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The Importance of Genetics

There are concerns about introducing species into a region where they were not previously growing. If you are not familiar with these concerns, please read the Importance of Genetics.

Selecting a Suitable Supplier

It is important that anyone contacting suppliers in this directory understand that it is their own responsibility to ensure that they are getting a reliable and quality product. For help choosing a supplier, please read Selecting a Suitable Supplier.

Seed Definitions

It is helpful to become familiar with seed terms when ordering seed to assist you in making informed decisions. Please review seed terms by visiting the page on Seed Definitions.

National Suppliers Directory

This directory has been compiled to make it easier to find businesses that sell native plants or seeds and provide professional landscape or consulting services. Use the search options below to find help for your native plant needs or click here to add your business to the directory. Associates are providers of native plant services who offer Wildflower Center members a discount on merchandise or services. To qualify, at least 50% of an Associate's projects or inventory must use native plants.

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971 Results:   10  25  50 100 per page

namebusiness categoryassociate% nativelocation
Evergreen NurseryNursery
Kittredge, CO
Fairview Evergreen Nurseries, Inc.Nursery
Fairview, PA
Fairweather GardensNursery
Greenwich, NJ
Falon Land Studio
Fancy FrondsNursery
Gold Bar, WA
Far North Tree and Seed CompanyNursery
Seed Company
75Palmer , AK
Far Pastures NurseryNursery
Arlington, WA
Faucette Tree Farm, Inc.Nursery
Spartanburg, SC
Feld Design, Inc.Landscape Professional
Denver, CO
Ferris NurseryNursery
75Newport, OR
Fertile Ground Garden CareLandscape Professional
75Austin, TX
Fir Run Nursery Nursery
75Puyallap, WA
Firetrail NurseryNursery
75Marysville, WA
Firstline Seeds, Inc.Seed Company
Moses Lake, WA
Flagstaff Native Plant and SeedNursery
Seed Company
75Flagstaff, AZ
Flagstaff Native Plant NurseryNursery
75Flagstaff, AZ
Flora Lan Nursery Inc.Nursery
Forest Grove, OR
Flora PacificNursery
Brookings, OR
Floradora FarmsNursery
75Winthrop, WA
Florahome Gardens & NurseryNursery
50Studley, VA
Florida Environmental, Inc.Nursery
75Port Charlotte, FL
Florida Wildflower Foundation
Flower Moon NurseryNursery
75Morganton, NC
Flowering Earth Natives
Foliage GardensNursery
Bellevue, WA
Forest Flor Recovery NurseryNursery
75Lummi Island, WA
Forest Seeds of CaliforniaNursery
Seed Company
Placerville, CA
25Williams, OR
Fort Collins Tree Care, Inc.Landscape Professional
Fort Collins, CO
Fort Pond Native Plants, Inc.Nursery
50Montauk, NY
Fossil Creek NurseryNursery
25Fort Collins, CO
Found Well FarmSeed Company
75Pembroke, NH
Fraleighs Landscape Nursery, Inc.Nursery
25Ann Arbor, MI
Freeman Tree Farm & NurseryNursery
25Davenport, IA
French Creek NurseryNursery
100Waterford, PA
Freshwater Farms/North Coast Native Seed BankNursery
Seed Company
Eureka, CA
Friendly NativesNursery
Landscape Professional
75Fredericksburg, TX
Fritz Creek GardensNursery
25Homer, AK
Frosty Hollow Ecological RestorationSeed Company
Landscape Professional
Environmental Consultant
100Langley, WA
Full Moon Over Florida TopiaryNursery
25Jupiter, FL
Garden City SeedsNursery
Seed Company
Hamilton, MT
Garden Delights Nursery
Garden Dreams Urban Farm & NurseryNursery
Pittsburgh, PA
Garden PerennialsNursery
Wayne, NE
GardenMakersSeed Company
Rowley, MA
Gardens by Rebecca
Gardens of the Blue RidgeSeed Company
75Pineola, NC
Garrison Hill Florists, Inc.Nursery
Dover, NH
GDNC Cactus & Desert Plant Nursery
Georgia-Pacific West, Inc., Forest Tree Nursery Nursery
100Fort Bragg, CA
Gerard & GreeneNursery
100Crete, IL
Glacier Oaks Nursery Nursery
100Harvard, IL
Globe Seed & Feed Co., Inc.Seed Company
Twin Falls, ID
Go Native NurseryNursery
75Moss Beach, CA
Go Natives! Nursery
Golden State GrowersNursery
75San Luis Obispo, CA
Good Host PlantsNursery
Landscape Professional
100Philadelphia, PA
Gorham's BluffNursery
75Pisgah, AL
Grand Moraine GrowersNursery
Environmental Consultant
Alma, ON
Grassland West Nursery
50Clarkston, WA
Great Bear Native Plants LLCNursery
Environmental Consultant
100Hamilton, MT
Great Lakes Nursery CompanyNursery
75Wausau, WI
Green Acres NurseryNursery
Golden, CO
Green Creek/Nursery DirectNursery
Stephenville, TX
Green Horizons Garden Center, Inc.Landscape Professional
Jefferson City, MO
Green Lake NurseryNursery
25Seagoville, TX
Green Man GardensNursery
50Mercer Island, WA
Green Roof OutfittersLandscape Professional
25Mt Pleasant, SC
Green Thumb NurseryNursery
Landscape Professional
Las Cruces, NM
Green Tree Northwest Co.Nursery
100Brooks, OR
Greenleaf Nursery Co.Nursery
El Campo, TX
Greenlee NurseryNursery
50Pomona, CA
Greer GardensNursery
Eugene, OR
Greg Peterson Seed Company
50Moses Lakes, WA
Grimms Gardens, LLCNursery
Landscape Professional
Environmental Consultant
25Hiawatha, KS
Growing Native NurseryNursery
100Asheville, NC
Growing Wild NurseryNursery
100Siler City, NC
Grown by Grace Native PlantsNursery
100Monroe, LA
Gulley GreenhouseNursery
Fort Collins, CO
H. E. NurseryNursery
Litchfield, IL
Habitat and Restoration Plants (HARP)
Habitat RestorationNursery
Seed Company
75San Diego, CA
Hanging Dog Valley NurseryNursery
50Murphy, NC
Hartke NurseryNursery
St. Louis, MO
Haynes Landscape DesignLandscape Professional
Pasadena, CA
Heard Gardens, Ltd.Nursery
25Johnston, IA
Heartland Restoration Services, Inc.Nursery
100Fort Wayne, IN
Hedgerow FarmsNursery
Seed Company
100Winters, CA
Heimbuch Seed FarmSeed Company
75Cogswell, ND
Heirloom SeedsSeed Company
W. Elizabeth, PA
Helia Native NurseryNursery
Seed Company
Landscape Professional
Environmental Consultant
100West Stockbridge, MA
Hensler Nursery, Inc.Nursery
100East Hamlet, IN
Heritage Seedlings IncNursery
Seed Company
25Salem, OR
Heritage Landscape DesignLandscape Professional
Moline, IL
Heronswood NurseryNursery
Kingston, WA
Herring Run NurseryNursery
Environmental Consultant
100Baltimore, MD
Hickory Road GardensNursery
Seed Company
25Mosinee, WI
Hidden Savanna NurseryNursery
100Kalamazoo, MI
High Plains Environmental Center
High Plains Environmental Center
namebusiness categoryassociate% nativelocation

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971 Results:   10  25  50 100 per page