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scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |
Chenopodium berlandieri | Pitseed Goosefoot Lambs Quarters | |
Chenopodium berlandieri var. boscianum | Pitseed Goosefoot | |
Chenopodium berlandieri var. bushianum | Bush's Goosefoot | |
Chenopodium berlandieri var. zschackii | Pit Seed Goosefoot Zschack's Goosefoot | |
Chamaesyce cordifolia | Heartleaf Sandmat | |
Cheilanthes eatonii | Eaton's Lipfern | |
Chamaecrista fasciculata | Partridge Pea Sleepingplant Sensitive Plant | |
Chamaecrista fasciculata var. fasciculata | Partridge Pea Showy Partridge-pea Beeflower | |
Cheilanthes feei | Slender Lipfern | |
Chelone glabra | White Turtlehead | |
Chamaesyce hirta | Pillpod Sandmat Asthma Plant Snakeweed Sneeze Weed | |
Chamaesyce humistrata | Spreading Sandmat Spreading Spurge | |
Chamaesyce hyssopifolia | Hyssopleaf Sandmat | |
Cheilanthes lanosa | Hairy Lipfern | |
Chasmanthium latifolium | Inland Sea Oats Indian Wood Oats Wild Oats River Oats Flathead Oats Upland Oats Upland Sea Oats | |
Chasmanthium laxum | Slender Woodoats Slender Chasmanthium | |
Chamaelirium luteum | Fairywand Blazing Star | |
Chamaesyce maculata | Spotted Spurge Spotted Euphorbia Spotted Sandmat Milk Purslane Prostrate Spurge | |
Chamaesyce missurica | Prairie Sandmat Missouri Spurge | |
Chamaecrista nictitans | Sensitive Partridge Pea Partridge-pea Sensitive Pea | |
Chamaecrista nictitans ssp. nictitans | Sensitive Partridge Pea Partridge Pea | |
Chamaecrista nictitans var. nictitans | Sensitive Partridge Pea | |
Chamaesyce nutans | Nodding Spurge Eyebane | |
Chelone obliqua | Red Turtlehead | |
Chelone obliqua var. speciosa | Purple Turtlehead Red Turtlehead Rose Turtlehead Shellflower | |
Chenopodium pallescens | Slim-leaf Goosefoot Slimleaf Goosefoot | |
Chrysopsis pilosa | Soft Goldenaster Soft Golden-aster | |
Chaerophyllum procumbens | Spreading Chervil | |
Chamaesyce prostrata | Prostrate Spurge Prostrate Sandmat Ground Spurge | |
Chaerophyllum procumbens var. procumbens | Spreading Chervil Wild Chervil | |
Chaerophyllum procumbens var. shortii | Short's Spreading Chervil Spreading Chervil Wild Chervil | |
Chasmanthium sessiliflorum | Longleaf Woodoats | |
Chamaesyce serpens | Matted Sandmat Prostrate Spurge Creeping Spurge | |
Chenopodium simplex | Mapleleaf Goosefoot | |
Chenopodium standleyanum | Standley's Goosefoot | |
Chaerophyllum tainturieri | Hairyfruit Chervil Southern Chervil | |
Chaerophyllum tainturieri var. dasycarpum | Hairyfruit Chervil Wild Chervil | |
Chaerophyllum tainturieri var. tainturieri | Hairyfruit Chervil Hairy-fruit Chervil Wild Chervil Chervil | |
Cheilanthes tomentosa | Woolly Lipfern | |
Chloris verticillata | Tumble Windmill Grass Windmillgrass | |
Chionanthus virginicus | White Fringetree Fringe Tree Snowflower Tree Flowering Ash Old Man's Beard Grandfather Graybeard Grancy Graybeard | |
Chloris virgata | Feather Fingergrass Showy Chloris | |
Cirsium altissimum | Tall Thistle | |
Cinna arundinacea | Sweet Woodreed Common Woodreed | |
Cirsium carolinianum | Carolina Thistle Soft Thistle Purple Thistle Smallhead Thistle | |
Cirsium discolor | Field Thistle | |
Cirsium engelmannii | Engelmann's Thistle | |
Cirsium horridulum | Bristle Thistle Yellow Thistle Horrid Thistle Purple Thistle Spiny Thistle Bull Thistle | |
Cirsium horridulum var. horridulum | Horrid Thistle Yellow Thistle | |
Cirsium ×iowense | Iowa Thistle Roadside Tthistle Field Thistle | |
Circaea lutetiana | Broadleaf Enchanter's Nightshade | |
Circaea lutetiana ssp. canadensis | Broadleaf Enchanter's Nightshade | |
Cicuta maculata | Spotted Water Hemlock Water-hemlock Beaver Poison | |
Cicuta maculata var. angustifolia | Spotted Water Hemlock Spotted Water-hemlock Common Water Hemlock Narrow Leafed Water Hemlock Poison Parsnip Spotted Cowbane Spotted Parsley | |
Cicuta maculata var. bolanderi | Spotted Water Hemlock Common Water Hemlock Poison Parsnip Spotted Cowbane Spotted Parsley Bolander Cicuta | |
Cicuta maculata var. maculata | Spotted Water Hemlock | |
Cirsium muticum | Swamp Thistle | |
Cissus trifoliata | Cow-itch Vine Cow Itch Vine Sorrelvine Grape Ivy Possum Grape Arizona Grape Ivy | |
Clinopodium arkansanum | Limestone Calamint | |
Claytonia caroliniana | Carolina Springbeauty | |
Clematis catesbyana | Satincurls Virgin's-bower | |
Claytonia caroliniana var. caroliniana | Carolina Springbeauty | |
Clematis crispa | Swamp Leatherflower Curly Clematis Blue-jasmine Curlflower Curly Virgin's Bower Marsh Clematis | |
Clematis glaucophylla | Whiteleaf Leather-flower | |
Cladrastis kentukea | Kentucky Yellowwood Yellowwood Gopherwood Virgilia | |
Cladium mariscus | Swamp Sawgrass Great Fen-sedge Saw-sedge Sawtooth Sedge | |
Clitoria mariana | Atlantic Pigeonwings Butterfly Pea | |
Cladium mariscus ssp. jamaicense | Jamaica Swamp Sawgrass Jamaican Saw-grass Saw-grass | |
Clematis pitcheri | Purple Leatherflower Purple Clematis Leatherflower Bluebill Bellflower Clematis Pitcher's Clematis | |
Clematis pitcheri var. pitcheri | Bluebill Pitcher's Clematis Pitcher Leather-flower Pitcher's Virgins-bower | |
Clematis reticulata | Netleaf Leather Flower | |
Clematis versicolor | Pale Leatherflower | |
Claytonia virginica | Virginia Springbeauty Springbeauty | |
Clematis viorna | Vasevine Leatherflower | |
Clematis virginiana | Devil's Darning Needles Virgin's Bower Old Man's Beard | |
Claytonia virginica var. acutiflora | Eastern Spring Beauty Meadow Beauty Narrow-leaved Spring Beauty Virginia Springbeauty | |
Claytonia virginica var. virginica | Virginia Springbeauty | |
Clinopodium vulgare | Wild Basil | |
Cnidoscolus texanus | Texas Bullnettle Bull Nettle Tread-softly Spurge Nettle | |
Cornus alternifolia | Alternateleaf Dogwood Alternate-leaf Dogwood Pagoda Dogwood | |
Corylus americana | American Hazelnut American Filbert | |
Corispermum americanum | American Bugseed | |
Corispermum americanum var. americanum | American Bugseed | |
Coreopsis basalis | Goldenmane Tickseed Golden-wave | |
Cocculus carolinus | Carolina Snailseed Carolina Coralbead Carolina Moonseed Red Berried Moonseed Carolina Red Berried Moonseed | |
Conyza canadensis | Horseweed Canadian Horseweed | |
Conyza canadensis var. canadensis | Canadian Horseweed | |
Conyza canadensis var. pusilla | Canadian Horseweed | |
Conoclinium coelestinum | Blue Mistflower Wild Ageratum Blue Boneset | |
Corydalis crystallina | Mealy Corydalis Mealy Fumewort | |
Coelorachis cylindrica | Cylinder Jointtail Grass Carolina Joint-tail | |
Cornus drummondii | Roughleaf Dogwood Drummond's Dogwood Rough-leaf Dogwood | |
Cooperia drummondii | Evening Rain Lily Evening Star Rain Lily | |
Convolvulus equitans | Texas Bindweed Bindweed | |
Commelina erecta | Dayflower Widow's Tears White-mouth Dayflower Whitemouth Dayflower | |
Commelina erecta var. angustifolia | Whitemouth Dayflower Narrow-leaf Dayflower Widow's Tears | |
Commelina erecta var. deamiana | Whitemouth Dayflower Erect Dayflower Narrowleaved Dayflower Widow's Tears | |
Commelina erecta var. erecta | Whitemouth Dayflower Day Flower Widow's Tears | |
Cornus florida | Flowering Dogwood Virginia Dogwood Florida Dogwood White Cornel Arrowwood American Boxwood False Box St. Peter's Crown Corona De San Pedro | |
Corydalis flavula | Yellow Fumewort Yellow Harlequin | |
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |