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Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?

A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers Nan Hampton, Jimmy Mills and Barbara Medford to be the culpable and capable parties. Yet, others think staff members Damon Waitt, Joe Marcus and Philip Hawkins might play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.

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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants is a free service provided by the staff and volunteers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

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Please forgive us, but Mr. Smarty Plants has been overwhelmed by a flood of mail and must take a break for awhile to catch up. We hope to be accepting new questions again soon. Thank you!

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Questions From Near You

Boise, ID
Identification of artichoke-like plant in Idaho
There is a plant/weed growing in the front yard, my mom says it is a flower I say a weed. It looks a lot like an open artichoke and is the same size. It is green except on the tips where it is deep pu...
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Plant ID by pictures from Boise ID
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Boise, ID
Shrubs with sparse leaves and flowers for creek in Idaho
I am looking for several shrubs that have spindly limbs and sparse leaves with flowers. The idea is to place them in front of windows or other views to add a lacey/veiled effect for the observer. I li...
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Boise , ID
Plant ID of unknown purchased plant from Boise ID
Hi! I bought a tree that the sales person didnt know what it was. I thought it was a cherry tree and now after about 3-4 yrs I know it is but..How do I know if it is an ornamental tree or real fruit t...
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Meridian, ID
Is Convolvulus equitans poisonous?
Hello, Can you tell me if convolvulus equitans is poisonous? If so, can you tell me how poisonous and which parts are poisonous? I am considering putting this in my backyard but I have a dog and an...
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Meridian, ID
Problem with non-native Chocolate Silk Tree, Albizia julibrissin
How do we get our Chocolate Silk Tree that once had redish brown leaves from now green to the original color? Thank You.
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Meridian, ID
Tentative identification of non-native Senecio rowleyanus
I am trying to track down a plant that I used to have but do not know what it is called. It grew in long strings of "pea like" balls. When planted in a hanging pot, the stringy "pea" like vines ...
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Meridian, ID
Shade and Drought Tolerant Plants for Idaho Shade
I am looking for plants native to Idaho and/or the surrounding region (zone 6 or 7) that would do well in full shade conditions (adjacent to the north side of our house) and meet several criteria: Max...
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Nampa, ID
Plant for part sun in Nampa Idaho
What could I plant in arid SW Idaho on the northwest side of my house along a border against the house? Most of the day this area is in shade, but at the hottest time of the day it gets a couple of h...
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Garden Valley, ID
Perennial plants resistant to cutter ants in Aransas Pass, TX
We are moving to Aransas Pass, Texas. Are there any perennial plants resistant to cutter ants?
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Fruitland, ID
Need suggestions for shrubs for a 150ft. barrier.
What do you suggest for planting 150' site barrier only 15' high western Idaho?
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Mountain Home, ID
How many plant species are in Maryland
About how many plant species are there in Maryland?
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Hagerman, ID
Regulations on picking native plants and flowers on Government or National Park lands
I was wondering what the laws and regulations on picking native plants and flowers on BLM land and NPS land are, and where I can find this information.
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Twin Falls, Idaho, ID
Plants for soil with basalt outcroppings in Idaho
We have basalt (lava) outcropping in part of our back yard and know we'll have to search for pockets of soil in which to plant. Any suggestions about what trees or shrubs would have a chance in thes...
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Prairie City, OR
Harvest dates-eastern Oregon
I am looking for a source to provide me with harvest dates for seed of shrubs, grasses and wild flowers native to eastern Oregon.
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Enterprise, OR
Native non-invasive plant seeds for Oregon wedding
I study invasive plants and I am interested in native plant re-vegetation. I am also planning a wedding in July. We thought a nice party favor would be wild flower seeds. I have people coming from ...
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Burns, OR
Are poplar trees and willows safe for animals to eat
poplar trees and willows, are they friendly for farm animals to consume leaves?
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Burley, ID
Which plants grow well together
Please tell me what plants grow best together and which plants do not grow very good together
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Kooskia, ID
Is Douglas maple (Acer glabrum var. douglassii) native
Could you give me some information about Douglas maple? Moslty, I'm trying to find out if this plant is native or introduced to Idaho and/or U.S. Thank you.
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Kamiah, ID
Information about Rosa acicularis
Hi: At your site under "Benefit" it is mentioned that the seeds, leaves bark and twigs of Rosa acicularis Lindl. can be fatally poisonous to humans and animals. None of my past or present studies h...
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Darby, MT
Are birdhouse gourds deer-resistant?
Bird house gourds: they smell nasty (to this human being) but I NEED to know if deer are as repelled as a human by the strong odor put off by the plants.
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