Handbook of Rare and Endemic Plants of New Mexico | New Mexico Native Plant Protection Advisory Committee | Rare and Endangered |
Hands On Gardener: Seeds and Propagation | McClure, S.; J. Anderson | Plant Propagation |
Hands on the Land: A History of the Vermont Landscape | Albers , J. | Natural History |
Hardy Succulents: Tough Plants for Every Climate | Kelaidis, G. M. (Author) and Holt, S. (Photographer) | Gardening |
Hawai'i's Ferns and Fern Allies | Palmer, Daniel D. | Hawaiian ferns and allied taxa. |
Hawaii's Native Plants | Bohm, B. A. | Natural History Plant Identification |
Hawaiian Heritage Plants | Kepler, A. K. | Natural History Plant Propagation Useful Plants |
Hawaiian Plant Life - Vegetation and Flora | Gustafson, Robert J.; Derral R. Herbst; Philip W. Rundel | Plant Identification Wildflowers |
Healing Plants: Medicine of the Florida Seminole Indians | Snow, A. M.; S. E. Stans | Medicinal Plants |
Healing with Plants in the American and Mexican West | Kay, M.A. | Medicinal Plants |
Health Plants of the World | Bianchi, F. & F. Corbetta | Medicinal Plants |
Heirloom Gardening in the South: Yesterday's Plants for Today's Garden | Grant, G. and Welch, W. C. | Gardening |
Herbaceous Flowering Plants of the Buescher Division | Bragg, L.H. | Plant Identification Wildflowers |
Herbal Remedies of the Lumbee Indians | Boughman, A. L.; L. O. Oxendine | Medicinal Plants |
Herbs and Herb Lore of Colonial America | Colonial Dames of America | Medicinal Plants Useful Plants |
Hidden Forest: the Biography of an Ecosystem | Luoma, J.R. | Natural History |
History and Folklore of North American Wildflowers | Coffey, T. | Useful Plants Medicinal Plants Wildflowers |
Hollies: The Genus Ilex | Galle, F. C. | Plant Identification |
House and Garden Plants Poisonous to Pets | Sandberg, P. | Poisonous Plants |
How Indians Use Wild Plants For Food, Medicine, and Crafts | Densmore, F. | Useful Plants Edible Plants Medicinal Plants |
How to Attract Birds | McKinley, M. D. ; K. Burke; J. Wood | Wildlife |
How to Find and Photograph Kentucky Wildflowers | Barnes, T. | Wildflowers |
How to Grow Native Plants of Texas and the Southwest: Revised and Updated Edition | Nokes, J. | Gardening Landscaping Plant Propagation |
How to Grow Wildflowers and Wild Shrubs and Trees in your own Garden | Bruce, H. | Gardening Plant Propagation Wildflowers |
How to know the Wildflowers | Dana, W.S., Saito, M.C. | Wildflowers |
Howard Garrett's Texas Trees | Howard Garrett | Landscaping |
Human Poisoning from Native and Cultivated Plants | Hardin, J.W.; J. M. Arena | Poisonous Plants |
Hungry Bird Book | Arbib, R. S. & T. Soper | Wildlife |
Idaho Mountain Wildflowers: A Photographic Compendium, 1st Edition | Earle, A. S. | Wildflowers |
Idaho Mountain Wildflowers: A Photographic Compendium, 3rd Edition | Earle, A. S. and Lundin, J. | Plant Identification Wildflowers |
Idaho Trees & Wildflowers: An Introduction to Familiar Species (A Pocket Naturalist Guide) (1st Edition) | Kavanagh, K. M. | Plant Identification Wildflowers |
Identification, Selection, and Use of Southern Plants for Landscape Design | Odenwald, N. G. & J. R. Turner | Plant Identification Landscaping |
Identifying and Harvesting Edible and Medicinal Plants in Wild (and Not So Wild) Places | Brill, S. and Dean, E. | Plant Identification |
Identifying Pasture Grasses | Undersander, D. | Plant Identification Plant Propagation |
Illinois Gardener's Guide (Gardener's Guides) (Revised Edition) | Fizzell, J. A. | Gardening |
Illinois Trees: Selection, Planting, and Care | Carter, J. C. | Gardening |
Illinois Wildflowers | Kurz, Don | Plant Identification |
Illinois Wilds | M. R .Jeffords; S. L. Post; K. R. Robertson | Natural History |
Illustrated Book of Trees: The Comprehensive Field Guide to More Than 250 Trees of Eastern North America | Grimm, W.C.; J. T. Kartesz | Plant Identification |
Illustrated Book of Wildflowers and Shrubs: The Comprehensive Field Guide to More Than 1,300 Plants of Eastern North America | Grimm, W. C.; J. T. Kartesz | Plant Identification Wildflowers |
Illustrated companion to Gleason and Cronquist's Manual :
illustrations of the vascular plants of Northeastern United States and adjacent Canada | Holmgren, N.H. & P.K. Holmgren, A. Cronquist & H. A.Gleason | Plant Identification |
Illustrated Field Key to the Flowering Plants of Monterey County & Ferns, Fern Allies, & Conifers | Mathews, M.A. | Plant Identification |
Illustrated Flora of East Texas. Volume 1. | Diggs, G. M., Lipscomb, B. L., Reed, M. E, O'Kennon, R. J. | Plant Identification |
Illustrated Flora of the Pacific States: Washington, Oregon, and California | Abrams, L. | Plant Identification |
Illustrated Guide to Iowa Prairie Plants | Christiansen, P. & M. Muller | Plant Identification |
Illustrated guide to trees and shrubs : a handbook of the woody plants of the northeastern United States and adjacent Canada | Graves, A.H. | Plant Identification |
Illustrated Keys to the Grasses of Colorado | Wingate, J. L. | Plant Identification |
Illustrated Manual of California Shrubs | McMinn, H. | Plant Identification |
Illustrated Manual of Pacific Coast Trees | McMinn, H. & E. Maino, H. W. Sheperd | Plant Identification |
Illustrated Plants of Florida and the Coastal Plain | Hall, David W. | Natural History Plant Identification |
Index of Plants of North Carolina With Reputed Medicinal Uses | Jacobs, M. L. & H. M. Burlage | Medicinal Plants |
Indian Herbalogy of North America | Hutchens, A. R. | Medicinal Plants |
Indian Uses of Native Plants | Murphey, E. V. A. | Edible Plants Medicinal Plants Useful Plants |
Indiana Gardener's Guide (Gardener's Guides) | Sharp, J.E. | Gardening |
Indiana Trees & Wildflowers: An Introduction to Familiar Species (State Nature Guides) | Kavanagh, J. | Wildflowers |
Indigenous Trees of the Hawaiian Islands | Rock, Joseph F. | Hawaiian flora |
Information Sourcebook of Herbal Medicine | Hoffman, D. | Useful Plants Medicinal Plants |
Instant Guide to Wildflowers | Forey, P. | Wildflowers |
Intermountain Flora: Vascular Plants of the Intermountain West, U.S.A. | Cronquist, A. | Plant Identification |
Intermountain Flora: Vascular Plants of the Intermountain West, U.S.A. Volume Two, Part A Subclasses Magnoliidae-Caryophyllidae [Hardcover] | Holmgren, Noel H; Holmgren, Patricia K; and Reveal, James L. | Plant Identification |
INTERMOUNTAIN FLORA: Vascular Plants of the Intermountain West, U.S.A., VOLUME THREE, PART B, FABALES By RUPERT C. BARNEBY | Cronquist, A., et.al. | Plant Identification |
Into The Wildflowers | Zeigler, M. | Wildlife |
Introduction to California Desert Wildflowers | Munz, Philip A. | Plant Identification |
Introduction to California Mountain Wildflowers | Munz, P. A.; Phyllis M Faber; Dianne Lake | Plant Identification Wildflowers |
Introduction to California Plant Life | Ornduff, R.; P. M. Faber; T. Keeler-Wolf | Natural History Plant Identification |
Introduction to California Spring Wildflowers of the Foothills, Valleys, and Coast | Munz, P. A. ; D. Lake; P. M. Faber | Wildflowers |
Introduction to Shore Wildflowers of California, Oregon, and Washington | Munz, P. A | Wildflowers Plant Identification |
Invasive Plant Medicine: The Ecological Benefits and Healing Abilities of Invasives | Scott, T. L., | Medicinal Plants |
Invasive Plants of Alaska | National Park Service (U S ) | Invasive Plants Plant Identification |
Invasive Plants of California's Wildlands | Bossard, C.C., J.M. Randall, & M.C. Hoshovsky | Invasive Plants |
Invasive Plants of the Upper Midwest: An Illustrated Guide to their Identification and Control | Czarapata, E. J. | Invasive Plants |
Invasive Plants of Western North America: An Introduction to Problematic Widespread Species | Center for Invasive Plant Management | Invasive Plants |
Invasive Plants: A Guide to Identification, Impacts, and Control of Common North American Species | Sylvan Ramsey Kaufman and Wallace Kaufman | Invasive Plants |
Invasive Plants: Changing the Landscape of America | Westbrooks, R. G. | Invasive Plants |
Invertebrates of Central Texas Wetlands | Taber, Stephen Welton and Scott B. Fleenor | Wildlife |
Jackson & Perkins Beautiful Roses Made Easy: Mid-Atlantic & New England Edition | Dunn, T. | Gardening |
Jepson Manual: Higher Plants of California | Hickman, J.C. (ed.) | Plant Identification |
Jerry Baker's Giant Book of Garden Solutions : 1,954 Natural Remedies to Handle Your Toughest Garden Problems | Baker, J. | Gardening |
Jewels of the plains : wild flowers of the Great Plains grasslands and hills | Barr, C. A. | Wildflowers Gardening |
Joy of Wildflowers: A Fieldbook of Familiar Flowers of Rural and Urban Habitats in the Eastern United States | House, M. B. | Wildflowers |
Joys of a Garden for your Birds | Barrington, R. | Wildlife Gardening |
Just Weeds: History, Myths and Uses | Jones, P. | Edible Plants Medicinal Plants Useful Plants |
Kahuna la`au lapa`au : the practice of Hawaiian herbal medicine | Gutmanis, J.; S. G. Monden | Useful Plants Medicinal Plants |
Kansas prairie wildflowers | Owensby, C. E. | Wildflowers Plant Identification |
Kansas Prairie Wildflowers (First Edition) | Owensby, C. E. | Wildflowers |
Kansas Trees & Wildflowers: An Introduction to Familiar Species (State Nature Guides) | Kavanagh, J. | Plant Identification |
Kansas Wildflowers | Ragsdale, M. T. | Plant Identification Wildflowers |
Kashaya Pomo Plants | J. Goodrich; C. Lawson; V. P. Lawson | Edible Plants Medicinal Plants Useful Plants |
Keeping It Living: Traditions of Plant Use and Cultivation on the Northwest Coast of North America | Deur, D.; N. J. Turner | Plant Propagation Useful Plants |
Kentucky Trees & Wildflowers: An Introduction to Familiar Species (State Nature Guides) | Kavanagh, J. M. | Wildflowers |
Key to the Rocky Mountain flora; Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, Saskatchewan, Alberta, and parts of Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota, and British Columbia | Rydberg, P. A. | Plant Identification |
Key to Vascular Plant Species of Kern County, California, & a Flora of Kern County, California | Moe, L.M. & E. Twisselmann | Plant Identification |
Keys to The Flora of Arkansas | Smith, E. | Plant Identification |
Keys to the Flora of Oklahoma | Waterfall, U.T. | Plant Identification |
Know Your Poisonous Plants; Poisonous Plants Found in Field and Garden | James, W.R.; A. Lippsmeyer | Poisonous Plants Plant Identification |
Konza Prairie: A Tallgrass Natural History | Reichman, O.J. | Natural History |
Lakota names and traditional uses of native plants by Sicangu (Brule) people in the Rosebud area, South Dakota: An outline of Lakota plant classification and naming techniques | Rogers, D. J. | Plant Identification |
Landowner's Guide To Wildlife Habitat: Forest Managment For The New England Region | DeGraaf, R. M. | Landscaping Natural History Wildlife |
Landscape ecology : theory and application | Naveh, Z. & A. S. Lieberman | Natural History |
Landscape Plants for Eastern North America: Exclusive of Florida and the Immediate Gulf Coast, 2nd Edition | Fling, H.L. | Landscaping |