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Native Plant Bibliography

The National Native Plant Bibliography was compiled to make it easier to find floras, field guides, and other native plant publications appropriate for your area. Use the search bar below to find a specific reference.

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Landscaping for Florida's Wildlife: Re-Creating Native Ecosystems in Your YardSchaefer, J. M. ; G. W. TannerGardening
Landscaping for WildlifeHenderson, C. L.Wildlife
Landscaping for Wildlife in the Pacific NorthwestLink, R.Landscaping
Landscaping for Wildlife: A Guide to the Southern Great PlainsGarrett, J. D.Gardening
Landscaping revolution: garden with Mother Nature, not against herWasowski, A & S. WasowskiLandscaping
Landscaping Southern Gardens (First Edition)Editors of Sunset BooksLandscaping
Landscaping to Save Water in the DesertJonson, E. A. & D. G. HarbisonLandscaping
Landscaping with Native Arizona PlantsSoil Conservation Society of America. Arizona ChapterLandscaping
Landscaping with Native PlantsPenn, C.Landscaping
Landscaping With Native Plants in the Middle-Atlantic RegionDuPont, E.N.Landscaping
Landscaping with Native Plants of MichiganSteiner, L. M.Landscaping
Landscaping with Native Plants of MinnesotaSteiner, L. M.Landscaping
Plant Identification
Landscaping with Native Plants of Minnesota (Second Edition)Steiner, L. M.Landscaping
Landscaping with Native Plants of TexasMiller, G. O.Gardening
Plant Propagation
Landscaping with Native Plants of Texas and the SouthwestMiller, G. O.Gardening
Plant Propagation
Landscaping with Native Plants of Wisconsin Steiner, L. M.Landscaping
Landscaping With Nature: Using Nature's Designs to Plan Your YardCox, J.Landscaping
Landscaping with wildflowers :an environmental approach to gardeningWilson, J. W.Landscaping
Legends and Lore of Texas WildflowersSilverthorne, E.Wildflowers
Useful Plants
Medicinal Plants
Let it Rot!: The Gardener's Guide to CompostingKathleen Bond Borie and Stu CampbellPlant Propagation
Lewis Clark's Field Guide to Wild Flowers of Field and Slope in the Pacific NorthwestClark, L.J. & J.G.S. TrelawnyPlant Identification
Lewis Clark's Field Guide to Wild Flowers of Forest and Woodland in the Pacific NorthwestClark, L.J. & J.G.S. TrelawnyPlant Identification
Lewis Clark's Field Guide to Wild Flowers of the Arid Flatlands in the Pacific NorthwestClark, L.J. & J.G.S. TrelawnyPlant Identification
Lewis Clark's Field Guide to Wild Flowers of the Mountains in the Pacific NorthwestClark, L.J. & J.G.S. TrelawnyPlant Identification
Lewis Clark's Field Guide to Wild Flowers of the Sea Coast in the Pacific NorthwestClark, L.J. & J.G.S. TrelawnyPlant Identification
Lichens of CaliforniaHale, M. E. & M. ColePlant Identification
Lichens of South Lopez Island, San Juan County, Washington StateRhoades, F. M. Plant Identification
Little Big Bend: Common, Uncommon, and Rare Plants of Big Bend National Park Morey, RRare and Endangered
Liverworts of New England: A Guide for the Amateur Naturalist (Memoirs of The New York Botanical Garden, Volume 99)Lincoln, M.Wildflowers
Living with Herbs: A Treasury of Useful Plants for the Home and GardenGardner, J. A.Edible Plants
Useful Plants
Living with native plants :an illustrated planting handbook for the Inland Pacific NorthwestKeating, B. & M. StileyGardening
Plant Propagation
Lone Star Field Guide to Wildflowers, Trees, and Shrubs of Texas, Revised EditionTull, D. & G.O. MillerPlant Identification
Lone Star Wildflowers: A Guide to Texas Flowering Plants (Grover E. Murray Studies in the American Southwest)Nieland, LaShara J. and Willa F. FinleyPlant Identification
Long Island Native Plants for Landscaping: A Source Book:sources on Long Island for environmentally sound and beautiful landscaping alternativesBlumer, K.Landscaping
Plant Propagation
Looking for Longleaf : The Fall and Rise of an American ForestEarley, L. S.Natural History
Rare and Endangered
Louisiana GardensFonseca, M.
Louisiana Wildflower GuideAllen, C.; Wilson, K.; Winters, H.Wildflowers
Louisiana WildflowersMidgley, J.Wildflowers
Macrolichens of the Pacific NorthwestMcCune, B. & L. GeiserPlant Identification
Maine Trees & Wildflowers: An Introduction to Familiar Species (State Nature Guides) Kavanagh, JamesWildflowers
Maine Wildflowers in Vision and VerseEdwards, J. Wildflowers
Maine's Natural Heritage: Rare Species and Unique Natural FeaturesBennett, D.B.Natural History
Rare and Endangered
Making a List: Prevention Strategies for Invasive Plants in the Great Lakes StatesKlein, B.Invasive Plants
Rare and Endangered
Making More Plants: The Science, Art, and Joy of PropagationDruse, K.Landscaping
Plant Propagation
Making the Most of Shade: How to Plan, Plant, and Grow a Fabulous Garden that Lightens Up the ShadowsHodgson, LGardening
Mangroves: Trees in the SeaGreenberg, Jerry; Idaz Greenberg; Michael GreenbergNatural History
Useful Plants
Manual of Alpine PlantsIngwersen, WillPlant Identification
Manual of California native plants: The catalog of Las Pilitas NurseryWilson, B.Plant Identification
Manual of California VegetationSawyer, J.O. & T. Keeler-WolfPlant Identification
Manual of Grasses for North AmericaBarkworth, M.E., Anderton, L.K., Capels, K.M., Long, S., Piep, M.BPlant Identification
Manual of Grasses in the United StatesHitchcock, A.S.Plant Identification
Manual of Montana Vascular Plants [Perfect Paperback] Lesica, P. Plant Identification
Manual of Oregon Trees and ShrubsJensen, E.C., et al.Plant Identification
Manual of Poisonous Plants: Chiefly of Eastern North America, With Brief Notes on Economic & Medicinal PlantsPammel, L. H.Medicinal Plants
Poisonous Plants
Manual of Southeastern Flora Small, J.K.Plant Identification
Manual of the Flora of the northern States and CanadaBritton, Nathaniel LordFlora of the northern US and eastern Canada.
Manual of the Flowering Plants of CaliforniaJepson, W.L.Plant Identification
Manual of the Flowering Plants of Hawaii, Revised EditionWagner, W.L.; Herbst, D.R.; Sohmer, S.H.Plant Identification
Manual of the Plants of ColoradoHarrington, H.D.Plant Identification
Manual of the trees of North America (exclusive of Mexico)Sargent, C.S.; C. E. Faxon; M. W. GillPlant Identification
Manual of the Vascular Flora of Nags Head Woods, Outer Banks, North Carolina (Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden) Krings, A.Plant Identification
Manual of the Vascular Flora of the CarolinasRadford, A., H. Ahles & C.R. BellPlant Identification
Manual of the Vascular Flora of the CarolinasRadford, A. E.; Bell, C. R.Wildflowers
Manual of the Vascular Plants of Butte County, CaliforniaOswald, V. H. & L. AhartPlant Identification
Manual of the Vascular Plants of TexasCorrell, D. S. & M. C. JohnstonPlant Identification
Manual of Vascular Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent CanadaGleason, H.A. & Arthur CronquistPlant Identification
Manual of Woody Landscape Plants: Their Identification, Ornamental Characteristics, Culture, Propagation and UsesDirr, M. A.Landscaping
Plant Identification
Plant Propagation
Useful Plants
Marine Plants of the Caribbean: A field guide from Florida to BrazilLittler, Dian; Mark Littler; Katina Bucher; James NorrisNatural History
Plant Identification
Maryland & DC Trees & Wildflowers: An Introduction to Familiar Species (State Nature Guides) Kavanagh, J. M.Wildflowers
Massachusetts Trees & Wildflowers: An Introduction to Familiar Species (State Nature Guides) Kavanagh, J. Wildflowers
McMillen's Texas Gardening: WildflowersHoward, D.Gardening
Medicinal and other uses of North American plants : a historical survey with special reference to the eastern Indian tribesErichson-Brown, C.Useful Plants
Medicinal Plants
Medicinal Plants of Native AmericaMoerman, Daniel E.Medicinal Plants
Medicinal Plants of the Mountain WestMoore, M.Medicinal Plants
Medicinal Plants of the Pacific Northwest : A Digest of Anthropological Writings about Native American UsesThie, K. K.Edible Plants
Medicinal Plants
Useful Plants
Medicinal Plants of the Southern Appalachians Howell, P. K. Plant Identification
Medicinal Plants Which Have Been Collected And Used In North Carolina... Hyams, C.WMedicinal Plants
Medicinal Plants, Trees & Shrubs of Appalachia [Paperback] Church, B.Medicinal Plants
Medicinal wild plants of the prairie : an ethnobotanical guideKindscher, K.Useful Plants
Medicinal Plants
Meet the natives: a beginner's field guide to Rocky Mountain wildflowers, trees, and shrubsPesman, M.W.Plant Identification
Memoir of a tour to northern Mexico, connected with Col. Doniphan's expedition, in 1846 and 1847Wislizenus, F. A.Natural History
Michigan FloraVoss, E.Plant Identification
Michigan Nature Association in retrospect : celebrating 28 years of preserving Michigan's wild and rare natural lands, 1960-1988Daubendiek, B. A.; E. S. NewnanNatural History
Michigan Trees: a guide to the trees of the Great Lakes RegionBarnes, B.V. & W.H. Wagner, Jr.Plant Identification
Michigan WildflowersSmith, H. V.Wildflowers
Michigan Wildflowers in ColorLund, H. C.Wildflowers
Plant Identification
Mid-Atlantic Fruit & Vegetable Gardening: How to Plant, Grow, and Harvest the Best Edibles - Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, ... Virginia (Fruit & Vegetable Gardening Guides) Elzer-Peters, K.Gardening
Mid-Atlantic Gardener's GuideViette, A. Gardening
Midwest Home Landscaping, 3rd EditionBuchanan, R. and Holmes, R. Landscaping
Milkweed, Monarchs and More: A Field Guide to the Invertebrate Community in the Milkweed PatchRea, B.; Oberhauser, K; Quinn, M.Plant Identification
Minnesota Gardener's Guide (Revised Edition) Myers, M. Gardening
Minnesota's Endangered Flora & FaunaCoffin, B. & L. Pfannmuller (eds.)Rare and Endangered
Minnesota's natural heritage :an ecological perspectiveTester, J.R. & M. KeirsteadNatural History
Minnesota's St. Croix River Valley & the Anoka Sandplain: A Guide to Native HabitatsWovcha, D.S.; B. C. Delaney; G. E. NordquistNatural History
Mississippi Gardener's Guide (First Edition)Winter, N.Gardening
Mississippi WildflowersParker, L.Wildflowers
Missouri Gardener's Guide: Revised Edition Miller, M.Gardening
Missouri Trees & Wildflowers: An Introduction to Familiar Species (State Nature Guides) Kavanagh, J.Plant Identification
Missouri Wildflowers of the St. Louis AreaEisendrath, E.R.Wildflowers
Plant Identification
Missouri Wildflowers: A Field Guide to the Wildflowers of Missouri (Sixth Edition)Denison, E.Wildflowers

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