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Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?

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Friday - December 21, 2012

From: Ligonier, PA
Region: Mid-Atlantic
Topic: Seed and Plant Sources, Groundcovers, Ferns, Herbs/Forbs
Title: Source for ground pine plants from Ligonier PA
Answered by: Barbara Medford


Where can I purchase "ground pine plants? I want to use them for erosion control.


Because this plant does not appear in our Native Plant Database, we went somewhere else to try to identify it and its uses. From,  here is an article on lycopodium obscurum (ground pine). We learned that it is not related to Pinus (pine trees) at all, but is considered a clubmoss or fern. Here is some more information from

Looking at the USDA Plant Profile Map for this plant, we learned that it is recorded in growing pretty much everywhere in Pennsylvania, including Westmoreland County. It would appear, therefore, that it should be fairly easy to obtain. Among other things, we learned that "obscurum" can be translated as "rare" and that in some states, including New York and Indiana, it is considered threatened or endangered. If you still want to find a source, we suggest you go to our National Suppliers Directory; put your town and state or just your zipcode in the "Enter Search Location" box and you will get a list of native plant nurseries, seed companies and consultants in your general area. All have contact information but we would not set your hopes too high as some of the information we found said it was difficult to propagate and best done with spores.




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