Blackland Prairies
The Blackland Prairies area intermingles with the Post Oak Savannah in the southeast and has divisions known as the San Antonio and Fayette Prairies. This rolling and well-dissected prairie represents the southern extension of the true prairie that occurs from Texas to Canada. The upland blacklands are dark, calcareous shrink-swell clayey soils, changing gradually with depth to light marls or chalks. Bottomland soils are generally reddish brown to dark gray, slightly acid to calcareous, loamy to clayey and alluvial. The soils are inherently productive and fertile, but many have lost productivity through erosion and continuous cropping.Printer Friendly: Species List | List with Images | List with QR Tags to Mobile
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |
Sporobolus cryptandrus | Sand Dropseed | |
Spartina spartinae | Gulf Cordgrass | |
Styphnolobium affine | Eve's Necklace Eve's Necklacepod Texas Sophora Pink Sophora Necklace Tree | |
Symphoricarpos orbiculatus | Coralberry Indian Currant Buckbrush | |
Symphyotrichum pratense | Barrens Silky Aster Meadow Aster | |
Symphyotrichum subulatum | Eastern Annual Saltmarsh Aster Baby's Breath Aster Annual Aster Blackland Aster Hierba Del Marrano | |
Taxodium distichum | Bald Cypress Baldcypress Common Bald Cypress Southern Bald Cypress Deciduous Cypress Southern Cypress Swamp Cypress Red Cypress White Cypress Yellow Cypress Gulf Cypress Tidewater Red Cypress | |
Tetraneuris scaposa | Four-nerve Daisy Hymenoxys Stemmy Four-nerve Daisy Yellow Daisy Bitterweed | |
Thalictrum dasycarpum | Purple Meadow-rue Tall Meadow-rue Meadow Rue | |
Thalia dealbata | Powdery Alligator-flag Powdery Thalia Water Canna | |
Thelesperma filifolium var. filifolium | Stiff Greenthread Showy Navajo Tea Greenthread | |
Thelypteris kunthii | Wood Fern River Fern Southern Shield Fern Kunth's Maiden Fern Normal Shield Fern | |
Tridens albescens | White Tridens White Top | |
Tripsacum dactyloides | Eastern Gamagrass Fakahatchee Grass | |
Tridens flavus | Purpletop Tridens Redtop Tridens Tall Redtop Tridens Purpletop Redtop Tall Redtop | |
Tradescantia gigantea | Giant Spiderwort | |
Tradescantia occidentalis | Prairie Spiderwort Western Spiderwort Spiderwort | |
Tradescantia ohiensis | Ohio Spiderwort Bluejacket | |
Triodanis perfoliata | Clasping Venus's Looking-glass | |
Triplasis purpurea | Purple Sandgrass Purple Triplasis | |
Ulmus alata | Winged Elm Wahoo Elm Cork Elm Witch Elm | |
Ulmus americana | American Elm White Elm Soft Elm Water Elm Common Elm | |
Ulmus crassifolia | Cedar Elm Fall Elm Basket Elm Scrub Elm Lime Elm Texas Elm Southern Rock Elm Olmo | |
Utricularia radiata | Little Floating Bladderwort Floating Bladderwort | |
Vaccinium arboreum | Farkleberry Tree Sparkleberry Sparkleberry Winter Huckleberry Huckleberry | |
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |