Did you know winter is the best time to plant trees and shrubs in Texas? Stock up on an assortment of native woody species at our members only Winter Woody Plant Sale
This is a walk-up, members only event. No reservations required.
Not a member? Join today to get access to this exclusive sale.
We’ll be set up in the Texas Arboretum which is easily accessed via the cul-de-sac at the end of La Crosse Avenue. Guests may park in our lot or on the street and walk right up to the plant sale entrance.
4 inch pots: $3.25
1 gallon pots: $10.00
2-3 gallon pots: $27.00
5 gallon pots: $36.00
Members receive a 10% discount. Select specialty and miscellaneous plants will be priced as marked. Credit cards only.
Defined as perennials that have stiff, above-ground stems, woody plants can be divided into three groups – trees, shrubs and vines. Woody plants of all shapes and sizes can be found throughout the Wildflower Center all year, because they don’t die back! Visit our Into the Woods exhibit to discover how to identify these plants and learn more about the work we do to inspire their conservation.