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Crosby Arboretum

The Crosby Arboretum is dedicated to educating the public about their environment. This mission is carried out by preserving, protecting, and displaying plants native to the Pearl River Drainage Basin ecosystem, providing environmental and botanical research opportunities, and offering cultural, scientific, and recreational programs. The Arboretum displays three basic habitats found in this ecosystem. They are a Savanna exhibit, a Woodland exhibit, and an Aquatic exhibit. Both drastic and subtle changes in landscape patterns can be observed within each exhibit. In addition to the 104-acre interpretive site, the Arboretum also maintains collectively over 1,000 acres of off-site natural areas that are preserved for scientific study.

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239 Results:   10  25 50 100 per page

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Acer floridanumSouthern Sugar Maple
Florida Maple
Caddo Maple
Rock Maple
Acalypha gracilensSlender Threeseed Mercury
Acer rubrumRed Maple
Scarlet Maple
Soft Maple
Acer rubrum var. drummondiiDrummond's Maple
Drummond Red Maple
Swamp Maple
Aesculus paviaRed Buckeye
Scarlet Buckeye
Firecracker Plant
Agalinis fasciculataBeach False Foxglove
Agalinis purpureaPurple False Foxglove
Purple Gerardia
Agalinis tenuifoliaSlenderleaf False Foxglove
Aletris aureaGolden Colicroot
Star Grass
Yellow Colic Root
Aletris farinosaWhite Colicroot
Colic Root
Unicorn Root
Aletris luteaYellow Colicroot
Yellow Colic-root
Alnus serrulataSmooth Alder
Hazel Alder
Brookside Alder
Tag Alder
Common Alder
Black Alder
Amelanchier arboreaCommon Serviceberry
Downy Serviceberry
Amorpha fruticosaIndigo Bush
False Indigo Bush
False Indigo
Desert False Indigo
Andropogon virginicusBroomsedge
Broomsedge Bluestem
Yellowsedge Bluestem
Whiskey Grass
Popotillo Pajon
Aronia arbutifoliaRed Chokeberry
Red Chokecherry
Arundinaria giganteaGiant Cane
River Cane
Switch Cane
American Bamboo
Aralia spinosaDevil's Walking Stick
Hercules Club
Angelica Tree
Pigeon Tree
Prickly Elder
Prickly Ash
Asclepias lanceolataFewflower Milkweed
Few-flower Milkweed
Red Milkweed
Asclepias longifoliaLongleaf Milkweed
Baccharis halimifoliaGroundseltree
Eastern Baccharis
Groundsel Bush
Salt Marsh-elder
Salt Bush
Florida Groundsel Bush
Bartonia paniculataTwining Screwstem
Balduina unifloraOneflower Honeycombhead
Betula nigraRiver Birch
Red Birch
Black Birch
Water Birch
Bidens aristosaBearded Beggarticks
Tickseed Sunflower
Bigelowia nudataPineland Rayless Goldenrod
Buchnera americanaAmerican Bluehearts
Callicarpa americanaAmerican Beautyberry
French Mulberry
Carpinus carolinianaAmerican Hornbeam
Blue Beech
Water Beech
Canna flaccidaBandanna Of The Everglades
Golden Canna
Carex glaucescensSouthern Waxy Sedge
Carya glabraPignut Hickory
Sweet Pignut Hickory
Coast Pignut Hickory
Sweet Pignut
Smoothbark Hickory
Broom Hickory
Red Hickory
Swamp Hickory
Switch Hickory
Switchbud Hickory
Carphephorus odoratissimusVanillaleaf
Vanilla Plant
Calopogon pallidusPale Grass-pink
Castanea pumilaAllegheny Chinquapin
Allegheny Chinkapin
Calopogon tuberosusTuberous Grasspink
Grass Pink
Ceanothus americanusNew Jersey Tea
Cercis canadensisEastern Redbud
Cephalanthus occidentalisCommon Buttonbush
Button Willow
Honey Bells
Honey Balls
Chamaecrista fasciculataPartridge Pea
Sensitive Plant
Chrysopsis marianaMaryland Goldenaster
Maryland Golden-aster
Chamaecyparis thyoidesAtlantic White Cedar
Chaptalia tomentosaWoolly Sunbonnets
Chionanthus virginicusWhite Fringetree
Fringe Tree
Snowflower Tree
Flowering Ash
Old Man's Beard
Grandfather Graybeard
Grancy Graybeard
Cirsium muticumSwamp Thistle
Clethra alnifoliaCoastal Pepperbush
Coastal Sweet Pepperbush
Coastal Sweet Pepper
Alderleaf Pepperbush
Alderleaf Clethra
Summer Sweet
Clematis crispaSwamp Leatherflower
Curly Clematis
Curly Virgin's Bower
Marsh Clematis
Cleistes divaricataRosebud Orchid
Cliftonia monophyllaBuckwheat Tree
Buckwheat Bush
Cnidoscolus urens var. stimulosusFinger Rot
Tread Softly
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239 Results:   10  25 50 100 per page

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General Appearance


Light requirement
 Sun - 6 or more hrs
 Part shade - 2 to 6 hrs
 Shade - 2 hrs or less

Soil moisture
 Dry - no signs of moisture
 Moist - looks & feels damp
 Wet - saturated

Bloom Time
 Jan  Feb  Mar
 Apr  May  Jun
 Jul  Aug  Sep
 Oct  Nov  Dec
Bloom Color
 White  Red  Pink
 Orange  Yellow  Green
 Blue  Purple  Violet
 Brown  Black

Leaf Arrangement

Leaf Retention