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1,341 Results:   10  25 50 100 per page

Evergreen shrub for northwest-facing wall
June 09, 2012
Can you suggest a tall (8-10') evergreen shrub for a site against a northwest-facing wall which gets no sun in the winter but full sun in the summer? Texas sage got too leggy and viburnum will be to...
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Identification of plant with seed pods that have red seeds
June 07, 2012
I was working for a landscaping company and I was told to clean up around the pool area. I started cleaning up then I noticed this dark brown pod on the ground. At first I thought it was a piece of an...
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Poverty plant overgrown in Austin
June 06, 2012
We have a poverty plant that is too big for its space in our yard. We like it and want to keep it. Can it be transplanted easily? What about pruning it.
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Failure to bloom of Esperanza from Austin
June 06, 2012
I have an Esperanza plant. I've had this plant for over 5 years. Its in a large pot. The plant has NEVER bloomed. I fertilize maybe once a month and dont seem to be over watering, only when I notice ...
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Need suggestions for privacy hedge in New River, AZ.
June 05, 2012
Hi! I live on a acre that is fenced and cross-fenced with 6' chain link. I am desperate to find a drought tolerant, very low water, non-toxic, fast growing privacy hedge or vine that I can plant arou...
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Problems with non-native Eugenia in Scottsdale AZ
June 02, 2012
I have 5 eugenia topiaries in my courtyard in pots..I notice as the days here in Phoenix get hotter and dry (as usual) they are starting to look bad, even though they are under a shelter out of the di...
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Picture in newspaper from Austin
June 02, 2012
Your gardening story for the Jan 21,2012 in the Austin American Statesman pictured a pale green bush with purple flowers, however the plant was not identified. Can you tell me what it is? Thanks
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Non-native Jerusalem Sage from Comfort TX
May 31, 2012
I live in Comfort, TX. I have 3 Jerusalem sage plants that bloom beautifully each year. However, just the past week one has started turning yellow and brown. The leaves look withered and ready to die....
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Spots on leaves of Esperanza from Dallas
May 30, 2012
Have a new 1 foot high Esperanza. It is flowering OK (so far) but it has small rust colored spots about the size of a B-B all over most of the leaves. On the top side of the leaf the spot is depress...
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Plants wilting too quickly in Toledo OH
May 27, 2012
The garden I have had recent issues with plants wilting all too quickly. I would like to know what types of plants would be hearty for the climate in Toledo, Ohio. I have a partly sunny front yard and...
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Need options for smaller trees in neighborhoods in Austin, TX.
May 25, 2012
Please discuss smaller tree options for typical Austin neighborhood yards. These houses are built close together on the sides, and only have smallish back yards. They just don't have space for big 50...
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Shade trees for Tucson AZ
May 25, 2012
I need to plant some "fast growing" trees or shrubs on my southwest yard in order to reduce the heat in my bedroom. What do you suggest? I live in Tucson, Arizona. Thank you in advance. I'm...
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Which plants are resistant to dog urine in Ashmore, IL??
May 21, 2012
Which native plants are resistant to dogs urinating on them?
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Shrubs and small trees for a slope in NY
May 21, 2012
We are looking for a living wall made of shrubs / small trees - no more than 25' for the top of a steep creek bed. We are looking for the best erosion preventing types.
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Making cuttings from purple sage in Austin, TX.
May 15, 2012
I would like to plant additional purple sage for landscaping. May I do this with cuttings from an existing adult plant? If so, how and when would be the best method? I live in Lago Vista, TX
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Problem with magnolias and yaupon in Prosper TX
May 13, 2012
Problem with Little Gem magnolia - 3 little gems planted next to a fence, in Prosper, TX. Planted 3 years ago, 2009, one of the trees is now withering. The other 2 are doing fine, the one has leaves...
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How to correct Anacacho leaves that are turning brown and curling in Driftwood, TX?
May 11, 2012
Anacacho lunarioides leaves are turning brown and curling,how do I correct?
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Replacement Yaupon holly doing poorly in Pflugerville, TX
May 09, 2012
I had to replace quite a few shrubs after the drought last year. I live in Austin, TX. I have planted 3 dwarf yaupon holly bushes in the exact same place where the previous three same type of shrubs...
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Evergreen screening plant for California
May 08, 2012
I am looking for an evergreen plant that can be used as a screen. Maybe something wispy. Any suggestions?
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Restoring the woods in Central Austin.
May 08, 2012
I live in Austin, south central between Red Bud trail close to the low water bridge and Bee Caves road. My question: I want to make the wooded sections of my yard attractive. They have filtered sun...
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Yellow-blossomed Shrub that Occurs in Arizona and Texas
May 08, 2012
What is the name of the large shrubs you will see in Arizona with the bright yellow blossoms. They grow wild everywhere, and I also see them in the town. Could you please tell me the name of them, s...
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Pool-side ornamentals for south Louisiana
May 07, 2012
We live in south Louisiana and are re-doing the plants around our pool. What are some low maintenance, small shrubs (flowering) or other ornamentals that would be good in this area?
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Pruning a rough-leaf dogwood in spring
May 04, 2012
Is it OK to trim a rough leaf dogwood now? Should I spray after trimming? Thanks
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Problems with evergreen sumac in San Antonio
May 03, 2012
I planted 5 5-gallon (approximately 2 feet tall) evergreen sumac in early January. Since that time they have sprouted out new shoot with new leaves several times - every time the leaves have wilted a...
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Steep slope from Charlotte NC
May 03, 2012
I live near Charlotte, NC and I have a very steep sloped area from the edge of our front yard down to the road. It's a huge eyesore mainly because it is red clay dirt and has nothing growing on it. W...
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Germination of Sophora seeds, and Dodder identification in Kingsland, TX.
May 02, 2012
Our Mt. Laurel has just produced seeds. Can those be scarified and planted now or do they have to dry out. Also what is the stringy orange substance that gets on bluebonnets and other wildflowers ...
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White blooms on Rose Pavonia from Austin
May 02, 2012
Hi Mr. Smarty Plants, I've planted my entire South Austin garden with natives from your excellent recommendations and I wanted to thank you, the garden is just beautiful! So here is my questio...
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Need suggestions for privacy hedge in Northern NJ.
May 01, 2012
Hi, I'm looking for advice on what plant would make an excellent privacy hedge in Northern NJ (Bergen County). Ideally something low maintenance, about 5 feet tall, would act as a fence. Thanks...
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Cenizo safe for consumption by parrots from Phoenix AZ
April 30, 2012
Could you tell me if Cenizo, (Leucophyllum frutescens) branches and leaves can be fed to pets? (parrots)I read the leaves were often used for tea for humans, but can't find an information if safe fo...
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Small native shrub for Noblesville In
April 30, 2012
Is there a small shrub native to central Indiana that is suitable for front yard city landscaping?
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Evergreen for privacy screen in San Antonio
April 30, 2012
I am looking to plant native fast-growing evergreens that will provide privacy (growing taller than our fence). We live in San Antonio and the Red Tip Photinia seems to be everywhere! I heard that t...
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Replacement of non-native red tip photinias in Midlothian VA
April 30, 2012
I need to replace our long lived red tips. They are now diseased. I would like a fast growing bush that I can trim and make a hedge with. Any suggestions
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Mountain laurels with insect problems in Bandera, TX..
April 30, 2012
I have 3 mountain laurels about 8 yrs old. Suddenly about 3 yrs ago worms started decimating them. This yr I got dipel dust which works great but only for two weeks. I now have small red flies and ...
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Problems with blueberries from Kernersville NC
April 29, 2012
My blueberry plants have no leaves or scrawny ones. I have 13 plants, 5 of them are like this.
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What is hollowing out my rosebuds in Austin, TX?
April 28, 2012
I recently noticed some of my rose buds had been hollowed out from the inside. I have seen no evidence of insect though. What do you think it is and how can I treat the problem?
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Sunny and shady lawns from Austin
April 28, 2012
My front yard has a large bed surrounded by a mix of St. Augustine and Bermuda grass. Last summers heat killed off about 90% of the St. Augustine, which we would like to replace anyway to conserve re...
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Identity of shrub with brownish flowers called cinnamon bush
April 25, 2012
When I lived in Vernon, CT, my neighbor had a small shrub/tree approximately 5 ft tall with small ovate slightly serrated leaves. In spring it produced reddish brown flowers that were of a hardened p...
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Retention pond from Hendersonville NC
April 24, 2012
We have a retention pond that has recently been cleaned and we would like to plant perennial native plant and grass seeds that will enhance the appearance and contribute to the natural process of filt...
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Male and female possumhaws for berries from Georgetown TX
April 23, 2012
Do I need to plant two ilex decidua (possumhaws), a male and female to have red berries on the tree in the winter?
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Privacy screen for pool from Southlake TX
April 21, 2012
I have a row of 7 live oaks that help block my neighbors two story house. Unfortunately, there is a gap between each tree of about 8 feet wide and 15 feet tall (from ground to the first branches/ leav...
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Shrub that will grow outside in Zone 5 from Millbrook NY
April 21, 2012
Is there any shrub, tree or other sort of plant that will grow well in zone 5 in a very large container outdoors?
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Need a drought resistant, maintenance free tree in Thomasville, GA.
April 20, 2012
I have been through many tree forums and asked several nurseries about a good tree to plant but nobody has provided an adequate answer and I hope you can help. I live in SW Georgia (Zone 8) and need ...
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Need a perennial plant for a cemetery plot in Lexington, KY.
April 16, 2012
What type of perennial plants to place on a cemetery plot in Lexington, KY. Receives afternoon sun.
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Non-native lilacs for Salt Lake City, UT
April 15, 2012
Is the weather in Salt Lake City UT good enough to plant a lilac bush root? If not, how long should I wait?
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Non-native photinias in Monroe NY
April 11, 2012
Two Questions: Is the weather too cold to plant red tip photinias in Monroe NY? What is a good alternative evergreen shrub to hide chain link fence?
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Plant similar to forsythia for Kansas City KS
April 11, 2012
I want to plant a plant very similar to Forsythia. I want it to be tall 4-5 ft tall. Need something that leaf changing, something besides burning bush.Former area rose beds 4 x 4 (two areas) Right ...
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Winter- and drought-resistant plant for North Central Texas
April 11, 2012
I would like to know is there a good winter and drought resistant flowering bush for my area. I would like something with bigger flowers like azaleas or roses maybe bigger, that will not grow anymore...
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Chlorosis in yaupon from San Angelo TX
April 08, 2012
Thank you for your information on the yaupon holly. We just finished clearing out the mulch and the red ground cover that popped up. I will quit watering it as much as the rest of the plants. Our y...
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Screening Shrub for Lubbock TX
April 08, 2012
I am a landscape architecture student at Texas Tech University and am looking for a drought tolerant shrub to be used for screening a water well area. The location is the northwest corner of a yard wi...
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Problems with yaupon from San Angelo TX
April 08, 2012
We have a 3-yr-old yaupon holly entering its 3rd summer. We have put store-bought wood-chips under the tree several times since it was planted. A plant has grown under the tree, possibly out of the ...
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