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Virginia Recommended

Commercially available native plant species suitable for planned landscapes in Virginia. Visit our Suppliers Directory to locate businesses that sell native plants or seeds or provide professional landscape or consulting services in this state. Visit the Organizations Directory to locate native plant societies, conservation groups, governmental agencies, botanical gardens, arboreta, and other plant-related organizations in this state.

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123 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page

scientific namecommon name(s)image gallery
Cercis canadensisEastern Redbud
Cephalanthus occidentalisCommon Buttonbush
Button Willow
Honey Bells
Honey Balls
Chionanthus virginicusWhite Fringetree
Fringe Tree
Snowflower Tree
Flowering Ash
Old Man's Beard
Grandfather Graybeard
Grancy Graybeard
Cornus alternifoliaAlternateleaf Dogwood
Alternate-leaf Dogwood
Pagoda Dogwood
Conoclinium coelestinumBlue Mistflower
Wild Ageratum
Blue Boneset
Cornus floridaFlowering Dogwood
Virginia Dogwood
Florida Dogwood
White Cornel
American Boxwood
False Box
St. Peter's Crown
Corona De San Pedro
Coreopsis lanceolataLanceleaf Coreopsis
Lance-leaved Coreopsis
Lanceleaf Tickseed
Sand Coreopsis
Comptonia peregrinaSweet-fern
Coreopsis tinctoriaPlains Coreopsis
Golden Tickseed
Coreopsis verticillataThreadleaf Coreopsis
Whorled Tickseed
Whorled Coreopsis
Diospyros virginianaEastern Persimmon
Common Persimmon
Date Plum
Winter Plum
Jove's Fruit
Echinacea pallidaPale Purple Coneflower
Pale Coneflower
Echinacea purpureaEastern Purple Coneflower
Purple Coneflower
Euonymus americanusAmerican Strawberry Bush
Strawberry Bush
Brook Euonymus
Bursting Heart
Eutrochium fistulosumJoe-pye Weed
Queen Of The Meadow
Hollow Joe-pye Weed
Fagus grandifoliaAmerican Beech
White Beech
Red Beech
Ridge Beech
Beechnut Tree
Fraxinus americanaWhite Ash
American Ash
Cane Ash
Smallseed White Ash
Biltmore White Ash
Biltmore Ash
Gaillardia pulchellaIndian Blanket
Girasol Rojo
Hamamelis virginianaWitch-hazel
American Witch-hazel
Common Witch-hazel
Snapping Hazelnut
Striped Alder
Spotted Alder
Helianthus angustifoliusSwamp Sunflower
Narrowleaf Sunflower
Narrow-leaved Sunflower
Hydrangea arborescensSmooth Hydrangea
Wild Hydrangea
Hypericum prolificumShrubby St. John's-wort
Ilex opacaAmerican Holly
White Holly
Prickly Holly
Evergreen Holly
Christmas Holly
Yule Holly
Juglans nigraBlack Walnut
Eastern Black Walnut
American Black Walnut
Juniperus virginianaEastern Red Cedar
Eastern Redcedar
Virginia Juniper
Red Juniper
Pencil Cedar
Carolina Cedar
Red Savin
scientific namecommon name(s)image gallery

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123 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page

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General Appearance


Light requirement
 Sun - 6 or more hrs
 Part shade - 2 to 6 hrs
 Shade - 2 hrs or less

Soil moisture
 Dry - no signs of moisture
 Moist - looks & feels damp
 Wet - saturated

Bloom Time
 Jan  Feb  Mar
 Apr  May  Jun
 Jul  Aug  Sep
 Oct  Nov  Dec
Bloom Color
 White  Red  Pink
 Orange  Yellow  Green
 Blue  Purple  Violet
 Brown  Black

Leaf Arrangement

Leaf Retention