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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants is a free service provided by the staff and volunteers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

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188 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page

How do I get rid of Smilax bona-nox?
June 09, 2009
Hi, we live in Circle C and our home backs to an easment area which has become overrun with what some are calling wild grapevine. Recently we noticed a different vine coming up in our backyard throug...
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Thorny vine growing through hedge
May 16, 2009
In my hedge, a vine grows that has a bulbous root. It has large thorns up and down the vine. The leaves are shiny and grow all along the vine that is exposed to the sun. the vine grows up thru hedg...
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Plants that ducks will not eat
May 12, 2009
I own a lot of ducks and see a lot of people asking what kind of plants will they "NOT" eat... I know of some through experience.. Anything with shiny leave.. They don't touch my English ivy, rose...
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Shallow topsoil on rocky substrate in SW Oregon
April 28, 2009
I want to plants some shrubs and trees. Trouble is I can't plant very deep. I have mostly rock within 5 inches. Please help.
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Plant identification
April 26, 2009
My brother in law just bought a parcel of land that is bespeckled with shrubs we cannot identify. The land is located in south west Michigan. It is zoned agricultural. Due to the fact that it is ea...
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Thorns on non-native orange trees in Greenwell Springs, LA
April 26, 2009
Navel orange tree has thorns, why is this?
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Eliminating agave roots in Tonto Basin AZ
April 22, 2009
Greetings Mr. Smarty Plants, from Tonto Basin, AZ! We have numerous mature (huge!) Agave Americana plants here, and have, until recently, enjoyed them. However, we are now ready for a drastic landscap...
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Problems with non-native Indian hawthorn
April 18, 2009
We have some Indian Hawthorns that were planted for us by a landscape company. The first year we got a little bit of bloom. Since then the shrubs don't bloom at all. They are in a flower bed up aga...
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Plant identification of tall stalk with many thorns
April 17, 2009
Dear Mr. Smarty Pants: After we raked all the leaves, I found three or four plants on my property that are thin tall stalks with many thorns. Leaves are just growing, so I cannot describe them. ...
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Plant Identification
April 16, 2009
I have a vine in my flowerbed that has three leaves and thorns and it looks like poison ivy. How can I tell if it is?
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What is the name of a green plantin Ohio with white flowers that kind of look like broccoli?
March 13, 2009
Last summer I saw a plant that had very full, very light green almost white flowers that kind of looked like broccoli. Do you know the name of this plant?
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Need help identifying shrub with large thorns in Tennessee.
March 10, 2009
A shrub?with very large thorns. Main stock of plant woody with a gray and white splotchy bark at base. Branches are green and shiney and have very large heavy thorns spaced several inches apart on...
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Evergreen oak in Washington
February 17, 2009
Mr. Smarty Plants, I live in the Pacific Northwest and noticed an oak tree growing near the road that was evergreen (unusual for here). I was so curious that that last time that I passed the tree,...
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Native shrubs for privacy hedge in Lockhart, TX
December 21, 2008
I will be retiring from the US Army to Lockhart, Texas in March. We have a small house with a 6' security fence. I have always been an advocate of Hedges for security, sound dampening and wildlife ...
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Identification of non-native bougainvillea
December 18, 2008
What is the Scientific Name of the Central Texas Ornamental that people call Bogan Vilias. I think that is the correct spelling. The Plant is Perenial. Their flowers are terminal, the petals are in ...
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Identification of Canopy Plant
December 01, 2008
I recently adopted a large house plant from a neighbor who moved away. He called it a 'Canopy Plant', but I'm having no luck with that name when I search for care tips. It seems to be in poor healt...
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How to plant a gooseberry bush
November 22, 2008
Please, if somebody can help, I need to know how to plant the gooseberry bush. Thanks,
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Cochineal bugs on cactus
November 18, 2008
Mr. Smarty plants. I have purple prickly pear cactus that are developing small white flake like spots, mostly where the thorns would be. Why is this happening and how can I cure it?
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Plant identification, Russian olive or buffaloberry
November 09, 2008
Thank you for the info I found here regarding the silver buffaloberry and the russian olive. I need help in identifying which small shrub I have(it is one or the other)that was transplanted here on o...
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Identification of wild shrub in Michigan
October 22, 2008
I have what appears to be a wild shrub that I want to identify. It has green foliage and is bush-like. It is about 10' tall. This fall I noticed light red berries and thorns..after cutting it down...
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Pruning native Senna lindheimeriana
September 28, 2008
I asked a question about pruning a Texas Senna tree. The Texas Senna I have is either a S. wislizenii or a S.lindheimeriana. It is a beautiful tree that I purchased at a Texas Native Plant nursery. ...
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Are century plants (Agave spp.) poisonous?
September 24, 2008
About 2 weeks ago, I was poked in the arm by a Century Plant, which caused a pretty big bruise to form. I didn't think much of it at first, but now, 2 weeks later, the bruise hasn't healed at all. S...
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Living fence of native plants for Ojai, CA
September 20, 2008
I would like to build a "green fence" about 10-15 feet tall. I live in Ojai, CA where we have VERY hot summers and it goes below freezing every winter. The soil does not seem to drain is e...
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Plants for shade in Texas
September 14, 2008
I am looking for shade tolerant shrubs to plant near our carport. We live in Plum Grove, near Splendora, Texas. I don't want anything with thorns that will scratch the paint or me while getting i...
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Source for Brazoria Hawthorne
September 01, 2008
I want to buy several Brazoria Hawthorn to plant in my yard and need a source, can you help?
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188 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page