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Quercus sinuata var. breviloba
Quercus sinuata Walter var. breviloba (Torr.) C.H. Mull.
White Shin Oak, Bigelow Oak, Scaly-bark Oak, Limestone Durand Oak, Shortlobe Oak, Bastard Oak
Fagaceae (Beech Family)
Synonym(s): Quercus annulata, Quercus breviloba, Quercus durandii var. breviloba, Quercus san-sabeana, Quercus sinuata var. san-sabeana
USDA Symbol: qusib
USDA Native Status: L48 (N)
A shrub or small tree with light gray, flaking bark. Forms thickets on shallow soil, seldom a single tree, found mostly on flat-topped limestone hills. Leaves up to 3 inches long, irregularly and shallowly lobed with their broadest part nearer the tip than the base. Acorns up to 5/8 inch long and 3/8 inch wide.
Plant Characteristics
Duration: PerennialHabit: Tree
Leaf Retention: Deciduous
Leaf Arrangement: Alternate
Leaf Complexity: Simple
Leaf Venation: Pinnate
Breeding System: Flowers Unisexual , Monoecious
Inflorescence: Catkin
Fruit Type: Nut
Size Notes: Usually multi-trunked, up to about 12 feet tall. Rarely up to about 40 feet tall.
Bloom Information
Bloom Color: RedBloom Time: Mar , Apr , May
USA: OK , TXNative Habitat: Prairie, Plains, Meadows, Pastures, Savannas, Hillsides, Slopes
Growing Conditions
Water Use: LowLight Requirement: Part Shade
Soil Moisture: Dry
Soil Description: Limestone-based, Medium Loam, Clay Loam, Clay
Use Wildlife: Nesting site, Cover, Substrate-insectivorous birds. Fruit-mammals, birds, deer, rodents.Warning: Leaves and acorns toxic to animals if eaten; in some cases fatal. Humans should generally avoid ingesting plants that are toxic to animals.
Attracts: Butterflies
Larval Host: Horace's Duskywing, Hairstreak.
From the National Organizations Directory
According to the species list provided by Affiliate Organizations, this plant is on display at the following locations:Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center - Austin, TX
Brackenridge Field Laboratory - Austin, TX
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - Austin, TX
NPSOT - Williamson County Chapter - Georgetown, TX
Bibref 766 - Dale Groom's Texas Gardening Guide (2002) Groom, D.Bibref 298 - Field Guide to Texas Trees (1999) Simpson, B.J.
Bibref 354 - Native & Naturalized Woody Plants of Austin & the Hill Country (1981) Lynch, D.
Bibref 318 - Native Texas Plants: Landscaping Region by Region (2002) Wasowski, S. & A. Wasowski
Bibref 291 - Texas Wildscapes: Gardening for Wildlife (1999) Damude, N. & K.C. Bender
Bibref 297 - Trees of Central Texas (1984) Vines, Robert A.
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Additional resources
USDA: Find Quercus sinuata var. breviloba in USDA PlantsFNA: Find Quercus sinuata var. breviloba in the Flora of North America (if available)
Google: Search Google for Quercus sinuata var. breviloba
Record Modified: 2015-11-05Research By: TWC Staff