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Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?

A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers Nan Hampton, Jimmy Mills and Barbara Medford to be the culpable and capable parties. Yet, others think staff members Damon Waitt, Joe Marcus and Philip Hawkins might play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.

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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants is a free service provided by the staff and volunteers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

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Questions From Near You

Creve Coeur, IL
Seedlings of elm trees in Illinois
I have what I believe to be young elm trees sprouting throughout my front yard. I will pull them up and over night more sprout and will be 5+ inches tall. I would like to know how to get rid of them, ...
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Peoria, IL
Orange and fuschia flowers on bushes in Maine
I recently visited Portland,ME from end of May to the second week in June. many of the homes had these beautiful flowering bushes next to the houses. The flowers grew in clusters similar to hydrangeas...
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Peoria, IL
Plant identification from Peoria IL
I removed a plant from our workplace that employees were afraid was hallucinogenic seeds. Central Illinois. Very purple stem. Purple flowers. Black seeds. Any ideas?
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Peoria, IL
Tree for wet area in Central Illinois
I live in Central Illinois. When it rains I get a lot of water in my backyard. What kind of tree would be best to plant in this wet area?
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Peoria, IL
Plants to hide utility boxes
What are suggestions for plants to plant around utilities boxes (3 of them clustered together) to effectively camouflage them but be attractive. We will outline a larger area in brick, plant evergree...
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Pekin, IL
Plant identification and advice about moving it
I have a plant (a thick stalk about 4 foot tall with yellow flowers on it) that blooms in the morning and the flowers fall off at night. I have searched for info on this plant and have come up short. ...
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Mackinaw, IL
Bald cypress trees for yard in Mackinaw IL
We are looking at planting a few bald cypress trees in our front yard. I have heard of the extensive root system that these trees have and wonder how far away from a septic system and the house found...
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Chillicothe, IL
Wintering non-native liriope spicata indoors in Chillicothe IL
I live in zone 5, zip 62523, wintering liriope spicata starter plants in basement, ambient consistent. Do I need grow lamps or is the plant satisfied being dormant as long as I do not let it dry out? ...
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Canton, IL
Propagation of native Ohio buckeye from seed
My granddaughter has collected "buck eyes"; can we plant them to start our own tree? If so, how do we go about it!
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Danvers, IL
Growing a non-native lemon tree in Central Illinois
How to grow a lemon tree in Central Illinois? Which one would be the best to grow?
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Varna, IL
Eliminating Claytonia virginica in Varna IL
How do I get rid of or control Claytonia virginica? It is starting to take over my lawn.
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Bloomington, IL
Varieties of Ceanothus suitable for Illinois
Ceanothus Velutinus is the smell of western Montana, my home, to me, and I have relocated to Illinois. I miss it so much that whenever I go home I bring back a jar of ceanothis leaves and keep th...
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Ipava, IL
Plants for erosion control in IL
Steep 40ft slope in rural Illinois with Sandy soil. Recently several trees slid down this slope due to wet conditions. We need any inexpensive plants to hold the hillside in check before erosion creep...
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Peru, IL
Identification of bushes with red berries in Tennessee
I was recently traveling thru Clarksville, TN and saw these bushes (at the shopping mall) that had clusters of small red berries on them. They were not a Holly that I know of. The leaves were not th...
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Maroa, IL
Tall lily with dark berry at leaf attachment
A lily showed up in my flower garden last year (central Illinois); about 3' tall, a single dark berry at the stem where each leaf is attached. It didn't flower. This year it's approaching 4' tall ...
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Alexis, IL
Plant identfication
We have red pointed things growing wild in our yard. About the size of an index finger. They just pop up after a rain. Are they poisonous? We have pets.
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Springfield, IL
Moving a volunteer holly from Springfield IL
When would be the very best time to move a volunteer holly? I would say it is 3 years old, it stands about 5 feet tall, shaped like a very nice tree and it keeps its leaves. Thank you. Karen
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Springfield, IL
Why aren't all blue spruce trees blue?
I have been looking at blue spruce trees recently and I have noticed at a couple tree farms that not all blue spruce look blue at all. Some that are listed as Co. Blue Spruce are very green. The sha...
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Springfield, IL
Failure of fragrance in Sweet Shrub (Calycanthus floridus) in Illinois
I have a sweet shrub bush that I took from the root of another one. Every year it blooms but never has even a smidgen of fragrance. The bush it came from was very fragrant. Should I do something to th...
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Springfield, IL
What is composted mulch from Springfield IL
I love the look of hard wood mulch. It is my understanding that this wood mulch that is so readily available in bulk and bags is not "composted mulch". I have been told that this type of mulch pull...
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Springfield, IL
Can rose Zephirine Drouhin damage brick from Springfield IL
Can ZÉPHIRINE DROUHIN damage brick?
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