, this plant is on display at the following locations:

Fredericksburg Nature Center - Fredericksburg, TX
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center - Austin, TX
Sibley Nature Center - Midland, TX
Brackenridge Field Laboratory - Austin, TX
Patsy Glenn Refuge, c/o Wimberley Birding Society - Wimberley, TX
Native Seed Network - Corvallis, OR

Herbarium Specimen(s)

NPSOT 0025 Collected July 22, 1990 in Bexar County by Judith C. Berry
NPSOT 0446 Collected Jun 4, 1987 in Bexar County by Harry Cliffe
NPSOT 0128 Collected Sept. 9, 1991 in Bexar County by Lottie Millsaps
NPSOT 0946 Collected Sep 1, 1994 in Bexar County by Harry Cliffe

4 specimen(s) available in the Digital Herbarium

Wildflower Center Seed Bank

LBJWC-0110 Collected 2007-07-10 in Travis County by Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center

1 collection(s) available in the Wildflower Center Seed Bank


Bibref 281 - Shinners & Mahler's Illustrated Flora of North Central Texas (1999) Diggs, G. M.; B. L. Lipscomb; B. O'Kennon; W. F...
Bibref 328 - Wildflowers of Texas (2003) Ajilvsgi, Geyata.
Bibref 286 - Wildflowers of the Texas Hill Country (1989) Enquist, M.

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Web Reference

Webref 23 - Southwest Environmental Information Network (2009) SEINet - Arizona Chapter

Additional resources

USDA: Find Solanum rostratum in USDA Plants
FNA: Find Solanum rostratum in the Flora of North America (if available)
Google: Search Google for Solanum rostratum


Record Modified: 2023-02-28
Research By: NPC

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