Native Plants
As a service to the public, the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center collects information on native plant societies, conservation groups, governmental agencies, botanical gardens, arboreta, and other plant-related organizations throughout North America. Click here to add your organization to the directory. Affiliates are organizations that partner with the Wildflower Center to encourage the preservation and use of native plants in different regions of the country.
NPSOT - Cross Timbers Chapter
Address: 701 Narrow Street
Meeting Location
Weatherford, TX 76088
Region: Southwest
Phone: 940-769-2838
Organization Scope: City/Local
Organization Type: Native Plant Society
Services this organization provides
- Work on restoration projects
- Lobby government
- Support research with grants, awards, etc.
- Provide educational programming
- Open to the public
- Membership program
- Offer public programs, trips, seminars, etc.
- Native plant sales
Native Plant Focus: We want to preserve our state's rich heritage for future generations. We promote the conservation, research and utilization of the native plants and plant habitats of Texas, through education, outreach and example.
Publications: Cross Timbers News (monthly newsletter)
Description: We are a non-profit organization run by volunteers who work to promote native plant appreciation, research, and conservation. We have regular monthly public meetings with educational speakers. We also sponsor field trips, plant rescues, native plant sales and other activities. We also have speakers who can do presentations on native plants at other organizations.
Last Update: 2011-08-31
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