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Add New Organization

Use this form to add your organization to the National Organizations Directory. All fields with asterisk are required.

*Organization Name:
*Physical Address:
Address Two:
*State or Province:

View US Regions Map

GPS Coordinates:
Use the Choose Location feature to find your geographic coordinates on a Google Map. Be sure to zoom in all the way to your exact location so the map to your organization will be as accurate as possible:
Latitude : in decimal degrees (e.g. 32.74452)
Longitude : in decimal degrees (e.g. -97.67281)
The Negative indicate Western longitude.
*Phone_Number: (eg. 222-222-2222)
Fax_Number: (eg. 444-444-4444)
*Web Address:

Describe your organization using the fields below.

*Organization Type:  

*Organization Scope:  

*Organization Support:  

Which of the following services does your organization provide?
Endangered: Check if you inventory and/or monitor endangered/rare species.
Restoration: Check if you work on restoration projects.
Lobby: Check if you lobby government.
Habitat: Check if you areinvolved in natural habitat management.
Wildflower_Area: Check if wildflower or native habitat display on property.
Support_Research: Check if you provide funding for research.
Conduct_Research: Check if you conduct your own research.
Publish_Research: Check if publish your own research.
Educational: Check if you provide educational programming.
Public_Hours: Check if you are open to the public.
Membership_Program: Check if you have a membership program.
Membership_List: Check if you share your membership list.
Seminars: Check if you offer public programs, trips, seminars, etc.
Propagate: Check if you propagate native plants.
Plant_Sales: Check if you have native plant sales.

Directory Maintenance (not published to web)
Person we can contact if problem with listing.
Serves as your login to update listing.
Serves as your password to update listing.
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