Special Collections
Established in 1979, we strive to offer the highest of quality available to the public. We handle Propagation from start to finish! Our solar Greenhouse starts our plants out from seed we collect from our premium plants on our farm, and, throughout our beautiful Counties of Ashe, Watauga, Avery, and Blowing Rock, NC. Our plants are eventually graduated into beds from containers, and are field-grown and sold as B&B plant material. We are open by appointment only due to the fact that we could be out landscaping, or, we could be on one of the 140 acres here on the farm... and... you might not find us! We do have a great website though. We look forward to having you visit, so give us a call.Printer Friendly: Species List | List with Images | List with QR Tags to Mobile
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |
Abies fraseri | Fraser Fir She-balsam | |
Aesculus pavia | Red Buckeye Scarlet Buckeye Firecracker Plant | |
Aesculus parviflora | Bottlebrush Buckeye | |
Amelanchier alnifolia | Saskatoon Serviceberry Western Serviceberry Juneberry | |
Amelanchier canadensis | Canadian Serviceberry Canadian Service-berry Shadblow Serviceberry Juneberry Shadbush Junebush | |
Betula nigra | River Birch Red Birch Black Birch Water Birch | |
Calycanthus floridus | Eastern Sweetshrub Carolina Allspice Sweet Shrub | |
Castanea pumila | Allegheny Chinquapin Allegheny Chinkapin Chinquapin Chinkapin | |
Cephalanthus occidentalis | Common Buttonbush Buttonbush Button Willow Honey Bells Honeybells Honey Balls Honeyballs Button-bush | |
Chionanthus virginicus | White Fringetree Fringe Tree Snowflower Tree Flowering Ash Old Man's Beard Grandfather Graybeard Grancy Graybeard | |
Clethra acuminata | Mountain Pepperbush Mountain Sweet Pepperbush Cinnamon Clethra | |
Clethra alnifolia | Coastal Pepperbush Coastal Sweet Pepperbush Coastal Sweet Pepper Alderleaf Pepperbush Alderleaf Clethra Clethra Summer Sweet | |
Cornus florida | Flowering Dogwood Virginia Dogwood Florida Dogwood White Cornel Arrowwood American Boxwood False Box St. Peter's Crown Corona De San Pedro | |
Diospyros virginiana | Eastern Persimmon Common Persimmon Possumwood Date Plum Winter Plum Jove's Fruit | |
Euonymus americanus | American Strawberry Bush Strawberry Bush Brook Euonymus Hearts-a-burstin Bursting Heart Wahoo | |
Fothergilla gardenii | Dwarf Witchalder Dwarf Witch-alder Dwarf Fothergilla | |
Franklinia alatamaha | Franklin Tree Franklintree Franklinia | |
Halesia carolina | Carolina Silverbell | |
Hamamelis virginiana | Witch-hazel American Witch-hazel Common Witch-hazel Winterbloom Snapping Hazelnut Striped Alder Spotted Alder Tobacco-wood Water-witch | |
Hypericum prolificum | Shrubby St. John's-wort | |
Hydrangea quercifolia | Oakleaf Hydrangea Oak-leaf Hydrangea | |
Itea virginica | Virginia Sweetspire Tassel-white Virginia Willow | |
Kalmia angustifolia | Sheep Laurel Lambkill Kalmia Lambkill | |
Kalmia latifolia | Mountain Laurel Calico Bush Kalmia Mountain-laurel | |
Leucothoe fontanesiana | Highland Doghobble Drooping Leucothoe | |
Lindera benzoin | Northern Spicebush Spicebush Wild Allspice | |
Lilium superbum | Turk's-cap Lily | |
Oxydendrum arboreum | Sourwood Sorrel Tree | |
Polystichum acrostichoides | Christmas Fern | |
Quercus phellos | Willow Oak Swamp Willow Oak Pin Oak Peach Oak | |
Rhododendron alabamense | Alabama Azalea | |
Rhododendron arborescens | Smooth Azalea Sweet Azalea | |
Rhododendron atlanticum | Dwarf Azalea Coastal Azalea | |
Rhododendron carolinianum | Carolina Azalea Carolina Rhododendron Carolina Laurel | |
Rhododendron calendulaceum | Flame Azalea | |
Rhododendron canadense | Rhodora | |
Rhododendron canescens | Mountain Azalea Wild Azalea Honeysuckle Azalea Piedmont Azalea Sweet Azalea Hoary Azalea Southern Pinxterflower | |
Rhododendron catawbiense | Catawba Rosebay Purple Rhododendron Red Laurel Catawba Rhododendron Mountain Rosebay | |
Rhododendron maximum | Great Laurel Wild Rhododendron Rosebay Rhododendron White Laurel Rosebay | |
Rhododendron periclymenoides | Pink Azalea Pinxterbloom Azalea Pinxterflower | |
Rhododendron vaseyi | Pinkshell Azalea Pink-shell Azalea | |
Rhododendron viscosum | Swamp Azalea Clammy Azalea Cory Azalea Hammock Sweet Azalea | |
Sorbus americana | American Mountain Ash American Mountain-ash | |
Styrax americanus | American Snowbell American Snowbells American Silverbells Big-leaf Snowbell Storax | |
Stewartia malacodendron | Silky Camellia Virginia Stewartia Round-fruited Stewartia | |
Stewartia ovata | Mountain Camellia Mountain Stewartia | |
Taxodium distichum | Bald Cypress Baldcypress Common Bald Cypress Southern Bald Cypress Deciduous Cypress Southern Cypress Swamp Cypress Red Cypress White Cypress Yellow Cypress Gulf Cypress Tidewater Red Cypress | |
Tsuga canadensis | Eastern Hemlock | |
Tsuga caroliniana | Carolina Hemlock | |
Viburnum nudum | Possumhaw Viburnum Possumhaw | |
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |