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338 Results:   10  25 50 100 per page

Screen for highway noise in Conroe, Texas
March 18, 2010
I have 120' of fence line which backs up to a busy highway, and now there are plans to widen it to four lanes. Is there a native tree or shrub which could help dampen the noise and block out the view...
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Live Christmas tree in Katy, TX
March 16, 2010
My husband is really bent towards having a live "Christmas tree" in the front yard. I hate to use anything non-native so I am looking for a native Texas juniper shrub or a small tree that can be tri...
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New York State Shrubs to Screen Home from Traffic
March 11, 2010
I am looking for a native New York bush/small tree which I can use along a road to screen my home from year-round car traffic. The area is not terribly wide and the soil is OK. I am willing to prune a...
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Privacy screen in Idaho
February 15, 2010
Hello Mr. Smarty Plants, I need to add privacy to a chain link fence. The fence is shaded by large trees.They add shade from up high but little privacy at fence level.What would you recommend I plant...
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Privacy screen for wet area in Florida
February 08, 2010
What are the best type of bushes/trees to plant in a low-lying area which is very wet--has sitting water after rainfall and drains slowly that is fast growing and serve as a good privacy border near f...
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Eliminating non-native invasive Asian jasmine in Temple TX
February 06, 2010
Hello, behind my backyard fence there is a large growth (about 300 to 400 sq feet) of Asian jasmine. It was planted by previous owners. It prevents growth of native plants like holly. What is the prac...
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Propagation of Possumhaw Holly from berries in Marble Falls, TX
January 31, 2010
Any suggestions for getting a Possumhaw Holly to grow from the red berries?
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What eats American holly bushes in winter?
January 24, 2010
I live in Marlborough, MA and I was shoveling snow on January 19th and noticed how beautiful my Holly bush was covered in red berries against the new fallen snow. My husband said to me this morning (...
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Landscape buffer in Bluffton SC
January 21, 2010
I have to install an irrigated landscape buffer along the outside of a 6'high x 42'long privacy fence about 8' from a public sidewalk in Bluffton, SC. The property owners association requires 4' t...
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Pruning Holly after Deer Browse
January 16, 2010
Deer have been eating my Holly Bushes. Can I prune now in January? I live in the North of New Jersey. Will they come back fuller? I just planted them in spring last year. How can I get them fuller
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Transplanting Hollies in winter
January 12, 2010
I want to transplant, relocate holly trees in January. Is that ok, and what is the best holly for landscaping?
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Duplicate of English holly for Eufaula OK
January 03, 2010
I wish to have a shrub that would duplicate the red berries and foliage of English holly. Tolerance of cultivation is also desired.
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Mystery plant in New Jersey
December 29, 2009
We are trying to find the name of a shrub, growing in Southern New Jersey. with red berries that grow in a group much like lilac or oak leaf hydrangea. It is "feathery", not dense. A neighbor dug u...
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Thorny plant for fenceline security
December 23, 2009
What kind of thorny plant or vine would you suggest to place along a fence for security purposes
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Privacy screen for pool in California
November 24, 2009
Hi, We have new neighbors overlooking our pool and peering into our house. We want to put up a privacy screen along our back fence that runs the length of the pool, but the border running along the ...
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Fall shrub planting in Illinois
November 22, 2009
I was given a Holly winterberry - Ilex Verticillata and it is now November. Should I plant it in a pot in the house for the winter or should I plant it outside now? Please give me some planting nstr...
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Foundation Plants for South Carolina
November 07, 2009
What native plants are suitable as foundation plantings? My soil is heavy clayey loam with red clay subsoil. I live in Charleston County.
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Winterberry holly not fruiting
October 22, 2009
Regarding Ilex verticillata, which I have planted in a partial sun, somewhere between all dry and all wet location, i don't see any red berries, and it's mid-october. We are in the 'burbs of just ...
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Plant identfication
October 21, 2009
Hi...Can you please identfy the tall, evergreen shrub with purple plum-colored foliage that I have noticed in winter locally?...Hope so, need he color! THX
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Noise reduction hedge row in Houston
October 01, 2009
We live just one house back from the freeway and would like to plant a fast growing noise reduction 'hedge row' - close growing to 20-40 ft. We are looking at Leyland Cypress but know they aren't n...
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Dog and kid barrier in East Wenatchee WA
October 01, 2009
I have about a 8 foot section between my driveway and the neighbor's yard, and their kids and dogs like to run through it! I would like to plant a non-invasive 4-6 foot growing shrub/bush of some s...
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Weeds in Blue Rug juniper in Phoenix MD
September 28, 2009
The landscaper planted Blue Rug Junipers around the Helleri Holly and Yews in front of my house ten years ago. The Blue Rug has done great and looks really nice. My problem is that weeds grow up in ...
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Plants resistant to Verticillium wilt in Norco CA
September 24, 2009
I'm looking for small trees, flowering shrubs & vines that are resistant to verticillium wilt. Fragrance would be a plus. Thank you so much!
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Shade tree for cemetery in Wilmington DE
September 13, 2009
We are looking for a shade tree for a cemetery in Delaware. The tree will be planted only a few feet from some existing gravesites. What trees would you recommend that will not interfere with the ...
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Mediun-sized tree for southern California, possibly Monterey cypress
September 07, 2009
Hello, I live in Glendora CA 91741, I am looking for a CA native non -deciduous medium size tree to provide shade in the front yard. I was thinking of monterey cypress; any suggestions and place to ...
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Evergreen shrubs for New Jersey
September 01, 2009
Need suggestions for Zone 6; Up to 2-3'H compact; evergreen foundation plants; deer resistant; sunny-partial shade; clay soil conditions. Appreciate your input.
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Shrub for barrier fence in Alexandria, Virginia
August 19, 2009
Hi. we need plants to act as a barrier fence, 15 feet tall, partial shade. We are considering a holly or virginia magnolia. What can you suggest? thank you, Nikita
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Trees for townhome backyard in Fullerton, CA
August 15, 2009
Hi, I live in a townhome with a big backyard here in Orange County. Last year, I got rid of my ficus trees that had grown too tall and big for a townhome backyard. Now, I would like to plant two tre...
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Edible plants native to Austin, TX
August 05, 2009
Hello, I am a chef from Buenos Aires Argentina visiting Austin, Texas and would like to learn about native, edible plants in the region. Please let me know if there are any native, edible plants...
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Use of Ilex sp. by Seminole Indians to make black drink.
August 03, 2009
Ilex myrtifolia: can the leaves be used as tea? Seminole indians made a black drink reputed to be made of holly leaves.
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Native plants for a garden in Greenville SC
July 12, 2009
Beebalm, Threadleaf Coreopsis, a Yaupon Holly, a Southern Magnolia, and a Highbush Blueberry. And as a ground cover in some areas, we have Cinquefoil (which helped me choke out Indian strawberry!) But...
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Removing yaupon hollies from yard in Austin
July 04, 2009
We recently moved into a home w/ way too many and much too large (20-30') yaupon holly's in the back yard. I had some of them cut down, but they keep coming up from the roots of the old trees. How ...
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Brown leaves on possumhaw holly in Grandview TX
July 02, 2009
What would be likely causes for brown leaves on possumhaw holly? We have 2, one was planted in spring 2008, and a slightly larger one planted late winter/early spring this year. Most of the leaves a...
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Privacy screen in front of cinderblock wall in Los Angeles
June 28, 2009
I'm looking for a privacy hedge to plant along my backyard's cinderblock wall in Los Angeles, CA. I need it to grow 10 - 15 feet and it can't be toxic to dogs. Any advice would be great!
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Shrubs for New Hampshire
June 25, 2009
Will be landscaping next Spring: Do you think using 'Ilex Crenata'-Japanese Holly together with variegated Euonymus (species: fortunei) as shrub hedges in front of our house is a good combo? Do they...
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Low privacy hedge in Houston
June 17, 2009
I am looking for a fast growing, dense (for privacy) shrub/s or plants, that will get at least 3-4+ feet high for a mostly shady area. Thanks.
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Hedge in central Texas
June 17, 2009
Help, my oleanders are dying. I am in need of hedge suggestions- ideal would be quick growing, maybe 8-12 feet at their tallest. I live in Central Texas.
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Problems with Savannah Holly plants in Friendswood, TX.
June 17, 2009
I have planted 4 savannah hollies in front of my house, two on the left of the door and two on the right. If you are standing in front of my house and looking at the door, the sun rises at the back l...
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Deer resistant, fast growing trees for screening
June 01, 2009
Deer resistant, fast growing, native plants (trees) as a visual block.
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Savannah holly sprouting in lawn in Oklahoma City
May 24, 2009
I have a 15 year old Savannah Holly in a shrub bed. This year, seedlings have sprouted all over my front lawn. This is the first year that I have had this problem other than in the shrub bed itself. I...
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Dog-proof shrubs in Woodmere NY
May 21, 2009
My chocolate lab thinks that shrubs are the same as "fetch" sticks..she's ripped out my azalea, rhododendron, andromeda and a few others I'm not sure of the names. She's a great pup (almost 1 yr...
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Privacy shield for Long Island, NY
May 13, 2009
I live in Long Island New York (Smithtown), Zone 6, I think. My yard has mostly shade and I would like to plant something for privacy along my back fence because my neighbors house is close and their...
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Plants that ducks will not eat
May 12, 2009
I own a lot of ducks and see a lot of people asking what kind of plants will they "NOT" eat... I know of some through experience.. Anything with shiny leave.. They don't touch my English ivy, rose...
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Height of tree to block sun on deck in Arlington MA
May 12, 2009
I am trying to figure out how tall a tree I should buy in order to make sure to block out the sun on my deck
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Plants for Painted Lady
May 10, 2009
Where can I buy plants for the painted lady butterfly larvae in Houston?
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Shade and Rain Garden in South Carolina
May 08, 2009
Dear Mr. Smarty Plants, I have two seperate but important questions for your mastery of native plant knowledge. First, I live in a thick, 112 ft. tall white oak forest. Therefore, there is lot...
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Evergreen shrubs for Rindge, NH
May 06, 2009
We are building a new house and I want to get shrubs/bushes that stay green all year long (ie:hollyberry)to put in front and around our house. Which of these would go closest to the house? I'd like t...
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Yaupons not showing berries in Euless, TX
May 04, 2009
From all I have read, Possumhaw holly is supposed to have berries only on the female. However I have been told and read conflicting things about whether you must have both a male & female in order f...
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Dead-appearing Royal Paulownia trees in Manteno, IL
May 02, 2009
Have two Royal Paulownia trees two years old.Last fall all leaves fell off. Have two eight foot toothpicks. This spring, nothing happening.Are they dead or will they come back? If they come back what ...
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Older leaves yellowing on Savannah holly in Dallas
May 01, 2009
I planted a Savannah Holly in Dallas, TX in the Fall of 2008. It has new growth and some white buds all over it, but some of the older leaves are turning yellow and dropping off. Is this normal?
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