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Arnica cordifolia
Arnica cordifolia Hook.
Heartleaf Arnica, Heart-leaf Leopardbane
Asteraceae (Aster Family)
Synonym(s): Arnica cordifolia ssp. genuina, Arnica cordifolia var. humilis, Arnica cordifolia var. pumila, Arnica cordifolia var. whitneyi, Arnica hardinae, Arnica humilis, Arnica paniculata, Arnica whitneyi
USDA Symbol: ARCO9
USDA Native Status: L48 (N), AK (N), CAN (N)
This pubescent perennial with long-petioled, heart-shaped basal leaves bears a single, yellow, radiate flower atop a solitary 2 foot stem. Plants are rhizomatous and form clumps to several feet across. The plant makes a tight-binding carpet of green leaves at ground level. Stems with 2-4 pairs of heart-shaped leaves are topped by 1-3 broad yellow heads.
In alpine areas or in open places along roads, the leaves may be narrower and without the notch at the base of the blade. All western species have paired leaves on the stems, but only this one has heart-shaped leaves.
Plant Characteristics
Duration: PerennialHabit: Herb
Root Type: Tap
Leaf Complexity: Simple
Leaf Shape: Cordate
Size Notes: Up to about 2 feet tall.
Leaf: Green
Fruit: Fruit is a cypsela (pl. cypselae). Though technically incorrect, the fruit is often referred to as an achene.
Bloom Information
Bloom Color: YellowBloom Time: May , Jun , Jul , Aug
USA: AK , AZ , CA , CO , ID , MI , MT , ND , NM , NV , OR , SD , UT , WA , WYCanada: AB , BC , MB , NT , ON , SK , YT
Native Distribution: AK to the Black Hills, s. to CA & NM; rare w. of the Cascades; also Keweenaw Co., MI
Native Habitat: Dry or moist, open or wooded places; 3500-10,000 ft.
Growing Conditions
Water Use: HighLight Requirement: Part Shade
Soil Moisture: Moist
CaCO3 Tolerance: Low
Soil Description: Various moist or dry soils.
Conditions Comments: Dwarfed plants, with stems only 4-8 in. high, are distributed with the species and are called var. pumila.
Conspicuous Flowers: yesFind Seed or Plants
Find seed sources for this species at the Native Seed Network.
View propagation protocol from Native Plants Network.
From the National Organizations Directory
According to the species list provided by Affiliate Organizations, this plant is on display at the following locations:Native Seed Network - Corvallis, OR
Additional resources
USDA: Find Arnica cordifolia in USDA PlantsFNA: Find Arnica cordifolia in the Flora of North America (if available)
Google: Search Google for Arnica cordifolia
Record Modified: 2022-09-17Research By: TWC Staff